Chapter 62: Defection

Chapter 62

The hurricane team returned to the ground and all the members gathered again. It had been a full day and night since Zhuo Yuhang and Liu Ye entered the mine yesterday.

Most of the Russian deserters who lost their leaders scattered into the wilderness, occupying the hills and watching from a distance.

"How is it!" Lai Jie shouted.

Zhuo Yuhang replied from a distance: "Everyone is here!"

Bai Xiaodong's wine was over, and he was still a little bit stunned, but his spirit was sober.

Meng Yun glanced at the hill opposite to him: "There are still thousands of people. Why isn't anyone stopping you?"

Zhuo Yuhang held up his sniper rifle, and the soldiers on the hill suddenly shouted in panic, and each spread out to find a bunker.

Zhuo Yuhang just made a gesture and lowered his gun, saying, "When going out of the hole, Xiaodong punched empty-handed and downed more than forty of them. I shot a few 1400 meters across with a sniper rifle and I was afraid I dare not come again. "

Zhuo Yuhang turned around and took his Croatian RT-20 back on his back.

Two people, escorted nearly 80,000 people off the Golden Road, stopped and rested in the former Mohe stronghold. Instead, the Russians became prisoners. Ryj glanced at the nearest signal tower and began calling the headquarters.

"Here is Hurricane Captain Lai Jie, asking for headquarters support." Lai Jie said: "Our task is very difficult."

"The earth ’s magnetic field is changing, and the signal is noisy." The female vocalist said, "The seventh zone is activated with a super strong signal, which can only maintain ten minutes of communication time. Please report briefly, Captain Lai Jie."

Lai Jie gave a brief report on the mission process, and the female voice heard the opening line: "The level is too high, and now I'll ask you for the sixth zone."

Zheng Feihu's cold voice sounded, "Captain Lai Jie, please continue to report."

Lai Jie breathed a sigh of relief, and it took ten minutes to say that the mission was nearly halfway. The secret road was bad, but Zheng Feihu said, "Continue, I have already informed the seventh district, and no longer limit your time."

Meng Jianguo's voice sounded in the communicator: "focus on reporting the content of the light brain solution."

Lai Jie said, "Liu Ye, come here. I don't remember clearly. You tell the two generals."

Liu Ye took the communicator, and another female voice rang: "Light brain mentioned Dr. Caitlin?"

"Yes," Liu Yan said.

Lai Jie whispered: "This is Major General Fu Rou of the Ministry of Defense Technology."

Liu Xuan tried his best to recall and describe the content mentioned by the prophet. Fu Rou said in the communicator: "Found the country, you must immediately inform the seventh district."

Meng Jianguo's voice sounded: "The communication recording was made in two copies. I'll talk to Dr. Qin Hai and you will take over the follow-up questions."

Female voice: "I went to the 19th floor laboratory to communicate."

The communicator was quiet again, and after a while Lai Jie realized the seriousness and said, "Instructor?"

Zheng Feihu's thinking was interrupted and he said, "Lai Jie, you and your team members have done a good job and did not live up to my expectations. The aircraft carrier Ningyuan will leave the high seas and go to pick up all the compatriots, please follow Heilongjiang The flow went eastward to the estuary. Liu Ye used the positioner to send a signal to the aircraft carrier along the way, and we will send a ship to answer it as soon as possible. "

"All valuable information obtained in the pit laboratory must be kept at all costs."

Lai Jie: "What about major generals, old Maozis and Koreans, Koreans? What should we do?"

Zheng Feihu: "I decide for myself, all members of the hurricane team, I am proud of you."

Communication hangs up.

Meng Yun: "..."

Lai Jie: "..."

Lai Jie and Meng Yun did not return to the world for a long time as if they had been hacked by Lei. After a full minute, Lai Jie said, "What is the last sentence you heard?"

"I'm proud of you," Liu Yan said, "prepare to pack and go."

Difficult to say: "Really this sentence ?!"

Zhuo Yuhang said: "Yes, he is proud of you! Is this strange?"

Lai Jie made a lap in the same place, turning around blankly for a long time, and then said, "Vice Captain, did you hear that, the instructor really said that?"

Liu Yan: "Enough! You two are simply his shame! Hurry up and get me ready!"

