4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 4 Chapter 96: Green dragon trainer

Lin carefully observed the dragons, they are different from the white dragons or the tucks of them. They are... more special, their faces are not so long, they are slightly round, they are shorter, about one meter eight or so, others The dragon is two meters, the claws are not so sharp, the scales of the whole body are close to the green of the leaves such as plants, but in general the gap with other dragons is not very big...

This dragon has some wonderful ornaments hanging on it, like the vines put together the teeth. They also have skulls on their heads. The wooden sticks are tied at the end of the horned dragon's horn. The top of the stick held by the dragon's hand is placed with a strangely pointed claw. It may be the end of the claws of some large carnivorous dinosaurs. This may be the leader.

They should not be like a cliff gnome, is a ‘bone lover’? Tucker also likes to collect bones, but they all have practical uses. The gnomes are purely there to look at them...

Lin may have to give these dragons a name, what is it? Green Dragon? Or is it a jungle dragon? I feel that there is no creativity in comparison.

"Hey, hey." At this time one of the three dragons said some strange words.

Lynn was a little surprised. They seemed to say a relatively complete vocabulary that was already in the language, although it didn't mean anything.

After hearing the electric gnomes, they ran out of the body of Yalong, and excitedly shouted around the dragon. A dragon threw a piece of meat on the ground, and they immediately ate wildly.

At this time, the three dragons said some words to each other. They looked at the gnomes who eat meat on the ground. The leader came over here and it went to Yalong’s side. Reach out to touch Yalong’s head.

"Oh..." Yaron made a deep voice under his stroking, which seemed very comfortable.

"Oh!" The leader screamed and screamed. He grabbed a caterpillar from Yalong's head, and the caterpillar's sharp mouth was tied in the scales of his palm.

The leader pulled the caterpillar hard and threw it on the ground, and then it screamed. The other two dragons immediately took a few leaves, crushed them and placed them on the wounds of the leader's palms...

This is really interesting...

At this time, the invaders injected by the caterpillars have swam to the brain. It was initially discovered that the brains of this dragon are not bigger than Tucker. They can be said to be basically the same size, but they are obviously smart. Just now they still know how to use a leaf to smear the wound. The leaves have some ingredients to detoxify. Most caterpillars are poisonous, and they certainly think that Lynn's caterpillars are also the same.

Tuck’s tribe is not very likely to be treated. At least until Lin taught them, it seems that the dragons here have a higher level of knowledge, even though they have the same intelligence.

Then their names should be called...


Suddenly, a strong wind interrupted Lin, who was thinking, and the dense fog began to spread with the gust, and the surrounding scenery appeared in Lin’s vision.

First, Lynn saw it. It’s a green one...

... This is the caterpillar's vision. It was just fell on the mossy ground by the leader of the dragon, only the green...

But in the distance, Lynn's pompoms are close to this area, in the sky. It can see the whole picture of this place.

The dense fog dissipated, and the pompom saw a jungle. It is full of a large fern, and among the ferns, there are some wonderful things.

It looks like a huge egg-shaped stone. There are quite a few such things in this jungle. Each of them has a height of more than ten meters, a length of tens of meters, and each 'big egg stone' is overgrown. Moss or other kinds of plants, some of which have traces of being carved out.

The dragons and Yalongs are located on one of the giant egg stones. It seems to be their place of residence. The pompons also see some buildings under some stones, which looks like piles of stones together. Adding a 'house' made up of wooden sticks seems to be more advanced than a shack.

At that time, let them first make 'Jade Dragon'. The name sounds better. The jade seems to refer to some kind of emerald green stone. Although Lin has never seen it, the scales of these dragons are just Green, it looks shiny under the sunlight.

The leader of the Jade Dragon once again approached the Yalong. It reached out and touched Yalong, and then climbed onto Yalong’s back. Yalong just shook his body and there was no big reaction.

At this time, the other two emerald dragons came over. They took out some strange leaves. The leader took the leaves and placed it in Yalong’s mouth.

Yaron, who was still motionless, began to chew at this moment. After it swallowed the leaves, it suddenly slammed its wings and made a loud roar against the sky! Then it slammed a pair of wings and flew from the egg stone to the sky!

