40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1739: Super brain expert!

Li Yao widened his eyes and added some vinegar to the bowl: "Why do you say that?"

"Lei Yuqin is not an ordinary crystal brain or algorithm expert. Her main research field is ‘artificial intelligence’, or more precisely, ‘analog artificial intelligence.’”

Long Yangjun said, "It is not so much that she is a pure algorithm expert, it is better to say that she is a dual-material expert with dual repair of human brain and crystal brain. The "algorithm" she researches is how to use chips and artificial intelligence. Neurons and psychic circuits are algorithms that 100% simulate human thinking ability.

"To put it more bluntly, her research field is how to use crystal brains to replace human brains!"

Li Yao’s vinegar grew more and more: "I didn’t know this so deeply. My main target was Professor Mo Xuan at the time. I saw everything about'Little San' from the lace news, and only said that this woman is a'big A staff member of Yitong Lingwang Control Center."

"Her work is indeed related to the Great Unification Lingwang."

Long Yangjun explained, "The use of crystal brains instead of human brains, this research has a wide range of applications in today's federation.

"First of all, for patients with severe brain damage, such as epilepsy, schizophrenia, Alzheimer's, manic depression, and various accidents and wars caused by brain tissue atrophy, loss and mutation of patients, the current federal treatment thinking is either Use the blood demon world's biochemical therapy to inject some active substances to find a way to make brain cells proliferate and repair themselves; or, to implant a chip or even a part of the crystal brain in the brain, and use an'artificial brain' to fill the damaged area.

"How can humans’ original flesh-and-blood brains and artificial brains refined from metal and spar be organically blended together to become the most solid “fortress” and “home” of the soul and maintain the original character, memory, and way of thinking The same as the soul, this is the work of the "algorithm" researched by Lei Yuqin!

"So, you can also think of Lei Yuqin as an expert in treating'brain injuries', a'brain doctor'!"

Li Yao frowned slightly.

Although I know that replacing a part of the brain is the same as replacing a part of the hands, feet, and internal organs, there is no essential difference.

But emotionally... I still feel a little awkward.

"Her research has a more important application field, and that is to cultivate crystal brains for ghosts."

Long Yangjun continued, "The so-called'ghost cultivator' or'spiritual spirit', to put it bluntly, is a high-condensed psychic energy fluctuation. Under normal circumstances, either thinking and consciousness are compressed to the limit, and they are completely subjected to the'holding' in life Nian's control is transformed into a'soul soul and evil spirit' without thought but instinct, relying on the brainwaves that swallow living people for a living.

"If you maintain your own memory and consciousness in the soul condensed state, then the life cycle will be even shorter, at most half a day or even a few hours, it will completely collapse, unable to maintain the condensed state, and the ashes will disappear-at least, for Judas This is true for some people who are not at a high level of cultivation.

"Even if we, like Wu Suiyun and Meng Chixin, have lost the "reliance" of the brain, their cultivation base has not fallen sharply. It took decades to slowly recover their memory and consciousness. Don't hide in the battle puppet, use the calculation power of the puppet to run your own thinking and consciousness.

"This is also thanks to the fact that they were out of mind in the Nuwa battleship underground. The shell of the battleship helped them withstand most of the radiation and interference. If they were on the ground, the wind, rain, and the sun would be at most three or two years old. Exposing to the sun, the remnants of these two gods will be completely annihilated."

Li Yao nodded: "The brain is like sea water, and the consciousness and soul are like ships. Without sea water, no matter how big or strong the ship is, it won't help."


Long Yangjun said, "The soul can survive in a small memory chip, but this state of existence is only'storage', not the true meaning of'self' and'consciousness', it seems to be An inactive divine mind.


Li Yaodao: "If you want to restore your thinking, consciousness, and calculation skills before alive, you need special crystal brain assistance. I have also studied some psychic prostheses. The biggest difference between psychic prostheses and crystal armor lies in the crystal brain. On the other hand, its crystal brain is specially designed for ghost repairs. The accuracy of many key magic weapon units is even ten times that of crystal armor auxiliary crystal brain. It can be said that most of the most advanced small crystal brain technology in the Federation is used Developed for ghost repair."

"It's impossible to have a crystal brain without an algorithm."

Long Yangjun said, "Lei Yuqin is studying the algorithm in this area, which is the ‘the way of fusion of soul and crystal brain’!

"She is a doctor in the'Great Unification Lingwang Control Base', specializing in the treatment of various brain injuries caused by excessive Internet access.

"You know, in the'Great Unification Lingwang Control Base', most of them are Jingbrain and Lingwang experts, that is, the people who have been online for the longest time in the entire Federation and are deeply involved in the Internet. Most people are addicted to the Internet day and night Once the computing power is excessive, after repeated congestion of the brain, burst blood vessels, atrophy and proliferation of brain cells, it is very likely that various brain injury symptoms will appear-Lei Yuqin is the treatment for this.

"I think back then, after Professor Mo Xuan's'Virtual Spirit World Project' failed, Su Changfa's consciousness disappeared into the fragmented virtual spirit world, and his body became a'five-level vegetative', which was judged to be brain dead, which is in the legal sense. True death.

