40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1037: Spores appear!

However, of course he couldn't say it directly.

As a leader with rich experience in political struggle, Hong Yuntao deeply knows what a ferocious beast it will turn into once public opinion is thoroughly stirred up!

At this moment, there are hundreds of thousands of the Allied Demons who are confused and crazy below. How could it be possible to talk about "peace"?

Even if he agreed, the dozen demon emperors behind him couldn't agree!

Sure enough, Hong Yuntao sensed the violent eruption of a volcano behind him, and Jin Tu shouted hoarsely: "Stop! Do you think we are afraid of death?"

"Even if you lose 14 Demon Kings, even if you lose more than a dozen elite troops, and even if the wormholes are closed, what about?"

"We still have dozens of demon emperors, hundreds of thousands of elites, tens of thousands of troops and billions, tens of billions of warriors!"

"Even if the Blood Demon Realm turns into a sea of ​​flames, even if the battle reaches one soldier, even if all the monster races are sent to the front, we will fight the Tianyuan Realm and you despicable and shameless cultivators to the end!"

"We are the blood of Pangu, we are the descendants of Nuwa, we are never afraid of death! Death is only the beginning, destruction! Rebirth! Immortality!"

Because of the death of the eldest son, he seemed a little crazy.

Hong Yuntao's gaze crossed Jin Tuyi and projected onto the other dozen demon emperors.

Most of these demon emperors are second-line demon emperors who are not qualified to enter the Pantheon Palace for discussion, either from city-states and caves outside the four major demon kingdoms, or from small and medium aristocrats in the four major demon kingdoms.

In short, in the past they were all vassals of the "Twelve Demon Kings of the Hall of Demon".

But now, several of the "Twelve Demon Kings in the Ten Thousand Demon Palace" have fallen into the collapsed wormhole, and the remaining "Second-Line Demon Kings" have moved different thoughts one after another.

Hong Yuntao and these demon emperors exchanged some information secretly between their gazes.

Several Sea Clan monster emperors took a very delicate position under his sign.

"Jin Tuyi, as the commander of the Ten Thousand Demon Alliance, do you still have to persevere and use the lives of hundreds of thousands of elites, even billions or tens of billions of demon races, as fuel for your hatred?"

Li Yao took a deep breath, his eyes widened, and the monster was full of spirits. On his left arm, a gorgeous carapace and bone spurs appeared, spreading to his chest, forming a series of gorgeous monster patterns.

He stretched out his left hand, the jewel-like lens in his palm was clearly visible, and strands of demon fire roared out of the lens, dancing happily above the palm!

This scene, magnified by the light curtain device, was seen clearly by hundreds of thousands of demon elites.

Most of the demon elites don't know the identity of Li Yao, only that he is a cultivator from the Tianyuan realm.

But now, this "cultivator" has displayed the magical powers of the monster clan in full view, and even released a strong monster energy that is no less inferior to Jin Tuyi!

The demon elite, who had just been dizzy under the raging force of the tide, was completely confused.

"Hey, what's going on, isn't he a cultivator? Why does he show the characteristics of our monster race?"

"Yes, is it the original warrior? The original warrior among the cultivators can also show some ancient characteristics!"

"How could the original warrior release such a strong demon spirit? He, what is he!"

Li Yao squeezed the demon fire fiercely in his palm, crossed Jin Tuyi, and cast his gaze on the allied demon army around the blood-colored lake, categorically saying: "Jin Tuyi, don’t you understand, destroy the blood demon eye, indeed Many people died, but I saved more people, including your hundreds of thousands of elite monsters!"

"If I don’t destroy the Eye of the Blood Demon and let you enter the Sky City, all of you, hundreds of thousands of the Ten Thousand Demon Alliance and dozens of Demon Emperors, will all be infected by'spores', or become walking corpses, or Become a slave to Youquan Ancestor!"

"I warned you before, but you don't want to believe it. Then I can only use this method to stop the Spore Project!"


Above the sky above Li Yao's head, more than a dozen huge light curtains appeared once again, all of which were broadcasted by him in the Chaos God Tomb and Arctic Yinfeng Island.

Including the fierce battle between the fire ant king and Youquan ancestors in the tomb of the Chaos God, the existence of Youfu Army, Lu Wuxin's brutal experiments in the depths of Youfu, the battle between Li Yao himself and Youfu Army, Han The tortured appearances of Tu Hu and Suo Chaolong, the two warband leaders, plus a lot of experimental data.

Most of these pictures were taken by Xiaolong, and a few were taken by the crystal eyes of the Black Bone Dragon King's battle armor, and after careful editing by experts from the Skyfire Organization, they became extremely impactful pictures!

The vast majority of the elite of the Ten Thousand Demons Alliance, even if they had heard of the "Spore Project", had not understood the details, and regarded it as nonsense and left them behind.

This is the first time they have faced such an exciting sight!

Li Yao especially magnified the screen of Lu Wuxin testing the "out-of-control variant" in the depths of the You Mansion and presented it in a three-dimensional form.