In the long night, Lai Jie breathed a sigh of relief, and there were people everywhere. Eighty thousand people lined up on the plains, carrying the escape materials. Lai Jie let the team members take turns to rest, entered the Chinese crowd, and elected the captain. One team leader for every ten people, ten teams for one hundred people, thousands of people, 10,000 people, and finally 50,000 people.

It took a long time to command and dispatch. Fortunately, Lai Jie took the course as early as K3, and finally finally successfully assembled a huge civilian team. At the last moment before dawn, Lai Jie said to the captain of the 10,000 people team: Someone cried and was ready to go. "

In the distance, a bullet was issued by the mountain hair. The Russian side saw that the hurricane team was about to leave, and finally sent a representative to negotiate.

An officer slipped down the hill on foot, raised his hands, signaled that there was no weapon, and Lai Jie ordered a suspension of the evacuation and brought an interpreter over.

"Lieutenant Colonel Sorov", the officer introduced himself.

"Lie Jie, Captain," Lai Jie said.

"Our compatriots, what are you going to do?" Sorov said.

Lai Jie: "Take them back to the high seas base in China. It's very safe there. Don't worry."

Sorov: "This ..."

Lai Jie: "The pit has been infected, and soon the Chinese military will blow it up. You can't go back."

Sorowov was silent for a moment, and Ryj added: "You can also drop your arms and follow our troops, and will accept you in the framework of the International Humanitarian Relief Organization."

Sorov: "Captain, Marshal Andrei was a hero."

Lai Jie raised an eyebrow: "But it is also the source of trouble for many things next, I understand, otherwise you will not be given time for conversation now."

Sorovov: "This is an unnecessary war. Besides disease and imprisonment are not the intentions of General Andre. He was a very upright man. When he was stationed in Hailan Pao, he never distinguished the Chinese Treatment, he was under virus control, which led to this series of tragedies, I regret. "

When Liu Ye came behind Lai Jie, he interjected, "The virus will magnify the inner spirit of the person infinitely. Andre has his pride. After being affected by the virus, negative emotions will also follow. This is what the prophet told our."

Sorov was silent.

Lai Jie: "Frankly, what better solution do you have?"

Sorov: "Let my countrymen follow us."

Lai Jie groaned for a moment. Now all the decision-making power is in his hands. It is not difficult to let the Russians go, but how can he guarantee that Sorov and his soldiers will protect them enough?

"Where are you going to take them?" Lai Jie asked.

"From here, head southwest, enter Mongolia, and go to the Siberian sanctuary." Sorov said: "We came from there at the earliest."

Time is tight and can't be delayed anymore, Lai Jie finally said: "One inquiries one by one, please abide by the voluntary principle. Those who are willing to trust you can follow you back."

Sorowov was relieved and shook hands with Ryger. Both sides held the palms of his hands. Sorowov said gratefully, "Thank you."

Lai Jie: "You're welcome. After everything is over, the International Court of Justice will give everyone a fair deal."

Sorowov said nothing and turned to leave.

June 29, 2013.

Before dawn, I saw the aurora for the first time in my life.

The scene at that time was too magnificent, 80,000 people exclaimed, and everyone who was resting in place stood up. Both the Russians and the Chinese were fascinated looking at the north sky.

It's so beautiful, the gorgeous light blue light curtain crosses the sky with electromagnetic particles, like a winding silk, unfolds at the darkest moment before dawn, and fills the entire night sky.

It traverses the stars, like a huge soul, passing through the shallow second quarter moon, changing in a few seconds, like the awakened Creator, spraying a new galaxy in the sky of the Arctic, and like a bright flash of light spurting into the sky Thunder and Lightning.

The zigzag streamer flickered with changing shapes and finally dissipated in the air.

The first sunshine came from the sky, the two troops separated, the Russians followed Sorov with all their luggage, and we brought other noisy foreigners along the Heilongjiang highway to the southeast. Head to the estuary and join the aircraft carrier Ningyuan.

Liu Ye wrote a few diaries in the car, lay on the bed, and put his head on the thigh of his thigh.

"Cold," Meng said.

Liu Yanmei said, "Are you uncomfortable? Cold?"

Montana rolled over and said, "I don't know ..."

