"This is an energetic, desire-filled race. Although they don't have the powerful magical powers of the thirteen ancient monster races, they have strong curiosity and strong fertility."

"The most important thing is that they can actively learn, evolve, and repair the world without command."

"The Nuwa tribe is very satisfied with this brand new race that is specially used to transform the world, so they used the cantilever power of the galaxy, like a wicker waving a mud spot, throwing the human race millions of light-years away, scattered to There are three thousand things everywhere in the world."

"The new-born human race really started to learn actively, and reproduced at an extremely fast speed, expanding the race, using psychic abilities, and repairing the world."

"Gradually, the Three Thousand Thousand Thousand Worlds once again regained their vitality."

"However, it may be due to the inherent defects of the human race, or at the beginning of the'Sky Patching Plan', Chaos polluted the first batch of humans with endless desire and ambition."

"In the process of repairing the world, human ambitions and greed continued to grow, gradually lost, forgetting the original mission."

"They regard themselves as masters of the sky and the earth. They have changed from repairing the world to transforming the world, from transforming the world to squeezing the world. They have turned their backs on the avenue of harmonious coexistence with nature, and squeezed out every planet in the most extreme way. Every bit of psionic power."

"Even when the Human Race discovered the secrets of the thirteen ancient monster races, they took advantage of the twelve ancient monster races to fall into dormancy, and the Nuwa race was also in the weakest moment, betraying its creator. Find, kill, and destroy most of the ancient monster races!"

"Without the suppression of the thirteen ancient monster races, the human race will be even more lawless, and the tens of thousands of years of dark rule will begin!"

"Under the cruel rule of the human race, the forest is burning, the earth is groaning, the sky is never clear, and the sea is floating with black algae and oil."

"Except for the human race, most races were either reduced to human slaves or were slaughtered to death."

"Until 40,000 years ago, the human race was finally backlashed by its own greed and ambition, and launched a civil war that devastated the world."

"This civil war has severely damaged the evil human civilization and created the best opportunity for the rise of our demons again!"

"To overthrow the brutal rule of the human race, let the universe restore the true path of harmony and nature!"

"Inspired by this belief, scattered all over the Xinghai, the descendants of the ancient monster race rose up against the human race, devoted countless blood and efforts, and finally succeeded in suppressing humanity... 30,000 years!"

"After 30,000 years of recuperation, the 3,000 world, which was eroded by the human race and riddled with holes, finally recovered a glimmer of life."

"Unexpectedly, the human race made a comeback again and established the Xinghai Empire in a vain attempt to restore their sinful rule."

"Fortunately, the Xinghai Empire is just a freak that is barely pieced together under the clutches of the tyrant. Once the tyrant is killed, it will soon fall apart."

"Today, ten thousand years later, both the Human Race and our Monster Race are in the midst of recuperation, and no one can completely control the three thousand worlds."

"On the surface, Human Race's population, resources, and control of the world are far above us, but we must not give up easily!"

"Since ancient times, evil has never invaded the righteousness. One day, we will overthrow the cruel rule of the human race and bring the three thousand worlds back to the way of nature!"

The young man talked about it in one breath. He was a little dry. He took the wooden bowl handed over by the cat-eared girl, "grumbling", drank the sweet water mixed with honey, licked his lips, and smiled slightly. .

"Great, brother, you really remember it!"

The cat-eared girl Lei Lan cheered, holding the wooden bowl, and happily jumped out, "I'm going to get some delicious food for my brother. Today, there are very fresh fish. Mix it with fold ears. It's fresh!" "

The young man was comfortably bathed in the bright red rising sun, and a faint red glow wafted all over his body, like a blurred red mist, which made him seem a little mysterious.

The moment the cat-eared girl turned and left, the young amber right eye instantly turned into a deep and cold ink color.

The left eye, which was covered by the bandage, seemed to see blood through the gap in the bandage.

"Yuanshi Tianzun? Thirteen ancient demon? Plan to patch the sky?"

"Very interesting creation myth."

"However, what is more interesting is why this sub-monster must find me to pretend to be some ‘Leiqi’?"

Li Yao gently rubbed the bandaged left temple, muttering to himself.

It has been half a month since he fell on the Blood Demon Star.

On the Firefly, the power of the Bloodstripe Clan and the degree of penetration of his spirits exceeded his expectations.

Even the explosion of the Soul Bomb failed to completely destroy the Bloodstripe Race.

After that, Li Yao's soul and the remaining power of the bloodmarked clan fought a thrilling death fight.

The jumping point of the Firefly was not very good. Although it safely reached the blood demon world, it was too close to the blood demon star.

Captured by the powerful gravitational force of the Blood Demon Star, the Firefly's power rune array went out of control, broke through the atmosphere, and crashed toward the ground at great speed.

