Chapter 75: Fanwai · Before · Recent

Chapter 75 Fanfan · Before · Recent


The camphor tree was lush in the early summer, the forest road cast a reflection, and Cassia went out of school carrying a schoolbag and looked around.

Zhang Huan didn't come to pick it up, and Bing Ming bought a bottle of soda in the door store and drank it with a big yellow cat while fighting. The phone rang.

Zhang Huan: "Dad has something to do. I can't pick you up today."

Cassia: "Oh, let me go home by bus."

Zhang Huan said, "Okay ... have you eaten yet?"

Cassia: "Of course not."

Ju Ming heard Zhang Ye's voice a little hesitant, and a woman's voice on the phone said, "Is it your son?"

Jing Ming narrowed his eyes alertly, emitting a murderous look.

"I don't know the way home, you come to pick me up." Jue Ming said.

Zhang Huan: "..."

Zhang Ye's voice was with a smile, saying, "Have a taxi and come to the Central Ring Road of the development zone, will you have coffee on the island?"

Jie Ming shook his bag back and went out to stop the car.

There are melodious piano music in the cafe. The scorching sun outside enters the brown glass floor-to-ceiling window and casts it on the checkered tablecloth. Zhang Yan exhales and laughs: "In fact, I have no ambition ...

Smoky, the woman sitting opposite endured Zhang Ye's bad smoking habit and smiled lightly: "It's fine, business is not as good as it was a few years ago ..."

"My son is here," Zhang Ye greeted, "Zhang Juming!"

Cassia came expressionlessly, Zhang Huan pressed his cigarette butt, let Cassia sit next to him, and said, "This is Aunt Sun."

"Hello, Zhang Juming." The woman laughed. "My name is Sun Qing."

Cassia looked at her and said, "Oh."

Zhang Huan asked, "How about the midterm exam? The scores are out?"

"Closed in the afternoon." Cassia looked up at Zhang Huan and said, "One hundred and seventy-three."

Zhang Ye said: "Well, when will the parents open?"

Cassia: "Next week."

Sun Qing smiled: "How many people are in your grade?"

Cassia: "One hundred and seventy-four."

Sun Qing: "..."

Zhang Ye smiled and said, "I didn't learn well when I was a kid, so I had to be a soldier at last." He touched his head and said, "Children, just have fun."

Sun Qing nodded slowly, with a little sympathy in her eyes. After a while, her cell phone rang.

"I have to go back first." Sun Qing smiled politely.

Zhang Ye said, "I'll take you home."

Sun Qing smiled: "It's okay, you take Cassia to play, I will take a taxi and go back soon." She picked up the bag and got up, Zhang Ye busy said: "I pay the bill."

Zhang Huan went to the front desk to pay the bill. Sun Qing looked at Jue Ming and said with a smile, "Come on, study hard and don't live up to your father's expectations."

Cassia looked up at her in disbelief. Zhang Ye returned and sent Sun Qing away. Cassia was still sitting at the table, looking like a dirty cat with a grudge.

After a while, Zhang Huan drifted back to sit back, lie on the table, moved to the front of Jumei, a relieved expression, loosened his tie with his fingers, and said, "Finally left."

Jing Ming asked: "Who is that?"

Zhang Ye answered with a smile: "It has nothing to do with you, you will never see her again."

Cassia: "Who is it and why does it have nothing to do with me?"

Zhang Yan said: "Don't ask baby, come and see, what do you want to eat? Do you want to eat here? Or do you want to eat Leapfrog?"

Deciding not to answer, Zhang Huan flipped through the menu, glanced at Jue Ming from the menu, and said, "What? Angry?"

Zhang Ming got up and left, Zhang Ye quickly grabbed his jacket and said, "Hey, you kid ... wait!"

Cassia came out of the cafe, Zhang Hua chased after him, and pulled up his hand in the street. Everyone around him looked at the father and son strangely. Zhang Qian bustled on Cassia's shoulder, bowed his head to his ear and said "Don't lose your temper here, I'll explain to you later, get in the car first."

