40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1537: Who is the praying mantis and who is the oriole?

Meng Chixin and Wu Suiyun slapped their hands on Li Yao's shoulders with cold, cold, frosty, bone-like palms.

Li Yao couldn't help yelling!

Meng Chi said solemnly: "We have just learned that Lingjiu Daoist is now the leading sword-making master in the ancient sacred world. He had a subtle confrontation with Jian Chiyan Liren about sword-making at the Longquan Conference, and then he personally He presided over a Fa conference, and said that the sky was falling out of the sky, showing an incomparably powerful skill in sword-making and refining!"

"In the following half a year, you moved between many sects again, helping the cultivators of various factions to forge swords and refining weapons and transform magic weapons, such as swords, spears, swords, halberds, axes, hooks and forks, and eighteen magic weapons. The magic weapon that has been modified after you have repaired it has more than doubled its power, it is simply turning the decay into a miracle!"

"Also, we heard that Daoist Lingjiu once received the inheritance of the Great Zhou Swordsman'Yan Zhu', and there is a nickname of'Great Zhou Jianzong' in the outside world?"

"This Great Zhou Dynasty is the second dynasty following the ancient Yunqin era. The ancient Yunqin started with the'Twelve Cloud Qin Jinren'. By the time these twelve giant soldiers arrived in the Great Zhou Dynasty, they should not have been completely destroyed. , At least more than half have been saved!"

"This'Yan Zhu', since he is the premier swordsmith of the Great Zhou Dynasty, has he ever contacted some Yunqin Jinren? In the notes and inheritance he left, are there any questions about how to debug, reform, repair and repair? Maintain the secret methods of Yunqin Jinren? Fellow Daoist Lingjiu, have you learned these secret methods?"

"Friends of Daoist Lingjiu, we all know that these secret methods are definitely your capital under the box, and you don't want to show them easily. However, it is the moment of life and death in the ancient sacred world. Everyone should open our minds and cooperate sincerely! I and Wu Suiyun They are all ready to make all of their inheritance public, and there is no need to hide them privately anymore!"

Li Yao's heart was beating, and his brain was so excited that it was about to burst!

Even if he originally had some idea of ​​revealing his identity, he was completely dismissed at this moment!

Meng Chixin and Wu Suiyun meant to make him the "technical director" of the twelve peerless powerhouses, and he was fully responsible for all the technical issues of all giant soldiers and even other magic weapons!

What an important post this is!

Yes, thinking about it, besides him, the leading "Great Zhou Jianzong" in the Ancient Sage Realm, who else can be this great task?

In this way, wouldn't it be that the fate of the remaining eleven peerless powerhouses were all handed over to him?

Li Yao is the foremost giant expert in the Xingyao Federation! Not to mention what backdoors and restrictions have been deliberately set up inside the giant soldiers, it is said that after he has thoroughly mastered the performance parameters and tactical characteristics of many giant soldiers, he can control these giant soldiers without using any hands or feet. Strengths and weaknesses, the initiative is completely in his hands!


The Scarlet Heart Demon screamed from deep in his brain, "Meng Chixin and Wu Suiyun are by no means fools. Don't be dazzled by ecstasy. Maybe they are still testing you, just waiting for you to be ecstatic. Expose flaws, or have seen your identity a long time ago, but it is **** and indulgence, first use you for a period of time to debug and maintain the giant soldiers, by the way, secretly learn your skills, just like they used the black night orchid to learn secretly. It’s the same as the trick to controlling giant soldiers!"

Li Yao's heart shuddered.

The Scarlet Heart Demon was right. The two Great Transformation Gods believed him so easily and handed over such an important task to him, it was really a bit hasty!

Although the situation is urgent now and I can't tolerate it slowly, I should still maintain a three-point vigilance in my heart. I must not underestimate the wisdom and strategy of these ancients, otherwise my fate will only be worse than Heiyelan!

Li Yao hesitated for a moment, and said in a deep voice: "Yes, the younger generation did get some words about repairing the Yunqin Jinren from the inheritance of the swordsmith Yan Zhu from the Great Zhou Dynasty, but those mottled things are not in a system, and the younger generation has learned from The juniors are not half sure whether they can complete such a difficult task without personally practicing it!"

Meng Chixin and Wu Suiyun looked at each other, and they all put on a sigh of relief, and laughed: "It's good if you are willing to carry the heavy load. For the giant soldiers and the outer universe, we are not all blind and stumbled. Do you want to explore? At least, as the first swordsmith of the ancient sage and the sword sect of the Great Zhou, you are more confident than us, that's enough!"

"Trusted by the two seniors!"

Li Yao excitedly said, "The juniors must do their best!"

"Very well, in addition to the maintenance and maintenance of the giant soldiers, there are two other vital tasks, both of which are indispensable for you!"

Meng Chi said, "The first is to reinforce the restriction between the Nuwa battleship and the Pangu underground palace."

"According to previous calculations by Wu Suiyun and I, this prohibition may not be able to sustain another ten years under the repeated impact of the underground monsters. Right now we are facing a life and death decision, but we have no time to pay attention to it for a while. Maybe we have to wait. Only after we have obtained more powerful magical powers and magic weapons from the true human empire or other forces in Xinghai, can we come back to completely solve the problem of Pangu underground palace!"

