4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 4 Chapter 317: Assembly completed

This is a world that is about to be destroyed.

The blue glory of the starry sky glimmers in the sky, the vast earth is torn apart, and the fragments of megaliths are flying in the air. In the cracks of the earth, the lava is not the lava, but the pure darkness.

These darkness is a symbol of ‘no’, which means that there is no brainwave in that area, which means that... the creator’s 'brain' has been damaged.

"Look at the world of this collapse, the stupid person." The brain worm made a sound to the stars in the sky: "Your tumbling has come to an end, and Montezuma's stupidity is also borne by you."

"..." The stars in the sky are still shining, but it has nothing to say, and nothing happens.

All the cubs here have disappeared because of the brains that have been created, and the giant trees under the city of Emerald Dragon are almost completely occupied by Lin’s red pompoms. Even if Lin is in a dream, they are still not Will stop expanding and multiplying.

And this dream world is also destroyed by Lin and the brain worm...

The creator is indeed like the brainworm said, although it has been crushed and revived countless lives, the continent has also suffered from the numerous hardships created by the creators, but these are not important, they still have not Extinct, they are still fighting hard, and as for the creator... it has rolled to the end of its life.

Its silence, perhaps the best proof, has no spare time to say anything here, even if it is difficult to counterattack.

However, this may also be because the creator said that it is not completely awake, as the brain-raising said. Therefore, it is not possible to exert too strong power.

And before that. It will be destroyed.

Thinking about it. Lin said to the brainworm: "The last blow."


Crystallized woodland, where the Ante group gathers.

"Stuffed." "Not eating." "Don't talk about eating." "It's going to talk." "What did that do?"

In the wasteland that used to be a forest, I gathered a whole number of hundred brain-creating monsters. This is the first time that Lin has seen such a 'magnificent' since I met the Asian community. The brain-making monster is like a yellow body. More than three meters of fat and elliptical arthropods, they are crowded with each other, and constantly send intermittent brainwave information in the chat.

Although they feel like they are very casual and loose from their brainwave information. But their behavior is that these brains have completed their work: a pyramid with a square crystal, full of tens of meters high pyramid.

"It's very tired, piles of crystals." "But the brain is delicious." "Complete, the end of the wake." "Just wait for them." "Who are they, delicious?" "They are untrustworthy." "They are traitors." "I don't know who they are."

The brains are constantly chatting around the pyramids they create, and among them, many of the white dragon cubs that have been hard-drawn by them have woke up, but they are still waking like they are not awake. The land went to the pyramid.

Some pups still didn't wake up. They were thrown into the crystal ladder around the pyramid with their mouths, and many of the pups were placed on the pyramid. The pups who couldn’t get up were piled up next to the pyramid.

In the end, they piled up thousands of pups from the creator next to the pyramid. Only a few of them were awake, most of them were still in a state of sleep, and it seemed that no matter how many brains. If the pups are found dead, they will eat directly, and if they don't die, they will pile up...

Then, put a lot of split brains on these pups, so it seems to be finished.

The brain-creating seems to be making something to deal with the creator, but Lin believes that it is no longer necessary, and the creator can now say that there is basically no threat, which makes Lin begin to consider the Astra group...

What will the Aite community do if the creator disappears? How do these brains work?

The brain-creating people are now surrounded by their 'masterpieces' and begin to slowly shake their fat bodies. Their pyramids are missing something. They are not pointed at the top of the pyramid, but are shaped like a hole. It seems that there is something to be put on, and that thing, the brain-creating people will not pick it up by themselves, but wait for something else to send them over.

"Come." "The traitor is coming." "But they still remember." "Of course." "Who are they? Can you eat?"

At this time, flying through the sky in the figure, they with a shiny thing fell to the pyramid created by the brain-creating...

These creatures, they are... erected, precisely, they are flying, and the shiny thing they bring is the one originally located in the castle of the White Dragon Island... with the main brain of the Ate crystallization.

The purpose of landing on the island of Baiji Longlong was to find this piece of crystal, but this is only a few that have not yet become a cockroach, and most of it has become a cockroach, and it has not hatched until now. .

