Chapter 481, Gold (5)

18. On June 6, 1998, the day the British defenders at Kimberley surrendered to the Boers, the ratio of gold to silver and other precious metals in the British futures market hit a new high again. And rumors that the British government is negotiating secretly with the Boers and intending to compromise have also become popular in the market. This news has caused the price of silver to rebound for a while, because if the British really compromised with the Boers, it would mean that the supply of gold is expected to recover. However, this expectation was broken almost immediately.

Only one day later, the British government expressed its continued attitude towards South Africa’s use of troops. And announced that more troops will be sent to South Africa to resolve the Boer rebellion. This statement immediately caused an avalanche in the price of silver. Then there was new news spreading that it was the British troops who would use more than 150,000 troops in this expedition, which made the British troops have achieved a balance of power with the Boers in terms of numbers. Moreover, according to the needs of the war, Britain may continue to mobilize troops to South Africa. Although the Boers had won some victories before, it is said that the Boer’s army can defeat the British army without a numerical advantage. Under the British Empire’s accumulation of power, almost no one would believe this. So the price of silver rebounded again.

“The Rothschild is Rothschild after all, Scrooge, look at this gang of Jews manipulating through this paragraph of British news, I am afraid that they have not only recovered all the losses caused by the failure of the British army. , And even made another fortune.” Rockefeller said emotionally, “These guys are really…”

“Indeed, the performance of these guys from Rothschild is really wonderful. However, they guessed the general situation wrong. Even if they have recovered a little loss now, in the long run, they have made the wrong choice in this game. A tactical victory will not change much.” Scrooge didn’t seem to agree with Rothschild’s series of operations.

“This is, in fact, since they mistakenly abandoned North America, their decline has been unstoppable.” Rockefeller said, “Have you seen the reports of the Boer War in the German media? All kinds of sarcasm and gloat about Britain? Feelings can’t be suppressed anymore.”

“Yes, for the United Kingdom, the biggest problem in this battle is to expose the fragility of the British and give some countries the courage to challenge the United Kingdom. For Rothschild, the biggest problem lies in his There is no safe haven for funds.” Scrooge said with a smile, “Today, Rothschild’s industry is all over Europe, whether it is Britain, France, or Germany, there are their assets everywhere. This can be done in many cases. Let them escape risks, but the contradictions between the emerging European countries and the United Kingdom are indeed irreconcilable in nature. If Germany does not have the courage to challenge the United Kingdom, it will be fine. It is nothing more than Germany disintegrating itself in crises, Rothschild’s guys We may be able to transfer those investments in Germany again. But this time the performance of the British in the Boer War, it is estimated that it will be difficult to frighten Germany in the future. At that time, the Germans will definitely jump up with the British. With all-round competition, the final war will be inevitable. And as long as we add fire at the right time and don’t let the war stop, Europe will be smashed. No matter how capable the Rothschild guys are, They will also lose everything in this war. So, even if they make some money at this time through this series of methods, what use is it?”

Two months later, the second British expeditionary force began to land in South Africa, ready to attack again. During this period of time, following the advice of Heishui’s consultants, the Boers began to carry out a thorough quarantine. They not only removed the rails and sleepers in the original British control area, but even the roadbed was not let go. The gravel used for paving the roadbed was transported back by the Boers and used for mixing in cement. Construct various fortifications. When the British attacked again, they would be faced with a real one-stop battle.

Churchill has been working on this construction site for two full months. His job is very simple, that is, he keeps using small carts to transport the sleepers, steel rails, gravel, etc. from the railway station to a fortification under construction in the distance. . There was a long way to go, and only two Bull soldiers on horseback with shotguns stared at them.

Churchill pulled a whole car of sleepers, sweating all over his head. But compared to dragging rails and gravel, his task is relatively lighter. At this time, the line suddenly stopped because a train was passing there at the intersection ahead, so the whole line stopped. The two Boer soldiers also got off their horses to take a rest.

“Hey, do you have any more cigarettes?” a Boer soldier yelled at Churchill. It should be said that the Boers did quite strictly implement the spirit of the Washington Treaty, at least in terms of protecting private property. For example, Churchill’s wallet was returned to him, and there were no less pounds in it. So Churchill also had money to ask the Burr soldiers guarding him to smoke.

