40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 870: Road to no chaos

Half a month later, tens of thousands of kilometers north of the Great Wilderness Mountains, on a vast expanse of red soil, a line of monsters and beasts were galloping at an extremely fast speed.

The monsters that make up the team are huge, with a length and width of more than 100 meters. The whole body has a bulging skin, and the inside is filled with pink gas, bulging, like balloons glued together.

The gas stored in these airbags is lighter than air, allowing it to float and fly freely in the air.

This kind of monster is called "Land Traveling Whale", and its predecessor is a common giant sandworm in the blood monster star desert. After continuous modulation by the masters of the monster race, it took hundreds of years to change its genes, and slowly evolved a fish bladder-like Airbag, and the ability to synthesize ultra-light gas through the action of microorganisms in the body.

A total of six rows of fumaroles evolved from cloacal holes are distributed under the body of the land traveler whale. The weak air currents are ejected to change the direction. At the same time, the sides and rear of the land traveler whale have also evolved. With the soft tentacles that are hundreds of meters long, while devouring small insects in the desert, these tentacles are like the "sticks" of a fishing boat, used to change directions, accelerate or decelerate, and even fix passengers and cargo.

Because of its extremely fast speed, flexible steering, convenient feeding, no picky food, and all-terrain application, land whales have gradually become the most common means of transportation in the blood demon world.

This group of land-traveling whales had hundreds of heads in front and back, and they stretched for dozens of miles in a mighty manner. The air currents spurted wildly, blowing the red earth all over the sky, like a thick red dragon galloping across the earth.

Behind every land travel whale, there are dozens of densely packed warehouses on its back. The edges of each warehouse are inlaid with large iron rings, which are tightly tied with the tentacles of land travel whales to fix them. .

Numerous dense holes were pierced in the large warehouse, and crying and groans could be faintly heard from the holes.

This is a slave hunting squad that has returned with a full load.

In the Blood Blade Rebellion, a large number of black blood monster tribes and chaotic blood monster tribes committed rebellion, and the fire of the rebellion burned almost half of the blood demon world.

While the various demon nations felt a headache, it was a golden age without chaos.

In the past, even the chaotic demon clan could not just grab it, always racking his brains to come up with some excuses.

But now, it's very convenient. As long as you put a hat on the other party as a "Chaos Blade Companion Party", you can catch a large number of chaotic blood demon races scattered around the corners of the blood demon world.

The decisive battle between the Blood Demon Realm and the Tianyuan Realm is imminent, and the demand for cannon fodder is also increasing day by day. On this **** road to Chaos-Free City, there are screams and screams all day long.

The cargo warehouses behind every land whale were fully filled, but these slave teams were obviously very experienced. They separated small compartments with barbed wire. Although crowded, they kept the most basic space for activities. The captured chaotic blood monster race will not die in large numbers.

In a warehouse behind the monster team, Li Yao and Jin Xinyue were kept in the same compartment. Unlike other chaotic blood monster races, they both lowered their heads, seeming weakly, trying to conceal it. The sparkling light under the eyes.

The appearance of the two at this moment is quite different from that of half a month ago.

Li Yao changed the arrangement and direction of his muscles, turning himself into a muscular man with strong muscles and a solid masseter. His left arm was covered with a faint scale, and his sharp forelegs exposed some lions. The characteristics of tigers, at first glance, are a **** monster race with well-developed limbs, simple minds, and braveness.

Jin Xinyue has her own set of secret methods for disguising and disguising. She has become dark complexion, thin, her eyes are like reptiles, turning into two vertical lines, and her tongue is as thin and long as a snake, curled in her mouth. , The front end forked, "hissing" from time to time, alive and well is an ugly snake.

No matter how Li Yao observes, she can't see her flaws, and she can't help but be surprised.

The two of them pretended to be the chaotic blood monster clan, and they had to do it.

Although Wuluocheng is a lawless and smoky place, Fire Ant King is a super master in the blood demon world. He implements the policy of loosening outside and tight inside. It is easy for the two to sneak into Wuluocheng, but if you want to be unconscious, it is Quite difficult.

The arrest of the two by the Four Great Demon Kingdoms is obviously not over, and the identities of the two of them are not visible, and they have to be disguised.

Among the many monster races, the sizes of the Black Blood Monster Race and the Copper Blood Monster Race are very different from normal humans. No matter how Li Yao changes, it is impossible to turn himself into a giant mantis crawling on the ground, or Turn your legs into snake-tailed ones.

Only the Silver-Blood Demon Race and the Chaos-Blood Demon Race are the closest to humans, making it easy for them to disguise.

However, the silver-blooded demon clan are nobles, and each silver-blooded demon clan has a unique appearance, identity and genealogy, and those who are interested can just ask it.

Jin Xinyue has prepared a lot of virtual identities, but she is not sure whether these identities have been exposed.

After thinking about it, the two can only pretend to be the chaotic blood monster race and mix into the city without chaos.

