40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1595: Really amazing!

The words of a young girl surnamed Tang can be said to have caused a thousand waves of waves with one stone, and the best repairers and modifiers in the Dragon and Snake Star Region jumped up.

"It's impossible. Who can adjust the technique so brilliantly that there are no traces left, none of us have noticed?"

"Furthermore, what Teacher Tang said is too exaggerated, squeezing out a 7% potential that even the original designer Wuma Xuan hadn't noticed. This, this is too—"

"This kind of adjustment technology can't exist in the world, right? Zhao Tongtian is a strong pill formation at any rate. Among thousands of cultivators, they are all one of a hundred. The pyramid tip exists, and even he can't control the crystal armor. , Who is it for?"

"The point is, apart from the original Sha Yongming, Mr. Chu and Teacher Tang, there is no fourth person who has adjusted this crystal armor at all!"

Nie Siyuan, the head of the maintenance department, stood up and said in a deep voice: "Yes, Fellow Tang, please watch the video on the actual test field in the past six hours. At that time, you helped Zhao Tongtian adjust the crystal armor next to the field. I won the treasure, I don’t want to take it off, I’ve been cultivating until there is a problem with the crystal armor-if a fourth person really touched this crystal armor, when should it be?”

Swish Swish!

Every picture on the magic weapon test field was enlarged, especially the picture in which a girl surnamed Tang completed the adjustment and returned the crystal armor to Zhao Tongtian.

It can be clearly seen that apart from the ecstatic Zhao Tongtian, the dumbfounded staff, and the silent onlookers who are almost going to worship the girl surnamed Tang, there is no fourth person at all, close to the "Deep Blue Thunder" ", let alone touch it!

The girl surnamed Tang zoomed in on the screen and slowed it down three times. Observing it carefully every second, she did not see anything unusual.

She stared at her hands in a daze, recalling the subtle and deep feedback she had just felt from the "Dark Blue Thunder", and shook her head slightly.

Could it be that my feeling is wrong?

It's impossible!

The girl surnamed Tang pondered for a moment, and slowly said, "Old Chu, Director Nie, come and take a look. The main reason is the output sensitivity of the crystal element reactor."


Chu Chongjiu and Nie Siyuan were shocked, "This crystal armor's crystal element reaction furnace tripod has been changed by someone?"

A crystal armor, the most important, most precise, and strongest magic weapon unit has two parts, namely the crystal brain responsible for control and the crystal element reactor cauldron responsible for power output.

That is equivalent to a person's brain and heart.

According to unwritten regulations in the crystal armor repair and refining circles, both the crystal brain and the crystal element reactor tripod will be refined into a fully enclosed "black box" form.

Such a brand-new crystal armor that has just been refined, and it is such a high-end item, if it is not sent back to the original factory for repair, it is generally not opened to adjust the crystal brain and reactor.

Because these two magic weapon units are too important and too sophisticated, if you don’t have a deep understanding of the original designer’s refining ideas and concepts, and have a refining technique comparable to the original designer, you will lose your hand or even disassemble it if you don’t pay attention. It can't be installed after opening, or it can't be adjusted to the original performance after installation.

This "Dark Blue Thunder" was sent here because the shoulder pads and armbands were not working well and the routine maintenance was required. Naturally, it would not disassemble its crystal brain and crystal element reactor tripod.

Even Chu Chongjiu and the young girl surnamed Tang adhere to the rules of the refiner, only adjusting the surface components, and not reaching the level of the crystal brain and the crystal element reactor.

But now, the girl surnamed Tang said, this crystal armor's crystal element reaction furnace tripod has been manipulated?

Both Chu Chongjiu and Nie Siyuan looked like they had seen a ghost.

Even if they really saw a ghost, they would not be so horrified-these days, there are so many ghosts all over the street, and the entire planet of the Netherworld is full of ghosts. What is rare?

However, to be able to silently adjust the crystal element reactor pot of "dark blue thunder" under the gaze of so many refiners without knowing what method is used, this is really not the word "terrible". It can be described!

Chu Chongjiu and Nie Siyuan both reached into the cavity of "Dark Blue Thunder", one left and one right, and they pressed against the psychic output circuit of the Crystal Element Reaction Furnace.

When the cultivation base reaches their realm, the hands are the best detection equipment, and the perception and feedback of psychic energy are released through the hands, just like a bat emitting sound waves to identify obstacles, with extremely high acuity.

"Increase the power output of the Epistar Reactor of'Dark Blue Thunder'."

Nie Siyuan said with a gloomy face to his disciple Sha Yongming.

"Buzzing buzzing..."

"Dark Blue Thunder" trembled slightly, and the Jingyuan Reaction Furnace immediately made a very slight noise.

