40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1642: Rebirth Plan

Cui Lingfeng was silent, his lips were as strong as the gate of a starship directly facing the vacuum of the universe.

Tang Dingyuan glanced at Li Yao, his eyes more severe, and his anger slowly accumulated: "First, the'Red Lotus Project', now there is another'Rebirth Plan'. I don't know how many things are still on this ship. ?"

"a lot of."

Cui Lingfeng said quietly, "You are the captain of the Firefly, the captain must be fearless, go forward bravely, and ride the wind and waves! The ignorant can be fearless, you don't need to know everything."

"I want to know."

Tang Dingyuan stared at Cui Lingfeng's eyes, and said every word, calmly but firmly, "If you don't say it, let Ding Zhengyang say it."

Cui Lingfeng’s lips-the gate that sealed countless secrets-trembled slightly for a long time, and finally said: "In the past thousand years, we have encountered countless difficult and dangerous situations, and we have formulated emergency plans for all situations. The'Rebirth Plan' is an emergency plan formulated for the most serious, most dangerous, and deadly'super crisis' situation."

Tang Dingyuan was startled slightly: "I have never heard of a'superior crisis situation'. The'first-level crisis situation' is already at the highest level."

Cui Lingfeng smiled: "No, the first class is not the highest, the special class is. The so-called'extra crisis' means that the resources on board for survival and escape are insufficient to one-fifth of the standard. The circulation system and man-made greenhouse are both seriously affected. Destruction, the follow-up resources will not be able to rise to one-half of the standard within 50 years, and will even continue to decrease, leading to the collapse of our civilization in 50 years and complete extinction in 100 years. Oh, this is still The ideal state, in fact, due to human survival instinct and all kinds of crazy behaviors before death, once everyone knows that we will perish in fifty to one hundred years, it won’t take that long at all, five years at most, The social order will completely collapse, and within ten years, the faint fireflies of civilization on this ship will be completely extinguished.

Once the speaker is aware of this situation, he has the power and must initiate the ‘rebirth plan’ to quickly, efficiently and steadily reduce the population on board until a balance is reached between the sustainable recovery of population and resources.

Tang Dingyuan's voice began to tremble: "Why, how to'reduce the population'?"

Cui Lingfeng said, "Do you know the meteor shower that the Firefly suffered 728 years ago? The meteor shower itself is not serious. It only penetrated the outer shell of our outer starship, but the meteor ice carried it. The weird virus caused a major plague inside the Firefly, which reduced our population by 20%."

"Of course, that was almost the hardest and darkest period of the Firefly."

Tang Dingyuan wondered, "But wasn't that plague completely extinguished by us?"

"Yes, the plague has been extinguished, but the virus has not been completely destroyed."

Cui Lingfeng smiled weirdly, "This is really a perfect virus. It has a lot of mutations. It spreads through the air and spreads quickly. The symptoms are not obvious. The incubation period is uncertain. Once it strikes, it is extremely deadly. It will automatically search for the strongest. The host of the psychic is preferentially infected. In the host with the stronger psychic energy, the faster it mutates and corrodes. This can offset the host’s efforts to use psychic self-healing. In other words, this is a virus that treats everyone equally, regardless of Neither ordinary people nor cultivators can escape its clutches, and the death rate is almost the same.

Our virologists have conducted in-depth research on it in the laboratory. At first, the idea was to refine a virus weapon to fight the empire, but later discovered that it has an Achilles’ heel and can be easily used by a synthetic drug. The materials used to synthesize this drug are produced in various worlds, and the synthesis method is not too complicated.

In other words, even if a virus weapon is really refined, it is difficult to cause a serious blow to the empire. At most, they will wreak havoc on one or two of their starships for a while, and it does not have much military significance.

But this kind of special medicine... is difficult to refine in large quantities on our ship.

As a result, hundreds of years ago, experts began to refine virus weapons for a new purpose, and the final results were very satisfactory. It spreads quickly, has hidden symptoms, and is highly lethal. It targets both cultivators and ordinary people. Once passed The air circulation system diffuses inside the sealed starship, which can reduce a large number of people silently and instantly. The most important thing is that it has a characteristic we call the'half-life'. After a few generations, it will automatically annihilate. Will not continue to spread.

And this half-life is controllable and can be long or short.

In other words, this is a kind of'precision strike' virus weapon. As long as the half-life is controlled and the total population available for infection is known, it can be calculated in advance how many people it can kill. After the number of deaths reaches the target, it will also It will be exhausted and annihilated, leaving no sequelae.

