4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 5 Chapter 87: Howling on the plain


The ice-covered plain, a fluffy object standing above the snowy hills, screams from the mouth that resounds through the sky...

Along with its screams, countless stuffed things emerged from the snow, and they circling around the snowy hills and looking in one direction.

In the distance, the canyons covered by huge transparent shells are their targets.

- completely occupy that warm place!

"呜-" As the king of Maoyu, it once again issued a long scream, and all the jade together launched a charge against the target! This is...the ultimate battle of them.

Unfortunately, they will never succeed.

Thousands of Maoyus ran over the canopy of the canyon, they kept biting the various parts of the shell, and a lot of Maoyu was trying to find all possible places to get in.

Even the veteran, the old Maoyu who will recognize the trap is looking around to see if there is anything that can be opened.

Jade Dragon often uses various traps to close Maoyu. Indeed, there are some organs in the outer shell of the canyon. Unfortunately, these organs are not made by Jade Dragon.

The war lasted for three days and nights, and in the last day and night, only one hundred of the jade remained on the outer shell.

By the time of the night, these jadeites also left, leaving only the last veil left on the outer shell of the canyon.

It is known as the King of Maoyu, and is also known as the ‘Dragon Killer’ by the Emerald Dragon. It looks under the canyon, and its eyes covered with fluff can look through the gap to the lively city of the Emerald Dragon below...

The residents of the Emerald Dragon City are also watching the above. Many residents have seen this spectacle since three days and nights. At first, many Emerald dragons were worried that Maoyu would come in. But it is behind. They just appreciate Maoyu as a landscape...

After the jade was dispersed, the Jade Dragon also left and returned to his busy work. The King of Maoyu looked at the dragon living below, and he only thought about one thing in his head.

Although I have never been there before, it knows that every jade knows that it is warm and has plenty of food... and extremely crowded space.

The ancestors of these Maoyus lived there. And now, they want to go back.

In order to go back, they are not afraid of any danger, but they have to give up because the casing is too hard.

Jade Dragon will not give up this opportunity.

There were some sounds around the king of Maoyu, and several green figures appeared on its side...

These jade dragons know this jade, they keep a certain distance, surrounded it, let it have no way to escape, the arrow in the hand of the jade dragon has already pointed at it...

At this moment, Mao Yu has realized his situation. It stays in place, waiting...

‘Hey! 'On the moment when the arrow was shot. It jerked up and escaped all the arrows that were shot in its place.


There are still two arrows passing through its body, and the gushing blood makes it fall to the ground in an instant.

Because two arrows were shot, its jump just hit the two arrows.

"Oh--" At the moment when he fell to the ground, the roar of the king of Maoyu rang again, and its sound was heard on the snowfield and passed into the hearing of each of the jade.

The life of Maoyu is not very long, which is why it does not escape. Even if it leaves, it will not last long.

However, one of its descendants may be able to inherit its will.

Lynn believes that in the near future, they will be warm, and everything here will become the same as in the canyon.

It shouldn't take long... Now if you look at the void in the pompom, you might see that little point...

Lin is still paying attention to the things in the distant meteorite group. In the underground of the third virtual base, Lin found the familiar creature.

A creator.

It is incredible that the imaginary people can raise this thing so big. Lin found that it should have been living in the basement, in a room wrapped in alloy.

Now it has worn the alloy room and is living in the ground.

This creator is a relatively small creator. The longest tentacle is only a hundred meters, but it has a neural structure inside, and it feels more advanced than the moon.

The outer shell of the tentacle is basically made up of shells similar to those on the moon. Lin also found that it does have the ability to convert gases.

This seems to be an incredible place for the creator to change some special abilities according to the needs of the breeding creatures. For example, the moon will spray dust, and the pompons have many methods of 'harvesting'.

This creator seems to be deliberately poisonous, but the specific situation is not known.

It is dead now, but Lynn finds that some cells in the body are still alive, but it doesn't make much sense. It has moved from the basement to the lower life of the meteorite, and it may not have been there for a while. Get any food.

And those virtual people were estimated to run out at that time. As for the skeleton... Lin estimated that it came back for some reason, but estimated the concentration of the wrong gas and died.

Their sealed skeleton can filter some poisonous gas, but too much will not work.

In any case, this creator provided Lin with a lot of nutrients. For its reasons, Lin has now started to build a base here, and there is still a lot of water here, which is enough.

As for the virtual people who installed what, Lin can be used to break down the gadgets, especially the power generation room is very useful, Lin can move the brain for particle collection to build here.

Directly use their electricity and nutrients.

On the most important aspect, Lynn has installed their flying objects on a door, while excavating an exit at the top of the cave that allows the flying objects to fly out.

The exit is multi-layered. In order not to leak the air inside, Lin feels that the air is still useful, and it is easier to swim in the downstream environment with gas.

Now, Lynn can start the flying object again and let it go to the distant tumbling person!

Lin asked ten star testers to be squeezed into the flying object as a passenger. The extra things in it were like dancing devices, and they were lost by Lin. There are also many living items for the virtual people. It is filled with some pressed nutrient clots and water.

And a controller that sticks to a brain.


Under the control of the brain waves, the launching device of the flying object is activated again, and the first layer at the exit of the roof is also smoothly opened.

take off! (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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