4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 3 Chapter 59: Winter fall

Thirty days and nights

The twisted jungle is still the original appearance, the huge and intricate thick trunk, although the leaves of the canopy fall, but the jungle is still spectacular.

The creatures store food, dig holes and hide leaves, and this phenomenon lasts for about 30 days and nights. Almost all creatures are hidden until the last leaf falls...

The original hot grave was suddenly cold like ice crystals, and a burst of cold sandstorms continued. Under the gray sky, countless giant veins swept through the air and flew south. Lin did not know where they were going. But it seems that only they choose to escape, and most creatures choose to hide and face this disaster.

The twisted trees of the flash woodland have grown to more than ten meters high. They have not completely blocked the sandstorm. Some of Lin’s units still clean up some dust for the flash forest every day and night, but now the twisted trees have stopped growing. And those mosses have become slower.

Although they usually do not move, Lin can observe the cells in their bodies. In the cold state, nutrient transport is much slower. Although they are not dead, they are unlikely to breed.

In fact, all living things have stopped breeding.

All this marks the arrival of the cold. Lin has seen a lot in the sea, but what is the situation on land? Will the air form ice?

Lynn is very interested to wait and see what happens.

The brain worm has sealed up several of its rock mountains. It stores a large amount of food inside, most of which are the wreckage of some arthropods. Lin found that the infantry would secrete a special saliva. This will prevent food from rot.

The brain worm says it will go into a state of sleep during this period. The infantry became a state of slow eating. The entire community enters a special state that consumes energy slowly and can live for a long time.

It seems that it is very difficult to find food when the incident occurs, so the brainworm will do this.

As the temperature dropped lower and lower, Lin could feel that it was already lower than the temperature of water freezing.

Almost all creatures stopped their activities, but Lynn was still active.

Lynn replaced most of the originally cold-armed units with cold-proof armor and continued to move in the cold woodlands. As the prey became scarce, Lynn began to plant a crystalline green blanket umbrella.

Due to the crystal structure, this green carpet umbrella shell can emit shining light and warmth at night. Lin found that some small creatures hidden in the cave began to abandon their original holes and changed to re-enter the nest near the crystal.

At the same time, Lin also changed the green carpet covered with the dark original into a green blanket umbrella. This is more efficient than laying a green carpet. The main space is small, so that other plants have space to grow. The ferns are placed under the crystal umbrella. They were found to grow slowly by the crystallization of light.

However, the cooling continues. When the cold breath blew through the jungle, what growth stopped, and these creatures basically entered a state of sleep. This is a good way to get through the crisis. Lynn used it a long time ago.

At the time of the sudden drop in temperature, the clouds that Lin had always been concerned with had finally changed.

It is now white, and the sky is gathering a cloud of gray. This kind of cloud would have brought down the stormy heavy rain, but now, it is countless white debris.

With the storm from the desert, these endless white debris drifted to every corner of the forest. They piled up in the trunk, the ground, and all corners of the jungle, forming a group of white icy things that piled up in the forest. Everywhere, forming a wonderful scene

Lin found that the white debris floating on the clouds is indeed small ice crystals. They should have been raindrops, but their shapes are quite... strange.

Every ice crystal is a hexagonal wonderful structure, and although the whole is hexagonal, the details of the above are different, which is quite strange.

This kind of thing is called 'snow' in Lynn's vocabulary.

Under the large snowfall, the twisted jungle was dyed with a layer of white. They were not absorbed or dried as quickly as water, but because they did not disappear, they accumulated and accumulated, except for the special cleaning. Except for the flashy woodland and the green blanket umbrella, most places are covered with a thick layer of snow.

Lin even had some concerns that twisting the trunk would not carry the weight of them, but this has not happened yet.

However, the snow is still increasing and covering, even in the hot desert.

The original snow fell on the desert and seemed to infiltrate and disappeared immediately. However, as the temperature continued to drop and the heavy snow continued, it began to slowly cover a layer of white frost.

In the desert of Behemoth, its huge body has been covered with a thick layer of white snow, and Lin intends to sweep away the layer of snow and let it float above the clouds.

These phenomena on land are really interesting because of this phenomenon, so all species are hiding.

Just as the ice in the water will melt, this cold phenomenon will sooner or later disappear. These species store food in order to wait for that moment.

However, it may take quite a long time for Lin to see their food reserves. Even some creatures weighing less than half a kilogram have stored hundreds of kilograms of food.

And some creatures put the cells in a state of extremely slow consumption, which allows it to live and drink for years.

Lin didn't know how long it would last. Under the white cover, everything was dead, but not all places were covered by heavy snow.

In the mountain area, in the lake in the center of the mountain, although there is a layer of ice on the surface, Lin does not feel how cold the interior is. The creatures here are still normal, although slightly slower than before.

At the foot of the mountain, the burnt forest appeared a wonderful phenomenon when it snowed. Many water columns suddenly spurted out on the ground. These waters were white fog and gathered on the ground to form a puddle. It was discovered that the water was actually hot and seemed to come from under the ground. Lin thought they might be heated by lava or something.

Moreover, this water is different from the hot muddy water found by Lin, and the hot water content of the sprayed water is very low and quite clean.

Gray locusts are quite active, they swim in hot water, and these hot waters also attract a huge flying creature, the sawfish, a large-scale limb with a wingspan of more than 20 meters from the distant sky covered with heavy snow. Flying, it stopped in the puddle formed by hot water.

Lin had only seen the saw once, and then let Leviathan learn to make huge wings to fly, Lin did not know where they usually live, but they seem to fly from the sea.


Now, the heavens and the earth have become cold. Do you know if the ocean has recovered? (To be continued. Mobile users please go to m.qidian. Read.)

Ps: Thanks ~ Queen sm~'s reward~

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