Cassia is still very obedient. Zhang Ye drove the car, fastened him with his seat belt, tied him directly to the front passenger seat, drove himself, laughed and hummed.

"You explain!" Cassia said.

Zhang Ye smiled: "It's nothing, do you know that blind date?"

Cassia: "?"

Zhang Ye said, "My uncle, I want to find an object for my dad. The uncle just asked me to meet him. Hey, what should I say ... I'm afraid you're not happy, I haven't told you ..."

Cassia said: "Oh."

Zhang Ye's car drove out of the city and got on the highway. Cassia said, "I don't like having one more person at home."

Zhang Huan groaned for a while, and then said: "Baby, Dad can't help it. People like my age have married and had children in the country. The old people are enthusiastic, and I can't push it."

Jue Ming said, "Will you marry her?"

Zhang Ye glanced at Jue Ming and said, "What do you think?"

Cassia's eyes were a little red, and he didn't speak. Zhang Ye stopped, lined up outside the toll station, squeezed his face, and smiled: "Nothing, you see, she doesn't like me at all. I let you come Just to show her, take a towing oil bottle ... "

Cassia said, "Dad, have I dragged you down?"

Zhang Ye didn't answer. He drove through the toll station and finally stopped at the stop on the side of the road.

"Listen," Zhang Yan said, "baby, Dad doesn't mean it."

Ding Ming cried hummingly, and didn't answer, just crying, Zhang Ye was really confused, put his hand on the steering wheel, and said, "Baby, don't you cry, listen to me."

Zhang Yan sighed, clamoring sideways, and whispered: "Dad didn't want to get married, so you came here. This kind of thing is difficult to handle. Uncle must ask me to meet. If I refuse to speak, he will be angry. The elderly are old and prone to high blood pressure, so I have to find a way to make her leave a bad ... impression on me. "

"I really don't want to get married." Zhang Huan said, "Baby, if you cry like this again, Dad is going to get angry. Originally there was a lot of pressure, and you were ... angry with Dad, how did you feel that you really took it out and fed the dog? ... "

Cassia: "..."

Cassia laughed and said, "Feed the dogs wholeheartedly."

Zhang Huan was completely out of temper, crooked in the driver's seat, and the whole man was listless.

"It's funny?" Zhang Ye asked inexplicably: "How funny?"

There was still tears on Jumei's face, and it seemed that this sentence was very interesting. When looking up at Zhang Ye, Zhang Yejun flushed, staring at him for a long time.

The two looked at each other, Zhang Huan came together, his lips moved, as if there was something to say.

Zhang Jian said: "Baby."

Cassia: "?"

Zhang Yan's beautiful eyes were deep, and when she turned her head, her nose and Jumei's face were close together, and they felt each other's breathing.

Cassia looks at Zhang Ye.

This silence is long like a century, and short like a second.

Zhang Ye wiped his tears with his fingers and drew a tissue to wipe him away. With a melancholy expression, he sighed and started the car.

"Where to go," Cassia asked.

"Take you to play." Zhang Huan said, "Isn't it good to say last month, after finishing the exam with Uncle Wang, Xiaoshan they went fishing."

Cascading said: "But you are not saying that you can only go to the top one hundred and fifty before entering the exam. I have the penultimate exam ..."

Zhang Ye said: "You still know that you are the last, eh?"

Cassia laughed again, Zhang Jian said: "There is no way to take you, let's go."

Zhang Ye drove for two hours and took Cassia to the outside of the city. This is the middle of the two cities. There is a farmhouse in the suburbs. Wang Bo and his family arrived early, said hello to Cassia, and there were several young military officers who went on vacation to follow Wang Bo's outing.

Cassia greeted them. Everyone played differently. Wang Bo's wife prepared for barbecue at night. Wang Bo took her daughter to go kayaking and asked, "Are you going to come?"

