4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 5 Chapter 230: Unable to control

Will, what is it?

Now, it seems that no creature can explain this problem.

Was it born from the brainwave? Or was it the birth of information exchanged between creatures? Or is there a ‘soul’ that is closely related to the brain of the creature?

No matter what it is, there seems to be something that can 'cut off' this connection.

Even if it sinks into the sea of ​​clouds, the disintegrator's sphere still exudes strong information, which is mixed with the information of the Inca insects in the air, leaving their information in a state of being disturbed.

What happens to creatures that cannot think alone when they can't accept the information of their peers?

The Inca group has no brain.

Their arms have been specialized, and the brain structure of the original organism has long since degraded and disappeared. Instead, it is a special kind of neural structure. This structure is like a pile of pipes, with certain information processing capabilities, and can also quickly The information is passed out.

The information connection between them makes the Inca group establish a unified consciousness. Those who are unified and their brains will slowly change to this form under the infection of parasites.

This neural structure does not have the ability to process information less than the brain of a normal creature, but it lacks one part of the brain of the usual creature: the area of ​​thought.

This area is usually located at the front end of the brain and is the place to give biological personality, interest, logic, and so on.

To be precise, the personality of the creature comes from this. If you cut off this part of the normal creature, they will become very quiet, seemingly do not want to do anything, and have no interest in anything, in the white dragon. They accidentally use the method of cutting this part to 'treat' the madman.

However, the Indy insects generally do not have this part of the arms, but their unified thinking can still show interest and personality, which is the most wonderful place.

And when they are disturbed, they behave like the normal creatures that have been removed from this part.

They become very quiet, as if they were in a daze.

But that's just a superficial phenomenon... Lynn can feel it.

Although the appearance does not seem to move. However, some of the Indy insects are working in a fierce manner, and their bodies release a large amount of pheromones, and the strong taste makes the pompons in the sky smell.

But their release of these pheromones does not seem to stop the disruptors, but to change some structures in the body.

The cells in their bodies move as fast as they receive information, and a tiny unit of arms is also concentrated in the nerve structure.

Even outside, Lin can see through their eyes. There are many subtle things that swim in the eyes.

It seems that they have a way to deal with this kind of interference, but the speed of entry is not very fast.

‘嗡...’ A buzzing sound suddenly rang over the entire sea of ​​clouds.

The source of this sound is the direction of the college, and in the voice, there is a very strong brain wave information.

The pompon can be clearly felt, this must be released by the Master. It has also been specially strengthened.

So, is this the case?

Lin thought of a possibility. The purpose of the captain to release the disintegrator was not to save the white dragon here. Although it did not want its college to be destroyed by the Inca insects, it had to do more than just stop the Inca insects...

After releasing the information that the disintegrator interfered with the other party, the instructor released the enhanced brainwave at this time. In order to control those disturbed Inca insects, it is necessary to say that this patriarch's 'ambition' is very large.

The strong signal echoes above the sea of ​​clouds, and not only the pompoms can feel particularly clear, even the white dragons in the castle of heaven will feel a splitting headache.


Even if this signal continually reverberates, there is still no reaction in the Inca group below, and they are still in a state of immobility, as if they are completely unfeeling.

Lynn was curious about this, the pompom floated out of the air and approached an Inca group. Lynn could see that the organ that was originally used to receive the signal's antennae was shrunk back.

They seem to be in a state of totally unacceptable signals, and they use this method to bounce off the message of the Master. The method of the Master does not seem to work.

Although the patriarch is 'ambitious', everything he does seems to have failed. Just as it tried to control the arms of Monte III, it has not been successful until now.


"Failure." In the college, the instructor looked at the picture showing the battlefield. Although its tone was very dull, its mood was obviously unpleasant.

"You are more stupid than Maya." Next to it, the voice of Monte III came.

"You are too." The instructor saw a look at Monte III: "It’s useless, it disappears."

'Boom! 'In the moment when the commander’s voice fell, the upper wall of Monte III suddenly pressed down and pressed it to the ground. However, Monte III was not squeezed by the other, it supported the pressure with the strength of the whole body. Down the wall!

