40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2507: Enthusiastic machinery (fourth!)

Liuli froze for a long time, and finally collapsed completely. Desperately, she drew out the wrench on her chest and knocked on the head of Boxing King, yelled after one knock, and yelled again after one knock, crying while crying, and knocking while crying.

"It seems I was really wrong again."

The boxing king manipulated the steel puppet to sit cross-legged, holding his chin under Liuli’s “dongdongdongdongdong” tapping, thinking, “Don’t rush to tap, can you tell me where I’m going wrong? Errors are written into the fault log to ensure that they will not be repeated next time."

"...Who, who wants you to act like Han Te and say'I'm sorry'?"

Liuli held the big wrench and cried and said, "Who is so rare that Hante said'I'm sorry"? Who cares about Li Jialing? What kind of handsome and stinky man? I'll be fine when I say nothing. Who wants you to do it yourself? Healed me! What's more, it's not really Hante, it's not really Li Jialing, it's not really that there is such a mature man who understands me and protects me, fake, fake, these are fake!"

"I know it's a bit too fake."

The boxing champion said seriously, "No way, the resources of the blue sky market are limited, and it is impossible to create a 100% realistic psionic puppet, but I promise you, as long as you can work for me with all your heart, I will definitely collect the most expensive in the entire empire. The materials are made for you to make a lifelike, fake puppets, and then put on the softest silicone layer, embedded with various subtle sensing chips, various performance parameters, absolutely exactly the same as the real Hante.

"Not only Hante, if you want Li Jialing or anyone else, I can make it for you. You can make ten of them. Let them go around you all day and make sure to treat you like an empire queen. -Are you happy now?"

"Happy ghost!"

Liuli was so angry that he completely forgot that he was facing the fierce boxing champion, and continued to tears, tapping hard with a spanner, knocking, "Who is rare of a puppet, fakes are fakes, and they are always fakes." , No matter how fake and real it is, it can't become real, who is rare, who is rare!"

"Is that right?"

All the crystal eyes and indicator lights around the boxing champion dimmed, and he muttered to himself, "A fake is a fake, and it will never become real... So this is my mistake."

The shoulders of this puppet gradually dropped, as if life and vitality were leaking out of an invisible gap.

"Fist, Master Boxer?"

Liuli Rumeng first awakened, only then did she realize what she had done, she, she, she, she was so bold that she attacked the most powerful overlord boxing master in Nine Land, and she was really dizzy!

Liuli suddenly panicked, holding the wrench and not knowing what to do. Seeing the boxing king's clone in front of him, she was sluggish, and then looking back, all the clones in the repair shop were dimmed and slowed down, as if the boxing king had suffered a great deal. Psychological shock, frustrated.

Liuli had never seen such a performance as a boxing champion. She couldn't help but went back to the workshop and shouted, "What's wrong with you, boxing champion, are you okay? Yes, sorry, I was so excited just now, I said no. If I should say it, I hit you with a wrench. I'm fainted. I probably really need to take a break!"

"It's okay, if you feel uncomfortable, go and rest."

The boxing king manipulated a new clone to raise his head, said lightly, paused, and then said, "So, you don't like fake things, do you?"


Liuli took it for granted, "Who would like fake things? But what's wrong, I still don't understand, why is the mood of the boxing master so depressed all of a sudden? Tell me, OK? You didn't mean that if something went wrong. You must analyze it carefully and face it bravely. I think it is not me who is malfunctioning now, but you!"

"Probably, it's really strange. Since I met Li Yao and you, my ability has improved a lot, but the failure rate has also become higher and higher. There are often some weird failures. I have never encountered it in the past so many years. failure."

The boxer bowed his head and looked at his slightly dim hands, "You are right, no one likes fake things, and fake things will never become real, including me...puppets. "


Liuli was stunned for a long time, laughing and laughing, "Didn't you all know this long ago? I have never treated Master Boxer as a normal puppet. You are not the same as a puppet, you are completely different!"

The King of Boxing said: "...You don't seem to be afraid of me, you are not afraid of me from beginning to end."

"Even if it's really not a human being, what's so scary about Boxing Master?"

Liuli burst into laughter, "All the most terrifying bad things on the evil soil are done by humans. No matter ghosts or puppets, they will not take the initiative to harm people, let alone boxing masters, such a good person with a sense of justice!

"But then again, Master Boxer, when I first came into contact with you, I was really scared of you, because you have a good reputation, you are a famous gangster in the evil land! What kind of gangster, I am in Taiping City When I was in the village, I saw a lot of them, and they were all the most brutal and wicked bad guys. For their own happiness, they could do anything that would destroy humanity.

"In the beginning, I thought you were such a bad person, naturally, I was scared to death, but after I got in touch with you a lot, I realized that you are completely different from those bad guys. You are sentimental, righteous, wise, brave, and invincible. bandit!

"Also, hehe, after in-depth contact, I realized that you are not as fierce and arrogant as your appearance-as you said, those are disguise, all cover up, in order to survive on the evil soil, you have to pretend to be seen by outsiders. The real boxing master is actually pretty pretty in his bones, pretty cute, and sometimes as innocent as a child!

"Such a boxing master promised to protect me forever, whether it is a human, a monster, a monster, an artificial intelligence or something, what's so scary?"

"Not forever, at most protect you until the day I destroy."

The boxing champion corrected Liuli again, hesitated for a moment, and then asked, "You really don't care at all, I'm just a cold machine?"


Liuli scratched his head with a big wrench with a little annoyance, and by the way wiped all the oil on his hair, "Master Boxing always talks so weirdly. I always say things that others don't understand. I haven't read any books. The environment is blocked again. I don’t know who, gods, demons and monsters, machinery, artificial intelligence, and messy things, but of course I can tell who is good to me and who is bad to me! Master Boxer must protect me forever—"

"Not forever."