Liu Yanran was nervous: "Sit up, let me see."

Meng Yun: "Let me sleep."

Liu Ye said, "I'll sleep again later ... Meng?"

He let Monk sit up, plug a thermometer under his arm, pulled up his vest, and looked back carefully.

The skin wounds that had previously been torn by Andrei have healed and are swollen, no different from ordinary wounds.

"It shouldn't be ..." Liu Yan got out of the car and let Lai Jie come to see.

Meng Yun slept very frizzily, like a bear hibernating and waking up, and sat impatiently. Lai Jie and Liu Ye looked for a while. Lai Jie said, "I'm not infected, Meng Ye, are you not comfortable?"

Liu Ye took his temperature, 38 degrees, and threw the thermometer. Lai Jie said, "Take some cold medicine, it may be cold. Go back and see the doctor on the aircraft carrier."

"Special forces will still get sick?" Liu Yan twitched.

"Hey." Lai Jie said: "Special forces are also human beings, of course they will get sick. People with a lot of minor illnesses don't get serious illnesses. They come in good health once in a while, and the momentum is fierce."

Meng moved uneasily, like a sick child.

Liu Ye flipped through a page of the diary and drew a lot of pictures: "Do you remember the high school fever during the third year of summer vacation?"

Meng Yun sneezed and muffled: "Well, after playing basketball, I went back to the dormitory to take a cold bath and burned to over 40 degrees that night."

Liu Ye smiled, "I'm still carrying your big man downstairs to hang a needle ..."

"Don't mention it." Meng Yun said badly: "It's not what you say you can only win but you can't lose ... I was in the whole class grabbing a rebound, passing the ball to you, not hitting three points ... hurting me Everyone collapsed. "

Liu Yan: "Who said that he didn't win, I scored at least a three-pointer!"

Meng Yun said: "Will you miss more? OK, you have to grab the rebound as soon as you miss it, and you almost got shocked when you come back ... Everyone is saying that you are handsome, hit a three-pointer, and Lao Tzu fights hard Here ’s a compliment ... no one bought me a bottle of water. I just care about you so much that I always want you to cheer you up.

Liu Ye was cramped with a smile: "Okay, okay, wasn't I with you at that time. Later when we were in love ... I won't play basketball. Isn't it the water I bought for you every time?"

Meng Yue hummed in a low voice, Liu Ye's hand touched his forehead, and Meng Yue grabbed Liu Ye's fingers with a fascination and fell asleep comfortably.

On the same day, Jiejiang came up with the first large steel ship.

Lai Jie: "Here is Hurricane Captain Lai Jie, please answer when you hear it."

"Received." Zheng Feihu's voice sounded in the communicator: "Here is the national large-scale rescue vessel Kunpeng, Mohe area mission temporary command center, please organize the people to wait on the spot."

The base car drove down the river, and the noisy fugitives waited on the shore. The Peng Peng lowered the springboard, and the medical staff hurried down. Lai Jie was organizing a line and shouted, "Who drives the car! Is it Liu Ye? "

The road was gone, the base car turned, faced the river, the trunk door opened, and Lai Jie shouted, "What are you doing, Liu Ye!"

At that time, I saw Liu Xie holding Meng Xuan down and tried to run on the boat with him on his back. Meng Xie lay on Liu Xie's back.

Lai Jie first stunned, and then explained: "Xiaodong! Brother Zhuo! You are watching here! Liu Xun——!"

With Liu Meng on his back, he ran to the temporary medical care site. Zheng Feihu hurried down and said, "Calm down! What's wrong with Meng ?!"

Liu Ye said: "I don't know. He's unconscious ... check him soon and take him on board."

Lai Jie rushed over, and the medical staff rushed up, Zheng Feihu said, "Lai Jie! Go back and organize a retreat! There is nothing for you here!"

Lai Jie had to go back quickly, Liu Zheng followed Zheng Feihu to board the Penghao.

"Will it be infected?" Liu Yan said: "He had a minor injury to protect me. The wound was behind, but he was scabby. He had a high fever 16 hours ago. I thought I was sleeping three hours ago and fell into a coma ... There was a mutation, something like a tentacle, sticking out of his chest ... "

The doctor said: "Check now, can't judge, we need time."

