40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 826: New power


The city is a swollen corpse.

The hollow steel frames of tall buildings are like twisted bones, the broken roads and bridges are like broken limbs, and the burning shuttle car is like rotting internal organs. Under the setting sun, everything seems to be soaked in fishy smell. The surroundings were silent in the **** water, only the crowds of crows roared contentedly after they had eaten their meals.

On the horizon in the distance, more than a dozen huge mushroom clouds rose slowly, like a wild fungus, covering most of the sky with a cold and hard luster.

Layers of mushroom clouds looked like deformed tumors and uneven faces, staring coldly at the lifeless earth.

Li Yao quietly hung in a ruined wall, and the collapsed reinforced concrete was firmly pressed on his body, making him and the ruins completely integrated.

In the scope of his sniper rifle, the immortal cultivator who was 1,730 meters away, was teaching his subordinates to subdue the burning planetary emblem of the real human empire, blooming with **** luster, perhaps It is the only bright thing in this gray world.

This is the fifth year since Li Yao returned to the Tianyuan Realm.

Since the restart of the Ice God Project, the progress in refining the "cosmic slingshot" has been very smooth. They completed the transformation of the Ice King Star in just one and a half years and returned to the Tianyuan realm through the "cosmic slingshot."

However, it was still a step too late.

The Xingyao Federation had been greatly injured in the fight with the blood demon world, and was on the verge of collapse. The arrival of the small heavenly catastrophe brought an extinction.

Under the bewitching of the cultivators, many Tianyuan people have given up the road of cultivation. They firmly believe that only by embarking on the road of cultivation can they fight against the blood demon and save Tianyuan.

In this way, an even larger starry sky gate was soon established on the synchronous orbit of Tianyuan Star.

When the expeditionary army of the true human empire appeared in the sky above Tianyuan Star, many people realized that they had been deceived, but they were too late to regret.

Today, under the double ravages of the Blood Demon Realm and the real human empire, the Tianyuan Realm has been completely turned into ruins, 90% of the cities have been destroyed, and 70% of the people have been buried in the sea of ​​flames. Otherwise, the survivors would be hiding in the depths of the underground fortress. , Or else it would launch a futile resistance among the ruined walls, such as moths to the fire, leaving the last mark of the civilization of the Tianyuan human race.

A total of nine shining stars swirled around the scope. As Li Yao's breathing became more and more even, the nine stars gradually flew to the temple of the primordial infant stage cultivator.


As long as all the nine stars are condensed on the top of this immortal cultivator, the "Nine-Star Imperishable Nail" in the sniper gun can directly attack the brain and soul of this Yuan Ying, even if he cannot be nailed to death, he will also have to pay a heavy price!


Monk Yuan Ying, his perceptive keenness reached the limit. When the eight stars locked on his brain, the temple of the Monk Yuan Ying suddenly sank, and his figure became blurred, and he rushed in the direction of Li Yao!

Monk Yuan Ying sprinted with all his strength, the speed was definitely faster than bullets, less than two kilometers, to Yuan Ying, it was just a light step!

In an instant, Yuan Ying rushed to Li Yao, and the overwhelming aura shook the cement on Li Yao into powder, and the steel bars made the sound of "creaking" metal fatigue!

Li Yao laughed, and the ultimate golden core realm suddenly erupted, chasing the dragon and turning the feather sword whistling out, and the fierce and incomparable blade pierced the neck of this Yuan Ying!

This was originally a trap set by Li Yao.

He is not good at sniping, but deliberately let the other party discover the existence of the sniper rifle, making the other party mistakenly think that the person hiding here is a sniper.

Generally speaking, the melee ability of a sniper is always weaker.

Chasing the dragon and turning the feather sword was Li Yao's real ultimate move.


Dou Da's head rose to the sky, the flower of blood suddenly bloomed, and the headless corpse still maintained a forward posture. With a "boom", it plunged deep into the ruins!

In Li Yao's mind, there was a great alarm bell, and there was a faint voice telling him that everything was an illusion, the other party was not killed by him, but he was caught by the other party's mental attack and fell into the illusion!


Li Yao tried his best, panning more than 300 meters to the left, and dangerously and dangerously escaped the frontal bombardment of a crystal magnetic cannon, but the surging air wave still lifted him away.

The man was still in the air, and he heard shouts from all directions:

"That's Li Yao!"

"Don't let him run!"

"Kill him! Kill him!"

Li Yao's heart seemed to have fallen into a bottomless hole. He finally understood that this was a carefully planned trap, specifically to capture himself!

There are at least seven or eight immortal cultivators in the Yuanying stage and even old monsters in the transformation stage.

"Leave me alone, go!"

Li Yaochong yelled from the depths of the ruins, but a stubborn light still rose into the sky and rushed towards him.

It's Ding Lingdang!