"Professor Mo Xuan and Lu Qingchen did not die by chance, but they also suffered brain damage to varying degrees and were sent to Lei Yuqin for treatment.

"I just found out. It is said that Professor Mo Xuan and Lei Yuqin slowly developed an affair with Lei Yuqin during the treatment process before the so-called ‘marriage’ scandal began.

"When I saw it just now, I didn’t take it to heart. It’s a very common thing for doctors and patients to have feelings in contact for a long time. What's more, your teacher is'liquid metal. , Ordinary ghost cultivation is different. Lei Yuqin is keen to study the character of the brain, thinking, and consciousness, and it will be interesting to your teacher. It is normal.

"But now it seems...this woman is very strange!"

Li Yao squinted his eyes slightly, a cold light came out from the bottom of his eyes, and he was lost in thought: "Um..."

"Your red oil brain flower, sorry, there are many people at noon, so you have been waiting for a long time!"

The waiter immersed a dish in red oil, and brought the garish side dishes to Li Yao.

Long Yangjun looked at Li Yao quietly, his eyes unblinking.

Li Yao: "As a sneaker in the dark, every smallest detail must be considered. The red oil brain flower in this store is the most famous. Many people come here not to eat noodles, just In order to eat a dish of brain flower! Look around, most people have ordered it. Wouldn't it be weird if there are two consecutive customers who have not ordered it?

"Don't look at me, turn your head and eat noodles!

"Right, don't care about these little things. Let's continue. When you say that, my teacher's mistress, Lei Yuqin, is really suspicious.

"However, if it is the'Great Unification Lingwang Control Center', it should be a strategically important place at the national level, and it is even more impossible for my teacher to do anything in it, right?"

Long Yangjun said: "Lei Yuqin has been away from the'Lingwang Control Center' for a long time. It has been decades. She has now opened a hospital."

Li Yao was startled slightly: "The hospital?"


Long Yangjun said, "The Deep Blue Super Brain Hospital, which specializes in treating brain injury, mental illness, and maintaining the vitality of plants, is in Baihua City. It is a private hospital wholly-owned by her. She can do whatever she wants-I just learned to here."

Deep Blue Super Brain Hospital...

Li Yao and Long Yangjun looked at each other, and they almost simultaneously stirred up a highly cohesive spirit wave: "Check! Hurry up and collect their public information! I will check the line of Lei Yuqin, and you will check the'Deep Blue Super Brain Hospital'. This line, see if there are more questions!"


The angle between the two sitting is very secret, just enough to use their backs to block the eyes of the monitoring lens above and the gaze of others, and among the ten white-collar workers who are eating noodles, nine and a half of them are also fast sliding the crystal brain light curtain. People discover how amazing they are both browsing the web.

After a while, the two of them completed the collection and analysis of public information.

Li Yaodao: "Lei Yuqin, 132 years old this year, is a member of the flying star world. His public cultivation base is Jin Danqi. He is a well-known artificial intelligence algorithm expert, psychologist, mental illness expert and meditation teacher in the Federation. He is particularly good at using chip and crystal brain interventional therapy to treat brain diseases such as brain injury and brain atrophy. He has also participated in the refining and upgrading of many ghost repair special crystal brains as an'algorithm expert'.

"When Professor Mo Xuan was carrying out the'Void Spirit World Project', she was a doctor and meditator specially hired by the'Great Unification Lingwang Control Center'. After the'Void Spirit Realm collapsed', she was responsible for Professor Mo Xuan and other related personnel. Treatment work.

"Three years after the collapse of the virtual spirit world, Professor Mo Xuan officially withdrew from the "Civilization" game research and development team, bought out the then "Tombstone Project" and renamed it "Tinder Project". Lei Yuqin was also at this time, from 'Great Unification Lingwang Control Center' resigned and founded'Deep Blue Chao Nao Hospital'!

"With regard to the relationship between Professor Mo Xuan and Lei Yuqin, various lace news and gossip news emerged one after another. It is said that Professor Mo Xuan was still divorced because of her. However, no matter how close the relationship was at the time, there seems to be not much contact in the following decades. , It is possible that Professor Mo Xuan’s marriage affair also involved her, causing her to bear the infamous title of'mistress'. She is also considered a person with a good face, and naturally can’t stand such gossip, so I talked to Professor Mo Xuan. The relationship quickly faded, and they did not interact with each other for decades, each operating their own businesses.

"Because of such an embarrassing past, Professor Mo Xuan's'Fire Seed Project' has assembled many experts from the entire Federation of Souls, Lingnets, Crystal Brains, and Meditation World, but Lei Yuqin is close at hand. ask.

"Many people in the circle know about this and understand Professor Mo Xuan's approach, but now it seems that this is most likely a cover for them-just like Jin Xinyue and Guochunfeng are likely to form a private strategic alliance. Similarly, Professor Mo Xuan and Lei Yuqin, under the surface indifference and alienation, are very likely to be in the same group!"

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