40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1039: It's weird!

Youquan Country, Youfu Army's secret base, "Spore Project" command center.

If you say, when the Eye of the Blood Demon was destroyed, the atmosphere here was like an undersea cemetery.

At this moment, the atmosphere here is like an undersea cemetery that has been abandoned for thousands of years.

The images transmitted by the wireless brain waves of the biochemical brain to the retina of each Youfu Army leader make their faces look ugly every second.

As the peak of the tidal force gradually passed, the three blood moons in the sky gradually separated, and the surrounding blood lakes initially recovered stability.

A group of mixed forces were stationed on the spot, and a barbed wire fence with a high-voltage arc and a defensive talisman array were built around.

It not only prevents people from rushing in, but also prevents people from escaping.

Many soldiers put on tightly fitted chemical protective clothing and breathed through compressed air tanks or filters. An acid cannon and a demon cannon continued to rotate, staring at the surroundings vigilantly.

A team of soldiers wearing chemical protective suits and gas filter masks, under the leadership of the Demon Emperor, carefully searched for cronies and monsters in the battlefield, found a cronies, and sent them to the medical ship under close monitoring. "Blood Source Number" to perform the test.

The Demon Emperor and all the soldiers stayed far away from the subject and locked him firmly with long-range firepower, not giving him the slightest chance of "infection".


At this moment, there was chaos in the southwest direction of the battlefield, and a tiger demon warrior rose into the air and fled quickly, no matter how the demon emperor behind him shouted, he would not stop.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The claw clan monster emperor stopped chasing and waved his hand with a sullen expression. The monster battleship behind him screamed in unison, acid, poison mist and monster light instantly swallowed the tiger monster warrior, and he used thousands of degrees of high-temperature flames. The places where he appeared were all subjected to high temperature sterilization for ten minutes.

"This idiot!"

This scene made the commander of the Youfu Army "black bully" furious, slapped the table and shouted, "Why are you trying to escape? Isn't this a self-inflicted trick?"

"it's useless."

The voice of another leader of the "Vortex" was full of despair, "Even if he does not escape, he will not be able to pass the six-level virus test, and it is more likely that we will speak out our secrets under deep hypnosis."

"The key is not him, it's not the other spores hidden in the Allied Forces of Ten Thousand Monsters, but the first spore that burst out, Jin Tuyi's biochemical beast, Scorpion Tail Golden Wing Roc!"

"Why did the'Scorpion Tail Golden Wing Roc' mutate for no apparent reason, and such a terrifying poisonous mist erupted?"

"We obviously haven't modified the Scorpion Tail Golden Wing Roc. This is Jin Tuyi's favorite biochemical beast. The risk of modulating it is too high! We didn't modulate it into a'spore' at all!"

"Moreover, this is not the appearance of a demon-god virus outbreak at all!"

The suspicious gazes of Uzumaki and Hei Ba both turned to the Ancestor Youquan.

Old Ancestor Youquan stared at the screen for a long time, until more "spores" escaped from the Ten Thousand Demons Alliance, and one by one was hit by artillery fire, and the ashes disappeared, and he let out a crazy laugh.

"Ha ha, ha ha ha ha, fooled, we are all fooled!"

Old Ancestor Youquan smiled with red eyes, every muscle on his face was trembling, and he gritted his teeth and said, "Don’t you understand, Jin Tuyi’s scorpion tail golden winged Dapeng is not infected with the demon virus at all, ghosts. Know what it is infecting? Maybe it is another common virus, maybe it is a deadly poison, maybe it is a cell activating agent that exceeds the dose hundreds of times!"

The black tyrant was stunned and stammered: "This, who did this, why is it just right, and it broke out at the most critical moment?"

"Who else can, of course, be Jin Tuyi himself!"

Old Ancestor Youquan closed his eyes, the two tentacles on his forehead drooped weakly, and muttered, "You have been cheated, we are all cheated by this idiot!"

Hei Ba and Uzumaki looked at each other, their faces changed suddenly.

"Crazy Doctor" Lu Wuxin shrank his ugly head into his cavity even more-he diagnosed Jin Tuyi's cerebrospinal syndrome!

For a moment, the ancestor Youquan's killing intent soared to the extreme, as if to kill all the Youfu army in the command center.

However, he quickly relaxed, waved his hand feebly, and said dejectedly: "Cut off all communications with the Eye of the Blood Demon, the Spore Project is over."


Both Maelstrom and Hei Ba were surprised, "However, we have so many dark children in the Ten Thousand Demon Alliance, and we can also monitor the every move of the Eye of the Blood Demon..."

"What else to watch!"

Old Ancestor Youquan said viciously, "We are monitoring him, and he can also monitor us!"

"Anzi wants to send the surveillance pictures here, and it will inevitably send out wireless brain waves. Maybe Jin Tuyi has locked these wireless brain waves, and following the vine, he found our secret base, and even sent a team of elites to send it directly. Here, we are all caught up!"

"Quickly, cut off all wireless brainwave transmission and transfer immediately!"

Maelstrom and Hei Ba were confused for a while.

An hour ago, they thought they could really become a "god", as the master of the two realms of Tianyuan and Blood Demon, just as the ancestor Youquan said.