Her crystal armor was riddled with holes, her hair was frizzled by the flames of war, her face was red and black, but her eyes were still bright, shiny and firm.

"Go together!"

Ding Lingdang yelled and grabbed Li Yao's hand, and the two stood out together!

At the same moment, the surrounding ruins burst, and dozens of small spar battleships rose into the air, and the crystal magnetic cannons were intertwined into a dense fire net, completely isolating the escape route of the two!


A crystal magnetic cannon whizzed towards the two of them. Under the entanglement of hundreds of sword lights, Li Yao had nowhere to dodge, but Ding Lingdang slammed away!

Ding Lingdang replaced him and blocked the crystal cannon. Under the agitation of thousands of electric arcs, the crystal armor pieces all over his body shattered and turned into flying residual butterflies!


Li Yao roared, psychic energy mixed with blood shot out from every pore in his body, slashing the three immortal cultivators with one knife, regardless of the two flying swords deeply piercing his internal organs, he was about to go to Ding Ling Dang. Pounced in the direction, a flying sword flew like the sky, unpredictable, appeared in front of him in an instant, and pierced his left eye fiercely!


Li Yao's left eye burst, and it felt like an octopus in pain. He grabbed his entire brain, making him unhappy and unable to think.

Tears of blood flowed from the left eye socket with the flying sword inserted. Before the soul sank into the Nine Nether Yellow Springs, the picture of Ding Lingdang being entangled by thousands of electric arcs had been deeply burned into his heart, making him linger. Great fear.

Li Yao uttered an inhuman roar:

"Such a future is absolutely unacceptable!"

"I...too weak!"

"Becoming stronger, I will continue to practice and become stronger! The ultimate golden core is far from enough, and it is completely impossible to compete with the real human empire!"

"Ho **** ho ho, strength, I need more powerful power! No matter what means, no matter what the price, I will get...new power!"


Li Yao suddenly woke up.

It was like a live shrimp thrown into a frying pan, and it shot up all at once.

The left eye was still painful, the clothes were completely wet with sweat, and the fierce heartbeat could be clearly seen across the chest.

He has a dry mouth and can't speak for a long time.

The pain in his left eye became more and more painful, and the world he could see was blood red. When I touched it with my hand, my palm was full of blood and tears.

The left eye was really hurt.

Li Yao was stunned for a long time, stimulating Jingnao's camera function.

The self in the mirrored light curtain is both familiar and unfamiliar. His face covered with virtual sweat is pale, his right eye almost loses light, but the left eye is rippling with strange blood, and the blood is surging like life. , Like a demon spirit, like a flame.

After ten seconds, the blood glow in his left eye gradually faded, returning him to normal, and gradually recalling where he was.


Li Yao breathed a long sigh of relief, and wiped the cold sweat from his face with some fatigue.

The Ice God Project has just started for three months, and they have not yet returned to the Tianyuan Realm. This is the Feixing University, a special training room dedicated to him.

Everything just now was a nightmare.

Perhaps he was too concerned about the Tianyuan Realm, perhaps he was too worried about the power of the Blood Demon Realm and the real human empire, or perhaps his soul had not fully recovered from the star child’s self-destruction. In short, after waking up this time, he often Will have some weird dreams.

Li Yao is no stranger to different dreams. Since he has memories, he has often dreamed of a place called "the earth". After he absorbed the memory fragments of Ou Yezi, he often used the way of dreams to learn 40,000. The ancient refining technique of years ago.

But these two dreams are completely different from the latest **** dreams.

The new dreams are crueler, bloodier, and darker. They are almost all the destruction of the Celestial Realm, the death of relatives and friends of the Celestial Realm, and the entire world being completely conquered by the real human empire.

With Li Yao's cultivation base today, he can already control his brain cells to a certain extent, and thus his dreams.

However, the new dream is like a tarsal maggot, lingering, and even intensifying.

In the beginning, only in a deep sleep state can you enter a dream.

Gradually, even during one or two hours of ordinary sleep, one will enter a dream.

Up to now, even if he didn't sleep at all, he was just too crazy in his cultivation, a little tired, and when he took a short rest, he would involuntarily enter a different dream and experience the terrible destruction of the Tianyuan realm.

Just like just now, he had obviously completed a set of squats under fifty times the standard gravity environment. When he was resting between sets, somehow, his head tilted and fell asleep.

"Probably my soul hasn't fully recovered yet, is it too tired."

Li Yao gently rubbed his left eye and muttered to himself.

However, deep in his left eye, a ray of determination soon burst out. He gritted his teeth and said, "It's not tired, it's just a dream, but the scene in the dream is very likely to appear!"

"No, my cultivation speed is still too slow. When this goes on, how long and how long can I condense the Nascent Soul?"

"You must think of a way to gain new power..."

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