40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2434: Master of the future

"We will."

There was a faint ripple in the core database of the two little guys, and the ripple quickly turned into a precise "expression" on their faces, and their eyes were slightly red, moving and firmly saying, "It will!" "


Although everyone had a very good chat, Xu Zhicheng's words sounded quite reasonable, and the effect of this sincere communication was very good, but at this moment Li Yao felt again-is it too much?

Think about these two little guys are pretty...whatever, their initial data came from the demon Mo Xuan, and then they came to the real human empire, saw the cruelest and darkest side of human civilization, and then found Li Yao like this His father and aunts like Long Yangjun heard Xu Zhicheng, a representative of ordinary people, fooling around.

What if two years later, they see their "mother" Ding Lingdang again and accept Ding Lingdang's "careful teaching"?

Li Yao felt a little frustrated again.


Xu Zhicheng’s slightly fanatical expression returned to normal, with unspeakable warmth on his face, and a little embarrassed, "When we first met, you helped us so much. Grandpa Xu really doesn’t know how to thank you, my family There are a few scrap iron toys that I have carefully polished. I, I can also make very beautiful slingshots, the ones with slide rails and scopes. I will give you one as a gift, okay?"


The two little guys naturally don't care about toys, but this represents the kindness and acceptance of ordinary humans, but it makes them cheer.

"Xu Hufa..."

Li Yao was startled slightly, knowing what those toys meant to Xu Zhicheng, and was about to say no.

"It's okay."

Xu Zhicheng waved his hand and said, "Toys are only meaningful for children. What's the point of hanging them on the wall to eat dust? Give them to these two little guys. When I think of them having fun in the future, I also Just follow along and be happy.

"Friend Li, don’t worry about children too much. When parents are like this, they always think that children are ignorant, too naughty, and will mess up everything, and want to help the children handle everything, including when I was a child. , My father is not like this, he sighed all day and said, "One generation is not as good as one generation, how can I get it if this goes on?" It doesn't pleasing to my eyes.

"Actually, generations of parents have gone, and generations of children have grown up again, and there is no'how to get it'. I am still stronger than my own father. I have been an excellent employee of the Black Iron Group for several years, haha Haha!

"So, relax, your children and grandchildren have their own blessings. Now is yours, but the future is theirs after all. Let them create a better, more miraculous, and even more incredible future!

"What's more, seeing the old at the age of three, they are so helpful now, and there is a father like you, I believe they will never be crooked."

"I'm not a good father."

After listening to Xu Zhicheng’s words, Li Yao unfolded the last fold in his heart and smiled and said, "But you are right, they are all very good children, I will let them carefully put away the toys you gave them, and then, Let us look forward to the very bright future created by these children!"


"Hiss...hiss...it hurts, it hurts!"

Li Jialing felt that he was soaked in an endless pool of blood. Someone had forced 10,000 nightmares into his mind. The battlefield of Shura was full of swords, lights, and shadows. He couldn't kill him no matter what.

This nightmare is more real and painful than all the nightmares he has had in the past ten years.

The pain caused a cell in his body to burst every day.

By the way, he is fighting, facing the overwhelming immortal cultivators in the big iron factory, fighting, fighting, fighting to the end!

No, isn't he a cultivator himself?

For some reason, he instinctively felt very resistant when he thought of his identity as a cultivator.

No, he is not a cultivator of immortality, at least he is not a cultivator of immortality like that.

The question is, what kind of immortality should he be?

The golden-haired young man was lost in pain, suffering in confusion, and sinking into a **** nightmare. The flesh and blood, the three souls and seven souls, and the heart of Tao were torn and shattered time and time again, and they were condensed and reborn again and again.

Occasionally, he could hear voices, a man and a woman, the very familiar voices were Li Yao and Long Yangjun.

But occasionally, he could hear two more immature voices, as if they were whistling in his ears.

"Uncle Li's body is incredibly powerful. If you compare your innate physical fitness, you will be even stronger than Dad!"

"Yes, Dad is the'Heavenly Tribulation Battle Body', he is already considered a top-notch physique among cultivators, but Uncle Li's body is even better. He has endless potential to be developed. It's perfect!"

"I remember the last time I sneaked into the database of a certain biochemical research institute in the empire, I once found a secret method to stimulate adrenaline secretion, which can greatly increase the instant combat effectiveness, but it is too dangerous and the side effects are too strong. The average person will definitely not be able to stand it, even after passing through us. It’s not possible to optimize-but looking at Uncle Li's sturdy body, it seems that you can practice!"

"Really, let's give it a try. Both my father and Aunt Long said that now is an extraordinary period. In order to cope with the serial pursuit of immortal cultivators, we must do everything possible to stimulate the ultimate combat effectiveness of the entire team in the shortest time! "

Li Jialing listened in a daze, while wondering vaguely: "Who is'Uncle Li'? He sounds like a very powerful original martial artist. I have never heard of such a master in the Li family! There is also'Aunt Long'. What the **** is that again? What about Brother Yao and sister Long, why did you throw me at...two little devil heads...ahhhhhhhhhh!"

Before he could figure out the reason, he felt that all the cells in his body had been squeezed by the red-hot iron hands, and he was so painful that he fainted again.

