Zhou Feng stood up quickly. Regardless of anything else, considering his relationship with Chen Jianshe, he was not worthy of being asked for help.

Since he came to Kaoshantun, although he was sometimes disrespectful to Chen Jianshe, he respected the old branch secretary from the bottom of his heart. Moreover, when his aunt came to make trouble before, it was the old branch secretary who stepped in and helped him to transfer his household registration.

At that time, Zhou Feng did not show any value. No matter how big or small the help was, people helped you without expecting anything in return, and this kindness should be appreciated.

Now the old branch secretary's lover was asking him with tears in her eyes, Zhou Feng could not sit still.

"Grandma Ma, please don't be like this. If you have anything to tell me, just tell me. I will do whatever I can. If you keep asking me to do it, it will shorten my life."

Zhou Feng's attitude made Ma Xiufang feel more at ease. She had been preparing herself mentally for a long time before coming to Zhou Feng today. She was also forced into a corner.

After calming down, Ma Xiufang told him her story.

After the end of the Anti-Japanese War, Chen Jianshe returned to Kaoshantun from the army. At that time, Chen Jianshe, who was in his thirties, was a truly good young man.

Although he was a little older because of being delayed in the army, he was still welcomed by the whole village after returning to the village. Matchmakers would knock on the door of his house.

Ma Xiufang's family was also one of those who knocked on the door of his house. It was also fate that Chen Jianshe took a fancy to her.

At that time, the relationship was very pure. They got married soon after they fell in love with each other and gave birth to a boy, Chen Qing, that year. But the good times didn't last long. When Chen Qing was six years old, the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea broke out. Chen Jianshe decided to marry Chen Qing despite his family's objection. She returned to the army without hesitation, and she was gone for three years.

Although Chen Qing was young, he was very filial and always helped his mother with work within his ability. However, such a sensible child was not favored by God.

One night, Chen Qing suddenly convulsed and foamed at the mouth. Ma Xiufang hurriedly contacted someone to send Chen Qing to the hospital.

The doctor immediately made a conclusion as soon as he saw the symptoms: polio.

At this point, Ma Xiufang couldn't help crying again. This might be the biggest regret in her life that she couldn't take good care of her child.

Zhou Feng was stunned for a moment, and after thinking about it, he realized what polio was. It was the infantile paralysis in later generations. He also understood in his heart. When he was a child, he was always fed a candy bean when he got a vaccination. That might be a ray of light in the nightmare of every child who got an injection.

Xiao At first, I thought it was just candy, but later, when I was older, I realized that it was a vaccine to prevent polio. After knowing what the disease was, I roughly guessed about Chen Qing’s current condition, that his legs and feet were not flexible.

Ma Xiufang’s subsequent words confirmed Zhou Feng’s guess. Facing polio, the hospital had no effective treatment at all. In the end, Chen Qing’s right half of his body was out of control, he walked slantedly, and his mouth was crooked.

Fortunately, Chen Qing’s intelligence was not affected. In the doctor’s words, Chen Qing was lucky, as intellectual disabilities and even paralysis caused by leprosy are not uncommon.

After Chen Qing returned to the village, no children were willing to play with him. They all heard from their adults that the disease was contagious, so they all stayed away. Looking at Chen Qing, who had a weird appearance, they also called him a little monster behind his back, which made him more and more autistic.

Chen Jianshe returned Seeing his lovely son become like this made him feel distressed and blame himself, but it was impossible to treat him.

Chen Qing couldn't do physical labor at all, so Chen Jianshe taught him to read, write, and read newspapers.

When Chen Qing was in his twenties, Chen Jianshe, who had never made any profit for himself in his life, pushed his son who couldn't work to the position of scorekeeper in the production team for the first time.

At that time, scorekeeper was a very popular position. You didn't have to work. You could get work points by writing and drawing with paper and pen every day. Many people wanted to be a scorekeeper.

As a result, Chen Jianshe gave it to his son, which was criticized by many people, led by Sun Fuqiang.

Chen Jianshe didn't say anything on the surface, but he felt very uncomfortable in his heart, especially for a person like him who had been selfless all his life, being pointed at by the villagers.

He pushed Chen Qing to this position not for the work points, but mainly to find him something to do and interact with more people.

Chen Qing did not disappoint him. He did a flawless job and no one could find fault with it.

After the production team was disbanded, Chen Qing was idle at home again.

When Zhou Feng wanted to build a factory, Ma Xiufang asked Chen Jianshe to help see if there was a job suitable for Chen Qing, but was rejected by Chen Jianshe.

The reason was that Zhou Feng's factory had just been built, and every job was done by hand, and it was all physical labor, so it was not suitable for him. But Ma Xiufang knew the truth. Chen Jianshe's old problem had come back. He didn't want people to gossip that he was using backdoors, and he was even more afraid of embarrassing Zhou Feng. He knew that Zhou Feng would definitely find a way to do it as long as he asked, but the more he did so, the more he couldn't open his mouth.

The factory was not Zhou Feng's alone. He could be scolded for his son, but he didn't want Zhou Feng to be talked about for this.

In Kaoshantun, Chen Qing could try the factory job, but he really couldn't do anything else. Ma Xiufang was forced to no choice but to find Zhou Feng with a thick face.

The money could be less or even no, as long as Chen Qing had something to do.

Zhou Feng was also moved after listening to this.

He felt sorry for the parents' love, but he also had opinions about Chen Jianshe.

The old branch secretary was fair, but in Zhou Feng's opinion, he was too pedantic and inflexible.

There was nothing to be ashamed of about such a small matter.

Although Chen Qing had health problems, his mind was very clear.

Whether it was Zhou Feng's own career or the future development of Kaoshantun, manual laborers were the most needed.

What was lacking was people who could use their brains to do things.

After Ma Xiufang finished speaking, she looked at Zhou Feng expectantly, but he remained silent.

Just when Ma Xiufang felt that Zhou Feng intended to refuse and her heart was full of disappointment and bitterness, Zhou Feng spoke.

"My dear Ma, is this what you are talking about? Even if you don't come to see me, I will still go to your house. Our village is now launching many projects, and we are short of people who can work, and we are even short of people with clear minds."

"I have heard about your family's affairs before, but I have never found the time to go there. It's just right that I will go there in the next two days and have a chat with Uncle Chen Qing. He will definitely be busy by then."

Zhou Feng's words were nice, but Ma Xiufang knew that he was saving her face. Maybe Zhou Feng didn't even know the existence of his son. He just said that to make her look decent.

Ma Xiufang was full of gratitude. After solving her son's work problem, a big stone in her heart fell to the ground. Just when she wanted to say a few words of gratitude, she froze in place.

Zhou Feng saw that the smile on Ma Xiufang's face disappeared, her eyes were straight, and her face was a little pale. He was a little worried.

Before he could ask, he heard a voice behind him:

"What are you doing here?

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