This virus is named the ‘Rebirth Virus’ and it is the key to the rebirth plan, and may bring...rebirth to the near-destroyed Firefly. "

Tang Dingyuan couldn't believe his ears at all, and looked at Cui Lingfeng dumbfounded for a long time: "You, you have secretly developed a virus weapon, but it is not used to deal with enemies, but to kill your own people, your own. Compatriots, those who you pledge to protect! What is the difference between you and the cultivator by doing this?"


Cui Lingfeng said calmly, "Suppose you are a cultivator and are responsible for implementing the'rebirth plan'. Think about it, what will you do? Of course, it is to put ordinary people, the lowly'primitives' in the cabin, and the cultivators as well. It is to isolate the cabin where the "real person" lives, and only drop the virus in the cabin of the original person; or let all the cultivators take special medicine in advance; even in the refining stage of the virus weapon, try to weaken it. The aggressiveness towards the awakened spiritual roots is to infect only ordinary people and not the immortal cultivators, right?

After all, in the eyes of the cultivator, ordinary people are garbage population, which is a useless burden. Since resources are insufficient, reducing the number of garbage population is justified.

But we did not implement it in this way. I can decipher all the implementation plans of the "Rebirth Plan" to you. We have no intention of isolating everyone or letting anyone take special medicines in advance. Even, for insurance, our ancestors All the special medicines and materials that can be used to extract medicines have been destroyed long ago.

Once I decide to launch the virus, the virus will instantly spread across the entire Firefly, killing its fancy prey randomly. No one can be spared. It is possible for the cultivator or ordinary people, even myself included. Be infected and eventually die.

Do you understand? The ancestors who made this decision did not regard themselves as the "superman" who could decide the life and death of "mortals". Whether they are cultivators or ordinary people, everyone is the same. Heeding the verdict of fate, many people will die. But more people will carry their burdens and move on, moving on in the... dark universe.

It’s okay to say that the ancestors who formulated the ‘rebirth plan’ are deceiving themselves and others, but I think this is probably them...the biggest difference between us and immortal cultivators. "

Tang Dingyuan’s heartbeat and breathing became extremely difficult. The upper and lower rows of teeth bite so hard that he felt that even if a starship was placed in his mouth, he would be crunched by him: "No matter how you argue, I still Unacceptable, absolutely not!"

"Then, Dingyuan, what should you do?"

Cui Lingfeng sighed, "Suppose now, as the captain, you know very well that the resources on board are only enough for a hundred people to barely survive, but we have two hundred people, two hundred mouths waiting to be fed, and never being filled. Belly, what would you do?"

Tang Dingyuan fell into deep thought, speechless, and his voice was much lower: "Cultivators, cultivators shouldn't be like this, so..."

"If you think the cultivator shouldn't be so dark."

Cui Lingfeng said indifferently, "It's just because someone was blocking you. I helped you do these dark, dirty, and cruel things first, my captain."

Inside the cell, Ding Zhengyang let out a "quack" laugh like a crow: "Captain, you know the truth of the'Rebirth Plan', right? Your Dao heart is fine! Tell me, you will draw up this kind of Is the guy who planned to be a real cultivator? No, I am not the first cultivator on the Firefly. There have been cultivators on this ship, and it has been occupied by cultivators long ago!"

Cui Lingfeng said coldly: "Ding Zhengyang, we did not implement the'Rebirth Plan' until the end, and the Firefly survived."

"Yes, I survived it, but it's just because you were lucky enough that you didn't encounter a'super crisis'!"

Ding Zhengyang laughed and said, "But luck will not always be so good. If you don’t encounter the Imperial Claw Fleet or the Star Federation, the Firefly will continue to drift towards the depths of the Star Sea, towards the unknown, inaccessible places. Starships are slowly aging, and within a few hundred years, a'super crisis' will definitely happen!

Don't dispute this with me, I am the first officer, I know every thread of every screw on this boat!

In other words, within a few hundred years, even if the empire did not capture the Firefly, the Firefly itself would be swallowed by darkness and become a small ‘Civilization of the Cultivator’!

Understand, one day, we will all become immortal cultivators, I just... take one step first!

This is Lu Qingchen’s theory. The cultivator is just a “special variant form” in a stable environment with sufficient resources. However, in the dark universe, resource scarcity and drastic changes in the environment are the norm, so the cultivator is just a “superman”. Performance form! "

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