40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2208: Want to add to the crime!

Lei Chenghu frowned slightly, and forcibly endured the physical contempt and disgust that faced the three censors.

Of course he knew these three notorious gadgets on the front line.

The head of this guy with slippery shoulders, water snake waist, and oily noodles is called "Dongfang Bai", and is the major general director of the "Expeditionary Force Base Camp Guangfuxing District Material Statistics Bureau".

The so-called "Guangfuxing District Material Statistics Bureau" is on the surface a data statistics organization, but in fact, this organization called "Guangtong" by frontline officers is an out-and-out spy agency, and it is the worst. That kind of - that is, the tools used by the four major electors' families to intervene in the internal affairs of the front-line expeditionary army, aiming the knife at their own people, but never get the slightest information about the Holy League.

The expeditionary army conquered dozens of large worlds and hundreds of resource planets, and naturally collected a large number of spoils and "reverse production". Many fleets with insufficient supplies often detain part of the spoils privately to supplement the fleet.

Although Lei Chenghu is hard-hearted, he is not an indelible person. As long as he is not for personal gain, he is really used for fleet construction and theater defense. In the third theater of war, he has always acquiesced to such things.

However, the "Guangtong" used this as an excuse to hold a lot of so-called "evidence", which can become a poisonous blade for the frontline soldiers at any time. In fact, it is only for the four major electors' families to control the frontline fleet.

Soldiers fighting on the front line have always scorned and hated the rear base camps such as the logistics department, the quarters department, and the "Guangdong" organizations. They regarded them as purulent cecum. Not only are they useless, but they will drag the frontline troops. Hands and feet often even kill people.

However, no matter how disgusted by the frontline soldiers, they can't shake the status of the base camp of the "Guangtong" despicable organization in the expeditionary force, let alone stop the "Guangtong" leader Dongfang Bai's path to the blue sky.

Because his father is the number one power official of the empire, the current Patriarch of the Dongfang Family, has been the Prime Minister of the Dongfangwang for twenty years!

Therefore, after the "Blood League Incident", it was logical that Dongfang Bai, the "Guangtong" spy chief, served as the chairman of the special investigation committee and personally took charge of the investigation of Lei Chenghu.

The two censors on the left and right of Dongfang Bai are also from the four major electoral families, and they hold the key position of the expeditionary base camp. There is nothing to say, they are all raccoons, a bunch of treacherous villains.

The three prosecutors had carefully carved smiles on their faces.

But under this extraordinarily humble and awe-inspiring smile, he unabashedly revealed falsehood.

Seeing them, Lei Chenghu thought of the hyena that was dormant in the bushes, waiting for the behemoth with bruises to die, so as to come up and eat the corpse.

I thought of the flies that Xixisuosuo kept twirling their hands and feet.

At this moment, he was very eager to return to his fleet-not to regain control of the military, but to stay with the roughest man under his command, it was better than to be in the same room with these three despicable, ridiculous guys. .

Even if he was facing only the remote projection of the opponent, he could smell the stink of hyenas and flies coming out of the opponent's pores.

This smell is really disgusting!

"See Liao Haihou!"

The three prosecutors pretended to salute him, respectfully calling him the newest title, every detail was just right, and there was no thorn in it.

Such behavior aroused Lei Chenghu's disgust even more. He didn't even respond to the other party, but coldly said: "Don't waste time, if you want to censor me, let's just start - but this is not the imperial capital. If you do this, something will happen."

The "Guangtong" spy chief and the chairman of the special investigation committee, Dongfang Bai, immediately pretended to be "surprised", "extremely wronged" and "hesitating" in defense: "Liaohai Hou Wanwan, don't get me wrong. Escorted to the imperial capital and went directly to see the elders in the Senate, but things changed unexpectedly on the way. For your safety, you were sent here for protection. This is only a temporary measure, such as If there is any rudeness, I hope that Liao Haihou will forgive us, or how to punish us afterwards, it doesn’t matter, but for now, your safety and the overall situation of the empire are our top priority."

"What happened unexpectedly?"

Lei Chenghu smiled and didn't even look at the three censors, and said lightly, "What kind of changes will affect my safety and need your protection? Are you worried that I am also like the veteran of Dongfang Tuo, Was it assassinated?"

"With the lofty prestige of Liao Haihou in the army, I am afraid that he will be loved by frontline officers and soldiers more than the Eastern Prime Minister and His Majesty. Naturally, he will never be assassinated."

