4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 7 Chapter 101: take off

'boom--! ’

A trace of being cut off was printed in the center of the golden palace.

This was originally the location of Veronica, but now Veronica is no longer here.

Veronica flew up and flew out of the big hole in the ceiling and flew to the side of the council.

The members of the parliament shone with white brilliance, but there were many cracks on the skin.

The previous sniper was sent from a crack in the surface of the body, which directly slammed into the position occupied by Veronica.

Veronica also escaped the attack and flew to its side.

Now, Lynn can see that some black objects are squeezing out of the cracks in the body of the members of the parliament, seeming to come up.

Lin was the first time to observe a member of the parliament so close, but without waiting for a few seconds, the black in the crack suddenly slammed out and became a shape like a long sword stabbing Veronica.

Veronica escaped the black sword, and at about the same time, members of the parliament's body surface cracked hundreds of cracks.

Large and small black sharps spurt out of the cracks. They are not all punctured to Veronica, but part of the stab toward Veronica, while the other part is stabbed to the side, trying to block Death Veronica's escape route.

But Lin did not plan to escape.

Because Veronica had lost a piece of it before it was stabbed.

This thing hit the body surface of the members of the parliament and burst open. At the moment of its explosion, the black sharps all stopped. The nearest black long needle was a few centimeters apart from Veronica.

It seems... this is quite effective.

What Veronica had just lost was something that Lynn called ‘the desperate bomb.’

This is mainly a strong desperate mood, completely lost hope and disappears in a space of hope... The data of the sense of desperation in the main consciousness is made by Lin here as such a small bomb.

When it blasts, the exposed creatures can feel the strong despair.

This seemed to be very effective for the members of the parliament, which made it stop the activity, and then Lin quickly landed and returned to the hall below.

Then... start.

‘Boom! ’

The entire hall suddenly rose with a burst of vibration.

The black-legged **** still in the hall were also staring hard at Veronica at this time, but they were of no use.

With the start of the temple, the earth covered with the stone also collapsed and shattered. The entire hall... including the underground database of other rooms, was raised in the air at this time.

The ceiling that was opened with a large hole directly hit the member of the parliament who was still in trouble and pushed it up.

After being hit, the members of the parliament seem to have recovered. Lin found that there were many cracks in his body. The black objects protruding from the cracks stretched out from the ceiling and directly slammed into Veronica.

But before the black objects were stabbed in Veronica, they were wrapped in Veronica's hair.

Veronica seized these black objects and yanked them hard. They suddenly seemed to be pulled out of flesh and blood, and they poured out a lot from the surface cracks of the members of the parliament and then landed on the ground inside the hall. on.

These black objects are still moving, like a lot of black mud, and the embossing of the walls on both sides is moving.

They are all the people who hold the blade, they climb out of the wall directly... Of course, because they have been completely repaired, these reliefs will no longer attack Lin.

They walked to the side of the black object on the ground and slashed them with a knife in their hands, smashing them into pieces.

These black objects are also some unformed dreaming energy for shaping.

Members of the parliament attacked by constructing them into various forms.

But this member of the parliament has been hurt by the 'desperate bombings' because of its thinking. It is not so fast.

Therefore, Lin can first drag out these unformed dream energy and let the defensive embossing here smash it.

While doing this, Lin also controlled the entire data room to fly up.

With the cracking of the ground, the entire data room flew over the ruins of the city.

The shape of the entire data room is hemispherical, more than 100 meters in diameter, and the members of the parliament are still topped.

It didn't do anything at the moment, so Lynn speeded up the flight, smashed it directly and flew toward the void.

When Lin Fei came out, all the members of the parliament who were floating around had noticed this.

Lin can detect the outside situation in the central hall of the data room. Lin found that all the members of the parliament have launched a lot of black sharp objects on this side.

Lynn found that their attack power was much weaker than before the massive siege of the dream.

However, the attacks they made were still able to crack a lot on the outer casing of the data room.

These attacks are getting faster and faster, but Lin's speed is improving at the same time.

'boom--! ’

Suddenly, a violent explosion rang... Lin also found that a room was completely destroyed, and the entire room of the data room was also covered with a large number of black sharp objects.

But the speed of the data room did not slow down, and it continued to fly in the direction of the void.


At this moment, Lin suddenly found out... the data room split into two halves.

As Veronica was standing in the center of the hall, Lin could see that the ground was cut flat.

The data room split into two halves has lost momentum and quickly fell down.

It seems that... it’s not as successful as flying so far, so that’s it...


When Lin was preparing to use the next method, Lin suddenly saw a strong explosion.

This explosion was not an attack by members of the parliament, but in the void.

Along with the sound of the explosion, Lin found that there were many huge pieces of metal like flying in the sky.

It seems that the members of the parliament are also surprised by the appearance of these pieces. Lin found that they all shifted the target of the attack.

"leave here."

At this time, Lin suddenly received a signal.

This signal was sent by the shadow. After the dream of the Ershi surface was bombarded, Lin contacted it and disconnected.

And now it has sent a signal again, and the debris in the sky... Lynn feels that it may have something to do with it.

If so... then continue to fly up.

Although there is only half of the data room left, Lin can still pass some methods... let it continue to fly.

That is... Veronica himself flew up with the data room.

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