This kind of nightmare seemed to last for several days, and it seemed to have passed a whole year. Even if Li Jialing’s nerves were tortured by the previous ten years and concocted to the extent of steel and iron, it is still a lingering fear. , At the call of a voice, he finally broke free from the nightmare and woke up leisurely.

Li Jialing found himself immersed in the greasy and chilly medical medicament. There was a very thin silver needle inserted in every acupuncture point in his body. When he focused his eyes to the extreme, he could even see the densely packed silver needles, such as tiny. Dust-like runes.

Under the control of a series of weird brain waves, each silver needle trembles with a different rhythm and frequency, like a key, opening the door of his body's potential treasure house.

He felt an unprecedented power, like a flood, oscillating freely in his body.

The power of the Emperor Flame Orb that had been swallowed earlier has been completely digested and absorbed, and has been integrated into his limbs, corpses and three souls and seven souls!

Li Jialing couldn't help groaning so refreshingly that even every toe was tight.

"Brother Yao!"

He saw the familiar and unfamiliar figure standing in front of the medical cabin, and couldn't help cheering, "You really come back, I know you will not leave us! What is this... Hey, wait, Brother Yao, your appearance has become weird. Although your appearance has not changed much, the temperament of the whole person and the realm hidden behind it seem to be completely different from the past!"

"is it?"

Li Yao touched his chin, "How is it different?"

"I can't tell you how it's different, it's just like..."

Li Jialing pressed his nose to the tempered glass, stared at Li Yao earnestly for a while, and said, "The way you look now is the same as when we first saw my mother, the Queen of the Empire, Li Linghai. It's not the way it looks, it's the kind of temperament, the kind of feeling that the invisible aura surrounds the body, and it can burn everything around, but it's a bit unspeakable danger, you know!"

"That's probably because I just broke through a copper wall and iron wall on my journey to the Supreme Avenue, and found a new direction!"

Li Yao smiled and said, "Don't say so much. You were seriously injured in the battle of the big iron factory, and you almost lost your life. After lying down for three days and three nights, you barely woke up. You still need to heal and strengthen yourself. What is there? Then, wait until you finish strengthening!"


Li Jialing shivered involuntarily, "What kind of reinforcement, I seem to hear the sound of two little ghosts. Is it a hallucination?"

"You are seriously injured. According to the conventional treatment, don't want to be alive and kicking for a year or a half. Now the situation is critical. Black Star Great Emperor Wu Yingqi will chase him in every minute. How can there be so much time to take it slowly? So, I have to Use more radical and extreme methods to treat you, and stimulate your potential to explode by the way."

Li Yao paused, and then said, "Besides, you are a person with an important mission. Of course, you have to tap your potential well, and you will be able to fight in the future!"


Li Jialing was stunned for a long time, his eyes widened and said, "Brother Yao, I understand the first half of the sentence, but I don't understand the second half-what is the ‘important mission’?"

"It's the'insurance valve'. In the near future, there may be a handsome, handsome, yushu, kindhearted, selfless, very charismatic, out of low-level tastes, dedicated to the welfare of the people, and for the sake of mankind. The great devil who strives for the future of civilization."

Li Yao explained patiently, “When this great demon is constantly swelling beyond control, maybe you have to rely on a brave boy like you to defeat him, so, how can you do it without being forced?”

Li Jialing: "...I still don't understand, what kind of devil can still face the wind in Yushu! Did Brother Yao refer to Black Star Emperor Wu Yingqi?"

"of course not."

Li Yao said, "Wu Yingqi's kind of despicable, selfish, self-serving villain whose fighting power is as weak as a chicken, how can he compare with this tall and stalwart Demon King? Compared with this great Demon King, Wu Yingqi is just like fireflies and the scorching sun, embroidered. The gap between the needle and the vajra and iron pestle is incomparable, unparalleled."

"So exaggerated?"

Li Jialing couldn't believe it, "Then, that's the mad blood **** son of the Doomsday War?"

"Well, the mad blood **** child of the Doomsday War, the big demon who destroyed the Xinghai Empire in a single thought, is still a number one, a bit heavy."

Li Yao said, "However, compared to what this great demon king did, even the destruction of a hundred star sea empires is nothing. Therefore, the **** of the doomsday war mad blood may not be qualified to keep pace with this great demon king. "


Li Jialing was stunned, "What on earth Brother Yao is talking about, is more powerful than the **** of doomsday mad blood, how can there be such a person-and to deal with such a terrifying demon, why has it become my'mission'? I, I haven't woken up yet, what is my business!"

"It wasn't your business at first, but who called you my dear good brother? You will gradually understand later."

Li Yao laughed, "In short, from this second, you must practice with ten times the intensity of the previous practice. I will teach you a lot of things-you are the future, and they are the future. What will the future look like? It’s up to you future masters to decide for yourself."

Li Jialing said: "Who are'they'? Are they... those two stinky brats, I vaguely remember that they used needles to **** me!"


Li Yao nodded, "They are my own son and daughter, and of course your nephew and niece. I will introduce you to you later. By the way, congratulations on becoming an uncle, Uncle Li."

Li Jialing: "...You! What! After all! What! What! What a ghost!"

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