4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 4 Chapter 87: Xiaolong and Xiaolong

"Oh..." After the other white dragons saw the leader being pierced, they all had great fears in an instant. The white dragons had no intention of fighting again. They dropped their wooden sticks and dispersed to go around.

"Killing!" Tucker pulled out the spear in the chest of the leader, shouted and shouted, and the other dragons rushed up. They caught up with the escaped white dragons and pierced their bodies with spears. ......

Tucker seems to have no intention of letting go, but the white dragons fled to the depths of the dark jungle, and Tuck’s ethnic group had to return only after killing a few.

The small beetles are now flying, and Tucker is waiting in the shacks directly. The cubs who have been hiding in the bushes during the battle have also come out and stayed with the ethnic groups.

Lynn thinks this is quite dangerous, but Bai Haolong did not return signs of sneak attack.

Slowly, the surroundings began to light up, the night had passed, and the daylight followed.

After the surroundings brightened, Tucker could fully see the area spattered by blood... At the end of the battle, only a few white dragons ran into the dark jungle, and the rest were all surrounded by the Tuck’s ethnic group. Killed, the number of dead has reached twenty-two, Tucker's ethnic skills are very precise, basically piercing the chest and dying.

Tuck’s ethnic group also lost two members, one of whom was killed by the other leader.

It is really not easy to achieve this kind of achievement.

Now, the dragons dragged the bodies of the white dragons and piled them together, while Tucker stood on the pile of bodies. Raise the spear. Then cheer loudly!


This is also one of the words that Lin teaches them. The surrounding members also shouted with one of them: "Hey!!"

Although other dragons do not have so many hatreds for the white dragons, they do not like the white dragons. These two similar races always seem to be in a state of battle. The original dragon has always been in a weak position. They have something to do with their habits, but this time under the command of Tucker they made a big victory with a ten.

For the two companions who died, the dragons dug a hole in the ground to bury them, and then placed a stone in the buried place. On the stone portrayed... Lin's pompom?

For the first time, Lynn saw them painting this. It was better to say that the members who saw them for the first time died. Did they do this? What is the painting of pompoms? Do you think that the dead members will be born like pterosaurs?

This was quite interesting, and then Tucker took out a sharp-edged stone that dragged the body of the leader of the white dragon and cut off its head.

"Hey!" Tucker screamed at the head of the white dragon's leader, and then threw it out into the jungle. The dragons began to cheer, and they also put the heads of other white dragons. Cut it down and throw it into the jungle. Then they destroyed the shacks built by Bai Yulong.

They really do a lot of strange moves, and Lin doesn't know what it means to do so. There is no real income.

They found a lot of white dragon's eggs in the shack, they smashed the eggs directly, and then ate the cubs that were not yet full.

It seems that Bai Haolong will only take out the hatching eggs and bury them, and the growing eggs will stay here.


At this moment, a sound suddenly sounded in the jungle, as if a certain giant creature was moving.

"Go!" Tucker screamed immediately, and the dragons immediately retreated back to the jungle after carrying a few headless bodies, but Tucker stayed and climbed to the tree to observe. The situation of the open space in the forest.

'咚...咚...' As the footsteps get closer and closer, a huge figure appears in the woodland, which is a large carnivorous dinosaur, which Lin has never seen, so no name, carnivorous dragon Looked at the woodland, and then began to eat some of the body of the white dragon that Tucker left behind.

After Tucker looked at it for a while, he climbed down from the tree and walked in the direction of going back.

Tucker quickly followed his own group. They dragged the bodies of some white dragons back to the dragons, and they began to deal with them. They actually licked the skin and then sprinkled with salt to eat. They also started dancing like usual to celebrate the battle victory.

It seems that the end of the war was quite smooth. Lin's pompoms were originally in the Bailong's community. Now they follow Tucker and they return to the habitat of Longqimu, but Lin has maintained discoloration and did not show up.

Lin found that the egg had hatched a white dragon cub before it appeared. It seems that because Lin said the relationship of 'reservation' before, Tuck did not kill it, but dug a hole and threw it into the hole. Tucker didn't give it water and eat it, so he didn't care.

Lin found that the baby had a strong ability to move. When she was born, she had strong muscles, was able to run and jumped, and had a strong returning thought. It tried to leave in the hole.

Lin thought of an interesting thing. They looked at Tucker and they didn't pay attention to the hole. The pompoms grabbed the cubs from the hole with tentacles. When the cubs came out, they ran back in the direction of the shack group. It seemed like I don't know at all that its ethnic group has been destroyed by Tucker.

Lin just wants to see what happens to the white dragon's cubs in this situation. Will they live on their own? These pups are much more capable than the dragon's pups, but this may lead to a decline in learning ability.

However, the cub did not run far, and there were two dragons who found that the cubs in the cave were gone. They immediately rushed into the jungle and grabbed the cubs. This time they not only threw it into the hole. Also, cover the hole with a large stone.

Then, after the dragon was gone, the pompon took the stone away and grabbed the baby.

But this time, as before, it was quickly discovered and then caught back. After a few trials, the cub was exhausted. Although it would run away, it would not hide.

Lin feels that she seems to have to use a different approach...

Thinking, Lin let the pompon float to the shape of the Tucker in front of the meat. Tucker saw the pompom suddenly shocked, and immediately cheered: "Come back! Give the giver!"

"Mute." Lin said softly, Tucker immediately quieted down, then the pompom floated to the hole, touched the baby with the finger: "Hold it." (To be continued, please search for astronomy The novel is better updated faster!

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