40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1696: Queen of Darkness!

Li Yao was still expressionless, his face seemed to be locked tightly by the Qianjin gate, without revealing the slightest fluctuations in his heart, and calmly said: "Even if the Li Yao Group really exists, it is not a feudal dynasty. There is no need for his wife and Only disciples can be leaders--my Dao Xin, the structure is not so small.

"Slightly outlying members can also steer this interest group--for example, now the chief of staff of the Liaoyuan Fleet, Bai Kaixin, has been in the position of director of the Federal Intelligence Agency for a hundred years with the support of the Li Yao Group. And after all those old giants have been wiped out, it is very likely that they will rise to become the'first major faction of the Federation', the Shuangjiao President, my senior, the demon sword Peng Hai.

"Are these people's strategies, scheming, and calculations worse than Jin Xinyue? I think each of them is suitable to be the spokesperson of this huge group. I have no reason to object."

Long Yangjun smiled slightly, and said calmly, "Although I think that Bai Xinyue, Guochunfeng, and the demon knife Peng Haizhi and others are indeed slightly inferior to Jin Xinyue, but this is not the point. See who can become'Li Yao The key to being the leader of the group is to get the support of insiders.

"Actually, I think, your modern cultivation civilization, sectarian competition and the same party fight against differences, are no different from the court struggle in our ancient cultivation world or even the chaotic war of gangs in the martial arts world.

"In a martial arts gang, how can I get ahead? Dare to fight, make great contributions to the community, and make extremely heavy sacrifices. This is of course one aspect.

"But contributions and sacrifices may not be transformed into strength. It is more likely that they sacrificed heavily for the organization. They were caught in jail for ten or eight years. After they came out, they were all different. Not only did their old forces disappear, but they paid for themselves. All the new benefits gained through sacrifice have been divided up.

"Sacrifice and contribution are important, but more importantly, the appreciation and support of the big guys!

"The sinister situation Jin Xinyue is facing is just like this. She is involved in the scandal and wants to drag the old giants into the abyss. If they are completely crushed, they will inevitably have to'kill a thousand enemies and harm yourself eight hundred', even if If you don't go to jail, you will disappear for a period of time, and your vitality will be greatly injured.

"At this time, if the leader of the Li Yao Group supports Bai Kaixin, Guochunfeng, or Demon Sword Peng Hai... any one of the three people is very likely to pick Jin Xinyue's'fruits of victory' and become the Li Yao Group. If Jin Xinyue comes out of the mountain again in the future, everything will settle down, and there will be nothing wrong with her at all.

"So, before Jin Xinyue does the whole thing, she must first get the support of the boss.

"The question is, who is the real boss in the Li Yao Group? Of course you are the number one boss, but your whereabouts are secretive. She is not sure when you will come back, and she has no confidence that she will be able to eat you. .

"Except for you, the second pick is about to count Ding Jing!

"As your wife, Ding Lingdang originally owns the legitimate rights and interests of many of the shares you left behind, and is a major shareholder of the Yaoshi Group, the Shuangjiao Club, and even the Skyfire Organization.

"Moreover, Ding Lingdang himself discovered two great worlds one after another within a hundred years, made great military exploits, and created incredible legends, with prestige and fame even surpassing you!

"Not to mention, the Patriot Front, which has been developing for a century and has been deeply involved in the new world for many years, not only has a high degree of support in the four new territories, but also is a force that cannot be underestimated in the Parliament.

"Therefore, Ding Lingdang is currently the biggest boss of the Li Yao Group. If she fully supports whoever she fully supports, whoever is most likely to become the helm of the Li Yao Group!


"Ding Lingdang doesn't like Jin Xinyue, not at all, right?"

Li Yao didn't speak, but a wry smile at the corner of his mouth revealed the answer.

Long Yangjun’s smile became more and more intense, his eyes bent into two hooks: “Understand, absolutely understand, how can a teacher’s wife like her husband’s young, beautiful, beautiful, and charming girl What about the apprentice?

"In this case, things will be trickier for Jin Xinyue.

"Ding Lingdang was extremely disgusted and wary of her, and made it clear that she would not support her. Even though she has a thousand plans and tactics, she can make the Li Yao Group completely rise, and it is also a way of fetching a basket of water and making a wedding dress for others—— How could this ambitious demon be so willing to make a hundred-year plan for nothing?

"Jin Xinyue is a very smart woman. In any case, she will not completely tear her face with her Madam, because she knows that you will come back one day sooner or later. She neither dares nor has any need to be an enemy of you.

"Just kidding, what kind of person are you Old Demon Li? We Old Sage Twelve powerhouses together must be afraid of a three-point super character, how can she be so stupid to betray you with such a smart woman?

"Since I can't betray, and want to find a way to eat Ding Lingdang, she played the most ingenious trick in the whole game! Yes, when I repeatedly scrutinized her entire layout, it was this trick that surprised me the most. !

"Hey, Old Mo Li, do you think Jin Xinyue will ventilate with your wife in advance when planning the whole game? Is it possible for the two of them to "sing double reeds"?"

Li Yao said: "No."

Long Yangjun nodded very confidently: "I think so too. Ding Lingdang and you are completely two extreme existences. She is not the kind of person who can act and endure, not to mention such a careful layout, the less people know. The better, Jin Xinyue was completely unnecessary, Ding Lingdang knew the whole thing.

"Therefore, we can even infer that Ding Lingdang still doesn't know the truth at this moment, but really treats Jin Xinyue as a... a woman who is cruel, hard-hearted, ignorant, frenzied, and completely breaking through the bottom line is'Lu Zui Second, the federal sinner, right?"

