40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 3015: Space Emperor!

While these cultivators were deeply shocked by the cultivator’s fear of death and self-sacrifice, the emperor of the true human empire and the empress dowager also silently observed not far away, both of them were affected by Li Yao’s madness and Yan Li’s presumption. I was so shocked that I couldn't myself.

"Emperor, don't act rashly!"

Zhizi Mo Ruomu, even though Li Jialing has not moved yet, Li Linghai already knows what the little lion wants to do, and subconsciously reminded, "The following is very dangerous, and accidents will happen at any time-if the main structure of the Iron Fist completely collapses, it is very likely to cause fuel. The big explosion of the warehouse and ammunition depot, once the giant soldier is affected by the explosion, loses a lot of power or is pushed deeper into the ancient giant star, it will be over!"

"I know I know."

Li Jialing stared blankly, swallowed hard, and whispered in an almost inaudible voice, "But, did you know the Queen Mother, most of the experts and scholars on the Iron Fist are from the empire and are our citizens? , Are all immortal cultivators."


Li Linghai was stunned for a moment, with nothing to say.

This is natural. The real human empire in the center of the sea of ​​stars has more experts in the field of astronomy and psionic energy than the Federation in the backcountry. The expert group in this exploratory team is naturally dominated by empires.

But now, the first, second, third to tenth one rushed to save the entire ship of empires, not the cultivators, but the cultivators.

"Queen dowager, you and all the immortal cultivators have been thinking about this question-why have a hundred times the strength, countless Nascent Soul peaks and transforming gods, possessing the richest planet and the most abundant resources in the stars, and the bright galaxy? Normally a mighty fleet, but in the defense of the imperial capital, the true human empire was still so embarrassed that it was almost taken away by others, even relying on a small Star Federation, relying on these strengths to be far weaker than ours. The cultivator comes to save—the answer may be right in front of you and me."

Li Jialing smiled, with intense admiration and envy in his eyes, and continued, "Queen dowager, tell the truth, seeing the performance of these cultivators, don't you want to have such a large army? Desperately, the army that throws its head and sprinkles its blood, even vanishes in ashes?"

Li Linghai's heart moved.

Of course, regardless of the strength of the cultivators, their fighting will and sacrifice spirit are unparalleled in the world. Which smug hero does not want to have such an army?

If the cultivator's Taoism and the strength of the cultivator can be combined, it will definitely sweep a thousand army, invincible, and be able to rush to the ultimate army of the multiverse!

"But, would such an army fall from the sky for no reason?"

Li Jialing's voice suddenly became sharp, "Could it be that I don't do anything, just like this... Watching the fire from the shore, standing idly by, keeping every hair on my body safe and sound, there will be such a loyal and sacrificial army, Come down from the sky, bow down to me, and be loyal to me from the heart?

"No, such an army, such an unstoppable ‘War Knife of Human Civilization’, needs to be slowly cultivated and polished. Only those who take the lead, set an example and polish them personally, are qualified to act as ‘sword bearers’!"

"His Majesty--"

Li Linghai had nothing to say, so he could only say dryly, "Think twice!"

"I have'think twice.'"

Li Jialing said calmly, "Queen dowager, please think carefully, go through the list of all the immortal cultivators who participated in this operation in your mind, and then tell me, if you and I are in the depths of the tomb of the emperor If someone is seriously injured and needs someone to save us, who do you think is most likely to save us regardless of life or death?"


The names and faces of all the cultivators suddenly appeared in Li Linghai's mind, but his heart suddenly shrank, and all the names and faces disappeared in a flash, replaced by another face that looked grinning, thief, and somewhat cynical.

"Is it Li Yao?"

Li Jialing smiled and said, "Queen dowager, the first thing you think of is Li Yao, right?"

Li Linghai was silent.

"Don't you feel ironic?"

Li Jialing said, "So many immortal cultivators, on average, have cultivated to the pinnacle of the Nascent Soul Stage or even the realm of God Transformation. They are equipped with wonderful skills and unparalleled magical powers, and they all kneel on the ground and swear allegiance to us, but It's really at a critical juncture. The first thing you think of in your heart is still not these "loyal ministers and children", but Li Yao, a guy who doesn't know if he can be regarded as an empire. He is this reckless, stupid, naive, naive.' Hot-blooded high school students', irony, this is not only a satire of the imperial emperor and queen mother, but also the most absurd joke of the entire real human empire that lasted for thousands of years!

"For too long, this ridiculous joke has hovered over the empire's immortal cultivators for too long. Queen Mother, isn't your biggest ideal is to reform the empire? Start by smashing this joke completely and taking the first place in innovation. Go ahead!"

The golden lion sparked a dazzling brilliance, and even eclipsed the halo above his head.

All the cultivators felt the emperor's changes, and couldn't help being shocked.

"His Majesty!"

Li Linghai exclaimed, "Are you really going to save people?"

"I won't save him now, who will save me in the future?"