"Before that, perhaps we should gather the strength of the twelve of us, and jointly set a foolproof prohibition to strengthen the gate!"

"Of the twelve of us, many of them are masters of restraint, but whether there are any other shackles attached to the gate, it depends on the daoist Lingjiu! I heard that you are refining shackles. , Is also an outstanding master?"

This task is reasonable and reasonable. Li Yao has no reason to refuse. He nodded immediately and said readily: "This matter, the juniors will naturally go all out and think carefully to ensure that the gate of Pangu Underground Palace is foolproof and will never be broken by monsters!"

"it is good!"

Meng Chixin smiled slightly, "Friends of Taoist Lingjiu are really refreshing, we really didn't misunderstand the wrong person! The next third task will test your character and wisdom even more. Perhaps in some cases, we need you to take care of the truth. The female warrior of the human empire, Heyelan!"


Li Yao was startled slightly, "What do you mean?"

Meng Chixin explained: "Although this woman is just a pure warrior, her father is the commander of the Black Wind Fleet after all. She should be regarded as the'noble' status in the Black Wind Fleet. Looking at her, we seem to have dabbled in it. Some magical powers related to magic weapon repair and starship control, these magical powers are of great use to us."

"In the future plan, we will most likely need the help of this woman to disassemble and crack the Nuwa battleship, undertake part of the maintenance work of the Titans, and even repair her bloodblade-class assault ship of the real human empire.' "Huangya" has our own star-sea navigation power to get rid of the identity of the "Frog at the Bottom of the Well"!"

Li Yao nodded repeatedly.

The two great transformation gods really had a foresight, so soon they got their ideas on the starship of Hei Yelan.

That's right, only by forming the ancient sacred world's own star sea navigation ability, can it not be slaughtered like fish on the chopping board, it is really impossible to beat, at least it can escape!

"We think so, but we are afraid that on the surface she cooperates obediently, but secretly moved something."

Meng Chixin was a little embarrassed, "After all, what she has come from... the technology and magical powers of modern immortal cultivation civilization are too complicated and mysterious. Even if we are all transforming gods, it will not be possible to fully understand it for a while."

"If she pretended to be very cooperative and helped us repair the Barren Tooth, but she secretly inspired some magic weapon that can send divine thoughts to the mother fleet, before we are ready, summon the Black Wind Fleet, then Our situation is very passive!"

"Therefore, we need a master who is proficient in refining art to stare at her! And this task is naturally not a fellow Lingjiu Daoist!"

Li Yao squinted his eyes, his thoughts turned.

Meng Chixin's three tasks are quite reasonable, and they are indeed none other than him.

It seems that he is indeed the key figure in determining the life and death of the Ancient Sage Realm, no wonder the two great transformation gods will mysteriously call him over for a private conversation.

Surveilling Heiyelan is also of great benefit to Li Yao.

On the one hand, he can take the opportunity to secretly learn a lot of the secrets and magical powers of the real human empire.

In more extreme circumstances, he could even consider killing Heiyelan directly, cutting off the ancient sacred realm's way of taking refuge in the Black Wind Fleet!

Of course, this approach may also have a counterproductive effect. No one can guess how crazy the old sage monk who was deceived and furious would do.

But in any case, there is always one more option, and it is more calm to turn around.

"I'm not as optimistic as you."

The Scarlet Heart Demon said gloomily in his brain, "I thought of a story."

Li Yao moved in his heart and said silently: "What story?"

"There are two countries at war. Zhang San is a spy sent by country A to country B. Suddenly, Zhang San received a mission to secretly **** a'country A spy', Li Si, to the headquarters. Third, Li Si didn't even know that his identity had been exposed. On the surface, it was just two of them going to the headquarters to report on their work together."

"Zhang San knows that he shoulders a heavy responsibility, and he will never reveal his identity. As a last resort, he can only sacrifice the compatriot'Li Si'."

"So, along the way, Zhang San and Li Si, two'A country spies' who didn't know each other's identities, staged a scene of intrigue. Four'escorted' to the headquarters!"

"However, as soon as they arrived at the headquarters, Zhang San and Li Si were both arrested by the military of Country B!"

"It turns out that Country B knew Zhang San and Li Si were spies for a long time, and didn't want to be stunned to prevent them from escaping, so they designed such a trap of'self-throwing into the net'. They told Zhang San that they were escorting Li Si secretly. , But said to Li Si that he was escorting Zhang San secretly, but in fact he asked the two spies to **** themselves and fight against each other, and Country B could profit from the fisherman, and caught the two spies without much effort!"

"Very childish story."

Li Yao calmly said, "There are so many loopholes, it is impossible for such a thing to happen in reality."

"It's really impossible."

Scarlet Heart Demon said, "But let the spies of the Star Federation spy to monitor the spies of the real human empire, and the ancient sage natives secretly monitor the Star Federation spies, the mantis catches the cicada, and the story of the oriole behind is very likely to happen! "

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