Cassia said: "I'm with my dad."

Zhang Jian said, "Go ahead, I'll go fishing."

Cassia took Shanshan's hand to the speedboat.

Wang Bo glanced at Jue Ming in the distance, walked over and handed Zhang Ye a cigarette, and smiled, "Why is Xiao Zhang going today?"

Zhang Ye didn't answer, took the cigarette, and said, "I'm not in a good mood. I want to be quiet."

Wang Bo said, "How about the Jumeirah exam?"

Zhang Yan sighed and said, "No, he doesn't understand, he is always the bottom. I was thinking about letting him stay one grade."

Wang Bo said: "It's okay. Are the kids in my brother's house still afraid of finding a job?"

Zhang Huan said: "It's not like that. You see what it looks like, what do you do in the future? Don't say you have a foothold in society ... find a girlfriend, get married and get a job, he can't take care of himself at all."

Wang Bo patted Zhang Ye's shoulder and smiled, "I told Shanshan that if I didn't want to marry someone later, my buddies would raise her for a lifetime. What's so annoying?"

Zhang Ye also laughed.

Cassia and a group of young officers circled in a kayak, from the lakeside of the farmhouse to the river, and then returned by a battery car from outside the canyon. The crowd had a lot of fun.

There is a stream in the woods, and the surroundings are quiet. Zhang Ye, wearing a fisherman's hat, is fishing under the shade of the tree.

Zhang Yan shook his hands and the hooked fish swam away.

"Enough to play?" Zhang Huan turned around.

Ju Ming said, "How many?"

He looked into Zhang Jian's bucket, and it was empty, with no fish.

Zhang Huan unnaturally opened his hand holding Jue Ning's neck and said, "Don't be old and coquettish, you're all in third grade."

Cassia's face didn't matter, Zhang Jian installed a hook and threw the bar, and Cassia lay on his side to read a book.

Zhang Ye glanced at it, Cassia also brought out the political textbook, and made a lot of plausible notes. Cassia looked at him and fell asleep, lying on the grass beside Zhang Qian.

The wind blew through the pages of the book, Zhang Ye looked at the crooked words on it, feeling a little sad.

At dusk:

"Come, get up." Zhang Huan whispered, "Crystal, wake up."

Zhang Huan carried Cassia, asked Cassia to carry an empty barrel, left the woods and walked towards the barbecue stove. Cassia stumbled on the barbecue. At night, Zhang Qian and his officers drank, drank a dozen bottles of beer, and went to Nine I went to the small building to sleep at noon.

The farm stay was far away from the city, and it was very cool at night. Zhang Ye drunk a bit, fell on the big bed, and said, "Baby ..."

Cassia came over and took off his leather shoes. Zhang Huan wore a shirt and trousers, shrank into bed, lay on his face with a drink of alcohol, and sighed.

Cassia said, "Do you want tea?"

Zhang Jian shook his head on the pillow, shaking, and said, "Are you sleepy?"

Zhang Yan said, "Sleep."

Cassia climbed into bed and unbuttoned Zhang Ye's shirt and belt. Zhang Qian looked at Cassia and said, "When Dad picked you up in the mountain that year, you were so tall."

Zhang Ye gestured beside the bed with a hand, and murmured, "It's so big in the blink of an eye."

Cassia looked blankly at Zhang Huan: "What do you want to say."

Zhang Huan said, "Why are you just like before, you don't understand anything. Is Dad not teaching you well?"

Zhang Ming said silently, Zhang Ye said to himself for a while, and was taken off by the black bullet panties, and Yang Xie supported the tent. Cassia took off his clothes, retracted into the quilt, lay straight with his arms around his arms.

Zhang Huan stared at the ceiling and couldn't sleep.

In the dark:

"So noisy," Cassia said, "humming."

Zhang Huan whispered, "The fan is on, otherwise it's too hot."

