Chapter 465, The Darkness Chen Cang (6)

The action of the United States failed in a mess. They first died during the breakthrough of the barbed wire fence, and then fell into the crossfire of several bunkers. They were so crushed that they could not raise their heads. They were also subjected to anti-infantry directional mines. Kill, and bombardment with heavy mortars placed on the reverse slope.

But the angry United States people (after successful media propaganda, the United States soldiers also believed that some of the soldiers captured the other day were killed by the Spanish. Someone remembered that they had heard from the Spanish side a few days ago. The sound of platoon guns came. And the reporters accompanying the army also claimed that he had captured the Spanish massacre of prisoners of war through a high-magnification telephoto lens.) They still launched wave after wave of offensive, but until the end of the day, they failed. Break through the defense of the Spanish (The Spanish also know the “slaughter of prisoners of war” promoted by the United States, so they are worried that if the United States is allowed to come in, I am afraid that the United States will also come to such a guy. So they fought. You have to work harder.), on the contrary, more than a thousand people were injured or killed.

The next day, news of another setback for the U.S. military spread back to China. Some media began to analyze the reasons for the setback of the US military, and the lack of strong firepower became the reason everyone agreed. Therefore, the President announced that he had submitted an emergency funding proposal to Congress, and the funds received would be used to equip the U.S. military with the most advanced and powerful weapons. The Congress stated that this year’s budget has been exhausted, and the country must obtain loans from commercial banks or issue treasury bonds to raise relevant funds. In order to facilitate the loan, Congress needs to pass a preparatory bill first…

Yes, the preparatory bill for loans is about the establishment of an institution like the Federal Reserve that will rule this country for more than a hundred years, or even longer, an institution that, to a large extent, has emptied the government of the United States, the government It can’t control it, and the economic monster-level institutions that Congress can’t actually control, began to vote in Congress with the phrase “preparatory bill”. If in peacetime, the two houses pass any bill, it will be widely watched by the media, but now everyone’s attention is on the battlefield in Cuba, and who cares about the little things in Congress. Therefore, almost all the media are ignorant of Congress starting to review this bill. In newspapers like The Wall Street Journal and The New York Times, you can only see relevant and vague news on the third page. As for tabloids like The Sun, you can’t find relevant information in the middle. Report. Because almost all the pages are used to report the war, especially the bravery of the United States and the despicability of the Spanish.

When bad news continues, the people need heroes. So another report focuses on heroes in the US military. Moreover, as the saying goes, the time goes by, and the harder the time, the more heroes will emerge. For example, a medical soldier named Forrest braved the Spanish artillery to carry seven severely wounded comrades back. When trying to rescue the eighth soldier, he was unfortunately hit by the evil Spanish sniper. , Glorious martyrdom. (The damn Spaniard actually shoots people who wear the Red Cross logo and don’t carry weapons!) Another example is that there is a Hispanic United States named Guti, who just shot a grenade when he was shot several times. And the blasting tube knocked out three Spanish bunkers, and finally died heroically. (Of course, some shameless guys who took pesetas spread the rumors that he was shot at the bunker by the supervising team behind. This is of course baseless and vicious rumors, although there is one thing they said right. , That is, when charging, Hispanic United States soldiers are always at the forefront. This is not because of the supervising team, but because of their full love for United States of America. In fact, in Amei, you see It’s almost invincible, bah bah bah bah, is almost invincible in the history of warfare. No matter who you fight with, someone from this country of descent from the United States always fights the most vigorously, when he fights against the British. , The British United States were the most active; when fighting with the Spanish, the Hispanic United States were the most active. When fighting with Japan, the Japanese American soldiers were as brave; when fighting with the volunteers, the Chinese United States soldiers used Chinese at the same time. Shouting: “Don’t shoot, I’m a Chinese!” Shooting at an up-and-coming Chinese soldier. This is a tradition in America.) The president has decided to issue them the highest medal of the U.S. military, the Medal of Honor, in recognition Their bravery.

In addition to sacrificed heroes, there is certainly no shortage of living heroes. For example, Mr. Theodore Roosevelt, who was originally from a wealthy family and became the Deputy Secretary of the Navy, resigned and joined the army after the outbreak of the war. He commanded the army to fight fiercely with the Spaniards. He was injured while performing reconnaissance missions in person, so he was sent back to his country for treatment. However, when he heard the news that the U.S. military had been defeated and was in trouble, regardless of his own injury, he resolutely gave up the treatment, secretly ran out of the Florida hospital, rented a private boat, and ran back to Cuba. In the army, re-lead this frustrated unit, inspire their fighting spirit, and then let them serve the interests of Wall Street, oh, no, it is for the great sister, you see, and the interests of all mankind, and continue to be cannon fodder with determination and bravery. .

This moment was recorded in later history books:

“When Roosevelt, with a blood bandage on his hand, suddenly appeared in front of the frustrated soldiers, those soldiers were shocked. After a while, there were earth-shattering cheers from the entire barracks. These days. In the coming days, these soldiers suffered from attacks and frustrations, sacrifices or injuries of their comrades, and various tropical diseases. Their morale was low and they were reluctant to speak. The entire military camp seemed to have become a big tomb. But here For a moment, the things that almost crushed the soldiers these days seemed to disappear suddenly. All the soldiers became excited. They all believed that the bad luck had passed, just as the dark clouds had disappeared. Theirs The commander-in-chief will lead them out of trouble and win victory.

The army correspondent Foss asked Mr. Roosevelt this question: ‘The Spanish have a very strong line of defense. What kind of methods do you plan to use against them? “Mr. Roosevelt smiled slightly and gave this answer: “I can’t tell you the specific tactical issues. One is to keep it secret, and the other is because I just came back. I need to know more about it. But the basic principle I can tell you is: kill the Spaniard, kill the Spaniard, kill the Spaniard continuously! ’”

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