"Hey!" The emerald dragon leader sat on the back of Yalong. He raised his wooden stick and shouted excitedly. The two emerald dragons below also shouted.

They are obviously quite excited, not just a few of them. I saw a lot of emerald dragons coming out of the houses under the giant egg stone, cheering at the leader of the sky.

The number of these jade dragons is quite large. There are hundreds of people living around a gemstone. Their cheers are all over the surrounding jungle. It seems that they are different from the small dragons or small dragons. They form a A rather large community.

Lin also found that there were some electric gnomes among them, but these gnomes did not have any special reaction, just wandering around...

Does the Jade Dragon seem to be a symbiotic relationship with the electric gnome? Lin estimated that they should deliberately let the electric gnomes catch the Yalong, but the question is how do they do it?

Lin can now speculate, maybe the process is like this, they first give Yalong food that contains 'salmon stone' crumbs, then Yalong snarls into the sky and causes it to be hit by lightning. After the brain is damaged, control It's a lot easier to get up.

But the question is how is this all triggered? How do they know to let Yalong be beaten? How do they know which part of the Yalong brain damage? What if the damage is in another area, it does not change, but it is crazy, what should I do?

Perhaps it all originated from a very accidental time. An emerald dragon saw a lightning bolt hitting a Yalong accidentally. Then the Yaron became stupid and it was easy to ride and fly.

This is indeed a possibility... Then this group of emerald dragons has been trying to get Yaron to be hit by thunder, because they have the habit of barking against the sky, it is easier to achieve.

In general, Yalong may have any way to prevent lightning, but it is not the same to bring them something that is easy to recruit.

The stone pillars that were on the other side of the rocky mountain were obviously related to the jade dragons or electric gnomes here. They used various methods to capture the Yalong...

It may be that Jade Dragon let the gnome go out to find Yalong to catch, but there are still some questions, why does Yalong know to fly here? This is the case...maybe related to electricity.

Electric gnomes may be able to continuously emit some electrical signals to make the brain-damaged Yalong fly in one direction, but this is only speculation, and there may be something here that attracts Yalong.

Emerald Dragon knows that feeding Yarons with some irritating leaves will restore them to some spirits. Lin can see that they have used this method to capture Yalong for a long time.

The leader rode Yalong in the sky and screamed on the surrounding egg pebbles. More Yalong climbed onto the stones. They spread their wings and carried an emerald dragon to the sky and boarded with the leader. The Yalong flew at the same time.

They have already caught a lot of Yalongs. Lin sees the sky flying around the nineteen dragons. Each Yalong is riding an emerald dragon, but the number of Yalongs is still very high compared to the number of jade dragons. Less, there are hundreds of thousands of emerald dragons cheering on the ground.

Lin speculates that only the leader or some strong players can ride these Yalongs. After all, they are different from the gnomes. The dragons are bigger and the Yalongs are up to one or two. Yalong’s scales are very heavy, but it There is a 'floating layer' among the wings, which is hollow and can be filled with lighter gas to fly. Although it can fly very flexibly, its load capacity is not strong.

After hunting on Yalong, their hunting should be much easier, although they have not been able to ride even the dragon like Bailulong...

Speaking of it, Bai Xiaolong should have lived in the salt sea or the wasteland, so they are all white. The white dragons in the jungle should be where they later lived, and the body has not changed.

Tucker's sacral pattern is suitable for everything...

The emerald dragon leader flew back and forth in the sky with other Yalong riders on the surrounding giant egg stone, so that the emerald dragons gathered underneath continued to cheer, when the leader suddenly raised the height, and other Yalong also immediately followed. Going up, then the leader swooped down at a very fast speed, controlling Yalong to land on the egg stone.

Other Yalongs also swooped and landed on other pebbles around them.

Can brain damage do so many actions? Lin also thought that these Yalongs would only fly forward at most. The Jade Dragon seems to have some way to control them...

Then the leader and other emerald dragons jumped from the back of Yalong. They left Yalong there, climbed down the egg stone, and the pompoms immediately drifted in their direction. Lin wanted to see their life. structure.

"Hey!" The leader suddenly screamed at the pompom. He waved his hand and cast a stick on it.

Ps: Thank you ~ Soul Guard ~ monthly ticket~

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