With the different stages of power output, the two masters from different worlds, but the same respected and experienced craftsman, their eyes grew wider and bigger, and the eyebrows and beards seemed to be shaking off their faces.

"Unexpectedly, unexpectedly really—"

There was no blood on the faces of the two masters.

"Did you both perceive it?"

The voice of the girl surnamed Tang was also incomprehensibly surprised, "Dark Blue Thunder’s crystal element reaction furnace has been adjusted, and the ultimate speed and acuity of psionic output have been greatly increased, and it has even become...too allergic. , The nerve reaction speed is several times faster than that of Zhao Tongtian, a pill-forming monk! Before he has given birth to a thought, the crystal armor automatically reacts! No wonder he feels that the thorn is on his back!"

"This is true for Monk Pill Formation, but if it is a Nascent Soul Monk who has a faster neural reaction and thought generation speed, it may be very suitable-it's just maybe!"


Chu Zhongjiu's throat made a "cuckling" sound, his face looked like a zombie, "Who, when, how did it do it?"

"I don't know, I really don't know."

The girl surnamed Tang looked at the dark cavity of Deep Blue Thunder, as if she was looking at a black hole, and muttered, "Perhaps it is a space imperial thing, she uses pure psychic energy to sneak into the Deep Blue Thunder, and reacts to the supernatural inside the Crystal Element Reaction Furnace. Wei Linglu has adjusted, recalculated and set its psionic circuit layout?"

"Kaikong Yuwu?"

Chu Chongjiu and Nie Siyuan glanced at each other, and shook their heads subconsciously, "This is impossible. Although the Imperial Guardian is the basic supernatural power of high-level monks, it is usually used to control flying swords and bullets. Everyone knows that they are controlled. The smaller the object, the shorter the distance to move, and the finer the whole operation, the difficulty will increase geometrically!"

"There are hundreds of control chips and more than 10,000 ultra-miniature magic weapon components in the square inch of the crystal element reaction furnace. If you want to use the air defense technique, these crystal threads may be thinner than the hair. Chips smaller than rice grains, re-layout, and adjustment of mustard technology? That's an exaggeration!"

"Also, the Epistar Reaction Furnace is a protected'black box unit'. In order to resist the strong impact and psychic interference on the battlefield, it is often engraved with five to seven layers of protection and buffer arrays. It can be described as a'copper wall and iron wall, as solid as gold. '! How can this divine mind, which is used to keep away objects in the air, bypass so many layers of defense and sneak into it?"

"The most important thing is, assuming there is such a'super adjuster', when and how did he do all this? After all, this crystal armor has never left us and Zhao Tongtian from start to finish. Your hand!"

Chu Chongjiu’s questions made the girl surnamed Tang become more and more confused. The eyes of every onlooker in the surveillance screen were filled with trance and awe. He shook his head and said, "I don’t know. Naturally, this person cannot be in Zhao. When Tongtian controlled the crystal armor, after all, the light film shield on the surface of the crystal armor had already operated automatically at that time. Maybe it was when I and Uncle Chu started to do it. Delayed onset... dark energy."

"Tang... Teacher!"

Chu Zhongjiu couldn't help saying, "You mean, just when we opened the armor and repair panels of the crystal armor, and poured our psychic energy into it, we were all by our side when we focused on the adjustment. There is also a adjuster who is several times brighter than us. Unconsciously, he sends a dark energy into the crystal armor, which not only escaped the detection of the two of us, but also bypassed the crystal element reactor. The defensive talisman array itself penetrated into the furnace ding, carried out the fine operation of the mustard series, and used some...unbelievable magical powers to delay the result of the sharp increase in sensitivity, and waited half a day after we left to explode? "

The girl surnamed Tang was speechless: "This..."

She also felt that she was exaggerating, how could there be such a thing in the world!

"All right."

Nie Siyuan stared deeply at "Dark Blue Thunder", as if looking at a monster who had emerged from the deep blue hell, and suddenly said, "Thank you for your help. Now that the cause of the'fault' has been found out, this is the end of the matter. So far, this kind of failure cannot be repaired in a small place like ours. I will recommend the owner of this crystal armor to send it back to the original factory and ask the original designer and refiner to repair it."

"Director Nie?"

Liu, a girl surnamed Tang, raised her eyebrows and looked at Nie Siyuan inwardly, "That's it? We still don't know who made the move!"

Nie Siyuan took a deep breath, and the corners of his eyes trembled slightly because of fear, and said with difficulty: "No matter who it is, when and in what way, and what purpose he has, I don't want to know at all. And I advise both of you not to look for answers."

"There are many secrets in this world, but there are some secrets that you would rather never know after knowing the answer; there are many people who would rather never meet him after you have seen his true face!"

"I was too reckless to get involved in this matter. I am really embarrassed! Now, can you two understand what I mean?"

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