Wei Hongjun didn't know why Wang Yang was so angry. What he said was indeed a problem, but there is no such thing as a smooth road in technology development. It depends on solving problems step by step.

The two people have the same general direction, but they have different focuses. Wang Yang was obviously emotional.

"I didn’t say that chip R&D is not important, but it is not as urgent as upgrading the production line. Industrial upgrading is our ultimate direction.

Wang Yang was obviously a little excited, and he glared at her:

"You want to run before you even learn to walk, isn't this just too ambitious?"

Wei Hongjun was also angry. He had never realized that Wang Yang was so stubborn. He just couldn't understand what he was saying!

"Okay, let's do as you said. Let's not talk about upgrading the production line, but about chip development. What have you developed now? Do you have a flagship product? Can you come up with a chip that is competitive with other countries?"

Wang Yang was choked by Wei Hongjun's words. Beijing University has developed a lot of chips, but it is indeed not competitive. At present, high-end chips are basically monopolized by the island country and the United States. China is still in the early stages of development.

"It is still in the research and development stage. We don't have it in Beijing University, but do you have it in Huaqing? At least we know what the key points are!"

Wei Hongjun was directly laughed at by Wang Yang. He was the only one who said it so high-soundingly when he didn't have it. He didn't intend to save his face.

"We don't have it, but the 712 Factory does. Their technical consultant Zhou Feng has designed a microprocessor that is not inferior to the Moss 6502, and is even better than the 6502 in some aspects!"

Everyone was shocked by Wei Hongjun's words. Basically, everyone present had researched chips, and the 6502 that came out in 1975 was even more famous!

How could they not be surprised when they heard that an unknown guy designed a chip that was not inferior to the 6502?

Zhou Feng was listening with great interest, but he accidentally got burned by the fire.

Wang Yang simply didn't believe it. Is the chip so easy to design? Don't make an international joke!

"Professor Wei, you are such a boaster! How did you become like this?"

Wei Hongjun rolled his eyes. He was too lazy to communicate with Wang Yang. If they didn't agree, they would talk too much.

Gu Jun stood up from his chair excitedly and looked at Anton with a serious face.


Wei Hongjun used his eyes to ask for Zhou Feng's opinion.

Zhou Feng was speechless. How could he refuse when the matter came to this?

With Zhou Feng's consent, Wei Hongjun handed the paper to Gu Jun.

Although Gu Jun knew some chips, he was not professional enough to understand the circuit diagram. He was dizzy by the piles of scribbles, so he handed the circuit diagram to the expert professor beside him.

The six experts immediately started to study it after taking it, while Gu Jun was waiting for the results with anticipation, while Jiangnan could only worry.

Wang Yang was a little surprised to see that Wei Hongjun really took out the circuit diagram.

Qi Zhongtang's face darkened. He didn't think Wei Hongjun would joke about this kind of thing. He glanced at Zhou Feng and quickly calculated a countermeasure in his mind.

About twenty minutes later, the experts finished their research, but their performances were different.

Gu Jun had a lot of questions in his head. Why were some experts excited when they were looking at the same circuit diagram, while others were full of contempt?

"The chip designer is a genius. It is just as Professor Wei Hongjun said. This chip is not inferior to the Moss 6502, and even has better cost control.

Before Gu Jun could be happy, another expert spoke up.

"Nonsense, this is shameless plagiarism, it is a complete imitation of the design of Moto 6800 and Moss 6502. If we launch this chip, it will be a disgrace to the world!" At this moment, Gu Jun seemed to understand something, while Wang Yang on the other side was not surprised at all to hear this result. He did not believe that the people of 712 could design any excellent chips. Do they really think that designers are cabbages? Plagiarism is completely understandable.

"I think it is necessary to popularize it to you. Existing chip designs abroad have intellectual property rights. If you copy them and want to export them abroad, you will be sued and face huge compensation."

"Of course it can be produced and used in China, and there are no patent restrictions yet, but why should we use a copied version in China? Isn't it better for us to use the original design directly?"When

Wang Yang said this, the people from Jiangnan who were present burst into laughter.

Gu Jun also understood what he meant. This chip design was useless. It couldn't be used abroad or in China, and his face looked a little ugly for a while.

Li Daochang and Anton's leaders didn't understand the twists and turns, and their faces looked a little ugly. Who would be willing to make such a big fool of themselves in this occasion?

Wei Hongjun was really too lazy to pay attention to these people. He always felt that his Qi cultivation skills were okay, but seeing such a group of jumping clowns still made him very angry.

""Be quiet!"

He sneered and looked directly at the expert who raised the question.

"You said this design is plagiarism, please tell me, is this chip design infringing?"

The expert was stunned by Wei Hongjun's question, and then looked at the circuit diagram.

Everyone also looked at him, waiting for his answer.

The expert felt a little uncomfortable being looked at by so many people, and finally spoke after thinking it over again:

"this...Different from the pin design of 6800, the patent part of 6502 has also been adjusted. It is not an infringement, but..."

As soon as the expert's conclusion came out, the scene exploded again. Who would have the patience to listen to his subsequent sour remarks? After mocking the design for so long, you now tell me that it is not infringing?

Gu Jun wanted to eat this expert. Who is this person? How did he get in? He is so stupid! He secretly made up his mind to kick him out of the expert group later.

Then he looked at Zhou Feng eagerly and gave him a thumbs up.

"Comrade Zhou Feng, you are awesome!"

This sentence is like a weather vane. After proving the chip design capability of the 712 Factory, the project ownership was also clarified.

A chip with huge market prospects will definitely bring a lot of foreign orders to a factory, which is very important for the country with a shortage of foreign exchange. It is also a huge boost to this integrated circuit production line project.

Gu Jun was about to express his opinion and let the seminar expert group vote, but Qi Zhongtang stood up.

"It is indeed amazing that Zhou Feng can design such an excellent chip, but this has little to do with the final ownership of the entire project. If it can be produced in Anton, it can also be produced in Jiangnan. After all, the value created belongs to the country."

"Such a valuable design can alleviate the shortage of foreign exchange in China to a certain extent, at least it can make up for the capital gap of the production line, so the rapid production of the production line is very important, and our Jiangnan Radio Factory just has this advantage."

"I believe Comrade Zhou Feng will definitely dedicate such an excellent design to the country, right?"

Zhou Feng was shocked. Qi Zhongtang's shamelessness simply refreshed his three views!

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