"I want to go out and leave here." The Master did not pay attention to Monte III, but rolled up the alloy spider placed next to it, and it rolled into the open head of the spider, followed by the head of the spider's head. It’s up.

At the moment when the captain smashed the spider, there was a loud noise from the entire college.

"Oh, what's wrong with this?"

The white dragons in the college looked at the situation in amazement, and saw everything they used to do the experiment, the cages loaded with the arms, the jars filled with drugs, or the boxes that store things, all from below. 'Long' has a spider-like limb.

These objects started to move on the ground, and all went to a place - a larger square in the center of the college, because now there is no other dragon except the white dragon that follows the instructor, and it doesn't have to worry about these things being Cut it down.

"God!" Two white dragons found the room of the instructor, and they asked him doubtfully: "The things here are moving, what is going on?"

"I failed, I am leaving." The instructor said that its alloy spider also walked out of the room.

"Hey?" These two white dragons were shocked: "What about us?"

"Dissolve it." The last time the Master left them was such a sentence...

Throughout the college, all sorts of things have moved, but these things are valuable to the Master, there are many items that record information, and those experimental materials, etc., including many Weapons, as well as some disintegrators who have not been fired.

These things are all mobile metal devices, all under the command of the instructor, all gathered in the square in the center of the college.

"It's time." The captain walked over the middle of the pile of items with the alloy spider, confirming that everything was there, and it again sent out a wave of instructions.

'boom! ’

The ground of the square suddenly moved, and the whole ground suddenly descended at a very fast speed. The instructor and his pile of things took the place to leave the college.

... Did the patriarch run away?

The pompom looked at the descending square, and now it has become a dark hole. I didn't expect the ground of the square to be a thing like a 'lifting ladder', and I don't know where it is...

Lin is incredible. There are so many institutions in this college, and each institution is controlled by the instructor.

And it seems to be leaving now because it is unable to control the Inca worms and intends to escape? Or if there is any other purpose, Lin feels that the possibility of running away is relatively large, but it can't abandon its things and research materials, so they are brought with them.

Where can it escape? Thinking, Lin let the pompom fly too...

At the same time, on the battlefield outside...

The Inca group has not been active, which is a great opportunity for Bai Long.

"Get ready to start! Open the case!"

The statues that were originally caught outside the city gate opened the door and entered the castle. The castle also rose to an altitude of almost 50 meters. The whole castle no longer continued to rise, but flew in a far direction.

Because the insects below did not move, they did not catch up with the castle.

After flying for a while, the castle has moved away from the sea of ​​insects and reached an empty plain of the sea.

At this time, the jets under the castle began to slow down, and the whole castle slowly descended again, and finally landed on the plains of the sea of ​​clouds.

The whole castle is constantly shaking like an earthquake. The seemingly cloud-like walls are covered with a lot of cracks. These cracks are more and more, and finally spread over the entire city wall...

'Snapped! The entire wall of the city wall was completely broken, and after the cracked wall, there was a silver radiance.

At this moment, the whole castle was turned into a silver giant ship with a total length of three hundred meters. The widest place is dozens of meters. The shape of the ship is similar to that of a ship sailing on the sea, and the appearance of the former castle is completely invisible.

The ship mainly uses the jets under the ship and the spiral wheels on both sides of the hull to move. It seems that it cannot fly, but floats above the clouds.

"Hey!" A golden statue stood at the bow of the ship, holding a golden spear and shouting in his mouth.

"Now, it’s time to crush this group of monsters! We will recapture our country! Oh, ah!"

Along with its shouts, the roar of the metal also rang, and the spiral wheel on either side of the hull began to rotate. The ship moved like a ship on the sea and moved in the sea of ​​clouds.

It's getting faster and faster, and it's rushing to the Inca group that is still at rest!

PS: Thank you ~ tiny mark ~ rewards ~

Thanks ~ 闫腾~三皮小子0258~月上浮云~ The monthly ticket~

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