40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2109: Invincible! (Fourth!)

"Bo! Bo! Bo!"

Profound bones? Blood wings turned into whirlpools in the depths of the sea, and waves of submarine magma-like psychic energy surged in all directions. The space of hundreds of meters was filled with Li Yao’s spirit and psychic energy, as if it were his brain. Extension!

He can easily manipulate every faint ripple of psychic energy within the space of hundreds of meters.

You can also feel the trembling of every dust within a space of hundreds of meters in a flash.

This is the most terrifying new magical power in the realm of transforming gods relative to the realm of Nascent Souls-the primordial gods are released and transformed into domains, creating a small world for one party!

He is the ruler of this world, he is the king of this world, in this raging world of raging wind and turbid waves, he is supreme, God!

The cultivators made an absolutely wrong choice.

Seeing that Li Yao was alone, they tried to swarm him by relying on their superiority in numbers. They surrounded Li Yao in a narrow vertical corridor, completely covering it with torrential rains and endless firepower.

It's a pity that using human tactics to deal with a Nascent Soul Boss may still be effective, but it will definitely not work when used to deal with a Huashen Boss!

In a small space, the crystal armors of the immortal cultivators piled high together, on the contrary, the advantage of Li Yao's "absolute domain" was brought to the limit.

Because most of the immortal cultivators appeared in his "domain" range, and there was nowhere to escape.

In an instant, Li Yao perceives the psychic circulation path of their crystal armor, the type of ultra-high compression crystal element reaction furnace, the structure of each of their chain saw swords and shock war knives, and each one is gathering momentum in the barrel. The vibration of the psionic bullet that was ready to roar at any time, even including their every breath and heartbeat, as well as every drop of cold sweat leaking from their veined foreheads.

All the cultivators had nowhere to hide in front of Li Yao, the crystal armor turned into translucent glass, blood vessels, nerves and even the internal organs were clearly visible!

Even before their nerve endings have contracted, Li Yao can predict their next move!

"call out!"

Just when the crystal armor fire control systems of all the immortal cultivators were firmly locked on Li Yao, Li Yao suddenly disappeared from their crystal brains.

He was clearly suspended in front of these people, and he didn't even need to scan with crystal eyes, he could see clearly with the naked eye.

But the fire control cursor on the partial crystal brain light curtain is flickering, misty, and unable to lock the target at all.

It seemed that what appeared in front of them was not a human being, but a wandering soul without entities!

In the next second, Li Yao moved.

Thirty to forty meters long, the wings lingering blood flames and golden glow suddenly soared to nearly a hundred meters long, covering hundreds of immortal cultivators, spinning rapidly, turning into a fierce whirlwind!

The sound of exclamation, fire fighting, collision and explosion sounded endlessly. The cultivators were ignorant of the safety of their companions. They madly sprayed mysterious light and bullets into the black whirlwind, but they seemed to be feeding a gluttonous beast, but made the black whirlwind. The volume is getting bigger and bigger, and more immortal cultivators will be brought into it!

"Puff! Puff, puff, puff!"

When the black whirlwind turned to its limit, many crystal armors were shattered and even burning immortals were slammed out, turned into swift shells, and hit the transparent glass walls of the surrounding cells heavily.

The impact force was so great that many immortal cultivators were directly gasified before they were torn apart. The ultra-high compression crystal element reactor pots of their crystal armors turned into powerful crystal bombs on the transparent glass wall. One after another burst!

No matter how strong the transparent glass wall is, it can't help the crystal armor hits one after another, "click, click, click", and many glass walls have crisscrossed cobweb cracks.

The blood-boiled violent war hymn became louder and louder. Almost all the prisoners lived in this hellish prison, unable to survive or beg to die. They hated the jailer deeply. At this moment, seeing Li Yao slaughter the jailer like a chicken and slaughter. The dog was so excited that he couldn't himself.

They cooperated with Li Yao constantly hitting the transparent glass wall in an attempt to completely explode those cobweb cracks; at the same time they uttered primitive animal roars and vented their anger and pleasure. They didn't know Li Yao's name, but in their eyes, Li Yao has become the incarnation of their boundless anger that they have accumulated over decades of imprisonment and torture!


Another jailer was blasted out by Li Yao and hit a precarious transparent glass wall.

This person's vitality is quite tenacious, his bones are shattered, his internal organs are torn apart, and he hasn't died for a while.

But before he was struggling for a while, from the crack of the transparent glass wall, he stretched out a furry paw, grabbed his neck, squeezed it hard, and broke his spine forcibly. Up!

boom! Boom boom boom!

