40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2650: Double swords together!

"Lei Chenghu..."

Wu Yingqi's spirit was hit hard again, and he couldn't believe it, even Lei Chenghu, the "last cultivator of the empire", dared to betray him!

"Now you understand, why did Lei Chenghu suddenly and mysteriously communicate with you through the highest-level secret communication channel, and hesitate to delay time by telling me information!"

Li Yao thief laughed, "Not only to reduce your vigilance, but more importantly, to locate your secret command center through this communication channel, and open a breakthrough, so that my crystal brain and Lingwang experts can sneak in sneakily, wreak havoc, and plant what I want to plant!

"The most wonderful point, do you know what it is? The most wonderful thing is that the psychic jammers of the four major electors’ families are already carrying out strong interference and endless attacks on your network, including your highest one. Level-of-secret communication channels will also be devastated after being discovered by the four major families. Therefore, our cyber attacks are mixed with the cyber attacks of the four major families, and you will not be suspicious at all!

"Even if your core network is tightly defended, when the secret communication base station used to connect the Imperial Capital and the Seven Seas Star Region is destroyed, a fatal gap will inevitably appear on the iron wall of your indestructible network. That is a great opportunity for our Fang Jing brain expert!

"The rest is simple.

"As Lei Chenghu was talking with you, our crystal brain expert has already sneaked into your secret command center along the highest level communication channel, and hijacked several crystal eyes and communicators nearby, giving you Here comes a'live broadcast'.

"So, just outside the Jinjing Pagoda, I deliberately lured you into telling the whole plan. Every word you say will be heard by Lei Chenghu of the Seven Seas Stars within five to ten minutes, so that he can fully recognize you. The true face of him, hehehehehehehe!"

In Li Yao's series of harsh laughter, the black sun condensed by Wu Yingqi's spirit almost turned into a deep purple.

"Even if... Lei Chenghu really knows, so what!"

Wu Yingqi roared into anger, "The Thunder Fleet is still stuck in the mire of the Seven Seas Stars. It hasn't been ten days and a half. Don't you want to defeat the combined fleet of the four major families? Even if you can barely win, how much will it cost to rest in the same place? For three to five months, there is no way to restore combat effectiveness, let alone jump to the imperial capital in time to solve the chaos!"

"So you are stupid, with such a simple question, can you think that Lei Chenghu can't think of it? Since he dares to betray, he naturally has the confidence to suppress the entire Seven Sea Star Region!"

Li Yao laughed, "All the battlefield data you received in the past week are fake. We deliberately want you to see it to mislead your judgment. The real battle situation-take a look!"


The second violent flow of information rushed to the depths of Wu Yingqi's soul.

In the picture in full swing, is the vast and turbulent starry sky battlefield-it is the most intense moment of the Battle of the Seven Seas!

It can be clearly seen that there are countless densely packed light spots in the picture, some of which are flying around like a headless fly, while others are uniform and uniform like bees, advancing and retreating, condensed into indestructible Battle formation.

Thousands of light spots formed a huge warhammer, slamming the weakest part of the enemy force.

Every famous general has his own unique command style, such as Lei Chenghu, an outstanding God of War, and his command style is clear and profound. This kind of vigorous, solid and powerful battle formation like Thor's Hammer is Lei Chenghu's. A unique sign, no one can imitate it.

This is the picture of the Thunder Fleet and the Snow Wind Fleet.

But Wu Yingqi's attention was not focused on Lei Chenghu's "Thor Hammer" at all.

Compared with the thundering fleet that he is very familiar with, the mysterious fleet on the other side of the battlefield made him feel more surprised and alert.

Generally speaking, the control and command difficulty of the Xinghai battlefield is more than a hundred times higher than that of the ground battlefield. When the diameter of the battlefield reaches millions or even tens of millions of kilometers, and the battlenet will be destroyed by the enemy at any time, any commander It is difficult to effectively command every starship on the front line. In many cases, the two sides flew and collided like headless flies, competing for the quality of their respective ships.

Only a handful of commanders, such as God of War like Lei Chenghu, can play style and form formations, allowing bystanders to see the existence of "fleet" and "formation" at a glance.

Wu Yingqi can be sure that no matter whether there is a business alliance or a border warlord, there will never be a second commander such as Lei Chenghu, in a battlefield where the two armies are intersected, caught in a melee, and even dozens of giant soldiers are raging. On the stage, he was able to maintain a solid formation.

But-the gorgeous formation and tactics that could not be staged, but they were staged in front of his eyes!

If Lei Chenghu's formation resembles the "Thor's Hammer", then this mysterious fleet is shaped like a ghost, wretched like a mouse, and ferocious like a jackal tactics, which reminds Wu Yingqi of the magical sword.

