4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 4 Chapter 259: Surprisingly

"How is this thing used? I remember it..."

Crystal mad has a strange thing in his hand. It looks like a hollow cylinder up to one meter long, and then has a slightly thinner handle on the back. It seems to be a simple device...

Crystal Mad has brought a lot of such strange things. They are all the materials that were previously found in the library. They were invented by some inventors of the white dragons who lived on land. Their inventions were not brought to the island. However, the slate that was made was preserved. Crystal madly succeeded in creating a few things that looked like weapons. Although it was not very reliable, it was basically untested, and the crystal madness was used. It is.

The current airships are a little calmer than before. The jade dragons have risen to a higher position to shoot the white dragons. Although this makes them not attacked by rifles, it also makes them difficult to shoot the key to the white dragons. Now it is in a situation where each other shoots with an arrow but no one can hurt anyone.

Only the leaders who can solve this situation.

"Put this in, then..." Crystal madly put a bunch of **** into the cylinder, and it looked at a small slate in his hand, which seemed to be saying "how to use."

"Then, aim at the target and press the handle on the back?" Crystal madly lifted the cylinder, and suddenly he saw Mukla looking at the airbag on the airship.

“What are these things used for? It seems easy to blew it up...”

Mukla looked at the airbag, and obviously had the intention to do it. Crystal mad saw it immediately: "It wants to attack the airbag! Don't let it succeed!"

"Hey!" The white dragons immediately raised their arrows and fired at Mukla. But they did not shoot Mukla on the back of Yalong.

"Look at how nervous they are. This is indeed a very important thing..." Mukla suddenly pulled a dragon. Slammed into the airbag, but when the Yalong hit it, the airbag flew it out.

This is one of the reasons why the crystal madly and confidently sat on this empty fish boat. The airbag was especially strengthened with a multi-layer structure, which is not so easy to blast.

"Hip-Hop!" At the moment when Mukla was bombed, Crystal Man aimed the cylinder in his hand and pressed the handle back.

'boom! Along with a burst of sound, a large number of spheres burst out of the cylinder. Mukla and Yaron have just stabilized their postures and are just at the same level as the airships. These spheres completely hit them, and most of them hit Yalong’s head.

The ball burst open at the time of the hit, sputtering a large amount of gray liquid from it. After the liquid was sputtered by the liquid, Yaron suddenly slammed his head, and his eyes seemed to be just stuck by the liquid.

"Stop! Stop!" Mukla, no matter how he shouted, could hardly appease the constantly struggling Yalong. His eyes were hidden and it seemed that Yalong was very uncomfortable.

"This thing is so good, but unfortunately only one. Now...dead!" Crystal madly threw the cylinder in his hand and picked up a smashing arrow aimed at Mukla...

‘Hey! ‘In a short moment. An arrow was tied to Mukla's shoulder, and Mukla suddenly screamed and fell from Yalong's body.

"Commander!" An emerald dragon noticed Mukla, and immediately rushed down to Yalong, trying to catch Mukla, and other emerald dragons immediately rushed down.

"Hey! The shot is off!" Crystal Madden quickly ran to the cabin and shouted: "All are ready, they fly down, shoot them at the moment they come up!"

"Hey!" Bai Yanlong's shooters stared at the front tightly, and Crystal Madman also operated a cannon, waiting for the target to appear.

"Received!" At this moment, the emerald dragon rushing to the front had seized the Mukla falling down, and it immediately flew back upwards, just as they flew to the side of the airship...

'boom! The rifles on both sides of the airship were shot, and two of them were hitting the two dragons. One foot was still holding Mukla...

Under the screams of Yalong, the knights on their backs and Mukla fell into the abyss together. At the same time, a large number of white dragons explored the body from the top of the empty boat and used the arrow to carry the jade dragons below. volley.

"Oh!" Under the rainy arrow, an arrow in the jade dragon fell from the air, leaving only the last knight, because its position is farther away from the airship, so it was not In the shot, it saw the scene in front of it. It almost immediately took the Yalong and flew under the rift.

"Oh..." The jade dragon's thoughts are almost occupied by a lot of negative emotions, but it still maintains the jade dragon that rationally wants to save, but now, a total of four jade dragons are falling down, it will Which one to save?

