4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 4 Chapter 34: Cutting the fleshy army

The moments of the death of these dragons were probably a few days and nights, but the meat on them was very clean and even the smell was almost eliminated.

Obviously, in the first few days and nights, a large number of dragons died in this place, but why? What brought them here? What killed them?

Among the dinosaur continents, among the creatures that Lynn knows, there is only one kind of creature that can kill these dragons and eat the meat.

‘嗒嗒嗒嗒...’ When I thought of this, there was a small sound in the skeleton piles, and countless black spots were drilled out of the skeleton.

Is cutting meat ants! Sure enough, only this tiny division of labor can do this kind of thing!

Lin does not observe much of this kind of biology, but this small creature obviously also has the characteristics of large-scale divisional species. Most of the densely-packed insects have no eye types, but there is also a kind of phlegm. Small, but the eyes are very large.

This unit is responsible for finding prey. They instantly locked their sights on Tucker... Then the entire ant colony launched a siege!

"Hey!" Tucker yelled in panic. Usually he was not afraid of these minced ants, because they were so small that they were slow, but it is now in a pothole that is only a dozen meters wide and just stands in the middle. The fossil wall around the pothole is still ten meters high.

Countless cut ants form an encirclement surrounded by Tucker, and some have climbed onto its feet and began to bite its scales with cockroaches. Tuck slaps them desperately, but there are more ant colonies Come up.

Before it was torn. Lynn must find a way to escape. Otherwise, Lin’s ‘apprentice’ will die...

The pterosaur is too small. There is no way to catch Tucker up, but Lynn has been very strange. They have fallen from the collapsed ground, but there are already a lot of dragon bones, which means that these dragons are from Come in other directions.

Which direction is it? Lin looked around and saw the wall on the right, the fossils of the prominent fungus had many cracks.

Is there there?

Looking at Tucker who was crawled to the body by a large number of ant colonies, the pterosaur immediately fanned his wings and rushed to the place. With the bang, the pterosaurs smashed a big hole in the fossil fungus on the wall! There is a passage behind the hole.

Lin found that the fossil wall here had been hit by something, but the creature that hit the wall afterwards had combined the pieces, so it looked like there was a crack.

Tucker saw the wall that Lin had hit and immediately stepped on the ant colony. Every time he took a step, more meat ants climbed onto it, just one meter away from the hole. Suddenly fell in the pile of bones!

I saw a large group of minced ants biting Tuck's leg scales, and they were biting another companion in the back. The ant colonies throughout the place were tightly linked together, forming a chain of swarms that dragged Tucker away from it. Then more insects climbed onto Tucker, trying to get into his mouth, respiratory tract, eyes and so on.

Sure enough, the division of labor is not simple... they may be the most intelligent creature on the dinosaur continent.

Lin let the pterosaurs combine a large amount of lysate in the body at the fastest speed, and squirt the ant colony that bites Tucker.


The ant colony sputtered by the dissolved liquid made a scream, and they all loosened the cockroaches. At this moment, Tucker slammed into the cave that Lin had knocked out.

Although it still has a large number of minced ants, it can't manage that much. Tuck ran out of the cave and tried to stop until he couldn't see the cave filled with sacrums and insects. Then it began to frantically slap the meat ants on the body.

When Lin catches up, she sees Tucker’s appearance and slowly falls to Tuck’s side. It’s very painful to be bitten by this little creature. They can’t immediately kill the opponent, but tear it bit by bit, indeed. It’s very painful.

Tucker now smashed the ant colony on his body and gasped on the ground, but it was still very painful. Lin found that there was blood flowing out of Tucker's right ear hole.

Apparently some climbed into the ear hole, and the meat ants like to eat from the inside when dealing with large creatures.

However, Lin had long thought of this situation, so some small arms were prepared in the pterosaurs, called 'the healer', which was originally used for treatment, but it could also be used for attacks.

The pterosaur extended his mouth to Tucker's ear hole, and Tucker immediately calmed down. It now knows that Lin will treat it.

A long worm-like unit has penetrated into the ear hole. The reptiles use this small hole-like organ to feel the trouble. It is easy to be invaded by something. After entering, Lin saw a few cuts. The ants are constantly biting the flesh inside the ear hole, and the blood flows out of the wound.