Hundreds of fast assault ships, ignoring collisions and shield interference, narrowed the distance between each other to the limit, and condensed into a demon knife thin as a cicada's wings, cutting into the most vulnerable part of the prey again and again, destroying the defenseless magnetism of the ship and The comprehensive supply ship was blasted to pieces, and then rushed away before the arrival of the arsenal—the mysterious fleet used this tactic repeatedly to beat the enemy into a smashed, ruined army, which meant a bit of killing without seeing blood.

Although this light and insidious style is completely different from the strong and solid style of the Thundering Fleet, there is no doubt that the commanders on both sides have incredible command capabilities.


Wu Yingqi had a faint feeling that the commander of this mysterious fleet was still superior to Lei Chenghu in some areas.

How can it be!

The senior commander of a large fleet is more difficult to train than the rider of the giant soldier. The empire has never had such a nasty and vicious fleet commander. Who is he? Could it be that he fell from the sky!

To make matters worse, in the beginning, the commander of this mysterious fleet teamed up with Lei Chenghu to give Yun Xuefeng a set.

The mysterious fleet seemed to be on the side of the Yunxuefeng fleet at first, helping Yunxuefeng resist Lei Chenghu’s attack. After two or three confrontations, he gained the deep trust of Yunxuefeng and was able to penetrate into the core of the Yunxuefeng fleet. Go to arming.

In this way, when the mysterious fleet came to a "center blossom" in the center of Yunxuefeng's fleet, and Lei Chenghu's Thor's Hammer hit the periphery fiercely, the complete collapse of Yunxuefeng's fleet was the only ending.

It didn't take much time at all, and didn't pay much. The mysterious fleet commander and Lei Chenghu cleanly defeated the flagship of the combined fleet of the four major families.

This is not the end.

Their target is not just the aspiring and talented Yun Xuefeng, but also the old and cunning Song Yushi-or that the latter is their main prey.

Through the information flow transmitted by Li Yao, Wu Yingqi instantly understood their tactics.

While smashing the Yunxuefeng fleet, Lei Chenghu and the mysterious fleet commander implemented a full range of spiritual interference and information shielding on the battlefield to ensure that Yunxuefeng could not send out the real battle situation.

In the name of Yun Xuefeng, they appealed to Song Yushi's fleet for help.

"The Yunxuefeng Fleet and the Thundering Fleet met on a narrow road and fell into a bitter battle. Hopefully, for the sake of the empire, help the brothers!"

Such news, as well as carefully designed battlefield data, were transmitted to Song Yushi's flagship.

Song Yushi and Yun Xuefeng have always had a gap, but they belonged to the Allied forces after all, and neither wanted to see the fiasco of the Battle of the Seven Seas.

What's more, now the fleet of Yun Xuefeng and Lei Chenghu are entangled closely, exhausted from the fight, and both sides are hurt. Song Yushi is not coming out to pick up the bargain at this time, when will he wait?

So Song Yushi came, the battle was over, and it was over.

He died almost exactly the same way as Yun Xuefeng. First, he believed that the mysterious fleet and the so-called "Yunxuefeng Remnants" were on his side, so he was relieved and boldly attacked the Thunder Fleet, which was "destroying soldiers and soldiers, running out of ammunition and food." When the mysterious fleet showed sharp fangs behind him, he woke up dumbfounded, but it was too late.

Lei Chenghu and the mysterious fleet commander joined forces. As a result of the combination of their two swords, they defeated and captured Yun Xuefeng and Song Yushi fleets, including flagships, in just three days with minimal cost. The main battleship, and even the two commanders were captured one after another.

The unpredictable defeat completely overwhelmed the resistance of Yun Xuefeng and Song Yushi. Of course, it is more likely that Lei Chenghu and them had reached a shameless deal. In short, none of the two four major families of immortal cultivators had killed themselves. courage.

The next thing is simple.

"Neither Yun Xuefeng nor Song Yushi wants to die, so is there any other choice?"

Li Yao smiled and said, "After these two battles, our fleet did not suffer much loss, and there are seven King Kong-class super arsenal ships still maintaining basic combat effectiveness. In the following days, Lei Chenghu has been busy gathering and reorganizing. The sporadic battleships scattered throughout the entire Seven Seas Star Region, when I set off and jumped to the imperial capital, he had already cleaned up, ready to go at any time!

"The most difficult point is not to defeat the fleet of Yun Xuefeng and Song Yushi, but how to tamper with the battlefield data sent to you-as you think, to completely forge an all-encompassing battlefield data is too computationally intensive. Power is an almost impossible task.

"Fortunately, the four major families have very strict blockades on the imperial capital. We only need to send you a copy of data every other day. We also use the excuse that the battle net of the Seven Seas Stars has also been severely disrupted and destroyed. A large amount of data cannot be synchronized. Errors and contradictions can barely be justified.

"Sometimes, when it is too late to forge data, we will launch several empty transportation boats over, deliberately let these transportation boats be discovered and destroyed by the four-family royal fleet, pretending that countless precious and detailed battlefield data have been destroyed by the enemy. Destroyed, you don't have any doubts at all, do you?"

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