Chapter 68: Lion

Chapter 68

Thousands of helicopters returned to the mainland again, the sound of communication sounded, and it fell silent for a moment.

Zhao Qing murmured, "Generals, look below."

The land that stretches for thousands of miles has become a deadly dark red.

Mountains, lakes, hills, everywhere we can see strange plants. The sea of ​​blood in purple and black lies slowly in the center of the gathering place of zombies, like a heart with a film.

The dense crowd of zombies throbbed around the ground, and helicopters flew in an array. Liu Ye could clearly see from the display.

"What are these," murmured Liu Yan: "Zhao Qing, zoom in."

The camera can't stop moving forward. A fiery red fungus plant stands on the ground. This kind of vegetation covers a territory of nearly 10,000 square kilometers, like a small kingdom of its own.

Like a parasitic scar on the surface of the earth, it is eroding the land. There are big and small, like a new fungal plant that has never been seen on earth.

"The transfer station notified the high seas headquarters." Meng Jianguo said, "Samples are back for analysis."

Liu Ye had a vague feeling that this battle would be far less smooth than expected. As the helicopter group could not keep approaching, the ground at the bottom of the foot had changed its appearance, as if entering a strange alien field.

A round of red sun on the horizon is sinking into the horizon, and there is red light everywhere.

Zheng Feihu said: "Maybe it can be burned with fire energy, prepare to spray fire rifle, go down and try."

Liu Ye nodded hesitantly, but always stared at the scene on the screen. Helicopters were getting closer and closer, and the appearance of mycorrhizal plants became clearer.

In the picture, the top of a mycorrhizal plant is cracked.

Immediately after receiving the signal, the helicopter team spread out, and the ground fungus plants sprayed a thick purple-black mucus, whistling and flying to the sky.

A shout came from the communicator, and the cabin turned around in the cabin. More fungal plants cracked the top cover and sprayed mucus into the air. Zhao Qing shouted, "Catch it!"

The purple-black mucus is like blood cells, dragging scattered red dots to fly to the sky, the helicopter flies neatly on all sides, pull up to avoid, a mucus rubbed over a helicopter, splashed on the casing, covering the sight , Slowly corrode the metal case.

There was an explosion in the distance.

"Skydiving to escape-!" Roared inside the communicator.

For a time, thousands of purple-black liquids rose from the ground, flew into the air, overturned the helicopter group, the rocket guns flew out of the capsule one after another, and they were turned into fire before they entered the zombie kingdom.

"Notify the annihilation fleet to cover it!" Meng Jianguo Road.

A female voice came from the communicator: "The annihilation fleet is approaching. This is the joint command of the seventh area. The dawn plan is officially launched."

Meng Jianguo sighed and began to wear gloves: "I also look forward to an inspiring pre-war speech ... I did not expect to start a war in this situation."

Zheng Feihu: "Instructor, you can also change the speech into a speech of celebration, Liu Ye, hold steady."

Zhao Qing said: "The plane has dispersed!"

Meng Jianguo: "Continue to the designated place! It's up to you!"

The special helicopter fired six missiles and dragged white smoke to the ground. There was smoke and warfare everywhere. More and more purple acid sprayed into the sky. Twelve annihilators screamed and began to **** the helicopter.

In the mucus rain, Zhao Qing couldn't talk, and struck the joystick. For a moment, the flank annihilator was hit by the purple acid, and it rolled in the air, hitting another fighter directly to the back, and the sound of explosion exploded Communication sound. A ball of fire exploded in the air, and the airstream overturned the helicopter.

The cabin turned round and round, another mucus flew, and the helicopter was unable to avoid it. The tail screamed and crashed into the ground.

"I can't control it!" Zhao Qing shouted, "Ready to parachute!"

Meng Jianguo shouted, "Abandon the plane!"

Zheng Feihu kicked the rear hatch, Zhao Qing flew in, the alarm sounded, and another mucus hit the helicopter!

噔, 倒, 噔 three countdowns, the bottom door of the helicopter opened instantly, and the entire base car rolled over on one side, Meng Jianguo shouted: "Open a parachute!"

All the heads and feet were stunned, and Zheng Feihu was hit by Zhao Qing and flew straight out.

The helicopter threw out the base car and bumped into the mountain.

The base car fell at a height of nearly 100 meters and rushed to the ground. Everyone in the carriage floated and lost weight.

In the same second, Meng Jianguo dragged Zhao Qing's ankle back.