Jue Ming moved uncomfortably. Zhang Jian's man had hot skin and a long body. He tried to hold Jue Ming in his arms several times, but he did not dare to move.

The fans buzz, buzz, buzz ... stop suddenly.

It was quiet at night.

Zhang Ye raised his hand gently, pulled the light cord, clicked, and there was no movement.

Cassia is breathing evenly, sleeping soundly, and Zhang Ye dare not move, looking at the ceiling.

At midnight, Cassia wakes up.

Both were sweating all over their bodies, and the weather became sultry. Zhang Ming took a breath and Zhang Ye lifted the quilt and looked at him sideways.

Cassia: "Okay ... so hot, eh."

Zhang Huan: "There is a power outage, does Dad fan you?"

Zhang Huan opened the quilt, and it became cold. Without the quilt, he turned and subconsciously drilled into Zhang Huan's arms. Zhang Huan was sweating all over the body. The pectoral muscles are wet and slippery.

Cassia reached out and held Zhang Huan's waist awake, and said, "Dad."

Zhang Ye's breathing was getting heavy. Jue Ming's hand was on his chest, and he touched his lower abdomen, and put his feet on his waist. Erection.

"What's wrong?" Zhang Yan whispered.

"You won't get married," Cassia whispered.

Zhang Huan said, "No, are you afraid of me getting married?"

Cassia said, "Well, I love you."

Zhang Ye replied, "I love you too."

Jue Ming said, "It's that kind of love."

Zhang Huan: "What kind of love?"

Cassia: "Well, there is that kind of love and that kind of love."

Zhang Huan's heartbeat was very violent. He turned to his side, hugging Cassia, and cascading in his face, Zhang Huan bowed his head and said, "I love you too."

Cassia said, "Kiss."

The two remained silent for a long time, and Zhang Jian's sweat infiltrated the whole body. He lowered his head and kissed Mingming's lips.

Jackie embraced Zhang Huan's neck and kissed him awkwardly. Zhang Hua kissed for a long time, his eyes panted, and then whispered: "Baby, I love you too, it's that kind of love."


High seas base:

Zhang Ye threw the backpack on the upper bunk and laughed, "Finally, I'm home."

Jie Ming scratched his head, Zhang Ye came over to untie his scarf and take off his sweater. The indoor space was not large, only about ten square meters, but two people lived enough.

Cassia walked around and looked around. Zhang Ye put the things away and asked, "What do you want to do first? Go out and buy things?"

Cassie thought about it and said, "Don't buy anything."

Zhang Jian said: "Eat first?"

Jing Ming shook his head and looked at Zhang Ye, Zhang Ye said, "What do you want to do?"

Decided to keep silent, Zhang Ye understood, and smiled, "I know what you want to do."

Zhang Huan stepped forward, holding Jue Ming, and said, "Come down first and make the sheets."

Cassia stood by, Zhang Jian bowed down and laid the sheets, and when he got up, Cassia immediately said, "Be careful!"

Zhang Huan's head touched the upper bunk, and when the loud noise rang, Zhang Ming laughed. Zhang Huan inhaled in pain, turned and hugged Ju Ming, pressing him on the bed.

"Want to get in touch with Dad, did you? Huh?" Zhang Huan couldn't help kissing at Jue Ming's neck. Cassia kissed Zhang Huan's sweaty neck and snorted.

"Let's take a shower first," Zhang Huan said, "together."

"Don't take a bath," Cassia said, "be affectionate first."

Zhang Ye smiled, "No lubricant ..."

Jue Ming said: "That should be okay, pointing to the basket, which contains the military supplies that were previously retrieved, and there is a UV-protective moisturizer for ground troops."

Zhang Ye said: "I'll see if there are any additives ... no alcohol, eh should be able to ..."

Cassia: "Try it all today."

Zhang Ye smiled: "Baby is so brave."