The boxing champion corrected Liuli for the third time, "Yes—"


This time, Liuli interrupted him unceremoniously, "I'm just saying something, why are you so serious? Anyway, Master Boxer wants to protect me forever, then of course I will always work for Master Boxer wholeheartedly, every day. Full, super efficient!

"Moreover, hey, point out you a small mistake. The machine may not be ‘cold’. Touch your brain, how about it? It’s hot. The chips inside are about to burn. Where is it cold?

"In terms of temperature, the human body needs to be kept at 37 degrees for a long time, but the machine can work in an environment of eighty or ninety degrees or even one or two hundred degrees for a long time, so the machine may not be cold, it can be enthusiastic!"

Liuli caught the hole in the boxing king's words, blinked, and smiled triumphantly.

The boxing king couldn't help but stretched out his hand to touch his head. It was really hot.

Of course, after doing this, he realized that it was unnecessary-he could use the sensor chip in the alloy skull to monitor the temperature of the crystal brain in real time.

This is an unnecessary redundant action.

Recently, his redundant actions have become more and more. Is there something new, a major failure that has not yet been detected?

"I have detected that your breathing, heartbeat, and sweat rate are all tending to be normal."

The boxing king refreshed the current communication interface, restored his calm, and said coldly, "You seem to have come out of your psychological trauma, are you okay?"

"It seems to be, being so disturbed by you just now, it seems that you really left other things behind!"

Liuli was startled slightly, and said in surprise. After thinking about it, she raised her finger at the boxing champion and shook it quickly, "However, I want to tell you seriously, Master Boxer, your behavior just now is wrong. Yes, you can’t simulate the appearance and voice of others casually, as this will cause a lot of trouble and harm to others.”

"I know."

The King of Boxing said, "I promise, in the future, before you and Hante have not agreed, I will never simulate Hante's appearance casually."

"It's not just Hante, it's not just to me."

Liuli puffed her cheeks, her hands on hips, like the little housekeeper of the boxing champion, and said, "Others, everyone, you can't simulate this way-it will cause a mess! Besides, the boxing champion is the boxing champion, standing upright. Master Boxing, why do you want to imitate the appearance of others?"

"……it is good."

The boxing champion was silent for a moment and said, "I assure you that without the permission of others, I will never imitate anyone again."


Liuli squinted, pouted, and looked suspiciously at the boxing champion, "No, the boxing master has also failed to learn now, and occasionally deceives people. You can't just guarantee it so lightly. Why don't we pull the hook!"

The King of Boxing said: "I know the folk custom of pulling hooks, but I doubt it has any guaranteed effectiveness."

"Oh, that's not important, anyway, I just want to take a look with Master Boxer, come on!"

Liuli had a playful heart, and forcibly pulled the boxer’s steel arm over and pulled the tail finger up, "Retract, hang, it will not change for a hundred years, haha, we’ve already pulled the hook, and the boxing master wants to do what he said. Oh!"

"I still don't perceive that this has any psychic or spiritual effects..."

The boxing king's crystal eyes flickered, "However, as long as you are happy and can resume your calm and efficient work, do whatever you want. Are you recovering now?"

"Completely restored, resurrected in a state full of blood and full of blood!"

Liuli waved her arms and hammered her chest like a gorilla, revealing a side that can only be seen in front of a boxing champion. She screamed out of her belly without hesitation, and the little girl's face turned red again, "No." I'm sorry, Master Boxer, I haven't eaten much in a bad mood these few days. It's a bit soft. I, I will add a can of high-energy nutrients that can be absorbed instantly and come back to work."

"No way."

The boxing champion shook his head.


Liuli was stunned again.

"I have learned a lot from literary works and emotional theory works. You have just emerged from the trauma of your heart. How can you eat high-energy nutrients that taste like chewing wax? This inferior fast food will ruin your mood again. , Thereby destroying your perfect working condition."

The King of Boxing said, "For the sake of safety, you should eat a steaming, rich meal."

"It seems to be the same."

Liuli smirked, "Well, it will be a long time, and my own craftsmanship is not very good. In the past, Hante used to say that the dishes I cook would poison people. Forget it, just one shot!"

"No, your work status is related to my combat effectiveness, and even our life and death, not even a single bit can be done."

The boxing king calmly said, finished speaking, stood up, and walked straight out.

Liuli: "Fist, Master Boxer, where are you going?"

Boxing champion: "Cook."

Liuli: "Hey? Hey, hey, can Master Boxing cook any food?"

Boxing champion: "I haven't tried it, but I have downloaded 192 recipes from every genre in the world, I believe it will satisfy you."

Liuli: "Hey, give it to me, Master Boxing, Master Boxing, want to cook for me?"

"Yes, I found that I used to ignore your daily life and emotional changes too much, and treat you as a cold machine, resulting in your working state is too unstable-for us where the war is about to be, this is absolutely impossible. Tolerate negligence, so from now on, I will fine-tune each other's mode of getting along, and please actively cooperate. If you have any comments or suggestions, please point it out in time, so that I can modify it. The new mode of getting along will start from a hot meal. Let's start the dinner!"

After the boxing king said without any doubt, his cold eyes penetrated the roof and shot into the sky, "But, first of all—"


The fourth one is sent, a luxurious chapter of nearly four thousand words!

Last month, Lao Niu finally completed the small goal of updating 300,000 characters. The new month has begun again. All data is cleared, and the battle is about to be restarted. The beginning of the month is very important, and it is decided that we will be on the various lists. The rankings, so do you have any monthly tickets, recommended tickets, subscriptions, etc., try to come over, Lao Niu can stand it, hahahaha!

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