40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 3166: More resisters!


Ding Lingdang chewed on this unexpected term, and did not dare to relax his vigilance at all, "Whose messenger——Hong Chao's?"

This time, it was Wei Qingqing's turn to show a confused expression.

"What is Hong Chao?"

She asked rhetorically.

Ding Lingdang was stunned slightly, thinking about it, the so-called "Flood Tide" is just the name given to the superbody civilization by the carbon-based intelligent life in the Pangu universe. If Wei Qingqing even knew this, it would be weird.

She thought for a while, and then said, "So, is it'super-body civilization', or...'Yuanshi civilization'?"

Everyone stared at Wei Qingqing very nervously.

Her answer will change the future of the entire Pangu universe.

"Superbody civilization and... Yuanshi civilization?"

Wei Qingqing said, "If I'm not mistaken, do you mean the two quasi-god civilizations that originated from the'Prime Earth' hundreds of millions of years ago and eventually swept the entire multiverse sea? I didn't expect that you already knew this. Many. In this case, it will be very convenient for everyone to communicate. I can barely be regarded as the messenger of the "Yuanshi Civilization". However, strictly speaking, the Yuanshi Civilization as a whole has long been destroyed, and only some survivors and fugitives remain. , Scattered in the depths of the sea of ​​stars, such as the Pangu Universe, unknown hidden places, continue to resist stubbornly. Let me be the messenger of this'resistor alliance' for the time being!"

When Wei Qingqing said so, everyone could breathe a sigh of relief.

As long as she is not the messenger of "Hong Chao-Super Body Civilization", that's fine.

Even so, everyone's hearts held in mid-air still couldn't fall back into their stomachs.

First, what Wei Qingqing said may not be the truth, and even what appeared in front of everyone may not be the real Wei Qingqing—some kind of mysterious existence beyond the scope of human comprehension. After devouring Wei Qingqing’s soul, he "created" a vividness. , This possibility is not non-existent, a counterfeit that she didn't even know about.

Second, even if she is indeed Wei Qingqing, and she is telling the truth, it does not mean that everyone is in absolute safety. Since the survivors and fugitives of Yuanshi civilization can find the Pangu universe, the claws of Hongchao , Can it be far away from them?

Didn't Wei Qingqing's statement mutually confirm the information in the Tongtian Tower, confirming that the "Yuanshi Civilization" was really destroyed, and that the current multiverse sea is the world of "Tide of Flood-Transcendent Civilization"?

"What the **** is going on?"

Ding Lingdang's eyes were sharp, and he said in a deep voice, "Can you tell us well, Sister Qingqing?"

"of course."

Wei Qingqing smiled and said, "I came back to the Federation to find the help of the entire human civilization to complete my mission. I originally thought that human civilization is still falling apart and being hostile to each other. I need a lot of work to get everyone out. Together, I did not expect that I would perceive thousands of tyrannical life messages above Tianyuan Star, and there are even intelligent life outside of human beings. It seems that in the past ten years, the Xingyao Federation and the entire Xinghai Sea Earth-shaking changes have taken place. Everyone has realized the threat and united in advance! If this is the case, it will be easier for you to understand my mission.

"However, in order to save each other's time, before I talk about it, I wonder if you can explain to me the latest changes in the situation between the Federation, the Empire, and the Holy League? In ten years, how did you do this? Everything, bringing together so many powerful people of different forces and even different races? This is simply, it is simply difficult to reach the sky!

"By the way, what about Li Yao, with such a gathering of powerful people, he, a guy who fears that the world will not be chaotic, shouldn't he hide?"

"Li Yao..."

Ding Lingdang took a deep breath and said sadly, "It has fallen."


Wei Qingqing stunned slightly, smiling like a withered flower, and sighed faintly, "My generation monk, don't be afraid of life and death, the little brother I met on the Great Wilderness train more than 100 years ago finally set foot on this path. what!"

"It's not too late to talk about Li Yao."

Ding Lingdang said vigorously, "First of all, how can we believe that you are the real Wei Qingqing, and come here with good intentions? I'm sorry, I respect Sister Qingqing like Li Yao, but because of you Only with incomparable respect can you find out that you are the real you."

"I understand what you mean. If you want the changes between Mo Xuan and Lu Qingchen not to happen again, you should be careful and cautious. However, there is no answer to this question. Even when I look at my new body, I often ask myself— —'Am I the real Wei Qingqing, or a monster who has Wei Qingqing's memory and does not know it?"

Wei Qingqing spread his hands and said frankly, "However, if you think about it again, the answer to this question is unnecessary. I didn't encounter the starship wreck of the Resistance Alliance after crossing the black wall, but Within the black wall, they met them in the star sea of ​​the Pangu universe. In other words, they already knew the general direction of the Pangu universe. If they can send a starship, they can send the second and one million ships.