"Put it in the middle." "To be accurate." "Or bite you." "Let it go, don't come back." "Who are they?"

The brain-stricken people are not very good at Lie's emotions. Lie is considered to be Yate's 'betrayal', but they will still take back the brain of the main brain. This does not seem to be because of the brain-making brain. Wave influence, but Lie also has the idea of ​​destroying the creator.

After Lie put the main brain in the hole in the middle of the pyramid, they all left.

In the dream, Lynn ‘fighted’ and paid close attention to the situation here, because what might happen next... unpredictable conditions.

If that brain is resurrected... Lin will destroy it, but before that, Lin will not stop them, but Lin feels that something else will happen, except for the resurrection.

"Everything has gathered." "Get started." "We are victorious." "To win." "Who is flying right now?"

The original loose brains suddenly started synchronizing movements, and they circled around the pyramids of the stacked cubs, and then began to slowly rotate.

"Dark age." "Ancient brain." "World land." "Terror is shrouded." "Life is withered." "Everything is dying." "Who is flying?"

The brains are very neatly sending brain waves of neat information. With this information, they are getting faster and faster, and the energy transmitted by brain waves is getting stronger and stronger...

"The awake person must be destroyed." "The awake person must end." "It will eventually collapse." "It will fail." "It has come to an end." "Who are those who are?"

"Destruction," "extinction." "Destruction." "Who is it?" "You don't ask who it is! Quickly align! Destroy!" "Destruction."

The brain waves of brain-creating are getting more and more synchronized, and the original scattered information is gradually becoming a whole. If you put on colorful eyes, you can see that the energy flashing like lightning is constantly gathering, they are concentrated in the pyramid. In the middle of the pyramid, the crystal of the main brain suddenly began to tremble!

Lin found that these brainwaves not only gathered hundreds of brain-creating monsters, but also thousands of white dragon cubs who have experienced countless brain exercises in their dreams, and even the underground crystal caves have strong energy that is constantly being attracted. ......

It seems that among the various crystals of the earth, many of them store some brain waves, which may have been made when the former Aite group lived underground, and this energy is quite large because of the underground cave. The system is also very large.

If you take these brain waves away, it will cause the creators to discover this place. However, it seems that the brains have no thought that it is unnecessary. They firmly believe that this time will destroy the creator!

All the brain-creating geeks gather intense brain waves in the pyramid, and the whole pyramid is like a trembling earthquake.

The brain-creating seems to perform the whole operation of the brainwave through a unified movement. This phenomenon...Lin is the first time I saw it.

In fact, Lin's research on brain waves is still very rare. At first, Lin only thought that this was a kind of weak energy, but later found that some species like brain worms can send brain waves, and when exercising, it can freely Controlling the strength of this energy is as easy and simple as imagination.

These brains seem to use this energy to the extreme. Under the powerful brainwaves, the perceiver's sensory organs have been damaged, but it still can see this huge energy by sight. Gathered in the main brain at the top of the pyramid, when it reaches the pole... spreads again!

'Snapped! ’

At the moment when this brain wave spreads, the dream world in front of the pompoms and brain worms instantly turns into countless pieces, dissipating and becoming pure darkness...

As a result, the world around the pompons changed again, and the view of the rift in the field of vision, the dragon of the brainworm, and its troops all appeared in the field of pompoms.

...wake up?

"Wake up." The brainworm also opened his eyes on the back of the dragon. The dragon has now fallen asleep on the ground, and the brainworm looks around: "It feels weird."

There is indeed a strange feeling...

Lin has always had a feeling, like a strange voice spread throughout the continent, and all the troops distributed on the mainland can feel this special feeling.

In this way, the brain-creating genius spreads this brainwave to the entire continent... Moreover, this feeling is getting stronger and stronger, and there is absolutely no trace of retreat.

However, what makes Lin feel strange is the disappearance of dreams. Is it because of the influence of this brainwave... (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

Ps: Thank you ~ jade does not fly ~ 1888~

Thank you ~ black mouth fish ~ reward ~

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