40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 3081: Heavy avalanche!

"The metal fatigue of the Titan Soldier is rising sharply. It is like being constantly under the fire attack of a super arsenal ship. Both the surface and the inner rune pattern are blocked by frost, and even the fuel is about to freeze. This ghost How far is the place?"

Li Yao frowned, testing a performance parameter, and each performance parameter changed from a normal fluorescent green to a freezing pale white, making his brows even more frowned.

Before completely piercing the ice wall, he originally wanted to release a few spiritual thoughts to investigate.

Unexpectedly, as soon as Divine Mind drilled out of the gap, it was entangled by the yin wind close to absolute zero. It was like an invisible and invisible blade, following his Divine Mind directly into his brain, scratching the inner side of the skull vigorously At this, it made him have a splitting headache, his soul was scattered, and he almost couldn't control the giant soldier.

What a terrible cold hell!

Despite this, he cannot be curled up here for the rest of his life. What's more, along the cracks he just melted, the cobweb cracks continue to spread and spread on the ice wall. Even if he does not take the initiative to go out, the wind may hit the ice wall. broken.

Fortunately, he has just urgently repaired the giant soldier, otherwise, the first round of the storm will freeze all the core magic units of the "sun catastrophe".

While the ice wall was still able to support for a while, Li Yao made targeted enhancements to the "solar catastrophe", adding a large number of flame arrays and insulation layers for heating to ensure that every gap is tightly blocked. Then he shook his heart and broke the ice wall with one kick.


The wind blew and the ghosts cried and howled the wolf. The small cave was suddenly filled with meteorite-like ice crystals. Including the "Sun Catastrophe", the whole world suddenly turned white.

"Crackling, crackling!"

The wind engulfed the ice crystals, and hit the fragile surface of the "Sun Catastrophe" severely, making a scalp-tingling sound, like being directly bathed in a rain of bullets. It really makes people wonder whether there will be ice crystals in the next second Through the armor, Li Yao was directly frozen into an ice lump.

The harsh environment here is no less inferior to the outer periphery of the ancient giant star and the invasion of super plasma torrents.

Even the two remnants of Lu Qingchen and the Scarlet Heart Demon were trembling with cold, and the spirit ripples were almost stagnant, and the communication with Li Yao was intermittent and about to be cut off.

Li Yao gritted his teeth, swallowed the white mist into his abdomen, and struggled to crawl out of the cave.

The outside world is composed of 10,000 different shades of white. The blizzard is engulfed with hail, and the hail is mixed with freezing rain. Under the howling wind swept, the extremely fast ice crystals were almost parallel to the ground.

No, the ground and sky here are completely frozen together. Li Yao looked far away, as if the snow was piled up all the way into the sky. He really couldn't tell where the horizon was.

The giant soldier just took a step and fell into the snow of more than ten meters deep. This is fortunate. You must know that there are most likely bottomless ice valleys and cliffs under the snow. The giant soldiers of Taiwan have fallen deep underground and are buried by hundreds of millions of tons of snow and ice. Even if they can escape, their performance, structural strength, and fuel reserves will be greatly compromised.

So, what about flying in mid-air?

Li Yao tried it. As soon as he flew one or two hundred meters out of the "Solar Catastrophe", he was firmly suppressed by the increasingly strong wind and wind. In the face of nature's most violent power, even if the emperor once controlled it. The giant soldiers could not run rampant, Li Yao felt like a fly, with invisible fly swatters everywhere in the air, slap after slap to slap him down.


"The Catastrophe of the Sun" fell into the snow nest once again, fell on all sides, and turned around.

However, Li Yao also took the opportunity to scan the whole picture.

It turned out that he and the "Sun Catastrophe" were on the side of a snowy mountain that didn't know how huge it was.

This snow-capped mountain presents the most accurate conical shape. It seems that billions of years ago, it used to be a volcano with infinite violent energy. Perhaps it was a volcanic eruption that blew a large amount of dust into the sky and condensed into a thick layer in the sky. The gray shell cut off all the energy radiation from entering, which made the temperature here scaryly low.

This snow-capped mountain is larger and majestic than any mountain that Li Yao has ever seen. It is impossible to describe one ten thousandth of its majestic majesty by "tall towering into the clouds". It seems that it was not inserted into the cloud at all. It was all the clouds in the sky trembling at it, bowed in worship, and knelt down in front of it.

Even Li Yao didn't realize that he was on the halfway of a snow-capped mountain at first. From this, one can imagine how majestic and terrifying it is!

Like "Thunder Valley" and "Overweight Sea", there is also no hint here to guide the tester where to "exit".

Even if there are hints, I am afraid that they have all been wiped out by the testers who are quick to go.

Li Yao squinted his eyes and looked towards the top of Daxue Mountain.