Finally, the first prisoner smashed the transparent glass wall, and revealed a **** and majestic physique from the hole. He stared at Li Yao, the **** of murder in the depths of the black whirlwind, with the same adoring eyes, and issued the same will full of killing and rebellion. The roar!

The sirens in the hive prison became harsher and more frivolous.

But no matter how sharp the sirens were, they were completely covered up by Li Yao's violent Hell March.

Hundreds of jailers were frightened, and under the pressure of the overwhelming arrogance of the old monsters, they couldn't have the courage to resist.

Many people ran away, vainly trying to escape below the vertical corridor, and then into the main part of "Sky City, Manjusawa".

But with Li Yao’s help, more and more prisoners exploded the transparent glass wall in front of them and gained temporary freedom. They backed up a few steps. An accelerated dash, flew to the jailers who fled in a hurry, and slammed them hard. Fly out.

Chaos, chaos, the whole honeycomb prison was in chaos. More and more prisoners escaped like a flood and rushed towards the control room where the warden above was. Although they were ragged and unarmed, they passed by. The flesh and blood body made ten times is the best killing weapon!

"Quickly, quickly excite the'Tianluodiwang' array to the limit!"

The warden yelled hysterically in the control room.


There was a dull sound, and a thick python-like arc whizzed up from under the vertical corridor, instantly sweeping the entire honeycomb prison.

All the prisoners were drawn by powerful magnetic fields in all directions, their hands and feet stretched out involuntarily, and they were tightly bound to the walls and the floor.

The shackles entangled their spine and brain deeply, reluctant resistance will only hurt the heart, and it is by no means human power can resist.


The prisoners leaned back and sealed on the ground, they could only stare at their bloodshot eyes and let out an unwilling roar.


At this moment, Li Yao had emptied all the jailers within a hundred meters of his body and turned them into "cannonballs" and shot them towards the transparent glass wall.

He swept around the prisoners who were suppressed on the ground, tilted his head, and stared at the control room above his head.

A dark red light ball containing extremely dangerous energy, with strands of dark golden arcs as the skeleton, quickly condenses, rotates and expands in his palm!

"No, it's not good!"

The warden in the control room seemed to see Li Yao's eyes, it was like two supernovae exploding in front of him at the same time!

The warden instinctively wanted to escape, but he had been destroyed by Li Yao's eyes from muscle fibers to nerve endings to spinal cord. He couldn't move half of his toe at all. He could only watch the dark red light ball like a black hole. It became bigger and bigger, until the end, it filled his entire vision, completely melting him and the control room!

Li Yao killed the general control room of the Hive Prison.

But the "Tianluodiwang" large array has been launched to its limit and has not been cracked so easily. Thousands of prisoners are still firmly attached to the ground.


Li Yao smiled, his eyes turned down again.

The black corridor seemed to have become a crystal clear translucent structure, allowing him to easily perceive the psychic relay station buried deep in the deepest part of the honeycomb prison, which is the source of continuously providing energy for the "Tianluodiwang" array.

Under the gaze of all the prisoners full of expectation but unbelievable, an unprecedented miracle happened!

Li Yao deeply inserted his hands into the centerline of the crystal armor's breastplate and slammed it outward.

This set of crystal armor should be polished from metal and spar, but on the chest revealed a structure like a biological lens.

Then, accompanied by a strange rhythm, on the palms of Xuangu? Bloodwing, two groups of goose-egg-sized lenses were also highlighted.

Strands of arcs and ripples of psychic energy emerged in the void around the four groups of lenses. After passing through the elusive trajectories, they condensed into a series of mysterious and complicated runes, and finally they were all sucked into the four groups of crystals.

The four lenses are getting brighter, more dazzling, and hotter, just like the four tiny suns on Li Yao's body!

At the beginning, many prisoners stared at this incredible scene with wide-eyed eyes.

But soon, the flare of Li Yao surging out of his body became so intense that it was as strong as a solar flare burst, making it impossible to look directly at it.

In the end, even if they close their eyes tightly, they all feel the pervasive light turned into golden swords, and they will smash their eyes blindly!

This is a force they cannot match or even escape. They can only do their best to roar and roar, venting their fear and pleasure in this way.

Even if they die, they want to die with the hive prison, "Sky City, Manzhushahua", and the cultivator!

"It's been a long time, 100 billion times, cell annihilation cannon, explode to me!"

When every mitochondria in every cell burned to the limit and resonated with the soul at the deepest level, Li Yao yelled and pushed his palms out!


Fourth! The old cow who was so cramped is back! Brothers and sisters warmly welcome, Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho!

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