Hearing that Zhou Feng had an idea, Ma Guoqing also became excited. He had been suffering from insomnia for a while.

"Xiao Feng, what can you do?"

Zhou Feng smiled confidently:"Uncle, if you follow your perfectionist ideas, it is really not appropriate to break this window paper right away."

"Once the arrow is shot, there is no turning back. But this matter cannot be delayed for too long. Zhao Xiaolan's mother has recovered from her illness and must be anxious to find a partner for Zhao Xiaolan!"

Ma Guoqing scratched his head:"Don't analyze it, just tell me what to do!"

"Uncle, aren't you going to Hong Kong Island after I get married?"

Ma Guoqing nodded. He had wanted to leave a long time ago, but he really had to attend the wedding, so he had been dragging his feet.

"You should take Zhao Xiaolan with you when the time comes!"

Ma Guoqing's eyes almost popped out of his head in surprise.

"What a stupid idea you have! You want me to elope with Xiaolan? It would be better to propose marriage face to face?"

Zhou Feng smiled bitterly:"What's in your head? Who asked you to elope? What about the rabbit fur business?"

Ma Guoqing knew that he had misunderstood, and quickly motioned Zhou Feng to continue.

"You can talk to Chen Qing and ask him to send someone to go with you to Hong Kong Island to visit the rabbit hair processing factory and learn about the requirements for rabbit hair. This is also a good opportunity for the breeding base to understand the market."

"When we come back, we can also give everyone more confidence in raising Angora rabbits through Zhao Xiaolan's experience."

Ma Guoqing slapped his thigh, this is a good idea! He immediately regretted not discussing it with Zhou Feng earlier, and he could have saved some hair, but he immediately thought of a problem

"Are you sure that Xiaolan can be sent from the Angora rabbit production base?"

Zhou Feng was convinced by his uncle's brain. He didn't even think twice. Going to Hong Kong Island would involve funding, and it would definitely have to be reported to the village.

When the time comes, Zhou Feng will say hello to Chen Jianshe and directly let Zhao Xiaolan go.

Moreover, the person Ma Guoqing has had the most contact with in the breeding center during this period of time is Zhao Xiaolan.

Zhao Xiaolan is also the person in the village who knows the most about the breeding of Angora rabbits except for the researchers of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences. Researchers are not under the jurisdiction of the village, so she is the most suitable candidate.

It is also convenient to conduct market research and bring back demand to assist in the breeding of Angora rabbits. It can be said that the time is right, the place is right, and the people are right, and public and private affairs are handled together.

Ma Guoqing suddenly realized, his eyes were shining with excitement, and he couldn't wait to set off immediately.

Seeing his uncle like this, Zhou Feng poured a basin of cold water at the right time:"Uncle, this hasn't solved your problem yet. Even if you go to Zhao Xiaolan's house, she will still disagree with your business."

"What do you think we should do?"Ma Guoqing knew that Zhou Feng must have an idea.

Zhou Feng's plan cannot be called a plan, but a plan.

There are many factors to consider in marriage, such as character, appearance, conditions and so on.

Maybe some girls don't care about these and will marry without hesitation if they like each other, but her family will definitely care.

For someone like Ma Guoqing who has such poor conditions and still wants to get the consent and blessing of the other party's family, it is extremely difficult.

There are many possibilities for people's opposition, but in the final analysis, it is because some aspects of oneself are too lame, or it can be said that the outstanding aspects are not that outstanding.

For Ma Guoqing, there is only one way, that is to use the success of his career to cover up his own shortcomings. Even if you can't let people ignore your shortcomings, at least you have to let the scales tilt towards your strengths.

"So uncle, you should not only do this business well, but also let everyone know that the greater your influence and the more people who respect you, the smoother things will go between you and Elaine Chao."

Ma Guoqing also understood what Zhou Feng meant. At this moment, he felt full of motivation as if he had been injected with chicken blood.

He suddenly felt that his life seemed to have a direction. He took the initiative to do the rabbit fur business before because he wanted to have something to do and didn't want to be confused like before.

Making money is to make money, of course, he will be happy, but he has never been as goal-oriented as he is now. After curing Ma Guoqing's difficult and complicated diseases, Zhou Feng went straight back to the Tian family's old house.

The new house was empty, and it was the first time that the bride and groom slept in the same house the night before their wedding.

When he got home, the lights in the house were off.

Zhou Feng carefully passed through the sisters' rooms and returned to his own room.

Before he got on the kang, he heard the door creak.

Zhou Feng saw that it was Tian Xiaoxia who came in with the starlight from the window.

He lowered his voice and said,"Why aren't you asleep yet?"

Tian Xiaoxia sat on the edge of the kang and whispered,"I can't sleep. I feel unreal when I think about the fact that we are getting married tomorrow."

Zhou Feng gently pulled Tian Xiaoxia over and let her lean on his shoulder.

"It's okay, it will become real when we sleep together every day."

Tian Xiaoxia punched Zhou Feng when she heard this gangster-like speech, and the complicated emotions in her heart also dissipated.

Neither of them spoke, Tian Xiaoxia just leaned lightly against Zhou Feng, and her heart was much more at ease.

After a long while, Tian Xiaoxia suddenly said:"Zhou Feng, I want to do something"

"You said before that two right people will promote each other and grow together. You are doing so well now, I don't want to just watch."

Zhou Feng smiled and said,"Of course you can do it. Our factory has just been established and is in need of manpower. You coming here will help me a lot."

Tian Xiaoxia chuckled,"You just know how to tease me. How can I understand that? Besides, I don't want to go to Zhengfeng Company."

Seeing Zhou Feng looking at her in surprise, Tian Xiaoxia reached out and gently touched Zhou Feng's lips and said:

"Listen to me, it's not because of my pride or anything else that I don't want to fight."

"I really want to do something, just like Dean Feng, to do something valuable, and of course I have to make money."

Zhou Feng originally thought that this girl wanted to do something like poverty alleviation, but when he heard the last sentence, he almost laughed out loud. He didn't expect Tian Xiaoxia to be a money-grubber!

Zhou Feng said,"Do whatever you want. I've invested the start-up capital."

Tian Xiaoxia snorted,"Why, do you think I told you all this just to get you to give me money?"

"I don't need your money, what's the point, I have money!"

He felt a little guilty and whispered:"Actually, it was you who gave it to me, I saved it all..."

Zhou Feng also gave Tian Xiaoxia some pocket money here and there, but it only added up to a few hundred yuan. Although it is a huge sum of money now, it is still a little too little to start a similar business.

"Have you decided what to do?

Tian Xiaoxia nodded firmly and said,"I have been thinking about this question since I decided not to go to school."

"A few days ago, I saw several young people in the village go to see my uncle, and I got an idea."

Zhou Feng was a little surprised, how could this matter be related to my uncle?


Tian Xiaoxia nodded:"Yes, it's my uncle. They asked my uncle how much the clothes cost and whether they could buy them."

"Living conditions will get better and better, but there won’t be many nice clothes, so I want to start a clothing business!"

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