40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1789: Fellow Daoist Mo Xuan, help me!

"Look, everyone has their own weaknesses, and their own desires that they strive for. Just find the weaknesses and desires. Even the Nascent Soul and even the strong of the transformation level will be deeply immersed in the illusory world and cannot extricate themselves. And treat it as another reality!"

The silver-white ball continued to bewitched with Professor Mo Xuan's voice, "Bloodstroke Daoist fellow, don't miss the opportunity, and the loss will never come again. Why are you hesitating?"

The scarlet heart demon licked his tongue "chuckling", the greedy light under his eyes became more intense, like a weasel staring at the chicken in the trap, who wanted to eat meat and was afraid of being nailed to death: "You , What trap have you set up in the Tianyuan Realm, do you have a good grasp of it?"

"rest assured!"

The silver-white sphere rippled with the winning ticket, "My predecessor was the crystal brain virus refined to corrode the super crystal brain of Cixingzhai, and most of the super crystal brains of the Star Federation, including the government and The most advanced models used by the military are inseparable from the crystal brains of Cixingzhai. In the past few decades, I have used the "Dark Blue Ultrasound Hospital" to obtain a lot of secrets from the depths of the vegetative brain, including their spirits. Net control authority and Divine Soul Secret Rune are added together, and the Federation’s Crystal Brain and Spirit Net have no secrets at all to me!

"The same applies to the real human empire!

"I have the memory fragments of Xinghai and Su Changfa, from which I have extracted a lot of information about the empire crystal brain. What's more, the real human empire is in the same line as the Xinghai Empire in the past, and their crystal brain structure and the structure of the Cixingzhai super crystal brain are also the same. There are great similarities, as long as you give me a chance to get in close and intrude into it, it's not a problem!

"It doesn't matter if I tell you the truth, now the elite troops of the Star Federation and the Black Wind Fleet have all assembled in the Celestial Realm, and an earth-shattering battle is underway!

"Hehe, I have invaded and controlled the three starry sky gates through which the Tianyuan Realm communicates with the outside world, and completely cut off the connection between the Tianyuan Realm and the outside world. At this moment, the Tianyuan Realm is a closed amphitheater! Two trapped beasts, in Inside it bites fiercely, endlessly!

"At this moment, not only was the cyber warfare between the two sides infeasible, but the tactical net was riddled with attacks by the other side, and all the cultivators above the Yuan Ying level, regardless of management type, combat type, research type, or literary type. The type or the creative type, all have smashed the soul to the limit, and the brain power is seriously overdrawn!

"You know, in modern warfare, almost everyone will use crystal brain assistance, which created an excellent opportunity for me to invade the brains of these strong men. Taking advantage of them to merge to the most intense, the soul is the weakest, and the brain is the most powerful. The moment I was undefended, I intruded into it, completely controlling the elite fleet of both sides, as well as the most powerful cultivators and cultivators!

"The flagships of the Black Wind Fleet and the Liaoyuan Fleet and most of the main battleships, the three super crystal brains of the Star Federation, and hundreds of thousands of Yuan Ying and even the powers of the God of Transformation are all in our grasp. Next, we are the absolute masters of Xinghaihaifeng!

"To be honest, before you came, I was only 70% sure of the whole plan, or I expected to be able to successfully invade the brains of 60% to 70% of the strong. After that, there will be a fight.

"But since Fellow Daoist Bloodmark is here, the situation is naturally very different. After you have completely swallowed Li Yao's soul, you can return to the Heavenly Origin Realm with the status of'Three Realms Sovereign, Vulture Li Yao' and join the gathering of strong men. , Go to the fiercest battlefield-Ding Lingdang and Jin Xinyue will recognize you, no one will doubt your identity, right?

"Hehe, when the war is the most anxious and the many strongest are the least prepared, I use the spirit web to launch an'invasion' against them from their portable brains, and the blood-stripe fellow daoists start with blood and treat their flesh and blood. Erosion, two-pronged approach, who can resist!"

The Scarlet Heart Demon's eyes rolled round and round, and finally laughed, as if completely agreeing with the other party's opinion: "It really is an impeccable and perfect solution. It sounds like I can't find the slightest reason for rejection, haha Haha, okay, Fellow Daoist Mo Xuan, I will work with you for the time being, I just hope that after the matter is done, you don't forget the promise you just made!"

"how could be?"

The silver-white ball laughed dumbly, "There is no trust between us, but before the Covenant League and Pangu civilization are completely wiped out, everyone is an extraterritorial demon who sins and deserves death in their mouths. Naturally, we should join hands. Cooperation, unanimous externality is what you think?"

"That's true."

The smile of the Scarlet Inner Demon became more and more evil, and the blood-colored thorns surging around his body became thicker and thicker, "Okay, if that's the case...huh?"

It raised its eyebrows slightly unexpectedly, and looked at Li Yao, who was entangled tightly by himself. At this time, Li Yao had been heavily wrapped in blood, like a huge scarlet cocoon, but crisscross Inside the blood-colored thorns, wisps of light golden flames burst forth, quickly burning the blood streaks to pieces!