From his perspective, it is natural to not clearly see the condition of the top of the mountain, only to see that the clouds surrounding the top of the mountain are different from the surrounding clouds, which are extremely colorful flowing clouds.

It is as if the Snowy Mountain is still active, constantly erupting a large amount of heavy metals and rare elements from the crater, demonstrating its irresistible power in the clouds.

"what is that?"

Li Yao was sharp-eyed, and when he shot down from the top of the mountain, he saw countless small black spots creeping on the snow surface, struggling to climb to the top of the mountain. It was the fierce beast of the attacking side and the war machine of the defending side.

Unexpectedly, the guy who attacked the City of Silver had such intelligence and strength, able to solve the puzzles of "Thunder Valley" and "Overweight Sea" continuously, and advance all the way here.

Could it be said that the secret through this layer is hidden in the crater on the top of Daxue Mountain?

This time, Li Yao did not rashly "do the opposite."

It’s snowy and time is limited. If you don’t climb to the top of the mountain, where should you look for clues? The most important thing is that if Daxueshan is really a volcano, the temperature at the top of the mountain near the crater must be higher than here, and the giant soldiers can also last longer.

Thinking of this, Li Yao took a deep breath and joined the army of climbing the snow-capped mountains.

Wrath of the wind, whirling ice crystals, on the majestic and magnificent snow-capped mountains, countless beasts and war machines up to a hundred meters high, like tiny black dots, wriggling, struggling, and climbing desperately — how incredible it is , What a magnificent scene!

Originally, Li Yao only wanted to bury his head in climbing, and did not want to compete with the enemy in such an environment, even though he occupies a very advantageous shooting position, and can easily stab the buttocks of beasts or war machines.

Aside from the lack of ammunition and the decline in the combat performance of the giant soldiers, there are two words such as the lingering soul, entanglement-avalanche!

Yes, in the current environment, avalanches are natural disasters a hundred times more deadly than thunder, storms, and tsunamis.

The snow on this snowy mountain, I don’t know how many years or tens of thousands of years, the ice crystals in many places have been frozen and squeezed to be stronger than the rock. If the battle triggers an explosion, the explosion triggers an avalanche, hundreds of millions of tons of ice crystals Rolling down at the same time as the broken rock, the consequences would be disastrous.

However, Li Yao knew the consequences of the avalanche, but those fierce beasts and war machines did not.

They were still unscrupulous, collided with Li Yao violently, entangled desperately, screamed "Ao Ao", blasted out dazzling arcs and fireballs, fighting to death and death.

Naturally, every time a fierce beast over a hundred meters high or a war machine weighing nearly 10,000 tons collapses, it will also trigger a series of small avalanches. Sometimes on Li Yao’s head, snow, ice crystals and broken rocks are like It rolled down like a flood and brushed past him, making him shocked and sweating.

"You can't stop for a while, can't you fight after you climb to the top of the mountain? You have to make a huge avalanche to be happy?"

Li Yao gritted his teeth and howled in his heart.

This sentence, like a spell, activated the mysterious power hidden in the depths of the Snow Mountain.

The entire snowy mountain suddenly trembled slightly.

This is not the scabies caused by the explosion on the surface of the snow-capped mountain, but the unstoppable shock from the inside of the snow-capped mountain, like a chain reaction.

At the top of Daxue Mountain, the original colorful clouds were burnt into scarlet crimson with their teeth and claws. Around the scarlet clouds, there were still circles of intense lead ash, which continued to spread around like huge waves, and soon It swallowed half of the sky, and the entire snow-capped mountain was shrouded in suffocating shadows.

That is, that is the smoke erupting from the depths of the volcano!

"No way?"

Li Yao's eyes bulged out, and he muttered to himself, "It won't be so unlucky. Encounter a volcanic eruption that hasn't happened in tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years. Is this a coincidence or—"

This thought just flashed through my heart, and I heard a loud noise of landslides and cracks from inside Daxue Mountain, and faintly smelled the aftermath of a very strong spar bomb exploding.

This is no coincidence.

It is very likely that the defender has long been on the top of Daxue Mountain, that is, in the depths of the volcanic crater that has been silent for hundreds of thousands or even millions of years, and has buried traps such as spar bombs. Once it exploded, it immediately triggered a chain reaction. , Angered the entire snowy mountain, caused a devastating avalanche, and buried all the enemies who dared to break into this place!

boom! Boom boom boom boom boom boom!

The turbulence in the depths of the Daxue Mountain became more and more intense, and the thunderous noise was also wave after wave. At the beginning, it was only the dramatic change of the clouds. In a flash, you can see an extremely thick smoke column rising into the sky. There was also a faint glow of scorching fire in the middle, hundreds of millions of tons of magma gushing out from the depths of the volcano, first burning the sky into a dazzling sea of ​​red lotus, and then torn apart like a destructive meteorite rain. , The goddess scattered flowers and smashed to the earth.

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