40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1527: Red Flame Dragon King!

Even in a hypnotic state created by the two great transformation gods, every muscle on Hei Yelan's face was still twisted into a hideous smile, and she licked the blood on the corner of her mouth and said: "If the Firefly can be captured, prisoner." The last fighter of the Orthodox Government of the Xinghai Republic and obtained the “Xinghai Great Seal”, that is definitely an incalculable feat in the entire history of empire warfare! With this feat, our Black Wind Fleet will surely restore the status of the first-class battle group and become an empire again. The trump card of trump cards!"

"So, the Claw Fleet I was in, immediately rushed to the Firefly!"

"and many more."

Meng Chixin interrupted her again, throwing out new doubts, "Since it is such an important goal, shouldn't you send a signal to the mother fleet for help first, why do you want to do it yourself?"

"There is no way to send a signal."

Heiye Ran said, "We discovered the Firefly accidentally. When we found the other party, the other party also discovered us. The two met by chance, and even the Firefly first reacted. They immediately activated a powerful disturbance wave, All the outgoing help and communication signals have been interfered!"

Meng Chixin frowned slightly: "Is there such a magical power?"

"This is not a supernatural power."

Heiyelan said, "Destruction is always easier than construction, and interference is easier than transmission. In the vast sea of ​​stars, it is necessary to stabilize the flow of information containing a large amount of spirituality in the vast sea of ​​stars, amidst various psychic fluctuations, stellar radiation, and cosmic storms. It was originally extremely difficult to transmit hundreds of light-years away and accurately transmit it to another point! But the technical content of "interference" is not high, and it only needs to release some psychic interference wave bombs in the surrounding space to explode. A "shady space" completely isolated from information transmission!"

"The Firefly is full of the remnants of the previous dynasty. It has fled for thousands of years in the sea of ​​stars. It is naturally extremely vigilant and has extremely rich combat experience, although they are only moored in the synchronous orbit of an abandoned mining planet and collected from the abandoned planet. Some materials are used to repair the starship, but there are still a large number of floating psychromagnetic interference wave bombs set up in the entire galaxy. We just discovered each other, and they ignited all the bombs, disrupted all the transmissions of divine consciousness, and destroyed the entire galaxy. Isolated!"

"In the war in the sea of ​​stars,'information' is the key, and this is also a very common tactic."

"That's it, these scared birds have some tricks."

Meng Chi nodded thoughtfully, "The other party blocked all the transmission of divine consciousness, how should you deal with it?"

"Two ways."

Heiyelan said, "The first is to patiently wait for the isolation effect of the psychic interference wave bomb to attenuate and dilute, but that will take at least dozens of hours, and during this time, the other party will definitely continue to release new ones. The jamming bombs continue to strengthen the'shadow'."

"Either, desperately fleeing the area where the'shadow' is located, jumping outside the isolation range of the jamming bomb, then you can communicate with the mother fleet.

"It's just that the Firefly is also very aware of this. When we were preparing for the star sea jump, it released a large number of armor masters and star shuttles to harass us, preventing us from entering the star sea jumping state safely and at the same time. , Its Xinghai jumping unit has also released strong psychic energy fluctuations, and obviously wants to enter an emergency jumping state!"

"If we insist on jumping into the star sea, jumping out of the shady scene, and reporting to the mother fleet, then when the mother fleet arrives, it must have jumped deeper into the star sea and escaped again!"

"So, we have no choice but to rush up and bite it hard and not let it escape!"

Meng Chi heart rubbed his chin and said, "What are you doing... When the Star Sea jumps, can't you be disturbed?"

Hei Yelan said: "Xinghai jumps like you are using the teleportation array. When you are using the teleportation array, just halfway through the teleportation array, you are suddenly attacked and the entire teleportation array explodes. What will be the consequences?"

"I'm afraid that your limbs, corpses, heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys will all be transported to the south and the north of the ocean!"


The two great transformation gods glanced at each other. They were both intelligent and superb. They quickly understood the danger of Xinghai Jump using examples around them. "In other words, they are trapped in this kind of'shaded space' that cannot pass news to the outside world. You can't make the Star Sea Jump, you can only fight forever without dying?"

"Yes it is."

Hei Yelan snorted coldly, her cloudy eyes revealed strong confidence, and gritted her teeth, "Although the Firefly was modified from the former main battleship of the Xinghai Republic, it was finally refined using technology thousands of years ago. This magic weapon and supernatural power are quite outdated!"

"Furthermore, it suffered countless heavy losses on the thousand-year-long escape route, but it fled all the way, looking for the remnants of the former dynasty that still sympathizes with the Xinghai Republic and opposes the real human empire. When the army arrived, they left with a group of rebels who disobeyed the empire and sympathized with the previous dynasty!"