Li Jialing squinted his eyes, and the ten thousand golden lights blooming from the giant soldiers seemed to unfold 10,000 golden knives, "...I am the prince of the universe, the overlord of the galaxy, and I am the immortal king of all the stars in the Pangu universe! The heavens and the universe, the six and the eight wilderness, regardless of black holes, white holes, supernovae, neutron stars, white dwarfs, brown dwarfs, planets, comets, nebulae and every particle of dust in the vacuum, I am their master!

"If even a small giant planet can stop me, what kind of "universe emperor" I am!"

Li Jialing roared, the golden sword pointed at the ancient giant star, split the debris of the stars and the invisible magnetic field, and rushed towards the Iron Fist.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty!"

Although most of the immortal cultivators were shocked, they were not ready to attack at all, but they did not expect that their emperor would take the lead. They were stunned and stunned.

"What are you doing in a daze?"

Li Linghai had no choice, and yelled in the communication channel, "The empire is the heaviest battle exploit, and the treasures of the ancient times in the tomb of the gods must also be allocated according to the level of battle achievements. For such a simple truth, I still need to mourn your family to teach you? Don't you all want to relax. Mouth, waiting for the Primordial Treasure to fall into your mouth?

"Follow your majesty to the death, immortal cultivators, dispatch, decisive battle-ancient superstar!"

Before he finished his words, Li Linghai also drove his speed to the limit, and rushed out following Li Jialing's footsteps.

Both the emperor and the queen mother set an example, what choice does the remaining immortal cultivators have?

It is one thing for all the cultivators to protect themselves and watch the fire from the shore, but the vast majority of cultivators have gone to "swear allegiance to your majesty". The remaining few cultivators pretend to be clever and stand by. That is really stupid.

——No matter how many people can be rescued, as long as the emperor and queen mother come back safe and sound, to see who is the first-class iron-blooded loyal minister, and who is the selfish head-shrinking turtle, these "shrinking-head turtles" will have good fruits. Is it?

Not only is the hair of the Primordial Treasures less than half of the hair, it is more likely to be killed by the emperor and the queen mother-in the "Secret Treasure Discovery Journey" with many institutions and a life of nine deaths, it is necessary to exclude dissidents, clean the team and so on It couldn't be easier. Li Jialing may be a beginner, but Li Linghai is definitely an expert, and he is familiar with it!

In this way, full of intricate mentality, these combat-type cultivators who are best at preserving their strength had no choice but to bite the bullet and rush towards the Iron Fist.

Perhaps due to the emergence of human beings, especially the strong magnetic interference brought by the turbulence of the giants, a new storm is brewing in the methane atmosphere of the ancient giants, and lightning is like a volcanic eruption, turning into the claws of monsters. Grab it over the gravitational circle outside the atmosphere.

It seems that the ancient superstar is angry!

But even the fury of a giant planet cannot swallow the burning will of mankind.

"Come, all come, everyone is here!"

Li Yao laughed wildly while vomiting blood, "Wife, brother, Boss Bai, Long Yangjun, Yan Liren, emperor, empress dowager...you are all here, alas, I know it, it's not me who brags, our personality charm——"

"Don't talk nonsense!"

Ding Lingdang frowned and said, "Even if you are my husband, I would like to kick you into the atmosphere of the ancient giant star on behalf of everyone!"

Li Yao: "Uh..."

"Okay, no matter whether it is reckless or not, now that the rescue operation has started, let us do our best to rescue Iron Fist and everyone!"

The boxing king’s calm voice came. He just completed an incredible super-complex calculation with the help of Tekken’s master crystal brain. Despite the fact that the master crystal brain was about to burn, he output parameters and tasks to all the giant soldiers who swarmed. "Li Yao, you led twenty-two giant soldiers to be deployed around the Tekken's shell, serving as a temporary auxiliary power source, remembering the size and direction of your output driving force, and ensuring that everyone is working hard in one place. In order to push the Iron Fist outward without damaging its main structure!"


Li Yao's eyes also flashed with colorful numbers, "I have already calculated it clearly!"

"Ding Lingdang, Yan Liren, your offensive power is relatively strong, leading thirty-eight heavy-fire giant soldiers to intercept all the meteorites that roar in the gravel star belt."

The boxing king continued, "Remember, you must never let even a small dust penetrate your defense line. At such a high speed, any impact of a small dust is no less than the roar of a giant cannon. The current Iron Fist can't help it. Such a collision."

"rest assured."

Yan Liren smiled, "Nothing can escape my sword light, whether it is the arc on the ancient giant star or the dust in the halo!"

"Emperor, Queen Mother, you lead all the remaining giant soldiers and the crystal armor battle group to which they belong, and always pay attention to the conditions in the atmosphere of the ancient giant star."

The boxing champion issued new data, "I scanned the atmosphere of the ancient giant star, especially in the huge red spot under our feet. There is an extremely rare high-energy reaction that is surging, like a very large-scale and ultra-high-intensity thundercloud storm. , This is not like the weather changes of ordinary giant planets, it may be weird, in short, be careful!"

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