Just when Gu Jun started a comprehensive investigation of Zhou Feng, Wei Hongjun unexpectedly came to his house.

Before Zhou Feng could ask, Wei Hongjun told him his purpose.

After the last seminar, Wei Hongjun took the circuit diagram to find Shen Guangming, who worked at the Institute of Huazhong University of Science and Technology.

Shen Guangming was very interested in Zhou Feng's design after seeing it, and immediately used the circuit diagram simulation tool to test it.

The test results surprised the two professors. It was not inferior to the Moss 6502 at all, and the computing speed was comparable to that of the z80, so they wanted to meet Zhou Feng. Zhou Feng was also very surprised after hearing it. He originally thought that Wei Hongjun was looking for him for the production line, but he didn't expect to bring him such a big surprise.

Shen Guangming's name is well-known to Zhou Feng. Anyone who knows about the development of the domestic computer industry knows him.

This person can be regarded as the most authoritative figure in the domestic computer field. The famous Great Wall No. 1 large computer and the Dawn No. 1 supercomputer were both developed with the participation of Shen Guangming.

The reason why Zhou Feng was so impressed by Shen Guangming was not only because of his research and development achievements, but also because the two computers he designed had a very sad ending.

Because laymen guided experts, and some people who worshipped foreign things suggested that two years later, in 1982, the Great Wall No. 2 machine and its core data were taken to the science and technology expositions in the United States and the island country for public display.

In the eyes of later generations, the Great Wall series and the Suguang series are definitely world-leading, and have left the island country far behind. However, the lack of confidence of some Chinese people at that time caused subsequent regrettable things.

At the exposition, the Great Wall No. 2 machine attracted the attention of the island country. They used the excuse of communication to steal a large number of core secrets, and kindly reminded that the Great Wall and Suguang were extremely backward in technology, which eventually led to the cancellation of these two projects.

The island country turned around and used the stolen technology to develop their Showa No. 1. The core is the same as the Great Wall, but the appearance is designed to be more beautiful. By the time the Chinese found out, it was too late. This is not the first time that the island country has done this. Under the policy of good neighborliness and friendship, many domestic technologies will invite experts from the island country to evaluate.

The famous digital welding system was also abandoned under the friendly reminder of the island country. As a result, in 1992, it spent 1.2 billion US dollars to import electronic numerical control equipment, but after research, it was found that 80% of the technology in it was previously killed by friendly island country experts.

After the Great Wall incident, Shen Guangming felt discouraged. This top expert who has been committed to the localization of computers directly chose to go abroad and gave up the computer research field that he had spent countless efforts on.

Thinking of this, Zhou Feng was also very sad, but a sense of pride rose in his heart. At this time point, everything was in time. He not only wanted to prevent the tragedy from happening again, but also to express friendship with the island country, otherwise it would be difficult to resolve his injustice.

Zhou Feng and Wei Hongjun went directly to the office of Huake Institute.

When Shen Guangming saw Zhou Feng, he shook hands enthusiastically, and his thin face was full of smiles.

Zhou Feng could see the heat in his eyes, and he was obviously very satisfied with the chip designed by Zhou Feng.

Zhou Feng understood something at a glance. There were several computers scattered in Shen Guangming's office.

Zhou Feng could recognize two models. One was a small computer of the XJ series developed in China in the 1970s, which still used paper tape input. The other was a Type 2 microcomputer released by Apple in 1977.

After introducing each other, Zhou Feng asked directly:

"Professor Shen, are you developing a microcomputer?"

Shen Guangming was slightly surprised. You know, microcomputers are not a popular concept. There are two types of microcomputers on the market. The first one is the 8800 made by Maxus in 1975, and the second one is the Apple 2, the world's first color personal computer lying on the table.

"Comrade Zhou Feng also studies computers?"

Zhou Feng waved his hands repeatedly and said with a smile:"I've only heard of it. I don't know much about computers, but I'm optimistic about its future development."

Shen Guangming is a very introverted person, but people can feel his enthusiasm. He was very happy to hear that Zhou Feng was very interested in microcomputers. The reason why he wanted to meet Zhou Feng was because of that chip.

He personally believed that microcomputers would definitely be the mainstream of the world in the future, but unfortunately, China had just developed large and super large computers and was still waiting and watching for microcomputers.

When he saw Zhou Feng's design drawings, he found after a simple test that it could fully support the operation of microcomputers. This was the first microprocessor in China with its own intellectual property rights.

After a simple exchange, Zhou Feng understood that Shen Guangming was more admirable than he had imagined. He not only wanted to develop microcomputers, but also to develop microcomputers that were completely domestic intellectual property rights.

This was an unimaginable thing in the 1980s. Almost in an instant, Zhou Feng made up his mind to kidnap this person.

Compared with computers, the gadgets he was going to make money with were child's play.

"Professor Shen, what is the development progress of the microcomputer in our institute?"

Shen Guangming's good mood was suddenly brought to the bottom by Zhou Feng's words.

Wei Hongjun gently pulled Zhou Feng, thinking to himself, this young man who seemed very smart before, why is he talking about something irrelevant today?

Noticing Wei Hongjun's little action, Shen Guangming smiled bitterly and said,"Comrade Zhou Feng, to be honest, we are still in the conceptual stage and have not yet officially launched the project."

"Is it because it is not supported above?"

"Or is it because you have no money?"

Shen Guangming felt two knives stabbed into his lower back, and suddenly he seemed to lose interest in talking.

Wei Hongjun's eyes widened. Zhou Feng's ability to poke people in the heart was comparable to his chip design ability.

But this time he didn't react. Although he had known Zhou Feng for a short time, he didn't think this guy was a tactless person. He must have his purpose for saying this.

"Why don't you do such a good project quickly? Look at Apple, it's making a lot of money. Large computers cost money, but microcomputers are going to be in every household. Why not do a profitable business?"

Shen Guangming was a little surprised by Zhou Feng's words. He really didn't think about whether it would make money or not. He was thinking about research and development. However, Zhou Feng's words opened up a new way of thinking for him. Maybe he could try to communicate with the higher-ups from this aspect.

Zhou Feng was not afraid of reminding Shen Guangming. In his memory, the development of domestic microcomputers should have been after 1985. Since the 1980s, various scientific research projects have been doing subtraction. The possibility of Shen Guangming's project application being approved is very small.

If all his ways out are not extinguished, how can he have his own chance?

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