The reptile ear holes usually secrete some unpleasant smells to stop small creatures, but they are useless for cutting broilers, and now they seem to have noticed Lynn’s 'therapists', which immediately rushed. come!

At the moment they rushed, the healer suddenly opened his mouth and swallowed a mutton ant in one bite, and then squeezed the mutton ant with the tooth-like structure of the body and pressed it. The smash.

The space inside the ear hole is limited, and the meat ants can only be rushed one by one. They are also swallowed by Lin, until the last one cut the ant, Lin found that this is the kind with big eyes. It glanced at Lin's healer and fled to Tucker's ear hole.

Actually still know how to escape? The therapist opened his mouth and instantly shot a tentacle from his mouth. The tentacles stuck the belly of the minced ant and dragged it back, and the healer swallowed it again.

Finally solved, Lin found that the wound in the Tucker hole had begun to heal. Since there is no need to treat it, Lin will let the healer retreat. Tucker will become excited immediately after the injury. Get up, but because the series of things just tired, it does not do dance and the like.

Lynn is rather strange here is why there are cut meat ants, even if there is meat, there is no fresh water to drink, and then a lot of dragons will actually die there.

This cave is really suspicious.

Now, Lin and Tuck seem to have gone to a strange place. In addition to the traces of various fungal fossils, there are many scattered stones, wood thorns and so on.

These are obviously the things of the dragon. It seems that there is another group here, and for some reason, a lot of them are trapped in the place where the meat ants appear, or they are killed after being killed. Go in, then the body is cleaned up.

"Hey!" Tucker looked at these things on the ground. Suddenly it looked like something. He quickly walked up to the front. Lin followed behind him. After walking in the cave for about a hundred seconds, in front. A bright light suddenly appeared.

This is the sun's rays! At this time, Tucker stopped. In the open space in front, there was a lake with a diameter of about ten meters. The top of the cave above the lake was actually a big hole. The sun shined directly from it and lit up. The whole lake...

Tucker did not run over, but slowly walked to a salt column about six meters away from the lake and then hid, and then gently said to Lin: "Call." Inspiration also followed.

Lin walked behind the stone and looked out at the lake like Tucker. Lin found that there were some minced ants on the lake here, but the number was very small. They formed a circle and seemed to be carrying one after another. White and round things, they moved this thing into a cave on the salt wall of the lake.

There are many such round and white things at the water's edge. This seems to be a kind of creature, like a ball. They have a diameter of about five centimeters. After these minced ants leave, Lin walks to the lake. I ate one of these creatures.

After the decomposition, Lin instantly learned that this is also the branch of the minced ants, and is used exclusively for water, they are placed here to **** a lot of salt water, filtered into clean fresh water and then given to other meat ants edible.

This is a well-differentiated division of labor, but they do not seem to solve the body problem. If it is solved, there may not be so many dinosaurs here...

"Oh!" Suddenly, Tucker screamed, and Lin turned to look at it and saw a sharp stone flying towards it!

The pterosaur immediately slammed the head, and the stone did not reach it, but pierced the salt wall behind it.

At this time, three figures appeared in the direction of the wood thorns. They were white and thin, and this was the dragon that Lin had seen before. Because Tucker is not a species, it is called ‘白骸龙’.

Looking at their thin body shape, Lin estimates that they have been malnourished for a long time, and I don't know what they are eating here.

The three white dragons may have not seen normal meat for a long time. They stared at the pterosaurs tightly, fearing that they would open their wings and fly away in the next second, while they slowly moved, trying to approach quietly.

Bai Yanlong used Lin as an ordinary pterosaur. This feeling is very interesting, but Tucker can't bear this. It jumped out from behind the rock.

Tucker has only one sharp stone. It must now face three white dragons at the same time. Although the white dragon is malnourished, it looks much thinner than Tucker, but Tucker does not necessarily have a chance to win...


However, after seeing Tucker, Bai Xiaolong yelled a few times, and all of them turned and escaped...

Tucker also yelled and chased it up, but Lin immediately called it to stop.

Tuck looked at Lin with doubt, and Lin flew over the lake and looked at the sun shining directly above...

Lin felt that she should be able to go out from here. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

Ps: Thanks ~ fat muddy ~ rewards ~

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