40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2689: God's grave!

At the same time, in the center of the sea of ​​stars, the extremely celestial realm, the celestial star, and the Imperial First Military Hospital.

When Li Yao saw Li Linghai again, he never dreamed that the former imperial empress who was in power was sitting alone in the small garden, basking in the sun while sketching at the butterflies by the pond.

Judging from her lifelike and ready-to-produce handwriting, she has quite a background in painting, no less than an ordinary professional painter.

Although this body is extremely weak, the appearance is not so haggard. Instead, it is warmed by the sun. Even the waterfall-like white hair and crystal clear skin are not as cold and exuding as in the past. A milky white light.


Li Yao stood behind Li Linghai for a long time, watching her slowly smearing a butterfly's wings with gorgeous colors, but felt a little embarrassed. He didn't know what to say. After thinking for a long time, he said, "His Royal Highness, you have decided to take risks. Have you got rid of this body and turned into a ghost? If you make up your mind, I can refine a psychic prosthetic body for you by myself. After all, I am still your royal refiner, hahahaha!"

"Thank you."

Li Linghai finished the last brushstroke and smiled brightly, "For everything."


Li Yao became more embarrassed and only felt itchy scalp.

Although during the 300 rounds of the battle with Wu Yingqi, adrenaline was secreted frantically, the brain was running at super high speed, and the blood was boiling until it was about to evaporate. I did not feel anything wrong, but after a few months of calmness, I think about it again. To broadcast Wu Yingqi's short video to the world, or to sing "The only mother in the world is good" is a bit of indescribable shame.

Thinking that his vulture Li Yao is also a face-saving person, this battle is simply a great stain in his glorious life. In the face of a "party" like Li Linghai, I really dare not take the "thank you" calmly.

Li Linghai seemed to see his embarrassment, smiled slightly, and continued: "Whether you believe it or not, and no matter what emotions I have towards the emperor and the four major electors, this place... is always my motherland, I have never I thought about ruining the millennium empire, thank you for stopping me and Wu Yingqi, and thank you for saving the empire!"

"It's okay. As long as you stick to the stance of ‘renovating the empire’ and can really do what you promised me, then it’s a new start. I will still do this in the face of an enemy a hundred times more powerful than Wu Yingqi."

Li Yao paused and couldn’t help saying, “One thing, I’m always curious about whether the Queen was coerced by Wu Yingqi, seduced by power and desire, or deceived by the so-called “blueprint for the future” described by Wu Yingqi. What? What I said to Li Jialing in a hurry that day, saying that Wu Yingqi used your rest of your children to threaten you. I guessed it more or less correctly, right?"

"Threat or deception, temptation or deceit, who can make it clear?"

Li Linghai smiled and continued to look at the butterflies dancing among the flowers, and muttered, "The worship and superstition of Wu Yingqi, the hatred of the family and the emperor, the maternal love of the flesh and blood, the enthusiasm for power, and the outside of the universe The universe, the curiosity enough to drive people crazy...all a little bit, a little bit in everything."


Although this answer does not satisfy Li Yao completely, it is likely to be the truth. Li Yao sighed and wanted to know another thing, "Your Majesty, there is one more sensitive question. If you are unwilling to answer it, just forget it. , Have you...have ever loved my foster father? Or, what is the reason that you can awaken a ruthless holy ally and turn him into a normal person?

"Don't get me wrong, I just think the answer to this question will be very helpful for us to deal with the offensive of the Holy League in the future."

"...Loved it."

Li Linghai was silent for a long time. When Li Yao thought she would not answer, she finally said quietly, "Also, you have misunderstood, people are not grass and trees, who can be ruthless, even the holy ally has emotions and desires, but is Forcibly suppressed and obliterated it, but as the saying goes,'wildfire is endless, spring breeze blows and regenerates', emotions and desires are the innate nature of human beings, how can they be obliterated?

"On the contrary, if they find a suitable way to stimulate the emotions and desires of the holy ally, they can burst out ten times more intense emotions and desires than ordinary people. It is like a famine who encounters food and blocks the flood for three days and three nights. The dam collapsed, and the desert after decades of drought finally sucked into the first rain. This taste is unforgettable and unforgettable. Even Black Star Emperor Wu Yingqi’s will, I can never think of it from my mind. Erase the depths!"

"It turned out to be like this. It's probably'things must be reversed.' It's like a spring. The more you press it, the higher the bounce?"

Li Yao muttered to himself, "So, as long as you master the trick, you may be able to solve the problem of the Holy League without a single soldier, and use some ingenious method to awaken the inherent seven emotions and six desires of the Holy League, and that Selfless love..."