But now? Everything turned into a joke!

"Ancestor, what should we do next?" whirlpool murmured.

"Let's start the final solution."

Old Ancestor Youquan said with a gloomy expression, "Even if we really cannot escape the calamity, there will be thousands of demons who will be buried with us!"


Around the Eye of the Blood Demon, the Ten Thousand Demon Allied Forces are stationed.

If Jin Tuyi’s Scorpion Tail Golden Wing Roc suddenly mutated, it is only doubtful, then more and more "spores" fled in a hurry before being tested, but it proved the existence of the "spore plan" time and time again. .

In particular, there was a "spore" with nowhere to escape. In despair, he aroused the "monster virus" in his body, turned into a light red poisonous mist, infected the surrounding seven or eight soldiers, and turned them all into horror. No one doubted what Li Yao said after the "out-of-control mutant"!

Fortunately, the Ten Thousand Demons Alliance entered the sixth-level epidemic prevention state early. Most of the soldiers put on chemical protective suits and gas masks, which raised their vigilance to the limit.

These "out-of-control variants" were not able to cause much damage before they were burned to ashes by the demon fire.

This scene was captured by the biochemical eye and teleported to the sky for all the Ten Thousand Demons Alliance forces to see.

At this moment, even the demon emperor and warriors who had been secretly slanderous, were frightened, sweating, and completely obeyed Jin Tuyi's command.

However, it will not be completed in a day or a half to carry out strict inspections on hundreds of thousands of the Allied Forces of Ten Thousand Monsters.

This is destined to be the longest night in the history of the blood demon world.

But no matter how long the night is, it will eventually pass.

Dawn, even the blood-stained dawn, is destined to come.

Above the flagship Blood Demon of the Allied Forces of Ten Thousand Demons, Jin Tuyi and Li Yao were facing each other quietly, separated by more than ten meters.

Within a few hundred meters, there are only two of them.

"Thirty-two'spores' have been discovered, and twelve of these'spores' broke out actively and infected hundreds of soldiers. Most of them were wiped out, but nine'out-of-control variants' were captured alive."

Jin Tuyi said indifferently, "After discussion, all of our Demon Kings have unanimously determined that the'Spore Project' is real. Now, on behalf of all the Demon Kings, I can have a good talk with you."

Li Yao sat cross-legged, tugging hard at his charred hair, which felt like a monkey burning his buttocks and scratching his head.

He was full of self-confidence, believing that everything was dominated by himself and was under his control.

However, after the mutation of the Scorpion Tail Golden Wing Roc, the whole thing seems to have undergone subtle changes.

Jin Tuyi's reaction was too fast, right?

In just one hour, the anti-virus and epidemic prevention operations of hundreds of thousands of troops were completed, and all countermeasures were arranged in an orderly manner, as if they had been repeatedly drilled hundreds of times!

Besides, was he a bit irritable just now? This is a cold-blooded hero who can't move an eyelash even when he hears his daughter's father-killing plan. Will he have such a big reaction when he hears the news of his son's death?

Just now, Li Yao's nerves were highly tense, just thinking about how to convince the Allied Forces of the "Spore Project" to exist, and there was no time to think about these "small problems."

But at this moment, his nerves relaxed, and finally a part of his calculation power was separated, and he instantly found weirdness.

"Is Ancestor Youquan an idiot?"

Li Yao's eyebrows twitched and murmured.

Jin Tuyi calmly said, "What did you say?"

"The first spore of Old Ancestor Youquan is really weird!"

Li Yao became more and more puzzled, "If he really put a demon virus in your biochemical beast "Scorpion Tail Golden Wing Roc" and manipulated it with a certain timed magical power, it seems that there is no reason to time the outbreak. , Set it so early!"

"If there is no accidental factor like me, you have passed through the wormhole smoothly, then the virus outbreak time of the Scorpion Tail Golden Wing Roc would be too early!"

"It has only been a few minutes since you entered the sky city. Maybe you haven't gone deep into the city, and you haven't had contact with the cultivators!"

"It broke out at this time? Do you want to be so anxious!"

"After a day or a half, you have been exhausted from killing many Yuan Ying and Jin Dan. Then, if it breaks out, isn't it safer and more likely to infect you?"

"Even if it really broke out so early, it should be all the'spores' that erupted together? How can there be a reason for a single'spore' to erupt first?"

Jin Tuyi smiled slightly: "It seems to make sense."

Li Yao looked at him up and down for a long time: "When I saw you for the first time, you were calm and ready to kill a daughter; when I saw you for the second time, you jumped into thunder because of the death of a son; now , Just over an hour later, are you so calm and comfortable again, talking and laughing?"

Jin Tuyi said calmly: "These are details, not important. What is important is that we finally have a little foundation for cooperation."

"You said that Jin Xinyue has'Chaos Divine Blood' flowing in her body. You are copying her blood, preparing to artificially synthesize'Chaos Divine Blood' as an antidote to'Demon God Virus.'"

"Now, my soldiers have been infected with the Demon God virus and have become an out-of-control mutant. There are more soldiers who are facing the threat of the Demon God virus. I need an antidote.

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