"After a thousand years of fleeing, the Firefly has long turned into a pile of patches, riddled with holes, and odd-shaped broken iron! It must be lack of materials and low morale. How much combat power can it exert?"

"And our claw fleet, although only a small-scale scout squad, has the empire’s latest bloodblade-class assault ship, with very powerful firepower, and even a giant soldier, which is what you call it. Yunqin Jinren, I will control it!"

"We are facing the Firefly, like a shark facing a whale. Even if the opponent is ten times larger than ours, as long as my giant soldier can get into the opponent's stomach, I will be 70% sure to kill it. !"

"This is our plan. We hope to use a fierce assault to disrupt the opponent's position and attract a lot of firepower, so as to create opportunities for our small communications ship to jump out of the shady and contact the mother fleet!"

"The battle at the beginning was very smooth."

"The situation of the Firefly is really not what we expected. After a long thousand years of escape, it has already fled to the edge of the star sea, and then to the depths, it will escape the sphere of influence of the entire human civilization and enter the mysterious and extremely dangerous. The extraterritorial world."

"They are mourning dogs, they are poor at sunset, they are extremely scarce of ammunition, spar and materials, and their morale is so low that they are not our opponents at all."

"The last soldiers of the Xinghai Republic were smashed by us and turned into icy dust in the universe, and I was driving the giant soldiers, and under the cover of the powerful firepower of the'Bloodblade-class' assault ship, I succeeded in the shell of the Firefly. Sign in!"

"The Giant God Soldier is the most terrifying ultimate weapon in the universe. As long as I make a big hole in the shell of the Firefly and penetrate into the Firefly, it will definitely be able to smash in like a bamboo, completely destroying its star sea jumping unit!"

"As long as it loses the ability to jump in the Star Sea, it will not be able to escape. We can follow it slowly and swim and fight. With the speed of regular sailing, it can't get rid of us at all. It will only slowly lose blood until we have more The Claw Fleet and even the Mother Fleet are here!"

"Seeing, victory is in sight—"

Having said this, Night Lang paused, showing an expression of incomparable surprise and horror. His lips trembled for a long time, and he trembled, "Unexpectedly, at this moment, a mysterious group suddenly appeared from behind us. The fleet launched an extremely fierce assault towards our most vulnerable rear!"

"The size of this fleet is ten times larger than our Claw Fleet. The systems of battleships, star shuttles, and crystal armor are different from those of the Empire and the Holy League, and they are obviously a brand new force."

"Although most of the magic weapons they use are several generations behind us, they can't hold back their large numbers of people. And we stared at the Firefly in front of us. We didn't expect the Firefly to have reinforcements, and we ate it all at once. Big loss!"

"The entire claw fleet was instantly enveloped by fireballs and shock waves. The countless armored masters and star shuttles that were not protected by warships turned into dust in an instant. A large number of warships were firmly absorbed by the opponent's magnetic field, unfolding the most brutal Fight on the sidelines."

"Under the advantage of the opponent's absolute number, one battle after another was captured by the opponent, and even the communication ship that was going to jump out of the shady to ask for help from the mother fleet was directly blown up by the opponent during the emergency jump! "

"And, and, and the most terrifying thing is that this mysterious fleet also has a giant soldier!"

"It was a crimson giant soldier, like a raging flame, cast into the appearance of a dragon and a griffin. It was so cruel and tyrannical that it suddenly took one of our starships. Torn in half alive, really torn in half!"

Speaking of these words, there may be some suspicion of "building up other people's ambitions and destroying the imperial power".

If Hei Yelan was absolutely awake, she would never say that.

It's just that she is in a state of being half-awake, hypnotized by the two great gods, and activated the deep memory below the cerebral cortex.

The giant soldier cast by the crimson flames left an extremely deep impression on her, and even became an indelible shadow in her subconscious. Under the stimulation of the two great gods, she immediately spoke out honestly.

"I, I control the only giant soldier in the Claw Fleet. Of course it is my duty to fight the enemy giant soldier!"

Hei Yelan showed pain and embarrassment on her face, extremely ashamed, and with a very surprised expression, stammered, "But, but I didn't expect that the opponent's combat power would be so terrifying that I was not her opponent at all. For a few rounds , She was severely injured, and the giant soldiers were almost scrapped!"

Wu Suiyun asked, "Does this mysterious fleet come from the'Star Federation' you just mentioned?"

"Yes it is."

Hei Yelan said honestly, "The two sides were in a melee. For a while, we also caught several prisoners of the other side. Under torture, we learned some of the most basic information about the other side."

"This fleet comes from the nearby savage country, the Star Federation. The giant soldier that defeated me is known as the "Great Flame Dragon Sparrow". It is controlled by the famous legendary powerhouse of the country. It seems What is it called...'Red Flame Dragon King' Ding Lingdang!"

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