"Have you brought everyone here?" Qiu Bo tightly grasped the documents in his hand.

"It's here. The militia brought it here. The accountant has explained everything."

"Bring the person in!"

After giving the instructions, Qiu Bo smiled and asked the people from the Discipline Inspection Commission to wait for a while, and said to Sun Fukuan in a friendly manner:

"Director Sun, this is just the beginning, there are more to come!"

Sun Fukuan's heart skipped a beat, and then he saw two people tied up being pushed in.

Sun Fukuan's eyes were red with anger, and he felt dizzy.

The visitor was overjoyed to see Sun Fukuan, and shouted at the top of his voice:

""Brother, brother, save me!"

When he saw his two younger brothers, Sun Fuqiang and Sun Fugui, he knew it was all over.

Sun Youzhi had been scared silly for a long time, and he never thought that things would develop to this extent. Seeing his father and third uncle tied up, he rushed over and howled.

Old Li was still sitting on the ground, how could he miss this opportunity to beat the drowning dog, and shouted to Li Daochang:

"Didn't you see your father?"

Li Daochang just noticed his father sitting in the corner, and hurried over to help him up.

"Why did you come here too?"

Old Li pointed at Sun Youzhi and said,"This kid has been following Zhou Feng's fiancée and is full of lies. I was worried, so I followed him. The two brothers are going to beat me up!"

Sun Youzhi was so scared that he stopped crying and pointed at himself with disbelief.

Old Li nodded in cooperation.

When Qiu Bo saw this, he said to Li Qiang,"Take him back for investigation. We in Futian are determined to crack down on gangster criminal gangs."

Li Qiang immediately had Sun Youzhi handcuffed.

Zhou Feng stood up at this time and said embarrassedly,"Director Li, County Magistrate Qiu, can I talk to Sun Youquan alone for a few minutes?"

Qiu Bo felt that he owed Zhou Feng a little bit for making him suffer this unexpected disaster, so he nodded happily.

Zhou Feng smiled and pulled the handcuffed Sun Youquan into the interrogation room just now. The door was not closed, and the voice came out clearly.

"What's wrong with scolding your father? Who does he think he is?"



"I know Sun Youzhi is your brother, so what if I hit him? Who do you think you are?"



"Didn't you say I talk too much? Do I talk too much?"......

Five minutes later, Zhou Feng came out, feeling refreshed, dragging Sun Youquan, who looked like a dead dog.

"Sorry to bother you all!"

Zhou Feng's calm look made everyone's mouth twitch. This kid was too vindictive. They listened to Sun Youquan yelling for five minutes.

Qiu Bo admired Zhou Feng a little. This style of doing things was somewhat to his liking. Young people! What can you accomplish without some drive?

Seeing that things were almost done, he pointed at Sun Fukuan, frightening the latter.

"Take him away too!"

Sun Fukuan knew it was over, and his plump body collapsed to the ground.

Seeing that his biggest backer, Sun Fukuan, was treated the same as them, Sun Fuqiang knew that their Sun family was finished. He didn't hate anyone else at this moment, but the one he hated the most was Zhou Feng. Ever since this son-in-law came to Kaoshan Village, he had been at odds with him.

If he hadn't provoked him everywhere, it wouldn't have come to this.

Thinking of this, Sun Fuqiang could no longer suppress the hatred in his heart.

"Zhou Feng, you will not die well! You are a wicked man who married into the family. I will not let you go even if I become a ghost!"

Sun Youquan was awakened by his father's scolding. He suddenly thought of something and struggled hard.

"I don't accept it, you can't arrest me! I am handling the case impartially!"

After being pressed to the ground by the Discipline Inspection Commission again, Sun Youquan stretched his neck and stared at Zhou Feng viciously.

"You should arrest him too! He is a profiteer! He is a self-employed business owner who has hired more than 100 workers in Kaoshantun. He is a profiteer!"

Everyone who knew about this looked strange. Now they knew why Sun Youquan arrested Zhou Feng. It turned out to be for this.

Wu Yongfei had a grudge against Sun Youquan and looked at him with a chuckle.

"Director Sun, if you have any questions, why didn't you communicate with me earlier? Look at what's going on now?"

Sun Youquan thought that things had finally taken a turn for the better, and he was determined to hold on to this life-saving straw. As long as Zhou Feng was nailed to death, he would be fine!

"Director Wu...No, bro. I was ignorant just now. You are so generous. Zhou Feng is indeed engaged in speculation. This is a serious economic crime. I have evidence. I have the list of contracts he signed. You can check it out in Kaoshantun!"

Wu Yongfei nodded and said with some appreciation:

"Director Sun is really observant, he even found this out."

After a short pause, he changed his tone.

"But why didn't you find out that the factory opened by Zhou Feng belonged to the commune?"

Sun Youquan was still a little unresponsive. Belonging to the commune? What does this mean?

Wu Yongfei's tone suddenly became like a storm.

"Who do you think you are? You want to get involved in the commune's factory construction and recruitment of workers? Do we have to report to us?"

"The business license has been issued, and you are telling me that you are speculating? Director Sun, please understand your position before you speak or act, so as not to end up losing more than you gain!"

Wu Yongfei ignored him after he finished speaking, but Sun Youquan seemed to be struck by a thunderbolt. He was shocked by the news and was in a trance. He muttered unconsciously:

"How is that possible? He is a speculator! He is a speculator! How can the commune build a factory in the village?..."

At this moment, Sun Youzhi was the only one who had the clearest mind in the Sun family. He understood what Wu Yongfei meant. Zhou Feng's factory bypassed the village and was jointly established with the commune, so they kept their family in the dark. They even wanted to use this to send Zhou Feng to prison.

As a result, Zhou Feng was fine, but their family was finished.

Sun Youzhi was terrified. He���How could he be a labor camp prisoner when he was young and still had to take the college entrance exam?

He didn't know where he got the strength from, but he broke free from the police's restraints, rushed to Zhou Feng in two steps, and knelt in front of him with a plop, holding his thighs tightly with both hands, crying:

""Zhou Feng, Zhou Feng, I was blinded by greed before. I promise that I will not have any ideas about Tian Xiaoxia in the future. You two are the most suitable for each other. You will grow old together. Please let me go this time. Just treat me as a fart. I will stay away from you and never appear in front of you again, Zhou Feng! Tian Xiaoxia! Spare me, I don’t want to go in!"

No one expected Sun Youzhi’s move.

Zhou Feng didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. Sun Youzhi was really scared and tried all kinds of methods in desperation!

Several policemen stepped forward and held Sun Youzhi. Zhou Feng held his head with one hand and finally pulled his legs out. He wiped his trouser legs with his clothes with some disgust.

"Sun Youzhi, first of all, thank you for your blessing, but you think too highly of me. I am just a peasant, and I cannot make the decision to let you go even if I want to. If you really want to stay in there for a few days less, then you should try to make meritorious contributions, and the government will definitely treat you leniently."

Zhou Feng's words were perfunctory, and he really had no intention of helping him at all. He never thought that he accidentally opened Pandora's box, causing chaos again.

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