40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1489: Li Yao's amazing speculation!

Having said this, Long Yangjun suddenly condensed his gaze and stared straight at Li Yao. The four crystal clusters were spinning faster and faster around him, and they also radiated a light that was as sharp as her eyes. Said: "This is the context of the whole thing. I have already told you everything I know! You just said that you have a rough guess about my identity. Isn't it a lie to me? "

"of course not."

Li Yao smiled, "But my speculations are based on the details you said. If there is anything wrong with what you said, then the final conclusion will definitely be ridiculous. "

"Hmph, I don't have to lie about these details, after all, I want to know who I am more than you!"

Long Yangjun said coldly, "If your speculation is reasonable, then everyone may still have a chance to cooperate. If you are lying to me, I am afraid that only one of the two of us can get out of this...the bridge. !"

"My guess is this--"

Li Yao coughed lightly and said calmly, "Assuming that what you said is true, when you are still in your infancy, take a big burning iron shell and fall from the sky. The key here is that you Did it fall from outside the atmosphere, or from within the atmosphere, or it was like a cannonball, first launched out of the atmosphere, orbited on the planet’s synchronous orbit for a while, and then cut in again Atmospheric? By the way, what is the atmosphere, should you know?"

"Of course I know this.:"

Long Yangjun said, "I also soared into the air, went straight to the sky, and broke through into the stars, naturally knowing this...what is the atmosphere!"

"However, where did I fall to the ground, is it important?"

"Of course it's important!"

Li Yao nodded and said solemnly, "When most people encounter this kind of thing, at first they will suspect that you came from far, far away from the depths of the star sea and landed in the ancient sacred world!"

"But the ancient sacred world is surrounded by a thick dark nebula, and even super warships equipped with the most advanced navigation and cruising magic weapons are not easy to break through. A small, simple structure'iron shell' can really travel through the entire A dark nebula? I doubt this very much!"

Long Yangjun was startled slightly, and muttered: "I haven't seen the thing that carried me into the world with my own eyes. After the death of my adoptive parents, I also tried my best to search for it, but I didn't have a precise location and time. Ten years have passed, where can I find it? But since they use the term "iron shell" to describe it, it should be a very simple structure and not very large."

"That's it!"

Li Yao gave a high-five and said, "Such an'iron shell' with a simple structure and small size, but looks very strong and impact resistant. According to my experience, it does not seem to be able to travel long distances in the sea of ​​stars. The battleship is like the escape pod on the battleship!"

"In other words, you didn't drop from the sky, but were ‘launched’ from a certain Star Sea battleship, and after flying over not too long a distance, you entered the atmosphere again!"

"Combined with the different dreams in your mind, you were most likely an important person on the Nuwa battleship under our feet before. It was from here that you were launched from the escape capsule!"

Long Yangjun's eyes lit up, he looked at Li Yao seriously, and nodded: "Up to this point, your speculation is reasonable, but this Nuwa battleship fell into the depths of the Yongye Icefield, at least a dozen. Ten thousand years, can anyone really sleep in the escape capsule for so long?"

Li Yao hesitated for a moment and said, "Theoretically, there may be, but I feel that your situation is different."

Long Yangjun said: "Of course it's not the same. If I were really an important figure in this Nuwa battleship, why did I look like a baby in the first place, and I don't remember what happened in the past!"

Li Yao said, "Perhaps, it's not the past, but the'past life'!"

"Past life?"

Long Yangjun laughed blankly, "Are you saying'rebirth by seizing the house'? I have thought about this possibility a long time ago, but it doesn't make sense. There is indeed a great strangeness in my body, which is definitely not an ordinary ancient holy world. Aboriginals can show that if they say that they are reborn by taking their homes, their souls are mutated at most, why do they even undergo drastic changes in their bodies?"

"What's more, you just saw that with this body, I can successfully pass the seven or eight introductory tests, indicating that the relevant information of this body has indeed been stored in the Nuwa battleship...what is it called, By the way, within the master crystal brain, how can this be explained?"

"I thought of two possibilities."

Li Yao stretched out **** and said, "First, is it possible? Nuwa people have a mysterious and mysterious power that can make people show a state of'reverse growth', rejuvenating, gradually turning from adults to children, and from A child becomes a baby, or even reduced from a baby to an embryo, fertilized egg or something?"

