4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 4 Chapter 324: Shaped storm

The war is not over yet, the thunder is still roaring, the rain washes the broken earth, mixes the mud and various stones, and rushes to the distance...

Among the cities where even the ruins are not counted, the two armies at high altitude are still facing each other.

After the first battle between the two armies, Lynn lost a lot of mad bees, although the mad bees were originally used to test the tactics and abilities of the other.

The creator is smarter than Lin thinks, it has more tactical changes, and it seems to be ready for war.

This may be because it is in case something is against it. It may still hide other traps. At present, compared to the explosion, Lin feels that the sound is more dangerous. It can cause the internal organs of the Lin army to have a strong vibration. It can cause internal damage or even internal bleeding, but it does not seem to be stable, which is not effective for all arms.

Lin can continue to let the mad bees charge for more tests, but Lin does not want to delay the battle for too long now, this broken land can not continue to be hurt.

I thought that there were hundreds of air troops in the vicinity of the 'Ark.'

These air troops are the shelling units that Lin made with the ‘Ark.’ In fact, this is the unit of Lin’s shooting training. It can be said that it is a flying cannon.

But now it’s better to call it a floating gun...

However, their shape has been greatly modified, like the kind of creature called 'lobster', each of which has a length of more than ten meters. It uses a curved abdomen to launch a bomb, and the armor is thick. Can withstand the usual explosion attacks.

At the same time, the outer shell of the ark began to open, and various kinds of barrels were stretched out from the inside. It had quite a lot of 'weapons', which were all installed in the late stage of Lin, and there were continuous launching small bombs under the head. The continuous gun barrel has multiple large cannons on the sides of the body that emit large explosives. Under the body, a large number of airdrops can be dropped, while on the back, a large muzzle of the art creator is launched.

Coupled with the electric fire cannon at the front of the head, it can be said to be 'fully armed'.

However, the original intention of ‘Ark’ is not the case. These things are all added by Lin.

Then. See if the creator can afford it. This is comprehensive...

'Snapped! ’

At the moment Lin was about to attack, a strong lightning suddenly slammed on a floating cannon beside the Ark, and the thunder of the explosion made it shake. But it didn't hurt itself.

But this lightning. Let Lin hesitate a little.

next moment. There were countless spherical shadows in the thunderclouds that shimmered in the sky. They rushed to Lin’s troops at an extremely fast speed, and some floating guns could not be caught by these black shadows. These spherical shadows open instantly, stretching a large number of tree roots to wrap the floating guns.

These spherical shadows seem to be a kind of tree root group, and the inside is hollow, can float in the air, is it always hiding above the thundercloud? And is it already ready?

This attack made Lin feel a little surprised, but Lin can also fight back immediately! All the floating guns fired their muzzles at the sky. At the same time, a large number of mad bees joined the battle again. There are countless such units in the army to stand by. They grab the roots of the air and dissolve them. The liquid is pulled apart by the claws.


At this moment, Lynn heard the sound on the ground.

Looking down, there are several large holes with a diameter of more than ten meters on the ground of the shattered city. A strong wave of air erupted from the cave, and a large amount of airflow spurted into the sky. And the floating guns were difficult to stabilize, and even the ark began to shake slowly.

Although there was a heavy rain here, there was no strong wind, and this sudden attack completely changed the surrounding weather. There were more holes on the ground. They cooperated with each other to make the airflow begin to swirl. This even formed a phenomenon in the air. A small storm, many mad bees were blown away by the air, and the roaring thunderbolt was hit again, causing many troops to turn into coke again.

And Lynn found that this airflow is also mixed with a lot of sticky things, they stick a lot to the flying arms, making them more difficult to fly...

Even there are many buds that can explode.


The roar of the roar and the thunder and lightning are mixed together, and it is constantly echoing in the storm that has been created... Lin’s air force is completely covered by a strong air current, and the thunder is accompanied by the explosion of the flower buds, which echoes everywhere, every moment. Many of the troops were turned into ashes... The dust on the ground was stirred up, and the situation outside could not be seen here, but it could be heard. ’

"Bad." The creator looked at his storm, which was shrouded in dust and explosions, and strong brain waves echoed in the air.

"Why, stop, why, hinder? Why, don't choose to leave, why, try to die?"

"Destroy, disappear...just like...the creator's brainwaves are constantly resounding, the storm that it spurts is getting stronger and stronger, and its brain waves are getting calmer and calmer, just like watching absolute The victory is general.

'boom! ’

But this calm, suddenly aroused a small surprise, and began to expand constantly, and in the end even became extremely surprised.

On the floor of the gushing storm, there was a sound of explosions, and a large number of stones and debris collapsed with the explosion. They completely blocked the gushing holes.

The intense airflow in the air slowly subsided, and the forces that were previously involved in thunder and explosion reappeared in the eyes of the creators. At the same time, it also felt the message from the other party.

“‘Block’ is not as fragile as you think.”

The astonished emotions spread along with the creator's brain waves, and the underground roots squirmed again, as if they wanted to prepare.

But this time, Lin moved first...

'boom! The first shot of the Ark full of electric energy rang the battle. The same as before, the ground that hit the creator’s brain provoked a lot of smoke...

Although the brainwaves once again allowed the creators to avoid this blow, there are countless bombs that follow.

Including the Ark, there are hundreds of floating guns around, they are aimed at the creator's brain, endless bombs, crazy bombs, dissolving bombs, explosives and armor-piercing bullets, all kinds of impact in the roots The surface is constantly blooming with its own color.

The roaring sound of the roaring sound resounded through the sky, and the smoke and debris caused by the explosion shrouded the huge roots of the creator. The liquid sputtered out had been gathered into a river and slowly flowed between the broken earth... (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

Ps: Thank you ~ Uncle Bamboo's monthly ticket~

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