Zheng Feihu's slender figure floated in the center of the carriage, and spun his body smartly. He touched the heels of the military boots, and the rope swayed towards Liu Ye. Liu Ye grabbed the rope and pulled it backward.

The parachute started, and a huge umbrella bag was shaken out. The base car turned in a semi-air conditioner, and everyone fell back to the floor of the compartment.

There was a loud explosion from the helicopter in the distance, and ten annihilators shouted and dropped bombs across the zenith.

The base car dragged a white parachute and slowly fell in the sunset.

The car was rickety, and everyone returned to the position without speaking. During the rickety, Zheng Feihu and Meng Jianguo pulled the top weapon rack and quickly loaded the gun with bullets.

"What team are we on?" Liu Yan said.

Zhao Qing was panting from his position.

"Anyway," Zheng Feihu said without raising his head.

Meng Jian State Road: "You can name it."

Liu Yan said: "You two are partners at first glance. I don't believe this is a miscellaneous army."

"It was called the Lion Tigers." Zheng Feihu said, "Report the time of the fall."

"Floor in five seconds." Liu Yan looked up at the roof height calculator: "Four seconds, three seconds, two seconds ..."

With a loud noise, the base vehicle landed.

Liu Ye turned on all the devices, and pulled the console on the right hand side to expand the console. All the lights were on. He stowed the parachute and put on an infrared iris. The left glasses showed the nearby scene.

"It's twelve kilometers away from our destination. The current fall point is a gorge. All the zombies in the thousand square meters on Thursday and Friday, more and more zombies have come over." Liu Kun said.

Meng Jiang National Road: "Open the roof door and start accelerating towards the canyon exit in three seconds."

Liu Ye pressed a button, the roof sunroof buzzed, and Meng Jiang State Road said: "Action!"

Speaking of time and time, Zheng Feihu and Meng Jianguo raised their hands at the edge of the skylight at the same time, and a backflip flew out of the skylight!

After landing, the two held six machine guns in a row and fired in a fan-shaped manner against the base car. The deafening noise almost broke the ear drum. Liu Ye pushed the joystick in the car, and the base car reversed and slowly accelerated.

"Hurry up soon!" Meng Jianguo shouted, "The highest speed!"

Liu Ye pushed the accelerator stick to the end, the base car killed thousands of zombies, and crushed them directly. I didn't know how many bodies were hit along the way. Meng Jianguo and Zheng Feihu chased the car and ran quickly. Then, leaping forward, picking up at the edge of the car, throwing a bomb on each of the wings, and then turning over at the same time next second, jumping into the window.

Liu Ye pressed the button decisively, and the sunroof quickly closed, and there was an explosive air wave from outside.

Liu Ye: "Lion Tigers, good name, recruit new players."

Meng Jiang State Road: "No, there have always been only two people."

Zheng Feihu said: "Many people don't cooperate well, technicians, then open the sunroof for trouble."

Liu Ye opened the sunroof, and Meng Jianguo and Zheng Feihu each took a spring bar from the weapon box and changed positions. With one hand, they grabbed the edge of the sunroof and flipped back. One person stood firmly at the top of the car and the other kneeled on one knee. Behind the car, load ammunition and start firing with machine guns.

The bullet bar was continuously drawn from the car to the roof, and the bullet shells flew across the skylight and fell off the sunroof.

Zhao Qing murmured: "Too ... violent."

Liu Yan: "Pick the bullet shell ... above it! I see the zombie standing still! Maybe the leader!"

Zheng Feihu said: "Report your position!"

Liu Yan: "In a crack in the rock next to the cliff."

Zheng Feihu stopped with a machine gun and yelled, "Keep the speed!" Meng Jianguo knelt on one knee, took Zheng Feihu's weapon, and set off one arm-type machine gun in each of his left and right arms, with his arms separated, and fired at the front of the car and at the same time. The surrounding stubble stubble usually fell, and the scene was spectacular.

Zheng Feihu's eyebrows lifted.

Liu Yan shouted, "The rock gap is only three meters wide! You will see it soon! It's too far away, at 1,200 meters away!"

Base armored vehicles dragged countless flesh and bones across more than half of the canyon, rolling out a dirty road. Kilometers away, there was a narrow crack between the red rock walls.

Zheng Feihu wore an iris in his left hand, pulled out his sniper rifle in his right hand, reloaded his left hand, and adjusted the speed of the bomb to the top with his right hand. Standing at the top of the car, his feet were slightly apart, and the wind brought an arc of his field jacket.