Fortunately, he fell into the depths of a hundred barren mountains far away from the political center of the monsters, and did not attract the attention of the powerful monsters.

The powerful impact caused by the fall completely destroyed the Firefly and caused a forest fire.

Just as Li Yao was slowly recovering on the scorching hundred barren mountains, he found a team from the monster race to fight the fire.

Seeing this mixed team, Li Yao thought.

Although he had planned to shed the Blood Demon Realm and return to the Heavenly Origin Realm after thoroughly refining the Bloodmarked Clan, as a human being, how to survive in the blood demon realm where the group of demons danced around was not a big problem.

Before Li Yao left the Tianyuan realm, the powerhouses in the blood demon realm were similar to those in the Tianyuan realm. They were divided into four levels: demon soldier, demon general, demon king, and demon emperor. The strongest demon emperor’s level was equivalent to that of a cultivator. Yuanying realm.

In terms of combat effectiveness, Li Yao is not afraid of any top powerhouse in the blood demon world.

The problem is that people won't fight him alone, the most famous monster is the insect sea beast tide!

Even in the Tianyuan Realm, there are often high-level cultivators who are trapped in a flood of low-level monsters and die of exhaustion.

He is in the heart of the blood demon world. If his identity is exposed, let alone a few demon emperors teaming up to besiege him, the beast tide of the mountain whistling and tsunami is enough to crush him into dregs.

Therefore, when Li Yao discovered that the monsters who came to fight the fire were not all hideous snakes, insects, rats and ants, many of them had strong human characteristics, so he slightly revised his plan and deliberately Burn the body with flames.

With his current cultivation base of the ultimate golden core, he can initially control the rate of metabolism and replace the cells in his body very quickly.

As long as there is sufficient psionic energy, the cells on the body surface can be replaced in a few hours.

This degree of burns is a trivial matter to him.

As for changing the length of the canine teeth and the color of the pupils, it is not difficult.

Li Yao once accepted the soul seed of Yuan Ying old monster, the original warrior's strict tyrant.

The cultivation method of the original warrior is to stimulate the power of the human body to make the cell enter the short-term ‘return to ancestor state’, and to activate the power of the human ancestors, the prehistoric beasts, which lies in the deepest part of the cells.

It is not surprising that many original martial artists grew thick hair or scales on their body surface when they practiced to the extreme, their body size suddenly expanded three to five times, and even sharp collision angles and blade teeth.

After all, humans have evolved from apes, and apes have evolved from various wild and beasts.

In the final analysis, people who claim to be the spirit of all things are just a kind of animal, and it is not surprising that they activate the characteristics of all kinds of animals.

Although Li Yao is not a true original warrior, the Bloodstripe Tribe was originally an expert in the modulation of creatures. After swallowing most of the Bloodstripe Tribe's abilities, it is easy to change his hair, iris, nails, and teeth slightly.

Li Yao's plan is to pretend to be seriously injured, to see if there is a chance to get into the villages of these demons and collect some information.

If the other party wanted to take advantage of the fire, then he would simply get into trouble and slaughter all the monster races, leaving only one or two for detailed torture.

The changes afterwards were unexpected.

After these monsters discovered that he was "seriously wounded and completely unrecognizable", they neither approached him for treatment immediately, nor did they take advantage of the fire to rob him and attack him.

But after a while of muttering, a sturdy tiger demon came out and carried him home, saying that he was the pillar of the family, the best hunter in the village, "Lei Qi"!

What's the situation?

The second monk Li Yaozhang couldn't figure it out.

He asked himself that apart from the sharp canine teeth, the few strands of golden hair in his hair, and the amber right eye, there was absolutely nothing similar to the tiger demon, even the blind would not treat them as brothers.

During the few days when he pretended to be in a coma, the family that brought him back did not have the slightest bit of joy that his loved ones survived the catastrophe, sighing and panicking.

Sometimes, he would hear the tiger demon Lei Chuang arguing fiercely with his sister Lei Lan. It seemed that Lei Chuang was very unwilling to pick him up, but had to do so.

Sometimes, there is also a withered legs, both like a fox and an embarrassed old man, who is carried by a huge tortoise, and comes to this tiger demon's house, whispering to persuade Lei Chuang.

It seems that accepting his "big brother" is not only related to the tiger demon family, but also to the fate of the entire small village. Without the demon "Lei Qi", it would bring unimaginable consequences to the small village.

"This matter is interesting. In the whole small mountain village, thirty or fifty demon clan families know that I am definitely not a'Leiqi', but everyone pretends to be blind."


Li Yao thought silently.

In addition to the identity of "Leiqi", this small village in the hundred barren mountains is also very weird.

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