After disappearing and escaping from the Hundred Desolate Mountains, the two went out day and night, all the way north, and marched in the direction of Wu Chao City.

The further you go north, the more you can feel the impact of "Blood Blade Chaos" on the blood demon world.

The poor villages they passed through, ten rooms and nine empty villages, a large number of chaotic blood and black blood monster tribe villages, were all involved in the rebellion. Either the entire village joined the "Blood Blade Rebellion", or it was in the subsequent suppression. As a party member of the Blade of Chaos, he was severely suppressed.

In the wild mountains and ridges, from time to time, you will encounter hordes of chaotic blood and black blood monster races. Most of these monster races fled into the mountains to avoid the flames of war. Of course, there may be some remnants of Chaos Blade hidden in them. , But most of them are innocent civilians.

However, when the suppression teams from the Four Great Demon Kingdoms and the slave-catching teams from Wuluocheng arrived, they indiscriminately captured all the demon races, or became the noble silver-blooded generals. Or become cannon fodder in the future war.

Under this circumstance, countless low-level monster races were mixed together. Most of the monster races were confused, hesitated, and didn't know their origin. Many wild monsters living in the deep mountains and old forests were also hunted down. Coming out, it was a mess. It was an impossible task to thoroughly identify the identity of every low-level monster race.

The slave hunting team from Wuluocheng didn't mean to identify the identity of the prey at all. In their opinion, these are just slaves and cannon fodder. Who cares about the identity of slaves and cannon fodder?

Li Yao and Jin Xinyue secretly tracked a slave-catching team for two days and three nights, and finally confirmed that the other party came from Wuluocheng.

The next thing is very simple. They disguised themselves, mixed into the escape team on the way this slave hunting team must pass, and were "captured" by the opponent very smoothly.

However, "smooth" is just the surface. Along the way, Li Yao's mood has become more and more agitated, his anger has become more and more exuberant, and the **** heart demon is also constantly expanding.

"Wow! Wow! Wow! Wow!"

In the upper compartment of the same warehouse, a **** monster clan baby "wow wow" burst into tears, like steel needles, piercing Li Yao's eardrums fiercely.

On the whole, the **** monsters look very much like humans, especially the babies of the **** monsters. If you don't distinguish them carefully, it is difficult to find the characteristics of the monsters. They are like chubby, plump human babies. It takes two or three years old to gradually show the characteristics of the monster race.

Along the way, Li Yao looked at the monsters of these cruel human beings, being bullied and tortured by the ugly black blood monsters and bronze blood monsters, and he couldn't help but feel an instinctive anger in his heart.

"If one day, the Heavenly Origin Realm is really annexed by the Blood Demon Realm, I am afraid that the citizens of the Xingyao Federation will also be the result?"

This thought burned fiercely in Li Yao's heart, as if forming a red lotus flower, and the Scarlet Heart Demon took this lotus flower as its base, sitting slantingly on it, staring at everything coldly.


At this moment, behind a land whale in front of Li Yao, several tentacles broke apart one after another, and a large warehouse rolled down and fell apart.

Countless black blood monster races immediately jumped out, scrambling to flee in all directions.

These black blood monster races are all very ugly. At first glance, they look like beetles magnified by countless times, emitting an intoxicating stench and making ear-piercing calls.

They are infinitely powerful, and the wire mesh with a weak electric current is torn into pieces with a light stroke.

Li Yao's spiritual thoughts secretly passed through the vents, observing the chaos in the outside world.

Just listening to the shouts from a few monsters before and after the convoy was probably saying that the psychedelic potion was not enough.

For a time, dozens of strong monsters swooped over. They were holding a three-meter-long trapping pole, with strands of muscle tentacles resembling electric eels hanging from the front end, "cracking" radiating electric awns. , Thousands of electric lights drove the scattered Black Blood Demon Race back.

A black blood monster clan resembling a praying mantis happened to ran next to Li Yao, a land whale, but was entangled tightly by several electric whips, and finally dragged it back.

His blade limbs plowed out eight deep gullies on the red soil, like eight **** scars.

Perhaps it was an illusion. Li Yao seemed to see a ray of anger, sorrow, pain and despair intertwined in those scarlet eyes, which was extremely humane.


The slave hunting team released a large amount of pink miasma to these black blood demon tribes. In the pervasive miasma, the light under the eyes of the black blood demon tribe disappeared, and they fell to the ground one by one, were evenly distributed, and stuffed them back into the new cabin.

Li Yao asked Jin Xinyue in a low voice: "Does the Black Blood Demon Race also need to be modulated?"

Jin Xinyue said: "Of course, the Black Blood Monster Race is positioned as a'producer' in the Monster Race's'Four Pillars' system. Most of the Black Blood Monster Race possesses the genes of vegetarian animals. Attack power."

"Even the ugly-looking zerg, most of them feed on vegetation and have no instinct to attack actively. If they are not modulated, how can they form a sea of ​​insects and beasts that are not afraid of death and fight with humans?"

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