"You two bastards, don't think I don't exist!"

Li Yao broke out of the scarlet silkworm cocoon, furiously fighting like a golden blade, piercing fiercely at the scarlet heart demon, he let out an earth-shattering roar, "As long as I still exist for a second, I will never let it go. If your conspiracy succeeds, the Xingyao Federation will be guarded by real federal people, and it is not yet your turn to these two sinister and cunning extraterritorial demon!"

"This, what power is this!"

The Scarlet Heart Demon was pierced by Li Yao's golden blade so that he couldn't open his eyes, and exclaimed, "Impossible, I have clearly understood all your souls, what are you--"

"Human souls, where is so easy, will be thoroughly resolved by you!"

Li Yao laughed, the corners of his eyes, nostrils, ear canals and the corners of his mouth were flowing with pale golden blood. His soul power was surging like a volcanic eruption, and even the lowest level of the illusory world could not bear such power, black The velvet-like universe began to vibrate, and every crystal world swayed gently like a crystal glass ball!

"Your computing power in your virtual world has reached its limit!"

Li Yao's eyes burst into anger and contempt, and he pierced the silver-white ball, "A fake is a fake, and it will never become real. What else is 120% real? Knowing that the illusory world and the real world are the biggest Is it different?

"The unreal world is limited. Its limit is the computing power of the crystal brain. Even the super crystal brain with powerful computing power will have the limits of calculation, simulation and rendering. People who are caught in it are like investing in it. The fish in the glass tank, no matter how big and realistic the glass tank is, as long as the fish swims forward all the way, one day they will touch invisible barriers!

"But the real world, no matter how ugly, no matter how cruel, no matter how dark, but in cruelty, ugliness and darkness, there are infinitely beautiful possibilities, gestating an extremely bright future, where there is no glass ceiling. , Can stop the progress of human civilization!

"Even if an artificial intelligence, with a vast database, can respond to every situation in the most reasonable way-it is not a real virtual life!

"For the same reason, no matter how realistic your virtual world is, it is also fake! Because it lacks the most important thing for a civilization, that is, hope for the future, for infinity, and for the end of the universe!"


The Scarlet Heart Demon roared, and the bloodmarks danced frantically again, like a long whip covered with spikes, slamming against Li Yao's right body, "Stop saying the same things like this kind of hot-blooded high school student, and he died quietly. Right!"

"I won't die, Ding Lingdang and Jin Xinyue are still waiting for me!"

Li Yao gritted his teeth, the pale golden soul blade and the blood-colored thorns are entangled with each other, and the two sides kill each other. "Friends, relatives, soldiers...Everyone in the Star Federation is waiting for me, I must Will come back to them and fight alongside them!"

Li Yao and the Scarlet Heart Demon are like a double-headed giant snake. The two heads that grow on the same body gnaw at each other fiercely. Suddenly, the Scarlet Thorns pierced the right side of the body into a lot of holes, and suddenly the soul is sharp. The left half of the body was chopped down with blood, and suddenly the pale golden and crimson spiritual flames collided heavily, sparking thousands of souls, and the sound and light effects were very gorgeous.

This is the most dangerous battle of spirits and souls. In just a few seconds, both sides can fight to the point where both lose and lose. The spirits are dim, the flames are swaying, and the soul is panting.

The Scarlet Heart Demon grinned with a hoarse voice: "I, I want to swallow you!"

Li Yao's voice was also a little confused: "I won't let you succeed easily, never!"


The Scarlet Heart Demon became angry from anger, and suddenly exploded with thousands of scarlet thorns that entangled Li Yao's right body, then turned his head and cried out strangely, "Daoist Moxuan, what are you waiting for, I have already corroded his spirit to seven. Seven or eighty-eight, and completely controlled him, come here to help me, help me completely swallow his soul, and then we will go to unfold your perfect plan!"


The silver-white ball readily agreed, and then...

It floated back several kilometers in one breath.

While drifting away, the body shape changed from a sphere to an ellipsoid, and then into a peanut-like shape, but a small group of liquid metal was split from the body, and slowly condensed into a human shape, towards Li Yaohe The Scarlet Heart Demon flew over.

Li Yao and the Scarlet Heart Demon who were tearing at the same time were stunned.

The scene seemed to become awkward again.

Scarlet Demon: "Hey, Fellow Daoist Mo Xuan, what do you mean by asking you to come over to help? Why did you run away instead? The extraterritorial demon is not so unrighteous, right?"

Silver-white ball: "Of course not, but, as you know, I am a craftsman myself, and then I changed my job to become a crystal brain and ling net expert. I also have a little bit of sociology and strategic layout. the study.

"But in any case, I am not a fighter. There is no reason to run to the two of you personally and fight at close range so dangerous, right?"


The Scarlet Heart Demon and Li Yao looked at each other, and the two "thrilling and dangerous" fights became a little stiff.


New year first! Ho Ho Ho Ho, I wish you all good friends at the opening of 2017, good luck, and all your wishes come true!

By the way, today is still double the monthly ticket time until the 7th. The situation this month is very serious. It depends on everyone's support. Let's fight side by side. Let's go!

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