Zhang Huan took off his clothes and undressed Cassia again. He bumped his head again during the period, almost unbearable. He held Cassia down and put him on the sofa. He took the pillow and placed it behind Cassia.

"Come." Zhang Yan laughed. "Open your legs ... what are you so shy about?"

Cassia looked around and asked, "Is there a camera?"

Zhang Huan said, "It's impossible. What are you thinking in your head? Come, give Dad something."

Zhang Huan's knees leaned against the edge of the sofa. The straight-up phallus was facing Cassia. Cassia reached out and put a moisturizer on his meat stick, and slowly fiddled with his hands. Zhang Huan gently inserted the deciduous with two long fingers Ming's small hole, Ming Ming moaned, covered the back of Zhang Huan's glans with his palm, gently clenched his hands, and hugged the front end of his meat stick and pushed back.

Zhang Yan exhaled, licked his lips, and laughed.

"Don't play, you will shoot again." Zhang Huan said.

Cassia tricked a few times, Zhang Jian's **** was stiff and trembling.

"Dad, you come." Jue Ming said.

There was a touch of redness on Zhang Huan's face, and he buried his head with the root of his 18-cm meat stick, clawing back and forth between Capricorn's thighs, and there was an unspeakable pleasure from the glans.

He repeatedly glanced out of Cassia's cave with a glans, then slowly advanced, saying, "Come in."

"Ah ..." Cassia said: "This time ... come all in, slow down."

Zhang Jian said: "Can the baby bear it?"

Cui Ming said aloud and said, "By farewell ... whatever I say."

Zhang Ye said, "Why do you want Dad to come in?"

Cassia rubbed his lips without answering, Zhang Huan applied moisturizer on his hand, and touched his skin with his big hand, applied oil to his body, touched his chest, lower abdomen, and then held Cassia He pulled his palms together and began to play tricks on him slowly, his huge roots slowly deepened.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" "Okay" groaned embarrassingly, Zhang Ye supported the sofa with one hand, leaned on him, and began to kiss him.

"Ah! Dad! Slow down!" Cassia gasped.

Zhang Ming whispered: "It's already very slow, is it top?"

Cassia trembled, "Top ... top, it's deep ..."

Zhang Ye's **** was still incomplete and stopped when he reached the prostate in Cassia's abdomen. Then he pulled it out slowly.

"No," Cassia said: "Don't leave me, Dad ..."

Zhang Ming was going to hug Zhang Jian's healthy waist and hips with his hands, but Zhang Zhang grabbed it, pressed it on the sofa's back, fingers crossed each other, Zhang Jian kissed Ju Ming intently, and said, "I will wait for you first got used to……"

Zhang Ming couldn't help sobbing, Zhang Ye slowly pulled in after pulling out most of it, and adjusted to the resistance, and then started to thrust, Cassia groaned: "Are you all here?"

Zhang Ye smiled, "No, do you want to come all in? You can sit on your dad."

Zhang Huan carefully held Cassia, sitting on the sofa himself, motioning to Cassia to sit down, Cassia straightened his waist and gritted teeth to sit down, only to feel that his huge meat stick came in most of the limit, and then sitting down was uncomfortable Already.

"Forget it ... forget it," Cassia said.

Zhang Huan said, "Let's do it, lie down with your waist straight."

As soon as Zhang Huan exerted his strength, Jing Ming said, "Ah! No! Ah!"

Zhang Huan pulled out a bit, inserted the whole one, and then went in for a centimeter, and it definitely collapsed, shouting, "No! Dad! It's too big!"

"Huh ..." Zhang Ye said, kissing, "Daddy loves you."

Cassia: "Woo ... no! I'm going to die!"

Zhang Ye pulled it out, and then inserted it deeply. He couldn't stop yelling for mercy. Zhang Ye pulled it out, pushing it in, pulling it out, and inserting it. Each time he went deeper and more thoroughly. The huge meat stick filled Jue Ming's **** straight. Rubbing across the prostate, every time Jackie pleaded for mercy, as if trying to struggle, but holding Zhang Jian's shoulders in contradiction and grasping his spine.

