40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 844: Seventy-two changes

"And the Black Blood Demon Race and our Chaos Blood Demon Race work all day long on the barrenest land, work in the most dangerous mines, and eat the leftovers that leaked from their claws. They live in fear every day. If you die and rot in the mud, you may not even have half of the tombstone, but the final result is less than one percent of theirs!"

"Even if we endure everything, they still won't let us go, and they want us to go to the Tianyuan Realm, become cannon fodder, and forge their ambitions!"

"Stop talking, our way, that's it!"

Lei Chuang said coldly: "Everything in the world is cultivation. As a **** monster race, all the pain and torture are the test given to us by Yuanshi Tianzun!"

"As long as we stick to the Taoist heart, endure silently, be loyal, and dedicate everything, when the glorious Pantheon Palace comes, we will be able to get rid of the sordid bloodline, and set foot on the immortal like the Silver-Blood Demon Race and the Holy Blood Demon Race. The road to becoming a god!"

Leiqi laughed, tears falling: "A Chuang, you are too naive, do you really believe in the glorious Pantheon Palace, is there any difference between believing in our bloodline and the high-level monster race?"

Lei Chuang's face showed a hint of sarcasm: "Of course I firmly believe it, because-didn't you tell me all this!"

"Isn't it your eldest brother who told me a long time ago that Yuanshi Tianzun, Three Thousand Avenue, the glorious Pantheon Palace, is destroyed, reborn, and immortal?"

"Isn't it what you told me, we must practice madly, one day on the battlefield, rush to brilliant destruction, usher in a brilliant rebirth?"

"It's not you who told me that when facing the contempt of the Silver-blooded Monster Clan, the oppression of the Bronze-Blooded Monster Clan, and the bullying of the Black-Blood Monster Clan, you must remember that this is the path that Yuanshi Tianzun bestows on us, and it is our most important thing. Practice?"


"Aren't all these things you, I admire and trust me the most?"

"Big brother! What's wrong with you? Why did you leave the village without saying a word half a year ago, leaving only an inexplicable letter saying that everything is fake, and you have joined Chaos Blade?"

"After all, during the two days when we went hunting in the depths of the Hundred Desolate Mountains together, encountered heavy fog and lost our way, what did you encounter!"

"Are you really confused by the chaos and lost your mind? Tell me, brother!"

Leiqi took a deep breath and smiled sadly: "I'm sorry, A Chuang, I firmly believed in the past, and all the things I told you were fake."

"It doesn't matter whether the holy blood, silver blood, copper blood, black blood, or our chaotic blood monster race, it is the same. Our bloodline is not at all high or low."

"I do not believe!"

Lei Chuang gritted his teeth, his face was full of anger, "The Feather Race is flying in the sky, the Claw Race is roaring the mountains and forests, the Zerg race is dormant on the earth, and the Sea Race is horizontal and blue!

"High-level monster race, majestic, graceful and luxurious, and awe-inspiring; the chaotic blood monster race is born with a variety of characteristics of the monster race, which can be described as ugly!"

"You can see the difference at a glance. How can our bloodlines be the same?"

Leiqi said: "I know you don't believe it. I never believed such ridiculous remarks at first, until I saw it with my own eyes—"

"Do you know why I ran away from home six months ago and joined Chaos Blade?"

"At that time, we were hunting in the depths of the Hundred Desolate Mountains and encountered a rare heavy fog. I and you were separated, but under a cliff, we found a badly injured monster race, that is, a chaotic blade. member."

Lei Chuang said coldly: "Then he confuses you."

Reich showed an indescribable expression: "Perhaps, but not in the way you imagined, but like this—"

He stood up from the branches with some difficulty.

Lei Chuang bowed his body vigilantly, ready to attack at any time.

Leiqi just smiled, did not move his feet, but gently pressed his brows with two furry fingers.

In the dark night jungle, a strange aura permeated all directions.

"Quat! Quack!"

Two strange birds dragged their long tails like leather whips, soared into the air, and flew towards the blood moon.


Leiqi's fingers seemed to pierce the center of his eyebrows deep into his brain. He was trembling, sweaty, and his bones made a "crackling" explosion.

The following change surprised Lei Chuang and Li Yao, who was dormant in the dark.

The few characteristics of the monster race on Leiqi's body were all sucked into his body, all the golden animal hair fell off, the sharp canine teeth and claws were taken back, the fingers became slender, and the skin became smooth. From the outside, they were completely one. Human youth with heavy hair!

Lei Chuang was stunned: "In just six months, have you cultivated the ability to'transformation'?"

The so-called "transformation" refers to the magic of the monster clan completely concealing its dominant genes, converging all the characteristics of the monster clan, and transforming into a human form.

Many high-level monster races can completely transform into a human form after they have cultivated to a certain level.

Many monster races will even use this ability to sneak into the Tianyuan realm, spy on intelligence, and wreak havoc.

