"That depends on my uncle's plan. We plan to train workers in a model where the old train the new. It depends on how many experienced people can train apprentices. There is no upper limit!"

Tian Qiushan didn't expect Zhou Feng to pass the ball to him. After careful consideration, he gave the answer.

"One veteran worker can lead two. According to the current trend, we can probably recruit about 100 people by the end of the month, which is just enough to make use of the idle equipment, but the factory will be a little short of space."

The old branch secretary patted his thigh excitedly when he heard this:

"Good! Good! You don't have to worry about the location of the factory. I will say hello to the commune and have them tear down the wall of the village committee, and then expand to the west. There are a lot of wastelands over there, and you can make it as big as you want!"

Zhou Feng was also happy when he heard this. This is the good thing about this stage. If a collective enterprise wants land, it can be done with a note without spending a penny. This can be regarded as a bonus of the times.

Just when Zhou Feng and others were ready to do a big job, Li Daochang and Qiu Bo came to Kaoshantun together.

Village Party Branch Office.

Li Daochang sat in a chair with a tired face and drank a sip of tea before speaking.

"Xiao Feng, after Lao Qiu and I have been going around for the past few days, the city is very interested in this matter and has already contacted the Ministry of Commerce. It will be discussed in a few days."

Zhou Feng couldn't help but praise Li Daochang and his team for their efficiency. The speed was too fast, but before he could be happy, Qiu Bo continued:

"Jiangnan has learned about our meddling, and they've reacted violently. They've been making moves recently. Just now, Wu Yongfei called me and said things are pretty much as you guessed. The approval of this project was due to the influence of the military, and there will be related development tasks after it's completed."

"He also visited the head of the Ministry of Commerce, who also revealed the truth. They agree with our advantages. In principle, we have a chance, but the main problem that makes them hesitate is that we don't have a foundation."

Zhou Feng understood it as soon as he heard it.

He had expected this a long time ago.

It was also the biggest obstacle to winning this project, which was talent.

712 was a TV manufacturer and had no personnel reserves in integrated circuits.

The integrated circuit production line was a very technical project.

Not only did you have to build a production line, but you also had to have someone who could fully understand the island country's technology during the construction process.

This was the key.

Talents cannot be cultivated in a short period of time. This is a big shortcoming. If this part cannot be made up, it is a congenital deficiency. No matter how big the advantage is, it will be useless if it cannot be developed. The country cannot spend hundreds of millions of foreign exchange on gambling.

"What does Director Wu say?"

"What he can do is to ensure that we can compete with Jiangnan in a relatively fair environment. It is impossible to rely on internal connections. He was forced to do nothing. He talked to me and is now communicating with the Beijing 744 Factory to see if he can get some talents from there."

Li Daochang frowned. He was not against cooperating with the 744 Factory, but at present, the 744 Factory was a very old state-owned unit, a bit big, and it was really difficult to deal with.

Zhou Feng understood Li Daochang's worries. He also knew that the 744 Factory was built with the aid of the Soviet Union in 1956. At that time, it was the largest transistor factory in Asia.

He was not optimistic about cooperating with the 744 Factory. He did not consider the issue of whether the other party would cooperate or not, but he really looked down on their technical personnel. The 744 Factory was okay in the 1960s, but more than 20 years later, it had long lost its former glory.

It was difficult to rely on the 744 Factory as a bargaining chip.

Zhou Feng shook his head and looked at Li Daochang:

"The direction is wrong. Factory 744 is of little use to us at present, and cooperation with them will definitely not be negotiated in the short term. They cannot be our bargaining chip."

"Brother Li, this matter still depends on you. If the implementation of this project is under the responsibility of the 712th Division, it will be difficult for Director Wu to make a decision without you communicating with the higher-ups in a timely manner."

Li Daochang nodded. He also realized this problem. If it involves some cooperation matters, he must come forward. It would be too time-consuming to rely on Wu Yongfei to pass on information back and forth.

"So where do you think we should start from?"

Zhou Feng smiled. If it was purely about talent, where would there be a more suitable place than a university?

"Brother Li, you can ask Director Wu to find some connections with universities. The two most important universities are Huaqing University and Peking University. If we can reach an agreement on talent, the talent problem will be completely solved."

Li Daochang was surprised:"Are you sure that the experts in the university can help us? Do they have practical experience?"

"Brother Li, don't underestimate them. When it comes to operating experience, can we find anyone in our country who has practical experience in operating the production line in the island country?"

"After we introduce it, the island country will definitely send people to help with the construction. What we need to do is to absorb their things as much as possible. At this time, theory is much more important than some outdated practical experience."

Zhou Feng said this, but he actually knew it very well. In his previous life, as a practitioner of electronic engineering, he was sometimes stuck by foreign countries. What were domestic researchers doing in the 1980s? So that now people can manipulate them at will in such a critical field.

After studying the development history of the semiconductor industry, I realized that in fact, in the 1980s, although domestic semiconductor research could not be said to be leading, it was not backward.

The world's first distributed lithography machine was developed by the United States in 1978 with an accuracy of 3 microns.

Only two years later, that is, this year, Huaqing University has developed the fourth generation of distributed projection light technology, which can be said to be world-leading.

It's just that in the subsequent development, we are more in the field of research, but we have not formed the industrialization of other countries.

The island country companies rely on integrated circuits to vigorously develop the electronics industry, and Walkman, game consoles, cameras and other products are frantically harvesting capital.


United States relies on the development of integrated circuits to develop personal computers and mobile phones that have swept the world.

They also rely on this advantage to complete the first The large-scale development of integrated circuits means that the products are good and the prices are cheaper than yours.

However, the domestic development is more driven by the government, and it is slow at every step. Coupled with the restrictions on technology imports, it has fallen into an embarrassing situation in later generations.

Zhou Feng wants to connect with universities not only to meet the needs of this production line project, but also to prepare for the subsequent production line upgrades. Universities lack test sites, and factories lack technology.

When Zhou Feng came to this era, he wanted to rely on commercialization to promote the rapid development of integrated circuits, but there is no way at present. Due to policy reasons, he cannot do this personally.

If he wants to cooperate, it is a pipe dream for Zhou Feng to personally participate in such a large project as the integrated circuit production line. He can only use the 712 to complete the first step.

Li Daochang sorted out the key points, but did not rush to set off. Instead, he asked Chen Jianshe to give Zhou Feng a letter of introduction.

Zhou Feng was stunned. This was going to pull the dog-headed military advisor down. He quickly said that Zhengfeng Electronics Factory had just started production and he really couldn't leave.

Li Daochang didn't care about the shitty antenna at all, and just said

"If you want to locate the project in Kaoshantun, just tell me what you are doing and follow me!"

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