Zhang Jian had an unspeakable pleasure when inserting the whole root. He kissed Jumei and whispered his father's love, whispering to him, tears filled his eyes, and said loudly, "Dad ... ... ah ... oh, come in a bit ... I can't do it ... "

Zhang Yan swallowed his mouth, and the passion in his heart almost burst him. He inserted it deeply to the bottom, watching Ju Ming's painful and happy feelings, panting, "Can you bear it?"

Tears weeping weepingly, holding Zhang Jian's strong arm, Zhang Jian said, "Come, get up."

Zhang Huan held Jue Ming, and turned him sideways, facing the sofa, then kept the position inserted in him, turned him around, Jue Ming was weak on his feet, kneeled on the sofa, his eyes were lost, and the tears soared. When he was about to stop, Zhang Huan was already holding his waist, and he knelt on the sofa and began to bump.

"Ah! Dad! Slow down!" Cried Ming embarrassed.

Zhang Huan said, "Is Dad's meat stick big enough? This time I'm all in."

Cassia: "Woo ... wow ..."

Zhang Ye quickly pulled the top for a moment, and Cheng Ming was completely filled with the big 18-cm meat stick. Every time he pulled it out and inserted it into the deepest place, he felt like he was going to be killed. He said, "Dad, I Take a break ... wait ... "

The Cassia moved forward to make Zhang Ye's meat stick come out, but Zhang Ye pulled it back by holding his waist, and stuck it on his waist again and deep, and the whole huge **** was completely submerged. Resolutely raised his head uncomfortably, panting, Zhang Huan hugged his waist, made him stand up straight, and said, "Did the baby just let Dad do you hard?"

Cassia gasped, tears couldn't stop flowing, and Zhang Ye finally stopped the rude and gentle collision, stroking Cassia's chest with one hand, and touching his majesty with his other hand. Dump.

Jue Ming's glans dragged a slick of slime, and Zhang Ye's fingers swayed and swayed away, and then the collision caused him to shed a lot of **** fluid.

Zhang Huan said, "Dad will give you a plane, and let you shoot while inserting, okay. Baby likes to be shot?"

Cassia gasped: "I want to lie down ... so tired."

Zhang Huan held Jue Ming's waist and lay down on the sofa together, starting to pull from the back. He kept holding Jue Ming in one hand, and quickly pumped with his Majesty, and the other hand cooperated with the pump. Interpolate the frequency, and play tricks on Cassia from time to time. Jing Ming lost his eyes and was crying for mercy.

"Dad ... slow down ... so uncomfortable, I'm going to die ..."

Cassia was full of **** and his **** contracted near the climax. Zhang Huan panted, "Baby, shout Dad."

"I'm going to be killed by you ... Dad ... Woo ..." Jue Ming put his head on Zhang Huan's shoulder and tried to grab his hand, Zhang Huan speeded up his efforts, with a decision between his fingers. Ming's spitting liquid slammed into his room, Ju Ming firmly held Zhang Jian's strong arm tightly, panting loudly, and shot a stream of white liquid.

Zhang Huan hugged Jue Ming tightly, kissed him like a beast, nibbled him, and reached the deepest point, a hot liquid filled his rectum.

Cassia: "I ... Ah!"

Zhang Ye kissed him repeatedly after shooting, and the semi-soft Yang Gen tossed a few more times before quitting.

Cassia was lying on the sofa, and the inter-femoral points were ruddy and slightly valgus.

Zhang Huan took the paper towel, wiped out Mingjie, held him, and said, "Daddy really loves you ..."

"Woo." Jie Ming's face was still flushed with lust, and he fluttered around Zhang Ye, Zhang Ye holding Jie Ming to take a bath.

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