Zheng Feihu raised his gun and aimed.

Before the base vehicle roared past the cracks, Zheng Feihu's muzzle was slightly upwards. When he pulled the trigger, he immediately turned his head.


The bullet leaves the bore.

The moment when the bullet left the muzzle, a small range of sonic detonation aroused, and Zheng Feihu's iris flew out obliquely. Meng Jianguo stopped the gunfire and touched the barrel. The iris flew back and Zheng Feihu raised his hand to fish. Live and wear it.

Before the base car rushed through the crack, the zombie collar hidden in the crack was hit by a bullet and exploded.

Liu Yan: "It's so pretty !!!"

A huge mourn sounded all around, and the zombies flooded towards the base car scattered.

Meng Jiang State Road: "Liu Ye, you made a mistake, and there is a cliff at the end of the canyon ..."

Liu Yandao: "There are no mistakes at all."

The words fell, Meng Jianguo and Zheng Feihu jumped out of the car at the same time. When Liu Ye pushed the joystick, the base car rushed to the rift at the end of the canyon, and flew out!

At the same time, a gliding wing was shaken on both sides of the carriage, and then the second-level parachute was shaken, flying out of the mountains in the wind, and gliding towards the mission site twenty miles away.

"Fine." Zheng Feihu said lightly: "Masters are more reliable than doctors."

Meng Jianguo pulled out the miniature rocket launcher on the weapon rack and said, "Very good." Then he turned over the roof, four rocket launchers spun out in different directions, turned around, and fell to the ground. The mycorrhizal plants of the flying object were blown up and shattered!

The base vehicle rushed towards the dense forest of plants, slamming a giant fungus with a crash, the hang glider broke, and it fell over.

The rear door was opened, and Meng Jianguo and Zheng Feihu rushed out with guns. Both men held a weapon in each hand and patrolled around to close the gun.

Meng Jianguo: "Temporary safety, technicians, returns."

"The equipment is intact," Liu said, "the glider is damaged."

Meng Jianguo: "Sound detection of nearby maps, you can get off, there is no danger nearby."

Liu Ye came down to assemble the sound wave detector and placed it in the center of an open space. Open the top, turn on the sound waves, and connect the computer.

"Place a rest for a while." Meng Jianguo said: "Did you have lunch?"

"No." Liu Ye replied blankly, raised his hand to catch the compressed biscuit thrown by Zheng Feihu, leaned against the car and drank some water, waiting for Sonic to return, watching silently.

Meng Jianguo's palm shook, and the flying knife appeared, flew out, nailed to a nearby fungus rod, and the fungus rod spewed a little mucus, and a cricket-shaped creature was nailed on it.

Liu Ye was frightened and almost trembled. Meng Jianguo said: "Don't go over and give it to Flying Tiger."

Zheng Feihu stood for a while, stepped forward and pulled out the knife, pointed at the puppet with a gun, it fell to the ground, and smashed into a ball, motionless.

Zheng Feihu held a small knife and said, "The blade is corroded."

"Um." Meng Jianguo took the knife, and there was a lot of mucus on the handle, but it was intact.

"It's an iron-eating bacteria," Liu said. "It can only corrode iron. Maybe other metals are also interested."

Meng Jianguo nodded slowly, and Liu Zheng said again, "The planet I saw in the dream was covered by ferric ions, and the surface was rusty red."

Meng Jianguo said: "It intends to turn the earth into what it was before. The little thing should be the new life it created."

The sound wave returned, and the wailing sounded, rolling out a map of the forty square kilometers nearby.

Liu Yan: "The mission location is here."

To the west of them is a huge jungle of mushrooms, and to the north is a large open area, like a huge rift valley. Liu Ye marked the center of the rift: "This is a positioning made by satellite images. After analyzing the seventh area, they think that the zombie leader is in the rift."

At dusk, the vast Milky Way above his head is like a magnificent trace of the universe. The surrounding mycorrhizal plants glowed red, filling the jungle with mysterious danger.

After a brief silence, Zheng Feihu said, "You still have something to say, say what you want."

Liu Ye said, "But I think Mongolia is here."

His map on the computer marked another, the center of the jungle.

Meng Jianguo and Feihu looked at the mark and did not speak for a while.

The explosion sounded suddenly, and the shock wave swept the mycorrhizal plants out in a ray shape. Zhuo Yuhang shouted: "It may hide in a hidden place!"

Lai Jie flew over a dirt **** without shouting, "Yeah! I think so!"