"How can it be so simple?"

Li Linghai laughed blankly, "If it were that simple, the empire would not have had a headache for the Holy League for thousands of years. At the beginning, in the tomb of the emperor, it was possible to awaken your foster father. The black star emperor Wu Yingqi has hidden the evil factors, but it is difficult to replicate."

"That's true."

Seeing that Li Linghai was in a good mood, Li Yao smiled and asked, "His Royal Highness, can you tell me the real name of the foster father and the details of your days and nights in the Emperor's Tomb?"

"No way."

Li Linghai shook his head, reached out to touch the soft sunlight, let the light condense into a crystal clear butterfly on the back of his hand, smiled and said, "That is the memory that belongs to me alone, and it is the only thing I have. I I won't tell anyone, especially you."

"Don't say it, don't say it!"

Li Yao replied, "What do you mean by "especially me"!"

"Although I don't want to tell you these privacy, as compensation, I can tell you another thing."

Li Linghai smiled, "Regarding the coordinates of the emperor's ancient tomb, as well as a series of secrets it contains, although you already know a few pieces of claws from the indoctrination of'Wu Yingqi 3.0', don't you want to know more about it?"

"This, of course!"

The tomb of the emperor is the focus of Li Yao's next stage of strategy. He naturally pricked his ears and his eyes lighted up, "His Royal Highness, please say, I am listening!"

"For the past ten thousand years, the tomb of the emperor can be described as the top secret in the cultivation world. Powerful people from all sides are eager to find it at all costs, but until a thousand years ago, everyone had nothing and returned."

Li Linghai whispered, "The reason is very simple, because the entrance to the tomb of the emperor is not fixed at all, just like the "Tide Island", it is faint and unpredictable.

"We can simply think that the fragmented world where the emperor’s tomb is located is not completely consistent with the three-dimensional universe we live in, but there is a certain... how to put it,'deflection', it is like floating in a three-dimensional universe. Between the four dimensions, it is on a "three-point five-dimensional star sea".

"If we can just shatter the void and stop ourselves between three-dimensional and four-dimensional, we may be able to clearly see the relative position and trajectory of the emperor’s tomb, but simply standing in three-dimensional perspective, it is like always doing Irregular changes, the entrance wandering between dozens of worlds, there is no law at all.

"At the beginning, it was a coincidence that my foster father and I were swept to the entrance of the Emperor's Tomb by a star storm, but Wu Yingqi got the inheritance of the Blood God Son-the Blood God Son and the Emperor are one body, naturally Some information about this ancient tomb has been known for a long time, and a special formula can be used to calculate the entrance of the emperor's tomb in each cycle.

"Later, the Blood God Child passed this formula to Wu Yingqi, and Wu Yingqi passed it on to me. Today, I will teach you all of it. Then at a few special points in the year, you can find Its entrance has entered this mysterious world of fragments!"

"So amazing?"

Li Yao 啧啧啧 exclaimed, it is truly amazing in the vast world, no wonder no one has been able to find the mysterious Lingxiao realm for nearly ten thousand years, it turns out that its entrance is actually looming and vague!

"However, even if you find the entrance and enter the fragmented world on that side, it's useless."

Li Linghai suddenly changed his words and said, "Because most of the things that can be unearthed in this small fragmented world—the realm of Lingxiao have been unearthed by me in the past few decades and served as a resource for the establishment of reformists. Oh, you've seen almost all the valuable things, and there will be no better secret treasures hidden in the High Heaven Realm."


Li Yao was taken aback and understood in an instant, "Her Royal Highness means that we must open the core of the emperor's tomb and find the emperor's remains in order to discover the real secret?

"By the way, the key, the key that was divided into two halves, is the key to unlocking the core!"

"Yes or not."

Li Linghai said, "The key is indeed the key to unlocking the core, but it is not a simple tomb to be opened. It is very likely that another fragmented world-the structure of the Emperor's Tomb, is like a nested ring.' Like the'hole in the hole', it is divided into two fragment worlds inside and outside. The outer fragment world is only a springboard for the development of the inner fragment world, and the inner fragment world is the real'tomb of the gods'."

"Holy grave?"

Li Yao keenly grasped Li Linghai's subtle words, "What do you mean, isn't it the emperor's tomb?"

"It is not only the tomb of the emperor, but also the tomb of the gods."

Li Linghai's gaze became fierce, and he grabbed the canvas covered with butterflies, paused every word, stubbornly cut off the railroad, "Yes-the tomb of the gods!"

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