Therefore, the Star Federation's quarantine of the humanoid monster race is also extremely strict. After the train animal tide incident, Li Yao encountered a high-level closed quarantine.

Lei Qi saw that he was at most in his early thirties, and his bloodline did not resemble a high-level monster race. He actually possessed the ability to transform, which made Li Yao secretly frowned.

Lei Qi smiled laboriously, suddenly widened his eyes, screamed, and the whole body got goose bumps, and after a horrible sound of tearing skin, a layer of faint golden scales soon grew.

In the center of each golden scale, there is a green round spot.

At first glance, it looks like countless aquamarine eyes grow all over the body, shining brightly in the dark night jungle, exuding a blurred and mysterious brilliance.

Li Yao and Lei Chuang were all shocked!

"Blue-eyed dragon scales?"

Lei Chuang stammered, "This, this is the most distinctive feature of the Silver-Blooded Demon Race'Hundred Eyed Flood Clan'. This is the only family with no semicolon. Only members of the Hundred Eyed Flood Race have such characteristics. You, how could you—"

Leiqi seemed unable to stay in this form for too long, his body swayed, and the blue-eyed dragon scales were absorbed by the body again, taking on the form of a human again.

This change just now consumed a lot of energy. His face became paler, but his spirit was quite excited. He smiled and said, "Did you see it? This is the way that Chaos Blade leader confuses me!"

"You and I are brothers. No one knows better than you. Although we are a **** monster clan, among our ancestors, there is no one from the Hundred Eyes Flood Clan."

"Obviously there is no blood of the Hundred Eyes Flood Clan, but after a certain amount of cultivation, the characteristics of the Hundred Eyes Flood Clan can be stimulated. What does this mean?"

"This shows that the blood of all monster races is the same!"

"Whether the Hundred Eyes Flood Clan, the Phantom Wolf Clan, or the Thunder Roar Lion Clan... all the monster clan are flowing exactly the same blood, but the way they are stimulated is different, so why is there no high or low!"

"Impossible, never possible!"

Lei Chuang was so startled that he almost bit his tongue. "I, I heard that the members of Chaos Blade know sorcery and can freely change their appearance, but even if they are from the Hundred Eyes Flood Clan, their bloodlines are definitely different, but they are just one kind It's just a blindfold!"

Leiqi said sincerely, "Trust me, A Chuang!"

"My strength is low now, so I can only reshape my appearance."

"But in our Chaos Blade, there are many masters who have the abilities of '36 changes' and '72 changes', and can freely change between different types of monster races. Every time a form is changed, Can use this kind of demon clan's talent magic!"

"Even the talented sorcery can be used, do you think the bloodline has changed?"

Lei Chuang was dumbfounded, unable to speak for a long time.

Li Yao even heard the thunder in his brain. He only felt that all his cognition of Yao Clan for more than 20 years had been crushed by these few words.

"Is there any mistake? Seventy-two changes? Can freely switch between seventy-two kinds of monster races? This, what kind of monster is this?"

"There is no reason at all!"

Lei Chuang stammered: "Can all monster races be able to change freely like this?"


Lei Qi nodded and said, "As long as you master the method and practice hard, all monster races can change freely. Silver blood can become black blood, black blood can also become silver blood, feather tribe can become sea tribe, so can sea tribe. Become a claw clan."

"However, our chaotic blood monster race is better at this kind of change than other monster races. With a little practice, we can switch to at least one or two different forms."

"How can I put it? It's like in all the cells of the monster race, there is a strong lock, which locks us in a certain fixed form, and the'lock' of the blood chaotic monster race is better than other monsters. The clan is a little weaker."

"This is why the high-level monster race is afraid of us!"

Lei Chuang was stunned: "Fear?"

Lei Qi said coldly: "Yes, they are afraid of us, those silver-blooded demon races and bronze blooded demon races above, and our filthy blood, lowly bastards!"

"Looking at the entire blood demon world, the number of the silver-blood demon tribe accounts for only half, and the copper-blood demon tribe only accounts for 10%, while the black blood demon tribe and the chaotic blood demon tribe account for 85%!"

"In the past, they said they were noble by nature and ruled us for granted!"

"But if everyone's blood is the same, but the form of excitation is different, what reason do they have to be superior?"

"So, they are afraid of us, and they do everything they can to squeeze us and weaken us!"

"Even, even the war between the Blood Demon Realm and the Tianyuan Realm is not a way to weaken us and contain us?"

"Do you think, why did they give us the power of war? Why did they fabricate some ‘brilliant pantheon’ to deceive us?"

"It's because there are so many low-level monsters in the Blood Demon Realm that they can threaten their rule, and even the formation of an organization like the'Chaos Blade' makes them tremble from the bottom of their hearts!"

"That's why they did everything possible to coax us to go to the Tianyuan Realm to act as cannon fodder and fight the human race!"

"If you can attack the Tianyuan Realm, of course it's good; even if you can't attack and fail, it doesn't matter. At least use human steel and swords to help them eliminate a lot of'potential threats'!"

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