"As for worrying about the issue of information leakage-I don't want to know any top secrets, I just want to know the public news that everyone knows in the news media and the Internet. Even if you don't tell me, I can collect it slowly by myself. What's the difference? ?

"Of course, I still hope that everyone can trust me and race against time to complete the mission. This is the only way to save our civilization."

Ding Lingdang and many of the strongest were silent.

Wei Qingqing was right.

Since she can appear on the "Kunlun" silently, and disappear silently if she wants to, no one can stop her.

If she is really ill-intentioned, then through the Internet and public news media, she can gather enough information, why should she take the initiative to show up in front of everyone and attract their attention?

Ding Lingdang exchanged meaningful glances with many high-level leaders of the three major forces. After getting everyone's permission, Xiang Wei Qingqing briefly described the changes in the Federation and the entire Pangu universe during the nearly ten years since she left the Federation.

Including the Primordial Relics and the Tongtian Pagoda, there is no concealment at all. Of course, it is only briefly described, and it does not exceed the scope of the announcement at the "Future Conference" and will not cause leakage.

Wei Qingqing listened attentively.

"So it is!"

At the end of hearing, admiration appeared on her face, and she sighed, "I knew that Li Yao is a man who constantly creates miracles, but I did not expect that the miracles he eventually created far exceeded the limit of my imagination. , Such a thrilling and magnificent legend, even if it is placed in the center of the multiverse sea, it is probably an out-and-out legend!"


Ding Lingdang looked at Wei Qingqing's eyes and said, "Sister Qingqing, what about your legend?"

"Me? Where do I come from? I'm just an ordinary little blue bird. I accidentally got a letter of help from the depths of the multiverse sea. I can't complete such a huge mission with my own strength. I can go back to my hometown and ask my compatriots for help."

Wei Qingqing said, "Of course, I am willing to tell you everything that I know exactly as it was, but I also ask you to pay attention to two points.

"First, in the outer star field of the Pangu universe, what I encountered was only the wreckage of a starship of the Resistance Alliance. This starship that stored the letter for help seemed to have passed millions of times in a short period of time. The Xinghai jump has long been fragmented and almost annihilated. I only got a small part of its information, which is a literal "nine cows and a small hair", which may not be able to clearly describe the whole thing.

"Secondly, including myself, the human civilization of our Pangu universe is far away from the'quasi-god civilizations' such as Yuanshi civilization and super body civilization. Use our wisdom and way of thinking to figure out these quasi-god civilizations. The life form and social structure of civilization, including their means and goals, are blind people touching elephants, Xia Chongyubing, maybe the more I speak, the more mistakes I make, but lead everyone on the wrong path.

"For another analogy, we are like fish in the depths of the sea that have no eyes, relying on the trash falling from the sea to imagine the shape and purpose of human civilization on land-how can we imagine it?

"So, my words are just for reference. The final answer still depends on everyone to find it together."

"I understand, why don't we roam in the dark night, staggering to find the illusory answer?"

Ding Lingdang said, "Even if Sister Qingqing can only provide us with a weak torch, it can at least illuminate the road within a few meters, and let us know which direction to take the first step. This is enough, please Let's start, Sister Qingqing."


Wei Qingqing pondered for a moment, and said, "There are so many things, where should I start? Let's put it this way, everyone already knows that hundreds of millions of years ago, on a planet called'Earth', the first humans were born. Civilization, and with the advent of the meteorite catastrophe, human civilization is divided into two different branches, successively out of the earth, rushing into the universe, and finally evolving into the two star-sea hegemons of the'super body civilization' and the'yuanshi civilization', and they have exploded. The vast, long and cruel war, in the end, Yuanshi civilization was defeated.

"However, defeat in the war does not mean being completely annihilated. The Transcendental Civilization and Yuanshi Civilization are both quasi-god-level civilizations on an unimaginable scale. Their tentacles have already stretched above billions of stars, even if the protracted war lasted for a whole period of time. In billions of years, it cannot be said that all Yuanshi tribes have been wiped out-as if we are the descendants of a certain branch of Yuanshi tribe fugitives.

"This situation is somewhat like the survival competition between Neanderthals and Homo sapiens on the early earth. The'war' between each other lasted for tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years. It has been completely wiped out by Homo sapiens, but the Neanderthal tribe in another place is still thriving and even has developed a variety of civilizations.

"No way, the multiverse sea is too vast. In many places, even space and time have lost their meaning. Even if the transcendental civilization is really as strong as the overwhelming flood, it is impossible for it to be in a short period of billions of years. Sweeping every star.

"What's more, Yuanshi Civilization is the former Xinghai Hegemony after all. To destroy it, Transcendental Civilization has also paid a heavy price!"

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