40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1702: A life is worth a life!

An hour later, the three heads who were full of calculations and pregnant with ghosts were sent away, and Jin Xinyue passed through another secret short-distance teleportation array below the secret room to a larger underground secret base three kilometers away.

From a geographical point of view, this place is just below the Yao Miner Memorial Hall in the middle of the small town.

The layout here is also like an underground memorial.

The black relief sculptures around are engraved with countless monster miners with fangs, dancing claws and strange shapes, working desperately in the depths of the dark mine.

There are even scenes of mine tunnels collapsed, spar veins exploding, poisonous water and flames, and the monster miners are struggling desperately to survive.

Directly in front of Jin Xinyue, there was a slowly flowing light curtain. On the light curtain was a densely densely populated tiny print of tiny characters, all of which were the names of the demon miners who had died tragically in mining accidents in the past 100 years.

A white girl stood quietly below the list of victims, like a priest in this "monster temple".

She is really "white", not only the feathers on her body are white and spotless, the exposed skin and the long hair flowing down like a stream are the purest white, even the eyes are translucent, so clear that you can glance at it. See the deepest part of her heart.

Jin Xinyue took three incense sticks from the white girl.

Just now when I was in the secret room with the three heads of Xu and Wei snake, the disguised viciousness and madness all disappeared without a trace.

She was engrossed, solemn, and respectfully worshipped the dead miners three times. She personally inserted the incense into the small incense burner under the light curtain. She didn't forget to burn half of the incense beside her, and the incense that was crooked was also straightened. Even if the hot incense ash fell on his hands, he did not flinch.

After inserting the incense, she straightened her waist and watched the slowly flowing, like a never-ending list of miners killed, suddenly said: "Xue'er, do you think being a teacher is a bit mean?"

"No, Xueer knows that everything Master does is to remove all uncertainties for the Federation in advance, so as not to cause greater internal disturbances when the war is anxious, Master is right, it's just..."

The white girl "Cher" shook her head, paused, and then said, "Will it be too cruel? After all, so many people are involved, and some of them may not have betrayed the Federation and surrendered to the Empire."

"You think so too—is it cruel?"

Jin Xinyue stroked her long hair tiredly. Her true disciple, the white girl "Xue Er", gently walked behind her to help her comb her hair and massage.

"It has been so many years since the big explosion of the Jade Dust Star Fluorite Mine, Xueer, I remember that your parents died in that disaster, right?"

Jin Xinyue squinted her eyes and allowed her disciple’s slender hands to rub her temples, enjoying the rare comfort between intrigue and conspiracy, she continued, "To the outside, even to these mines Master, the big sects behind the mining groups, we all faked the illusion of a'terrorist attack', and pushed all the responsibility to the so-called'Lv Qingchen' and the imaginary'Emperor Linhui', but you naturally Knowing that it was not a man-made terrorist attack at all, it was just an accident.

"But is the accident really just an'accident'? No matter the explosion at the Jade Dust Star mine or the many accidents that have occurred in the mining bases of the major resource planets in the past 100 years, there is really no single'man-made disaster' behind it. 'The shadow is really doomed by God, is it inevitable?

"No, hehe, it's not like that at all!

"Many accidents, if you invest a lot of resources to upgrade facilities, strengthen the education and protection of miners, and specify a relatively reasonable amount of mining, so that people and mining magic weapons can be rested and inspected, all can be avoided!

"But in the Xingyao Federation a hundred years ago, most of the mining groups were controlled by the big sects, the rich and powerful parties that passed down for hundreds of years, these insatiable guys, in order to plunder the excess benefits as much as possible, they desperately pressed The last bit of strength deep in the bones of the Yaozu miners. They only care about expanding the territory of the resource empire, collecting the most resources in the shortest time, but they have never thought about controlling the incidence of accidents and the death rate of miners. problem!

"Anyway, at that time, all those who were mining on the resource planet were demon miners. Those of us who were rebellious, weird, fangs and claws, monsters, and monsters died, and the Federation would be more stable-those who controlled the mining group. Every one of the rich and powerful people thinks so.

"The vocation of the cultivator is to protect ordinary people-even if they really believe this high-sounding sentence, how can it be possible to make these fat-headed guys treat our monster race as'ordinary people'?"

"The Federation at that time was actually like the'Sky Ring Realm' thirty years ago. The Human Race was the'Tiangang Race', and our Monster Race was the'Earth Shaman Race'. On the surface, it was a nation, but it was invisible. Discrimination is everywhere.