Liu Yan: "He still had a vaccine effect at least once. The captain said he was not infected ..."

"Liu Ye!" Zheng Feihu shouted, "Calm down!"

Liu Ye was roared by Zheng Feihu and calmed down.

Zheng Feihu: "Release his hand and let the doctor check."

Liu Yan nodded, released Meng's hand, and the doctor pushed the car into the sterile room of the cabin.

"Get a glass of water to drink." Zheng Feihu said, "Have a break." After that, he disembarked to command and dispatch. There were too many people. The whole mountain was full of people. The temporary search and rescue team at sea took over. Lai Jie took off his hat and loosened it. In tone, Bai Xiaodong shouldered the ship from the side safety ladder.

The helicopter's engine rang, Zhuo Yuhang tied the rope, and the base car was hoisted on the Kunpeng.

The people below are still quarantine, watching the posture for at least a day.

Bai Xiaodong said: "What happened to the deputy captain?"

Liu Yan squatted beside the ship's side, shaking his head muranically.

"Give a cigarette." Liu Ye took off his hat and exhaled wearily.

Zhuo Yuhang was busy, came over and took a cigarette, and set Liu Ye on.

Liu Yan took a deep breath, and Lai Jie touched his head and said, "I'll ask the situation."

Bai Xiaodong also touched Liu Ye's head, Zhuo Yuhang touched him, and they didn't speak to each other. However, Liu Ye felt their encouragement and nodded gratefully.

Lai Jie couldn't get in, was blocked outside the medical clinic, and came out after a while: "It's okay! They said the situation has stabilized!"

Liu Ye knew at a glance that Lai Jie was lying, but did not expose him, and nodded silently.

Zheng Feihu arranged for the refugee reception and boarded the ramp again, giving Lai Jie a slap on his head: "Don't lie about the military situation! Liu Ye! Get up!"

Liu Yan got up quickly, Zheng Feihu casually said, "Extinguish your smoke, come with me to see. Captain Lai Jie, go to the stern to punish the station."

Lai Jie sighed unfortunately and had to obey the penalty.

Zheng Feihu led Liu Ye through the cabin all the way, saluting the patrol guards on both sides, Liu Ye unexpectedly found that Zheng Feihu was promoted to the rank of leapfrog, formerly the colonel in charge of K3, but now major general.

"General." The medical soldier saluted.

Zheng Feihu responded: "Have a break, report the situation."

The medical staff took a break: "The patient's situation is very complicated, and the blood test sample is different from any previous clinical case ..."

Liu Ye pushed open the door, and the bed was lying on the inside, and the wall on the left was transparent, behind which were several busy doctors.

Here is the glass observation room in the next room. Meng Yun has a lot of needles and rubber catheters on her body. The brain waves are chaotic. The electronic equipment shows that the wave is almost broken, but the heartbeat is normal.

"Insufficient equipment here." The chief physician came out of the next room with a report: "You need to send him to Ningyuan."

Zheng Feihu said: "Inject him with a sedative, you, come here."

He stopped a patrolman: "Go up and ask how long it is before Capt. Lai Jie's foot ban is lifted and let him participate in coordinating the ship."

The chief physician said: "I recommend injecting him with dormant serum in advance and returning it to the high seas for closer examination."

Liu Xun was shocked and had not yet exported. Fortunately, Zheng Feihu intercepted the chief physician's words first.

Zheng Feihu said, "This soldier, perhaps, saved all humanity in the operation a few days ago."

The chief physician froze, then nodded slowly.

"Inject him with a sedative," said the physician. "Sufficient to maintain 24 hours of sleep, send someone to send him to Ningyuan, where there is a full range of equipment."

Zheng Feihu said, "Yes, you can arrange an injection."

The chief physician went to give Mongolian an injection, and Zheng Feihu said, "Liu Ye, come out!"

Liu Ye closed the door, Zheng Feihu was still standing in the corridor and thinking, Liu Ye said, "After the injection of serum, will it become a vegetative person?"

Zheng Feihu looked at Liu Ye and didn't speak for a long time.

Liu Ye was about to say something, and Zheng Feihu suddenly said, "Liu Ye, do you think that Meng Ye would rather be a zombie without feelings and only destroy thoughts, or rather a vegetative?"