Zhang Huan shouted, "Here the terrain is out of space, which is not conducive to defense!"

Lai Jie said: "Xiaodong Protective Technician! Find a hidden place! Go! Hurry up and follow!"

Cassia was hugged and jumped down by Bai Xiaodong. Bai Xiaodong signaled that he was careful behind the slope. Hurricane team members slipped down the ramp at high speed. Zhang Ye and Zhuo Yuhang each held an AK shot. Bai Xiaodong stood at the front to cover his teammates behind him.

The grenade exploded, holding his head, and was blown to the ground, patted his clothes and got up.

Behind him is a dark cave.

"There is a hole!" The Ming Dynasty cave looked out.

Lai Jie said: "Wait in!"

The zombies came down one after another, and it was getting dark. It was decided to open the equipment box and stick a sonic detector on the cave wall.嘀嘀 嘀 Began to operate.

"Be careful!" Zhang Ye kept guarding the cave, turned around and carried the zombies back out of the cave, picked up AK and shot him with a headshot.

Cassia did not raise his head, and continued to detect the sound wave detector.

The surrounding zombies were temporarily cleared, and Lai Jie was still staring alertly at the heights, and several people were able to take a short rest.

"He's not as powerful as Liu Yan." Zhuo Yuhang said with a cigar.

"Oh." Cassia said, shaking his baggage backhand, dropping a dozen orb-ball robots, rolling down into the cave, looking for their own way forward.

Cassia turned on the display, and the big screen turned into nine small screens like a grid.

Lai Jie said: "Go into the cave, maybe the zombie leader is inside ..."

Cassia: "I found it."

Deciding to open the small screen in the bottom right corner, the screen is enlarged, Lai Jie said: "No, luck is so good, you found it?"

"The thing that doesn't move is it, right," Jue Ming said, "this zombie won't move."

Lai Jie said: "It is possible."

The small screen was enlarged, and in the dim cave, a zombie kept facing away from the camera.

The ball rolled down behind it.

Cassia: "Only one zombie in this cave will not move, the others are moving."

Zhuo Yuhang said: "Zombies are over again! We have been found! Prepare for war!"

Everyone held a gun at the same time, Lai Jie said: "We retreat into the cave and look for the leader of the zombie. The technician cleans up your equipment. Let's act together as soon as possible!"

Cassia: "If it were a leader, what would happen if he killed it?"

Lai Jie: "Zombies can cause riots and lose organization ..."

"Oh." Cassia pressed the button.

The zombie still stood facing the wall of the cave, and a small metal ball flew up in the air, throwing out countless sharp round iron pieces, exploding, and shooting into the zombie's skull densely.

The leader of the zombie fell, and outside the cave, a huge mourn sounded around the ramp, and all the zombies began to walk around aimlessly.

Cassia: "It's resolved, you can go home, let's go."

Everyone: "..."

Lai Jie's facial expression was almost uncontrollable. He took a look around. Some zombies came down and were shot headshot by Zhang Huan, so that more zombies were alarmed. The hurricane team shot against the cave for a while. All ran away.

Lai Jie threw a grenade in and blasted the hole down. He looked at his watch, and it seemed that he couldn't believe it.

"Mission completed?" Zhuo Yuhang twitched.

Cassia said: "It's done, isn't it killing the leader of the zombies? It's dead, and the zombies are all gone."

Zhang Huan: "How much time did it take?"

Lai Jie: "Seven minutes and twelve seconds ... Damn, you're lucky to take the **** today! Take out the bacterial test tube and prepare to retreat!"

The crowd formed a circle of alert. They took out the test tube from the lock box, fixed it on the ground, and turned on the fan at the bottom.

The green smoke was sprayed into the air, the green smoke spread very slowly, and fluttered in the wind. There were fewer and fewer scattered zombies around, and the vision was empty.

Cassia pulled out the flare gun and fired a shot into the sky.

"Call the command center, call the command center, here is Zhang Juming, a technician of the Hurricane Team." Ju Ming said seriously.

Zhang Huan lowered his gun and looked at him stunned.

Female voice: "Received at the command center, please say."

Cassia: "The mission was successfully completed. The bacteria tank has been opened and will be fully released within three minutes."

Female voice: "..."

Lai Jie said: "The mission is completed, don't lie to you!"

Female voice: "So fast ?! Okay ... please wait ... Captain Lai Jie, please lead your team to retreat in the direction of the east. At present, no reports have been received from other teams. It may be very dangerous along the way, please in the early morning Arrive at the beach before three o'clock to wait for the response. Be careful. "

The green solution in the bacterial tank was blown dry by a fan, and Cassandra put away the device and said, "Let's go."

