Chapter 101

1st place in the ranking is the villager

– Volume 5 Episode 3

3. Shouldn’t have Touched (1)


Hayden slammed his desk with rage in his fists.

Then the desk shattered, cracking the floor and walls of his office centering on it, and the entire Demon King’s Castle shook.

The magic that was leaking out of him, whether it was just breaking the desk, was not enough to say that it was now leaking, but it was pouring down like a waterfall.

“These children are still there…!”

When the demons were still on the continent, a group of madmen who worshiped demons and wished for the chaos of the world with a red six-star symbol that they did not know what they were.

The fact that the magic was still there, Hayden shook his hand, which had hit his desk.

Although it was still a child’s day, Hayden remembered it exactly.

By the time they were being expelled into the Demon Realm, the Demon Gyo had suffered a major blow and were almost on the verge of extinction.

The executives were all dead long ago, and more than 80% of the general believers had disappeared from the continent.

Then, suddenly, a man who claimed to be Ainz appeared, and the red six-pointed star painted on the back of his hand perfectly matched what the members of the Magic Church had drawn on the back of his hand.

And the boy took Mayglyn with him.

It was his own responsibility.

He had been thinking too easily.

He should have given a little more attention.

He was still young and sent a child who needed the help of adults alone, so why was he relieved?

why! Why!

Hayden blamed himself for not taking May Glynn to risk leaving the underworld.

“Excuse me for a moment, Hayden-sama.”

Then, after Luciel delivered the business in front of Hayden’s office, he went straight into the office without his permission, strode in front of him, and bowed his head.

“I apologize in advance.”


The clear sound of flesh being pounded echoed through the office.

Luciel approached Hayden and slapped him on the cheek without any hesitation.

“What, what are you doing…”

“Heyden, please calm down now.”

Hayden wiped his cheek and looked at Luciel.

She was looking at Hayden with her own indifferent expression.

Seeing it made me angry.

How can you keep that face all the time even in this situation?

“Luciel! Are you calming down in this situation now! A child of the demon tribe who is nobody! Your daughter! It means that these children have kidnapped you! I don’t even know where you are right now…!”

“…I know that well. So please calm down.”

Luciel’s voice was faintly trembling.At the sound of Luciel’s trembling voice, Hayden cooled his head and looked carefully at her, only then to see her trembling with clenched fists.

Her daughter has been kidnapped, and what parent could be indifferent to the fact?

Luciel was suppressing his anger with a heart that cuts his bones.

“Right now, Hayden-sama’s dark magic is spreading through the demon realm, centering around this place. It may not be known to other demons, but if the demon king, Hayden-sama,’s magic is excessive, it will be poisonous to the demons. …So please calm down.”

“…I’m sorry. You must be the most difficult.”

After cooling his head, Hayden returned to normal by suppressing the magic that was pouring out of his body like a waterfall.

Now was not the time to be emotionally biased.

He had to cool his head as much as possible to solve what was happening.

Hayden’s head calmed down, but his chest was hotter than ever.

* * *

It was his own responsibility.

He had been thinking too easily.

Why didn’t he think that Maglin could be in danger?

He had heard of Arya about magic, but why didn’t he even think of how they might endanger May Glynne?

It was already too late for him to come here now and admit his mistake and blame himself.

Because the situation had already happened.

Will Maglyn be safe?

What if she gets in trouble?

She said that if the child had a bad perception of humans…, what would she say to the child?

……I don’t know anything.


“……I’m sorry. It’s all my fault……”


Returning to Ordo to announce that May Glynn had been kidnapped, Hoya did not face her guilt.

“Hey, it’s not your fault.”

“Because of that fucking XXX bastard, it’s not your fault.”

“Yeah, so, relax your face and raise your head.”


Everyone told Hoya that it wasn’t your fault, but the guilt Hoya placed on him was not erased at all.

The residents of Ordo pondered what to do with Hoya, who was unable to raise their heads due to guilt, and how to get them back to normal.

It was the first time for them to see such a shadow on Hoya’s face, so he didn’t know what to do.

“Yeah, it’s not your fault.”

At that time, a voice that had never been heard in the village fell over Hoya’s head, who was bowing his head.

It certainly wasn’t the villagers’ voices, but Hoya had only heard them once in the fairly near past.

As Hoya slowly raised his head, the first man he had ever seen caught his eye.

He was the first man he had ever seen, but his face was somehow familiar.

He had no choice but to do so, and he looked so much like the doll that Mayglyn had.

With jet-black hair, black pupils and slightly sharp eyes, there was something like a strange ring of light around his neck, but now he didn’t pay attention to it.

‘No, maybe…’

He wouldn’t be here.

“Hey… Eden?”


“Why are you here…?”

“I came up with an unreasonable request because of Mayglyn’s work. To be more precise, it’s because of you.”