Long Yangjun's eyes flashed, and he asked: "What are the benefits of doing this!"

"Of course there are benefits, the biggest advantage is that it can'sleep' for a longer time!"

Li Yaodao, "If you are an adult, especially a peerless and powerful person with a high level of cultivation, his flesh and blood body and huge soul needs to consume astronomical psychic energy every moment and want to sleep for hundreds of thousands of years. It's almost impossible!"

Yes, in the depths of the Kunlun Ruins, Li Yao encountered a Pangu tribe who had been dormant for hundreds of thousands of years and could be resurrected.

But that is a very special situation. The Kunlun ruins rely on a pulsar to build, which is equivalent to the pulsar's continuous supply of energy for hundreds of thousands of years to keep this Pangu tribe dormant.

Under normal circumstances, there are very few magic weapons and energy sources that can make people sleep for so long without the slightest damage to the body.

"I know a special kind of lotus. When the environment is drastically changed and the climate is too dry to survive, its seeds will enter a special'spore state', just like a lifeless pebble, which can dormant. Ten thousand years or even hundreds of thousands of years, until the climate is humid and water is encountered, it will "thawed" from the spore state and regain vitality!"

Li Yao continued, “Perhaps the Nüwa clan’s mindset is the same. In a critical situation, it takes a long time to sleep, and lacks sufficient sources of psychic energy and nutrition, which will cause people to enter a state of'reverse growth'. From an adult’s “reverse growth” to a fertilized egg, the fertilized egg is wrapped in a special “carapace” to become a very strong spore that consumes almost no psychic energy and nourishment!"

"So, just a little bit of psychic energy and nutrition, plus no more than a fist-sized space, can make it dormant for hundreds of thousands of years. Isn't the survivability greatly improved?"

"After hundreds of thousands of years, the vicissitudes of life, the changes in the world, the danger has passed, and enough psionic energy and nutrition have been accumulated, then it will enter the'thawing link', the carapace will split, and the fertilized egg will be released in an artificial uterus. The secondary development in the environment will achieve the effect of'reincarnation as a human'!"

"When you'reversely grow' into a fertilized egg, because the brain completely disappears, most of the information and memories stored in it are naturally lost, so only some dreamlike, mottled ones are left. Memories."

"Perhaps, as your brain continues to develop, you will find more memories in the future, right?"

"This is the first possibility I speculated. Is there a problem?"

Long Yangjun was stunned!


She wanted to speak and stopped, her face was dazed, and even a little crazy expression, "Wait, you said too much too fast, I want to digest it, and..."

She stared straight into her eyes for a while, exhaled a long suffocation, and smiled bitterly, "Reverse growth, spore state, secondary development? Does the gods and demons of the ancient era really have such an incredible method?"

"I do not know."

Li Yao honestly said, "This is just my guesswork based on the information you gave, combined with everything I have seen so far."

"it is good!"

Long Yangjun said uncertainly, "The truth is naturally not you and I can guess it all at once. At least your speculation is reasonable. Let's talk about the second possibility!"

"The second possibility is actually the same as the first one by different routes, but there are some differences in means."

Li Yao said, "Perhaps the Nuwa people do not have the mysterious and mysterious power of'reverse growth', but they have mastered another magical technique. Have you ever heard of the'genome full replication' technology?"

"The genome...all duplicated? What is that!"

Long Yangjun looked blank.

"Simply put, as long as you take a piece of your hair, a drop of blood, and a piece of nails, it is possible to create a ‘replica’ that is completely consistent with your genome, with no difference in every cell!"

Li Yao said, "Of course, at first, it cannot be a tall and fit adult like you, but an embryo that contains all of your genome. It doesn't matter if you understand the concept of the genome. Anyway, as long as you know, once this embryo grows , Will become a person exactly like you."

"Exactly like me?"

Long Yangjun subconsciously stroked his face.

"To be more precise, it should be exactly the same as'she'."

Li Yao stubbornly said, "It's exactly the same as the ‘she’ who left hair, blood, nails or other body tissues hundreds of thousands of years ago."

"I understand."

Long Yangjun’s hands trembled a little, "You mean, hundreds of thousands of years ago, there was someone on the Nuwa battleship, who left his hair, blood and nails, and made an embryo... And after hundreds of thousands of years, this embryo has grown into a'duplicate'?"

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