The terrifying out-of-control mutant seemed to roar under the eyelids of the demon race's elite, making their scalp numb.

Especially when they saw that even the "noble" silver-blooded monster race was imprisoned in the depths of the earth for experimentation, and was transformed into a human-like appearance, they were even more furious!

"Is this all true? There is such a terrifying army, Youfu Army, dormant in the Arctic Yinfeng Sea!"

"Demon God virus? Out of control mutant? Too, too terrible!"

"Why, the demon race will become the appearance of the human race, and the human race shows a lot of characteristics of the demon race?"

The outlook on life, world outlook, and values ​​of many monster warriors collapsed in an instant.

The Sea Clan Demon Emperor Hong Yuntao watched intently. What he paid attention to was not the highly impactful images, but the mysterious and complicated experimental data.

The impeccable data caused Hong Yuntao to fall into deep thought.

No matter how dazzling the acousto-optic effect, the picture can be easily forged, but these interlocking data are not so easy to forge.

"Fake, all fake!"

Jin Tuyi gritted his teeth, "They are all strategic frauds of the Star Federation, you just want to delay time!"

Li Yao laughed, tears coming out of his smile: "The eye of the blood demon has collapsed, and so many demon emperors and elites have died. Within three or five years, you will not be able to launch a large-scale attack. I still have Why is it necessary to delay?"

"Jin Tuyi! Believe it or not! The deadly spores are hidden in your army!"

"Anyway, now the Eye of the Blood Demon is also ruined. For a while, you will not be able to instigate a new offensive and conduct a comprehensive inspection of the army. I bet you will find the'spore'!"

"One more reminder, now that the wormhole leading to the Celestial Realm has been completely closed, the'spores' cannot reach the Celestial Realm, they will only wreak havoc in the Blood Demon Realm!"

"If you don't believe me, it doesn't matter to me. Anyway, the ancestor Youquan jumps the wall in a hurry, at most it turns the blood demon world into a **** of Shura, turning all of your allied forces of monsters and your relatives into walking corpses! With me! what is the relationship!"

Jin Tuyi trembled all over, and the tips of each feather turned crimson, as if he was wearing a scarlet battle robe, his right arm was raised high, pointing straight at Li Yao like a saber.

"Commander, what are you going to do.",

Sensing that Jin Tuyi's killing intent was gradually becoming stronger, the sea clan demon emperor Hong Yuntao's expression changed, and he flew to Jin Tuyi's side, and whispered, "I think what this son said may not be unreasonable. Now the eye of the blood demon has been ruined. Morale has dropped to the extreme. We have already lost this battle. What's the use of killing him? Think about how to clean up the mess!"

Jin Tuyi stared at him very coldly.

Hong Yuntao said anxiously: "Look at the soldiers below. The military spirit is scattered. If even the'Blood Demon' is completely destroyed by him, what shall we use to counter the Tianyuan Realm?"

"In just ten seconds, he can't install too many spar bombs!"

Jin Tuyi said coldly, "It's just a bluff!"

"The question is not whether he can destroy the Blood Demon!"

Hong Yuntao lowered his voice and said quickly, "The problem is that more than a dozen demon kings of the Claw and Zerg are dead, and a large number of elites from the Youquan Kingdom and the Lion Tuguo are all finished together. The rest of the army is without a leader, and the blood demon world welcomes you. With a major change that hasn't been seen in a thousand years, we must quickly come up with a way to take the blood demon world on a new path! Is it true that it will be a battle to fight the blood demon world and turn into a sea of ​​flames!"

Jin Tuyi snorted coldly, finally turned his head and glanced at the dozen demon emperors behind him.

Some of these demon emperors were thoughtful, some were determined, some were unpredictable, and some were running with eyebrows. Anyway, none of them were ready to rush to fight Li Yao.

Jin Tuyi's right hand was held high in the air, and he couldn't cut it anymore.

at this time--


The golden winged roc under him suddenly uttered a neigh of broken gold and cracked stones, and suddenly lifted him down and flew toward a higher sky!

While flying and distorting painfully, countless dark green pustules appeared on the Golden Wing Roc, which swelled at a speed visible to the naked eye, and quickly enveloped it completely, like a deformed monster composed of a series of tumors. "Papa" burst and turned into dark green poisonous fog!

"this is--"

Everyone was extremely shocked!

The poisonous mist spread its teeth and claws, spreading around.

Jin Tuyi was shocked, and together with Hong Yuntao and other demon emperors, he withdrew hundreds of meters away, commanded the demon battleship, tens of thousands of cannons blasted, and with thousands of degrees of high temperature demon fire, this group of "poisonous fog" was completely burned out!

"Is it really a spore?"

Jin Tuyi's face turned dark, and he muttered, "Old Ancestor Youquan has infiltrated the'spores' into my biochemical beasts, and set the time for the outbreak in advance."

"Originally, if the eye of the blood demon hadn't been destroyed, I would have gone deep into the sky city at this moment for fierce battle!"

"If during the fierce battle, the ‘spore’ breaks out..."

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