“There are the last three, one for each person, and there are no more.” Churchill said as he took out a cigarette from his shirt pocket. Passed the two to the two guards, and then took one by himself.

A guard took out a lighter bought from a United States, opened it with a bragging ding, and then lit Churchill and his companions on fire. The three people smoked cigarettes together. At this time, the train has gone away, and the intersection is open again. The two guards turned around and prepared to mount, but one of them accidentally tripped over a stone on the ground, fell to the ground, and rolled down the slope. The other guard quickly loosened the rein in his hand and went to help him. At this time, two unguarded horses were by Churchill’s side.

Churchill immediately jumped on a horse, grabbed the rein of the other horse, and ran away. The two guards heard the sound of horseshoes and realized that something was wrong. When they ran up from below the slope, they only saw Churchill’s back. They raised their shotguns and took a sight, then shook their heads and lowered the muzzle of their guns. Because the combat shotgun is powerful and has a high rate of fire, but the shotgun’s range is too close. Now Churchill has run at least a hundred meters, and at this distance, the shotgun cannot hit anything at all. Even if an elephant stood there and let them fight, there was basically no chance of a hit. Moreover, the speed of the shotgun dropped too fast. At a distance of 100 meters, I was afraid that I could not even wear the shirt.

Churchill’s riding skills were pretty good. He rode a horse and led a horse and escaped a long way. Then he walked around the night and spent ten days before finally escaping back to Cape Town.

When he returned to Cape Town, Churchill immediately began to write about his experience from being captured to escaped. He felt that such a tortuous experience would definitely make him famous.

But before he could finish writing the manuscript, an officer found him.

“Is it Mr. Winston Churchill? Lord Roberts is very interested in your experience and hopes to talk to you.” The officer said to Churchill.

Lord Roberts is the commander-in-chief of the British Expeditionary Force this time. Now for Lord Roberts, any information about the Boers is very important. When he heard that a young man of famous origin had escaped from the Boers after being captured, he asked the adjutant of own to find the lucky man, because he might know a lot of first-hand information.

“Winston, I know that you just came back from the Boers very hard, but in some cases I really need to know any information about the Boers. I think you have spent a lot of time with the Boers, you should know Some situations.” Lord Roberts said to Churchill.

“Your Excellency, I joined the Tenth Infantry Regiment and experienced the battle of the 10th Infantry Regiment that was defeated by the Boers. Your Excellency, the Boers are not the complete militia group we had previously imagined. They are very well-trained. Soldiers. I suggest that they should be treated as the same forces as the British army. They are very distinctive in tactics.”

“Let’s talk about it,” Lord Roberts asked.

“Your Excellency, the Boers have destroyed the railways in the areas traditionally inclined to us, and they can use the railways in the areas they control to quickly assemble their forces in a certain strategic direction. At the same time, their soldiers have horses. This makes their battlefield mobility very strong. In addition, their combat techniques are also very structured.

There were some temporary fortifications built before we were surrounded, including barbed wire and trenches. Facing our defense, the Boers first bombarded us with heavy artillery. Lord, I found their train cannon on the Boer railway after I was captured. They installed some inconvenient artillery, such as 6-inch guns, or even 8-inch guns, on the flatbed train, and moved the artillery to the firing position by maneuvering on the railway. Therefore, Lord Lord, once we reach the vicinity of their railway line, we may be attacked by artillery moving through the railway.

Under the cover of heavy artillery, their soldiers quickly destroyed our barbed wire with a long stick filled with explosives. And their soldiers were under the cover of artillery fire, approaching to a distance of only about 40 meters from our trench. When the artillery stopped, they threw a row of grenades into our trenches, and then rushed into our trenches. So before we even reacted, they rushed into our trenches. Lord, to do this requires very good training and very good cooperation, otherwise they will be killed by own artillery fire. Once in the trenches, their submachine guns and shotguns are more suitable for fighting in the trenches than our rifles. Obviously, they are more fully prepared for the war than we thought. ”

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