Lai Jie resisted the gun and said helplessly: "There is not even a chance to beat a hero."

Zhuo Yuhang: "This task is too easy."

Zhang Huan: "Be careful, there may be danger along the way."

Zhuo Yuhang said: "I have changed my mind now. You are better than Liu Ye."

Decided a discerning glance at Zhuo Yuhang and took the initiative to the rear of the team.

Zhang Huan crossed the sniper rifle behind his neck and raised his hands to carry the gun, like Sun Wukong carrying his golden hoop, walking in the back of the team.

Cassia carried a box with his hands in his pants pockets, his hat crooked, looked at the ground, and walked thoughtfully, one step at a time.

The ground was sticky, as if it were a living thing.

"What does the floor look like?" Zhang Huan said.

Jue Ming said, "Like Star Wars, the Zerg territory."

Zhang Huan: "Have you played that yet?"

Cassia: "Well, interstellar is fun."

Bai Xiaodong said: "Brother! Super fun! We used to be a Protoss!"

Cassia: "I like to use Zerg most. We are from the Zerg team."

Zhang Huan: "Have you played so well?"

"Um." Cassia said, "In fact, it's not very good, just play around ..."

Bai Xiaodong excitedly explained the game to Zhuo Yuhang in front of him, and decided that the team walked slowly and carelessly at the end.

"You are excellent." Zhang Huan said, "Which team is it? Are there organized games?"

Cassia looked up at Zhang Ye and smiled: "It can't beat Koreans, most of the e-sports masters are Koreans."

Zhang Ye nodded, and then said, "I didn't have much contact with the computer when I was young. I bought one later and only played Resident Evil and Plants vs. Zombies."

Jumeizu laughed: "There are also many tricks and gameplay in Plants vs. Zombies. The arms are matched with each other, and the playability is very high. For example, when you play endless mode, the cooling time of each corn cannon is 35 seconds, 1 second Operation, then the rotation time of each group of four corn cannons is 9 seconds. In this case, 36 seconds combined with the cooling time of ice mushrooms can achieve a perfect output cycle ... "

Zhang Huan: "..."

Cassia: "..."

Cassia: "It's boring, sorry."

Zhang Huan: "No, no, you go on, it's funny."

Jue Ming's eyes twinkled with the rays of stars, and laughed: "Mathematics is the most beautiful art in the universe, and everything follows this oldest rule, including the endless swirl of the nebula ejected from deep space, The ever-changing rays formed by the solar wind outside the earth's magnetic field, the arrangement of gravel during the ebb and flow of the tide, and even the double helix in the DNA strand of life ... "

Zhang Huan: "..."

Cassia: "You feel bored."

Zhang Yan sighed, and honestly said, "I don't understand."

Lai Jie took the lead, and everyone passed by the strange spore mushroom forest. Lai Jie said, "From now on, don't touch anything, Zhang Ye, you are responsible for protecting the technician."

Zhang Ye said, "You hate me, right?"

Cassia said, "OK."

Zhang Ye asked, "Why do you hate me."

Jing Ming shook his head: "I don't hate you, why do you hate you?"

Zhang Jian said: "You say, it doesn't matter, what's wrong, I will change, or I will stay away from you."

Jumei looked at Zhang Ye and said, "When you picked me up, why didn't you find a way to find my parents?"

Zhang Huan said, "I found it. I saw someone's notice. I didn't see any children lost, so I asked my comrades first. You didn't look right. I didn't dare to give you to the shelter. ... "

Cassia nodded, Zhang Ye sighed again.

Jue Ming said: "In fact, you can take the initiative to report, and my parents will come to me."

Zhang Huan: "It's too far away. The place where you disappeared was about half as much as China from where I found you. How did you want it? The town and town asked a few police stations, and no one lost their children."

Cassia: "Or on TV."

Zhang Huan: "I didn't have money. I was very poor then."

Cassia: "I can't hold my heart, I miss my parents, I will never see them again."

Zhang Huan didn't speak.

Suddenly suddenly said: "Liu Ye said you later started a company. After you became rich, haven't you thought about finding my parents?

Zhang Huan was silent.

Cassia said: "It's still because I don't want to find it, why."

"Because I love you." Zhang Ye replied, "I am selfish."

Cassia said: "So I said I don't hate you and I can't blame you, thank you for giving me a home."

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