Dongfang Bai smiled and groaned, "But it is possible to fall into a situation more treacherous than'being assassinated'-we have obtained unequivocal information. In the army, dozens of radical young officers are organized by the'Blood League'. , Is preparing to connect together secretly, turning the "Blood League" into a huge force spanning dozens of fleets, reaching out to the entire expeditionary army and even the rear imperial army, and they are also planning to hijack Liaohaihou and force you Become the leader of the'Blood League'!

"If you were really successful by these despicable traitors, wouldn't it have forced you into the desperate situation of being unfaithful and inferior to death? It would be a hundred times more painful than being'assassed.'

"That's why we made this move and suddenly changed course to temporarily protect you in this secret place that no one knows."


Seeing Lei Chenghu, who was accustomed to strong winds and waves, he didn't even move his eyebrows. "Understood, you suspect that I am the leader of the'Blood League' and planned the assassination of Dongfang Taku. The plan to go to the imperial capital was decided early in the morning to isolate me for examination, is that right?"

"No, no, no."

Dongfang Bai waved his hand again and again, looking like he was extremely aggrieved, "We never dare to doubt Liao Haihou's loyalty to the empire and the Senate. The so-called'review meeting' is just going through the scene and pretending to be nothing. In fact, all of us are the same as the frontline officers and soldiers. We respect Liao Haihou and are willing to use our lives to guarantee you.

"It's just that there are indeed many hot-headed young military officers on the front line. Under the instigation of a small group of traitors, they embarked on a road of no return, and these traitors may have used the name of Liao Haihou to incite them. This is not impossible.

"Also, if Liao Haihou really falls into the hands of the Blood League, we certainly believe in Liao Haihou's loyalty. I believe you must be the one who would rather die than surrender, or even kill yourself, but now all kinds of hypnosis, torture and virtual technology are the same. Developed, if the other party could extract the imprint of Liao Haihou's soul and forge your image, wouldn't it be able to tarnish your noble image at will?

"We also know that when things are so sudden, Liao Haihou may not immediately believe it-these are the intelligence we just compiled. The power of the Blood League is a hundred times larger than we initially imagined. The tentacles have long penetrated into the front-line troops. , Especially in the third theater of Liaohaihou and the thundering fleet infiltrated very deeply. These highly contagious'viruses' have spread to your side. It is really shocking to look at, and makes people deeply pinched for Liaohaihou. Sweat!"

The psionic puppet controlled by Dongfang Bai respectfully held an encrypted jade slip in front of Lei Chenghu with both hands. After decrypting it with his own soul imprint, he helped Lei Chenghu insert it into the crystal brain interface fixed on the wall.

Suddenly, a series of data spewed out like a flash flood in the three-dimensional light curtain.

Lei Chenghu watched the information about the "Blood League" intently.

Dongfang Bai looked at his expression intently, the corner of his mouth gradually evoked a smile on his chest, and said: "We absolutely believe in the loyalty of Liao Haihou. You have absolutely nothing to do with the Blood Alliance, but you have so many captains under your command. , The staff and the commander of the Crystal Armor battle group are inextricably related to the Blood Alliance, which is also true.

"If you are still in the Thunder Fleet at this moment, and these officers have launched a mutiny and forcibly elected you as the leader of the Blood League, wouldn't it be that you, the Thunder Fleet that you spent a hundred years of hard work to build, have been pushed into the fire pit that will never be restored ?"

"This information is false, all nonsense."

Lei Chenghu did not move at all, read all the information with a blank face, and looked back and carefully read it a second time. Only then did he calmly come to a conclusion, "Blood alliance is something, how could it be possible to win over my subordinates? So many officers? If my officers really cannot bear and want to vent their anger to the rear, they will personally form an organization that is ten times larger than the blood alliance, and ten times more cautious, and will not work on Qinglan Star. The assassination of an empire veteran is such a stupid thing under the public.

"Even if they really want to assassinate—"

Having said this, Lei Chenghu paused, and looked at Dongfang Bai's neck artery for the first time, and said with a faint smile, "The first person to be assassinated should be someone like you who hates and hates ghosts, not doing things. The veteran of Dongfang Tuo who has done his best."

Dongfang Bai's face instantly turned pale, and the aorta of his neck swept by Lei Chenghu's sharp gaze, but he beat violently, making a "hissing" sound deep in his throat.

"Liao Haihou!"

This greasy-faced guy has a sharper chin, and said sharply, "I personally respect you very much and I never want to do any censorship, but we are here after all on behalf of the Senate. Please respect the authority of the Senate, and please You think carefully about the future of yourself and the Thunder Fleet!"

"Even without me, the Thunder Fleet will be the last soldier in the war to defend the empire."

Lei Chenghu sneered, "Die this heart, you can fabricate evidence that I am the leader of the Blood League, but no matter how you "censor", I will not disclose any information about the officers under your command to you. ."

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