"In order to complete my father's'Red Tide Project' and to allow the monster race to truly integrate into the Federation, you and me, it was really hard at that time!

"At that time, my father had accepted the sanctions and became an experimenter of the'Human Hibernation Project.' He was completely frozen, and the hope of thawing and resurrection was very slim.

"And my master, your master also went to explore the extraterrestrial sea, and there was no news for a long time. It hasn't come back for decades or even hundreds of years, or even never come back.

"I lost the protection of my father and master. At that time, I was just a little golden pill that had been transformed from the Demon King, yet I was holding a big'cake' like the entire Blood Demon Realm, facing the persecution and slaughter of those big sects Is there a second option besides bowing your head?

"They asked me to transport a large number of monster races to mine in an undeveloped resource planet with an extremely harsh environment. They made it clear that a lot of people would die, I can bear it.

"They only provide us with the most tattered old mining magic weapon, but they have put forward an outrageous mining quota, and I can bear it.

"There is nothing on the resource planet except crystal mines. Food has to be transported in from the outside world. The miners eat the crudest circulating food, and all fresh food is sold at a sky-high price that is a hundred times higher than that of the locals. It is completely extortion. , I endured it again.

"With such high-intensity work and frantic expansion, accidents will definitely occur, but after the accident, they will push three obstacles on pensions and disability compensation, and deduct them in every possible way, even in order not to affect the reputation of their sects and the financial market. The price above, and countless times to conceal the occurrence of accidents... Me, I once again gritted my teeth, shrank my bones, cold blood, and endured it!

"Because I know that if I can't bear it at this time, I still hold most of the seats in the parliament and the entire press and public opinion. It is absolutely possible to single out more problems in our monsters and greatly delay the full integration of the monsters into the Federation. The process even makes new variables.

"Even if I myself, if I hadn't acted so'docile and well-behaved', I would most likely be killed by them, replaced by a monster leader who is more in line with their wishes, a better manipulative puppet.

"Hmph, they thought I didn't know their assassination plans and the list of puppets selected from the monster race? I knew it all!

"However, the man is a sword, and I am a fish. Father and master are not there. What else can be done except to endure silently?"

Perceiving Master's remoteness and sorrow, Xue'er increased her strength a little, and said earnestly: "We all know that the Yaozu family is not good enough. Master's past hundred years have really been... hard work."

Jin Xinyue smiled and continued: "I can bear it, but I will never forget it! I spent a whole hundred years of patience in exchange for the "Comprehensive Equal Rights Act", and in exchange for the Yaozu's equality today. The status has been exchanged for the deep penetration of the parliament, the press, the media and all sectors of society, the Ministry of Development, the Dark Moon Foundation, and the Great White Fleet, and most importantly, the trust of these giants. , Making them think that I am really a puppet, at best an ambitious and power-greedy puppet!

"So, hehe, it's time to settle the ledger!

"No one can bully me, Jin Xinyue's people like this, without paying the slightest price! The Emperor Lin Hui does not exist, and Lu Qingchen does not have to be responsible for so many mine disasters. The real responsibility is the **** mining group. , Resource giants, and the giants behind them that have dominated the Federation for hundreds of years!

"This time I carefully selected and involved the entire plan. The 17 major sects that I focused on were all the same as those that shouldn't have happened in the past 100 years, and they were not handled properly after they happened, bringing countless tragedies to our monster race. The mine accidents in China are inextricably linked. They are wronged, and they are in debt. I will not implicate innocent people at will.

"Those big sects with fat brains, they should have thought of today when they sucked the blood of our monster race vigorously in the past hundred years.

"I'm not very demanding. These giants have given me their lives. How many people have died in these'should not happen' mine disasters in the past 100 years, and how many people have died for me today-it's fair. right?"


Xue Er said boldly, "But it's not fair like a ‘cultivator’."

"I'm not a cultivator in the first place. The whole world knows that I am a demon, the demon that deceives and deceives the world the most."

Jin Xinyue smiled faintly, "What's more, I didn't do it purely for revenge. What you said just now makes sense. Compared with ordinary people and low-level cultivators, these rich and tangled, persistent, and increasingly decadent giants. Dazu is the most unreliable uncertainty factor.

"Ordinary people and low-level cultivators can only rely on the country of the Star Federation. The country is everything to them. Even if they want to "lead the way" to the empire, they are not qualified.

"However, for a large family that has been handed down for hundreds of years, the'country' is not important at all. The family and family are everything.

"In order to protect themselves and survive, they have the ability and the motivation to sell the'Star Federation' in exchange for greater benefits!"

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