Liu Ye was silent, and the previous patrolman on the deck hurried down and reported: "It will take three hours for the first resettlement to end."

"It's been too long," Zheng Feihu said. "Tell Colonel Lin that he is still under his full command and let Lai Jie assist him. Liu Yan, follow me, you, let people prepare the speedboat."

In the infirmary, Meng Yun was injected with a sedative, Zheng Feihu hurriedly entered, carried him back, and signaled Liu Yue to follow, and they ran down the ramp exit on the other side of the cabin where three medium-sized speedboats were parked.

Zheng Feihu put Mongolian into the cabin, and signaled Liu Ye to get on board. The informant contacted Ning Yuan and started the speedboat. He turned around on the river with the watch of tens of thousands of people on the shore. Speed ​​down.

Zheng Feihu set up the electronic route and stood at the bow.

The speedboat is very large. There is a distance of twenty meters from the cabin to the deck. The cabin is also very spacious. Liu Ye hugged him in the cabin and whispered, "How are you? Are you better?"

"Meng Meng ... Meng Meng ..." Liu Yi said: "Can you hear me, I love you, hold on."

He took Mengyun's hand, rubbing his thumb lightly over his palm. Mengyun's emotional line and wisdom line were made into a line. When they went on a trip a long time ago, the palmistry **** said that it was called "broken palm". If there is a big cause, it may not be possible.

Liu Ye had always thought about it before, and that **** stick seemed to speak well.

Covered palms are large, warm and safe.

He pressed his face against Meng's hand, and buried his head in Capricorn, staring at his face.

The next moment, Meng Yan's hand tightly choked Liu Ye's throat.

Liu Yan: "..."

Meng Yue slowly opened her eyes, her hand strength gradually increased, Liu Ye turned her hands to grab things, intended to attract Zheng Feihu's attention, but the motor roared, the wind and the sound of the motor covered the tiny movements in the cabin.

Meng Yun turned and sat up, then stood up, holding Liu Ye's throat in one hand, and lifted his feet off the ground.

Liu Xun couldn't help struggling, and finally turned black before falling down.

Zheng Feihu's pupils shrank abruptly, and when he heard the light in the cabin suddenly turned around, the arrows seemed to fly, and the two turned in hands!

Zheng Feihu's double fists attacked in series, and Meng Yun lifted his palm to slap to resolve.

Zheng Feihu kicked horizontally, and Meng Yan flashed lightly.

Zheng Feihu flew into the air, and the two changed positions in a flash. Even before they could talk, Meng Yun hit him with a punch!

Zheng Feihu's left arm wrapped around Meng's hand, and his right hand pulled a gun at the same time. Meng's movement was faster than him. In a boxing, Zheng Feihu's chest knocked him straight out!

The pistol made a spin in the air, Meng Yangyang caught it and fired.


Zheng Feihu ducked and hid, and was shot in the abdomen and hit the deck.


Meng Yun was shot again, the blood flew across, hit Zheng Feihu's chest, Zheng Feihu was full of blood and coughed hard.

The moment Mou pulled the left wheel and pulled the trigger again, Liu Mo jumped out of the cabin and stood swaying in front of Zheng Feihu.

Suddenly, Meng's hand began to shake uncontrollably.

It was dark before Liu Yan's eyes, and it took him a while to get his eyes back. The sound of the gun just awakened him. He rushed to the deck and looked at Mengyi dullly.

The blurred figure is sometimes blurred and sometimes clear.

Meng's voice was very hoarse and slowly said, "You ..."

Liu Ye took a step forward and murmured, "Who are you?"

Meng Yun's hand trembled violently, Liu Xuan finally stood upright and whispered: "You are the ultimate body? You took my Meng Yun, shoot it, you will completely anger him. You will never win, Because you chose the wrong host. "

Liu Ye took another step forward and slowly said, "You fire, try to see what effect it will have."

Meng Yun's pupil contracted abruptly, then Shen said, "Liu Ye, come and save me."

At that moment, the ancient glaciers that had accumulated for millions of years were broken inside each other, and the cold water of the deep sea drowned each other's souls.

Meng Yun's pupils were cloudy, and she turned and jumped down the river. Liu Ye closed her eyes and tears drifted in the wind.

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