40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2733: Tomorrow will come

Three days later.

Li Yao was very busy these three days.

He first performed the most thorough physical examination in the hospital with the highest level of human civilization in the empire, and conducted the most in-depth research on his brain.

Subsequently, according to his own brainwave burst index, he transformed a "brainwave amplifier" and integrated it into the core control room of Jinjing Tower, using it as the launch platform of the "Sunspot Project".

The good news is that the battle between the Imperial Army and the Saint Allies in the new recovery area continued. Although the main forces of the two sides did not appear, the scout battle, the harassment battle, and the battle against the psychic magnetism did not stop for a second.

The battle of the Holy League and even the operation of the society depended on the spiritual net, so the Imperial Army also attached great importance to the infiltration and invasion of the Holy League's spiritual net, which was very effective.

From the imperial capital to the front line, an unimpeded, ultra-high-speed Lingwang information channel has been built.

Li Yao's spirit is improved through the "brainwave amplifier", coupled with the agitation of the Golden Tower, theoretically, there is hope to cross the stars and reach the front line.

However, the risk of doing so is extremely high, which is equivalent to that of a lonely ghost walking through a solar storm. A little carelessness will destroy the soul and never exceed life.

"Dad, are you really ready?"

In the depths of the Jinjing Pagoda, Xiaoming and Wenwen protect Li Yao as usual.

From a certain point of view, these two little guys may be the biggest beneficiaries of the entire "Shen Wu Reformation", and neither Li Yao nor Li Jialing have improved their realm much.

Before the "Shen Wu Reformation", they were just two young children who were dormant in the depths of the Celestial Pole Star, panicking for the whole day. Even though they controlled a secret underground base, they were still wreckage and ruins tens of thousands of years ago. They can be used to form " "Body" and "brain" are nothing more than some rusty waste copper and iron, and riddled with waste crystal brains.

But now, the reformist immortal cultivators are forced by the situation to make up for the shortage of troops and to more effectively coordinate the resources of the complex and chaotic parties. They have to give them the defense of the entire imperial capital to a large extent.

They can use the most advanced real human empire, that is, the most advanced super crystal brain of human civilization, connected row by row to form their own brand new "brain."

They can also manipulate thousands of the most advanced, most powerful and ruthless steel puppets to form a mighty "unmanned fleet" as an extension of their limbs.

And the real human empire has a much more complex database than the Star Federation, and it has become their most delicious "food". They chew planet by planet, devour it world by world, sucking greedily everything they can access. The data.

The growth rate of the two little guys is a hundred times faster than Li Yao's upgrade speed. Every day, they will have unexpected changes. Every day, they will bring new surprises to Li Yao. Every day, they will become even more. Unfathomable.

To be honest, if it were not for the two little guys and the rapid progress of the boxing champion, it would be impossible for them to figure out the mystery of the Jinjing Pagoda in such a short period of time, relying on the wisdom of Li Yao, Long Yangjun, Boss and the empires. , Putting the "Heizi Project" from theory into implementation, even Li Yao himself could not wake up!

Li Yao has never doubted the kindness and sincerity of the two little guys, but sometimes—or when he wakes up every morning, he is inevitably surprised by the growth speed of the two little guys.

He deliberately or unintentionally tried the imperial people, asked Li Jialing, Li Linghai, and Lei Chenghu. The cultivator was so relieved to hand his lair to a new generation of information life to guard, and he really puts the most advanced brains in battle. With all the puppets taken out, are you not afraid of events such as "the awakening of the ling net, the omnic rebellion" in that kind of crude fantasy novel?

The answers of the three immortals were also very consistent.

Fear is afraid, but they can't take care of so much anymore. They are unscrupulous in order to win.

Sometimes, knowing that it is drinking poison to quench thirst, or to drink it with big mouthfuls-if there were not so many people willing to drink poison to quench thirst, how could the idiom "drink poison to quench thirst" be passed down?

Li Yao didn't know whether the two little guys grew up so fast, and controlled the huge resources of the imperial capital so "easy", whether it was a blessing or a curse.

It's like he doesn't know whether he has awakened this kind of "distraction" or "psychic" ability, whether it is a blessing or a curse.

He can only comfort himself. Whether it is a blessing or a curse, the evolution of mankind is impossible to prevent, and the birth and growth of a new generation of life-the successor of mankind is also impossible to prevent, just as the powerful and powerful people hundreds of thousands of years ago The prehistoric civilization of superior technology has failed to prevent the rise of mankind.

Life will find a way out by itself, and tomorrow will come.

"Ready, let's start."

Li Yao withdrew his thoughts from the vast deep thoughts, and smiled at the two little guys.