In fact, it only saw one, that is, the emerald dragon that fell in the end, the number of arrows in the body, the other two and Mukla did not know where it fell, and it has disappeared into the darkness of the fog...

"Hip-hop!" Crystal mad saw this situation, it suddenly shouted: "We won! They are all gone!"

"Hey! Hey!" The white dragons on the airboat also cheered together with the crystal madness. At this time, a white dragon ran to the front of the crystal madness and said: "Wang! Our other small airships also flew to the vicinity." ”

"How slow is it, I thought they could help in the battle! But forget it." Crystal Mad said: "There is still a green dragon running away, it may go to the reinforcements, but their reinforcements are Far away from here, before we go back, we have to log in and speed up the whole staff!"


After celebrating the short-lived victory, the white dragons worked hard again, and the jade dragon... it finally saved only one companion, and then had to fly away from this place...

Lin believes that this battle is mainly because the Jade Dragon does not understand the relationship between Bai Yulong, and they have not tried to directly attack the airship. They put the target on the white dragon.

The team of Mukla is meant to be explored. The main reason why Mukla suddenly decided to fight is because the other party killed its two companions.

Obviously it won't be so simple next time, but the next fight should not happen in the air.

But compared to this, Lin is more concerned about one thing. Lin's flighter flies down the rift and can see a lucky one who is still alive.

"...hey?" Mukla, it's not dead yet, and it's on a very strange thing.

“Here?” Mukla looked around and found that it was in the air, but its body did not fall down, it was because...

It has a bubble-like thing underneath it. This bubble has a diameter of almost ten meters and is slowly floating up and down.

When Mukla fell, it fell on the bubble, so it was saved. This thing looks like a kind of 'bubble creature' in Lynn's dream. This wonderful landscape not only saves Mu. Carat, Lin is also the first time to see such a thing, this is really wonderful.

"This is..." Mukla poked the bubble by hand, and the bubble suddenly burst into a bang, exploding a large amount of red powder in the bubble.

"Oh!" Muklak screamed and fell, but there was another bubble that caught it. Not only here, there were large and small bubbles floating around the entire rift, and They have some red substances in their bodies, which are the powders that have just been blown out.

"Cough...!" Mukla spit out the red powder that he accidentally swallowed. It looked at the bubble underneath and suddenly said, "I know! It turns out that they are flying by the bulging thing! I have to go back. tell……"

It stopped its words because it saw that the surroundings had become darker and darker, and it knew that it had to find a way to get out first.

The bubble was slowly rising, but this bubble became a slow drop as Mukla fell on it, getting closer and closer to the bottom of the dark rift...

"It seems that I can only find a way to the bottom... Hey!" Mukla grabbed the arrow on his shoulder and pulled it out with force. He immediately took out some leaves from the carry-on bag and stuck it. Blood.

Lin found that it seems to be good at treatment, but Lin believes that its strength is far from Susumi.

As the bubbles slowly landed, Lin and Mukla were close to the bottom of the valley, where they could hear a burst of sound...


I saw a pony in the bottom of the valley, a Poseidon dragon raised the upper body high, and stepped into the mire with a stone-like ankle.


At the moment when the sound sounded, a lot of bubbles appeared on the quagmire. They first exposed a small point, then they grew bigger and bigger. When they reached the maximum, they would leave the quagmire and then rise to the air. They are different, some are only one meter in diameter and some are ten meters.

Through the dim light of the valley, Mukla and Lin watched this strange scene together, only to see that the Poseidon dragon opened his mouth when the bubble rose, and swallowed the red powder in the whole bubble.

The red powder inside is a plant seed. Lin studied it a little while just popping up the bubble in Mukla. This whole phenomenon is estimated to be a way of reproduction of certain plants. They release their seeds by releasing the bubbles. .

The bubbles that Mukla took slowly fell to the quagmire, then stopped there, no longer moving, and some worms appeared in the mire, they seemed to feel the breath of Mukla, gathered.

Mukla wants to find a way to get rid of this threat, and Lin wants to sneak into this quagmire to have a look. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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