Hoya couldn’t answer Hayden’s words.

Hayden had glimpsed his present condition through the doll Hoya had retrieved.

Out of guilt, Hoya didn’t seem to know what to prioritize right now.

“It’s all my fault. I didn’t give Mayglyn proper attention and she was kidnapped. As a result, this has caused harm to all of you, especially you. I’m so sorry.”

As Hayden bowed to him, Hoya stopped him.

“Hey, it’s not Hayden-sama’s fault! So don’t do that!”

“…that’s what I want to tell you.”

At Hoya’s words, Hayden turned his back and looked at him and continued with a voice mixed with anger.

“You’re not the only one responsible for this. So, if you have time to be alone in needless guilt, think about what you should do first. Your priority right now is to rescue Mayglyn. You must be terrified for a long time.”

Hoya felt a shock as if he had been hit in the head with a hammer at Hayden’s words.

Yeah, now wasn’t the time to grapple with guilt.

“I want to ask you for help. Please lend me your hand.”

[The quest ‘Rescue and Destruction’ has occurred.][Rescue and Destruction]

A demon girl, Maglyn, has been kidnapped by a demon.

Hayden doesn’t have the slightest thought to forgive the demon who kidnapped Maglin.

As long as magic continues to exist, there is no guarantee that something like this will never happen again in the future.

Together with the inhabitants of Ordo, rescue the kidnapped Mayglyn and destroy the demon that kidnapped her.

Completion Conditions: Rescue of Maglin, Destruction of Demonism

Success rewards: experience, increased favorability of Hayden, permission to enter the demon realm, the title ‘one who has been recognized by the demon king’

Failure penalty: The hostility of demons towards humans increases.

Hayden felt like he wanted to go directly to rescue Mayglyn.

However, he came here on condition that he would never leave Ordo, wear a bracelet that suppresses the emission of magic and wear a ring of light made by Reina.

He couldn’t get out of here.

Even if this promise is not true, on the day that he can’t control his anger and is sprayed with magi when he goes out, everything he has done so far will go to waste.

That would never have happened.

Hayden suppressed his anger and called upon the inhabitants of Ordo for help.

He “must rescue Maglyn as quickly as possible.”

He was in a situation where the demons were feeling anxious because of the magic that he released without being able to quench his anger.The demons knew what Hayden was currently doing.

Therefore, some speculate that the cause of Hayden’s anger may be that Maglyn went out to the human world and something happened.

If Maglin was not brought back as soon as possible, their speculation would be known to be true, and they might express their anger towards the humans.

“Don’t worry. I’m going to show you a very rough…, heh heh.”

“I’ll go too.”

The residents of Ordo actively accepted Hayden’s request.

The Demonic Ainth, Majin touched something that shouldn’t have been touched.

* * *

After Moan, Krauss, and Hoya left the village to rescue Mayglyn, Hayden was left alone with Raina.

Hayden wanted him to remain in Ordo until May Glynn returned.

His request was granted, but he had to keep the ring of light around his neck.

And to keep it up, Reina needed to be by his side.

The other villagers returned to their homes, saying they would make arrangements to welcome Mayglyn back to the village and comfort her.

After everyone left, Hayden stared at Reina.

The reason he stayed in town was to wait for May Glynn, but he also wanted to confirm one thing.

“So… who are you?”


Reina tilted his head at Hayden’s question.

“Until a year ago, there was no one like you in this town. Instead, there was a man named Leon.”

Hayden had heard and observed about the village through Chibin exploring the demon realm or through the barriers he had made to deal with Gagon.

Apparently, until about a year ago, this woman in front of her was not in the Ordo.

Like Hoya and Vandal, she was likely to have become a resident of Ordo during that year, but it certainly wasn’t.

Hayden felt the need to know about the woman in front of him, Reina.

“Originally, a man named Leon from this village suddenly disappeared, and you appeared here. However, the residents of this village exchanged Leon for your appearance, and instead of suspicious of you, they accepted you as if they had been together for a long time.”


“Answer me. What is your guy doing?”

Reina, who was quietly listening to Hayden’s words, let out a sigh of relief from her, and then she smiled softly.

‘I think I made a little mistake…’

It seems that there was a small mistake in the process of revising the memory before.

At that time, he hadn’t checked the Demon Realm, so he couldn’t have expected that Hayden had information about the town.

“I’m just… I’m just an older sister.”

Shortly thereafter, Hayden’s pupils loosened slightly and he immediately returned to his original glow.

Reina spoke to him as if nothing had happened.

“Heyden, you’re a little dazed, are you okay?”

“Huh? Ahhh…, I think I was a little bit mentally tired. After Mo-Eun left, I completely lost my memory.”

“May’ll be fine. She’s comfortable.”

“…Yes, I should.”

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