Li Yao nodded: "I think so too."

Long Yangjun smiled: "If I were Jin Xinyue, I would even think of a way to take the initiative to see Ding Lingdang, deliberately pretending to be arrogant, heinous, and disregarding the friendship between mentors and apprentices, to tease each other and thoroughly arouse Ding. The anger of the bells!

"Hehe, with Ding Lingdang's character, even if he doesn't tease, after knowing the things that Jin Xinyue has done on the bright side, it is scary enough, let alone deliberately aroused?

"The result is what we are seeing now. Ding Lingdang really regarded Jin Xinyue as a heinous bad woman, and tried his best to investigate her, deal with her, and completely crucify her!

"Then, in the near future, when the old giants are wiped out and the Li Yao Group completely dominates the Federation, Jin Xinyue will definitely use some very clever way to let Ding Lingdang know the truth.

"The little demon girl will let her master know that, in fact, she has always endured the humiliation, silently endured, resisted countless insults, misunderstandings and grievances, gritted her teeth and sacrificed, not for herself and the demon clan, but for the master and the master, and for the Li Yao Group. Able to rise!

"In other words, Ding Lingdang, who is a teacher, really wronged the little demon girl, and the little demon girl was forced to swallow this bitter fruit in silence because of the situation, and she tried her best to hold back the tears of grievance, and continue to be the master. Dedicating and sacrificing for the mentor and the Li Yao Group, even if the power, reputation and status that he most valued are all collapsed, I will not hesitate!

"Tsk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk. Once Ding Lingdang knows this kind of'truth' what it will be like, what a shock!"

Long Yangjun shook his head and shook his head and clapped uncontrollably, "Awesome, really amazing, Jin Xinyue, the demon girl, has figured out the heart of people like this, and has firmly grasped every change in the heart of the teacher! Of course, your wife's heart is It’s a little bigger, but it’s so exquisite to be able to calculate it to this level!"

Li Yao curled his lips and said, "No matter how powerful Jin Xinyue is, you are not as good as you. Just relying on the surging wind and thunder on the surface, and more than a hundred speeches of the two people, I can figure out so many things."

Long Yangjun smiled slightly and said: "No matter how good I am, Old Mo Li is not as good as you, because looking at your expression at the moment, you will be aware of Jin Xinyue's methods tomorrow morning, right? Why, there are only two of us here, so you Don't even bother to pretend to be'shocked, stunned'?"

Li Yao said: "Ding Lingdang and Jin Xinyue are the closest people to me. Many of Jin Xinyue's tricks and acting skills were taught by me. What's weird when I can see through her methods? Huh, she actually did it. When I go back, I will naturally punish her for such a rebellious, unruly, and acting teacher's thing!"

"Punishment, of course, must be severely punished-three glasses of fine wine, right?"

Long Yangjun smiled and said, "Jin Xinyue's play is not a conspiracy, at least within your Li Yao Group and in front of your Old Mo Li, she is completely righteous and can definitely stand her ground.

"Tsk tusk tusk tusk, I admire Jin Xinyue more and more, she knows that her disgust and vigilance towards herself is extremely difficult to resolve-this is not only the private contradiction between the two women, but also the deep-rooted guard of the human race against the monster race. There is even a taste of checks and balances within the Li Yao Group.

"Under normal circumstances, Shi Niang, a'big man', will never support me. No matter how well-behaved and filial I behave, I will only raise Shi Niang's vigilance.

"If this is the case, it's better to do the opposite, deliberately set up a game, let the teacher deeply misunderstand herself, wronged herself and even hit herself severely, until the deal was done, and she was really beaten by the teacher to be full of holes, skinless, blood It was dripping, and the truth was revealed suddenly. It turned out that I was a good person, who was wholeheartedly loyal to Master and Madam, and sacrificed silently for everyone in the Li Yao Group!

"Your wife is a straightforward person and a clear-cut person. This kind of person's emotions are often extremely strong. Both love and hate are extremely extreme. They can neither stand the kindness owed to others, nor will they tolerate the wrongdoing of good people.

"So, after discovering the truth, Ding Lingdang, who is'heartbroken and regretful', will do her best to compensate Jin Xinyue, this'loyal little apprentice', even under some weird guilt, from an extreme Go to the other extreme, from being extremely disgusted and wary of Jin Xinyue to extremely trusting and supporting her!

"Hehe, this is what Jin Xinyue wants.

"Ding Lingdang is the No. 2 boss of the Li Yao Group, and Jin Xinyue herself, who has most of the monsters as the backing, is regarded as the No. 3 boss of the Li Yao Group. The two big brothers work together, and the two swords are combined. Who can compete with Jin Xinyue? Coupled with the sacrifices she made today, even people like Bai Xinyue and Demon Sword Peng Hai have received her favor. Are they embarrassed to come out to compete with her? In the next hundred years, she The position of this'Leader of the Li Yao Group' is as firm as a mountain, unshakable.

"This is Jin Xinyue's overall plan. What she gave up was a vain and useless post of'Federation Speaker', and the core of the old world giants who were not her true source of strength. But what she got was the whole of Li. Yao Group, the entire Star Federation!

"From the beginning to the end, she never thought of being an ordinary'Senior Speaker of the Star Federation'. The old and new federations have a history of six to seven hundred years. There are no one hundred and eighty speakers of this kind. Her deepest ideal is to be like her father Jin Tuyi, who has planned a hundred years of "Red Tide Project" and still has a profound influence on the entire federation, to become able to control the changes of the Xingyao Federation in the next hundred years, and truly lead the new federation to rise in Xinghai. In between, the one and only... the Queen of Darkness!"

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