4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 4 Chapter 138: Sleepwalking fantasy

This world is quite amazing...

Little Dragon Liddell is now in the air bubbles, drifting slowly over the jungle. If you look down carefully, you can see some strange creatures traversing among the plants, in the open space below the bubbles. There is a four-legged 'biological' made up of pure rock. It is more than six meters high. It is constantly violently roaring in the mouth of stone sculpture. It faces a flame that is burning with fire and flying in the air. biological……

The flying flame creature suddenly opened the burning mouth and ejected a flame from the inside. However, the rock creature did not suffer any damage in the flame. It jumped high and jumped high, and the flame was fired. The creature swallowed it in.

After a few seconds of swallowing the flame, the whole body of the rock creature bursts instantly, and under the bursting 'skin', its body shines like a flame with a strong light!

"Oh..." Liddell looked at it all in a bubble, and it was so new to it that it even forgot its original purpose.

At this time, the bubbles drifted through a strange jungle. These jungles had branches but no leaves. There was a small eyeball at the end of each branch. When Lidell looked at the plants, their eyes were also looking at Lee. Del...

Suddenly, a branch trembling, the eyeball on the top of the tree broke away from the branches, floated into the sky, floated to the same height as Liddell, and looked at Liddell one by one...

"Hey?" Liddell tried to reach out and grab an eyeball, but accidentally poked the surface of the bubble with his claws, and the bubble suddenly blew out. Liddell also fell down suddenly...

"Wow!" Liddell screamed in the air. It almost thinks that he must die. But when it hit the ground heavily, it suddenly found that the land was actually soft, the strong elasticity bounced it high, then fell again, and then bounced again, it played like this all the way. A few hundred meters away, it was finally bounced into the tree hole of a tree and stopped.

This tree looks normal. It was purely woody, but Liddell never thought it was normal. It was amazed at all of this. Just as Liddell was trying to get out of the tree hole, suddenly the whole tree swayed a few times. Next, I saw that the root of the tree was pulled out of the ground. The tree took the roots of the tree and swayed on the ground.

Liddl looked out of the tree hole and found that there were such moving trees everywhere, and even the moving flowers were dangling. Some of the flowers even talk to each other...

"Hey!" Liddell jumped out of the tree hole and jumped into the flowers under the tree. The flowers rolled from the inside, and the flowers were overwhelmed by it, sending out a protesting scream.

"Hey?" Lidd looked at a flower that was screaming. It suddenly reached out and pulled the flower down and put it in his mouth and bit a bit...

"It's delicious!" Liddell felt the taste in his mouth. It swallowed the whole flower with excitement. It also went to pull out other flowers, throw them into the mouth and bite into pieces to swallow.

All the flowers were suddenly scared. They pulled up their roots like trees, and they fled in, and Liddell chased them more excitedly, just like predators caught prey...

However, at this time Lidler suddenly appeared in front of a huge flower, it is three meters tall, the body is covered with dense spines, the edge of the large petals is full of serrations.

Liddell just wanted to turn around, but it was entangled by the root of the flower. The flower lifted it up and then swallowed it into the ‘mouth’.

After being swallowed, Liddell felt that the whole body began to dissolve slowly, although it was very painful, but it was not painful.

Although it hurts, but it doesn't hurt? Very painful and not painful? No pain?


The strange thoughts filled Liddell's mind, and when it opened its eyes again, it found that it was in a desert area.

Why is it in the desert? Liddell did not consider this problem. The light of the sky shone on the gravel and reflected the hot feeling. Liddell stood up and saw a huge black shadow moving slowly in the distance.

what is that? Curiosity made Lidder approach this behemoth, and it found out that it was a small whirlwind of sand that was constantly swirling.

The whirlwind slowly moved on the sand dunes. When Liddell approached, the whirlwind suddenly reacted. It seemed to have discovered Liddell and rushed in the direction of it!

"Hey!" Liddle was shocked, and immediately turned and ran, and the whirlwind behind it began to accelerate. Liddell quickly passed through the sand dunes, and the whirlwind kept following it until Liddell found a big front. Stone, it quickly hid behind the big stone.

The violent whirlwind hit the stone, but it seems that because of its power, the speed of the whirlwind began to become slower and slower. Eventually, it turned into a dust of the sky, dissipating...

Liddell watched the whirlwind dissipate, and this was relieved, but when it was preparing to go, the rock suddenly moved...

Liddell discovered that the rock was moving. It quickly retreated backwards. Only the entire rock slowly split and peeled off. After a large number of outer stones fell off, a shape of a scorpion appeared in the center of the rock.

"Hey!" The scorpion tapped the pliers made of rock and rushed toward Liddell!

"Hey!" Liddell immediately turned and desperately escaped. It found that he seemed to be at large all the time, but he could not feel tired.

Liddell has been running in the desert for a long time, and the nephew has been chasing it. Eventually, it ran to the end of the desert. It was a towering cliff edge and could see the endless sea...

Liddell had never seen the sea, but it was not curious now. It could not move forward. It turned to look at the scorpion. When the scorpion came closer and closer, it immediately tried its best to jump to the height!

Incredibly, a small Snapdragon actually jumped a few meters in height, and the rock scorpion suddenly rushed over and rushed into the sea.

"Wow?" Liddell turned a circle in the air, perfectly falling on the ground. It looked at his body and seemed quite amazed at his ability.


At this moment, a huge sound came suddenly on the surface of the sea. Liddell looked at it with surprise. I saw that the sea was actually split into two. A huge creature flew slowly from the sea in two halves. stand up.

This huge creature, Liddell knows. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

Ps: Thank you ~ Hetian ~ E吖~kether~ monthly ticket~

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