4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 108: Established

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the endless prison. If you come here, please give up all your hopes. From now on, don't miss the world outside, don't miss your life again! Stay here until the end of life. Let's go!"

The voice of the announcement echoed on the island of the prison with the whistling sound of the storm.

During the period of waiting for the dream, Lynn continued to return to the real and began planning in the prison.

This place... is more suitable as a base than I think.

The figure of several imaginary people is shaking in front of the pompon...

They are a new group of criminals who were sent here on the crime of killing the people. A group of heavily armed soldiers are escorting them and taking them to the centre of the prison.

The pompoms have now followed them to the entrance to the prison, although the prison is a huge metal cage in the sky, but the jail procedure here is carried out indoors.

It can be seen that everything here is very strict, and several criminals are on both sides of the iron fence passage, which leads directly to the prison entrance.

On both sides of the iron bar, they were full of armed and imaginary people. They seemed to be ready to shoot, and they raised their weapons.

These criminals have never experienced any big events. They looked around in horror and could feel that they almost fainted.

They didn't seem to relax until the entrance...

The entrance was a low metal door that was basically lowered to enter. With the bang, the entrance door opened and several criminals were pushed in by the soldiers.

After entering, the door was closed instantly, and Lin found that the criminals had entered a closed space.

"Start scanning now."

There was a sound in the room, and a red light swept through the bodies of all the criminals, and the thing they carried in their hands was also opened at the same time.

"Welcome here, say goodbye to the outside world.

After the scan, the front wall slowly rose, and after the raised wall, you could see the sky filled with heavy rain and a lot of virtual people.

It seems that this is within the prison.

These imaginary people are all wearing uniforms, but the numbers on the clothes are different, and most of them look at them with a smile.

However, it is not the kind of smile with ‘good intentions’.

So, is this the world in prison? The pompon looked at the environment inside. It seemed that nothing was inside. Except for a large number of criminals, the ground was mud and stone. The surrounding high walls and the metal mesh on the wall meant that the virtual people here could not escape. this place……

The pompoms and the new criminals who trembled entered the prison. At the moment they entered, they were surrounded by a large number of criminals...

"Hey, what's new? We should tell you some rules." "Yes, all newcomers should know the rules here. There are no prison guards here. We are all managing ourselves."

It seems that a few newcomers will be miserable.

Lin didn't pay much attention to them, and the pompom quickly flew to the center of the prison.

This ground space is not where the criminals stay, in fact their main residence is here...

On the ground floor, Lynn can see a large hole, and the pompoms fly into the cave. It is not dark inside, but there is a light that illuminates the entire area.

Moreover, many of the virtual people can be seen coming and going in the caves. Some even have some virtual people trading around, while others are on the ground. There are many small rooms on the walls of the caves. The people are sleeping inside.

These imaginary people are basically wearing the costumes of criminals, and they live here so.

The island itself is a place that was used to excavate ore a long time ago, but I don’t know why it was abandoned. Later, there were virtual people who built prisons here...

This prison was established by many countries, so it can hold criminals all over the world. This is also because the island has a huge underground network that can accommodate a huge number of virtual people.

After the criminals are thrown in, they will not be under any management, and they will fend for themselves here, so the criminals here have established a city structure belonging to them in this underground network...

It’s like what Lynn sees now.

So many felons are all mixed together. It can be said that it is a place where ‘lawlessness’ is there, but they can actually establish order, but it’s still very powerful...

And how is it maintained here? Certainly there are resources to enter outside to maintain.

However, no matter what... Lin intends to develop directly from the depths.

Therefore, the pompoms flew down the deepest part of the tunnel to the people.

Every time a virtual person passes, the pompon will launch a fluff on it, and in this way, all the virtual people can be quickly occupied.

Soon, Lin flew to the bottom of this tunnel...

On the way to flying in, Lynn heard that it was managed by a virtual person called the 'Boss'. It is said to be one of the most vicious criminals. He had strong rights and abilities before...

Now, the rules it customizes dominate the entire underground prison, and it happens to be in a deeper place, now that Lynn has come to its home.

The home of this big man looks very luxurious. There is a big bed in this cave, and there are some very high-class beds in front of the bed. The table is made of rare minerals, filled with fresh food and gorgeous carpet. Covered with the ground, there is even a video installation that carries the movie next to it.

I don't know where it came from, and it is now issuing commands to the people next to it.

"Hey, what about that?"

"It's going to be good, boss." A imaginary person said to him with respect and respect: "Everything is going very smoothly."

"Good, hurry up, wait until you report again."


After leaving, the boss continued to turn to look at the movie, and the pompom flew into the room...


When the pompoms approached the boss, the boss suddenly felt like he felt something. He pulled out a weapon from the pillow under the bed: "Who dares to come to me? Get out soon!"

How did it notice the hidden pompoms? Lynn is a little curious...

"Don't want to hide, I have smelled your smell, I know...ah!"

If it didn't finish, the pompom had already pierced its head.

Then... just start here.

Using this ‘big boss’ as a nutrient, the pompon began to grow here.

Soon, it will become a base, producing countless...armies. R1152

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