Now, the appearance of the two little guys in his eyes is completely different.

Although it looked like an iron lump with a square head and a brain, a mechanical spider with its teeth and claws, even crystal brains and computing chips embedded in the walls.

But Li Yao could see the sparkling sparks and the flowing heat from the cold steel, and in the sparks and heat, he could perceive the breath of life.

That is the heartbeat and breathing of his children.

Li Yao took a deep breath and sat on the gleaming silver "Golden Tower Master" throne specially refined for himself.

Immediately a few hollow silver needles that were as thin as a cow's hair were inserted into his blood vessels, and a nutrient medicine containing powerful energy was injected into his body.

Another shiny iron cap studded with a lot of crystal marrow slowly lowered and clasped his head.

"Dad, Wenwen and I will closely monitor a series of parameters such as your breathing, heartbeat and brain wave changes. In case of an abnormality, we will forcibly wake you up."

Xiao Ming said seriously again, "However, there is really no precedent in the database for what you are going to do, so it is difficult for us to assess what is considered an'abnormal', in case your soul is launched for too long, and your body If the connection is completely cut off, then you are dead and become a lonely ghost.

"Furthermore, the'soul out of the body' this time is more dangerous than the time when you just crossed the empire and descended on the'Evil Earth Paradise'. That time your soul just got into the cold steel puppet. This time, you If you want to get into the brain of a flesh and blood person, if you are not careful, you will be swallowed by others and become a part of others. Even if you are not swallowed by others, you are extremely susceptible to the interference of others' brain waves and become... unable to be yourself What is indescribable, are you aware of this?"


Li Yao said, "Come on!"

"Well, the first test of the'Heizi Project', let's start!"

Xiaoming and Wenwen activated the brainwave amplifier and the Jinjing Tower at the same time, and the entire "launch room" was suddenly bright, and each crystal marrow was blooming with the brightest light in a nearly bursting posture, as if countless rivers of rainbow at the same time. It hit the small room, wrapped Li Yao's body, and penetrated into his pores.

Li Yao felt that he was going to turn into a rainbow, splitting away.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

Li Yao let out a hysterical cry, his body is getting heavier and heavier, but the soul is getting lighter and lighter, the sense of separation between the body and the soul is becoming more and more obvious, as if the body is no longer a protective shell, but a solid but rotten body In the cage, he couldn't bear to stay in such an awkward, heavy, sticky and rancid place, and rushed like a lobster that had fallen into a pan.


Li Yao felt his Heavenly Spirit Cap split open, and the Soul passed through a colorful and high-speed rotating tunnel, getting faster and faster, and finally, like a brilliant firework, was launched by the Jinjing Tower and appeared in the sky above the imperial capital!

This is a feeling that is extremely difficult to describe with pen and ink.

Many people often say that after a person dies, the soul will float in mid-air, staring blankly at his corpse and the crying relatives surrounding the corpse.

Li Yao's current feeling is somewhat similar to this kind of picture, but a hundred times more detailed and rich.

He was like an invisible and invisible god, or simply a lonely ghost who was stripped naked and invisible to anyone, floating over the most prosperous business district of the imperial capital.

Below is the high-rise buildings, busy with traffic, the lights are on, and the night scene is extremely beautiful.

And the scenes he can "see" are far more than these.

He could see the inextricable spirit net ripples and wireless communication, like a bridge of colorful silk threads criss-crossing.

He can see that each building is continuously emitting a large amount of radiation because of different construction materials, just like candlelights with distinct layers.

He could see the long tail flames left by the shuttle car after crossing the sky. The splendor of the tail flames continued to spread and blend, and ordinary people would never be able to see it clearly.

Of course, the most brilliant and colorful things occupying the entire field of view are the stars that are about to completely fall below the horizon, the satellites that have just risen, and the radiation emitted by the celestial star itself, as well as the heaven and earth magnetic field formed by the convergence of this radiation.

Li Yao had never quietly admired the beauty of the planet and the universe in this way, and he was fascinated for a while.

Only another small, but ever-changing, endless magnetic field can be compared with the beauty of the heaven and earth's magnetic field.

That is the magnetic field of human life. It is the most magnificent flame that is constantly released from the depths of the brains of all living beings in the mundane world of everyone living on this beautiful planet.

Li Yao smiled slightly, feeling like a drop of water falling into a big river, leaping lightly between strands of spiritual net ripples, using the power of psychic ripples and network transmission to transmit quickly.

Psionic ripples and the speed of network transmission are close to the speed of light. Li Yao's spirit is flying fast, unfolding a new life posture in an unknown realm.

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