Chapter 366 Competition in the Automobile Industry (2)

Although there is Rockefeller’s support, although the market is also very supportive, but it is not too easy to build an automobile factory. So it was not until September 1879 that Morgan’s car factory began to produce their cars. If it is a normal car factory, it must now avoid McDonald’s production line to produce products. According to normal inference, they should first produce a car similar to their speed car. But Morgan’s factory first produced trucks and ordinary passenger cars, almost directly targeting McDonald’s product line. It’s just that the price is much cheaper than McDonald’s car. Of course, sports cars are also produced, but the prices are quite expensive.

“‘A spoiler in the auto market’?” Looking at the report in the newspaper before him, Scrooge showed a thoughtful look. “It seems that everyone is still not optimistic about the prospects of Morgan’s car factory. Under such circumstances, Morgan How much money can be invested in this enterprise?”

“Morgan has already invested a lot of money.” Rockefeller said, “The Central Park Research Center has at least one million US dollars. The car races and related propaganda have probably spent nearly one hundred thousand dollars. Then the car factory is not large. But it also has to cost more than 100,000. In this way, it will also be 1.2 to 1.3 million. The cost of making cars must be much higher than ours, but the price is much lower than ours. Now The sale price of ”shouldn’t make much money. Calculated like this, if we immediately fight back, Morgan’s more than one million yuan will be completely lost. This is not a small loss.”

“It’s only this point, the loss is limited, Morgan can withstand it completely. It’s not shocking enough.” Scrooge shook his head and said.

“But, I think, if the damage caused to them is too great, they will never let it go. I am afraid that it will not end at that time.” Rockefeller said.

“There is nothing bad to end.” Scrooge said, “The Morgan family has fewer people than us, and in a sense, is much more vulnerable than us. If the struggle really becomes fierce, first of all, I want to compromise. It’s them. It’s just that Morgan may not be willing to invest too much money in the car industry. At least until the industry can really show him the prospects of making money. So, not only do we not cut prices, but even find one. The reason is up again. So that Morgan’s “General Motors” can also see higher profit margins.”

“But, what reason do we use to increase the price? Besides, would Morgan not see the danger in doing so? I think such a simple scam can’t hide from an old fox like Morgan at all.” Dorothea proposed Own question.

“The reason is very simple,” Scrooge said. “If you have a conflict with Carol, don’t you? You go to the court to sue Carol and demand that you be my first heir to the Macdonald Infantry Arms Company , McDonald’s Chemical and Pharmaceutical Company has a majority of shares, and a portion of McDonald’s Steel. Then let Frank stand on your side. So Carol will naturally not provide you with steel at a preferential price. So …As for believe it or not, I think Morgan may be suspicious. However, as I said before, the Morgan Consortium is not a consortium of Morgan alone. Morgan does not have complete control. When the prospects for making money are obvious, even if it seems obvious. They may not be able to endure it when they are in trouble. Besides, what financial capitalists like most and are best at is not to make money in the’bo stupid’? Their nature is difficult to suppress. Even if they know it is a trap, most of them are. Will jump down, eat the bait first. As for in the future, naturally there will be more foolish people who will pounce into the pit, and then step on these fools’ heads, and they will be able to jump out of this trap. I’m sure, They will soon turn this car company into a listed company on the stock market.”

“What you said makes sense.” Carol said hesitantly. “It’s just that, we may not be able to get Morgan. Morgan is always keen. I’m afraid that when we close the net, this guy I slipped out a long time ago.”

Scrooge smiled and was about to answer, but Catherine spoke first: “Carol, what’s the problem? Our goal is not to swallow Morgan’s consortium, but to give ideas to those who want to beat us. The guy here is a lesson. As long as he falls into this pit, regardless of his surname is Morgan or something else, he is playing our minds, and teaching them is the same.”

But Carol obviously disagrees with his wife’s opinion: “Of course it’s different. The deterrence formed by killing or injuring a brown bear is more powerful than the deterrence formed by killing even a hundred and a thousand little rabbits. It’s much bigger. In my opinion, it’s better to make Morgan lose a million than to make those fools who follow the trap lose 10 million.”

“This time is different from the normal situation.” Scrooge said, “Under normal circumstances, we must have a large-scale counterattack before they can jump out. But now is different. Now we have to let him collapse. , It’s enough to announce that I am awake.”

If you want to stop someone on the streets of United States, ask him what was the biggest news at the end of 1879 that attracted the most public attention. Nine out of ten people will tell you that it was Scrooge McDonald’s wife and his brother who fought a lawsuit to gain control of more consortium companies.

This is also the most expensive lawsuit in the history of United States. In order to obtain a better verdict, both parties have hired a huge team of lawyers beyond imagination. According to news reports, Carol has more than 400 lawyers, and Dorothea has more than 500 lawyers. According to estimates, this lawsuit may cost close to one million dollars just for attorney fees. The amount of wealth involved in the trial of this case may exceed 500 million U.S. dollars.

It is extremely difficult to choose a judge for this civil case. This is because the judge must not only be able to be accepted by both parties at the same time, but also must have sufficient qualifications and prestige to make a ruling that everyone considers to be just. Although the judges of the common law system are often closer to the court referees, they do not have the same power as the judges of the civil law system. But the fairness of the referee is still very, very decisive. If you don’t believe it, just ask the Spanish, the Italians and the Universe will know.

It took more than a month just to select a suitable judge that can be accepted by both parties. It is said that in this month or so, all senior judges in United States have been selected. All judges know that this is an opportunity, a rare opportunity to climb up. Think about it, in a highly anticipated court, a ruling that decided on such a large amount of money, and even the direction of the entire United States economy, can make your name go down in history anyway. What’s more, this can also make oneself show up in the public. If you behave well, maybe you have the opportunity to become the new darling of the judiciary and finally enter the Supreme Court. Don’t say, it’s not bad to be the judge in charge, even if you are a janitor.

The entire United States press is also crazy about this. Countless reporters left behind the news they were investigating, and turned to interviews about this big news. However, none of them were given the opportunity to directly interview the parties, and neither of the parties appeared in any media. But this is normal. According to a lawyer who failed to enter this lawsuit, this is because, in any case, it is not necessarily a glorious thing for the MacDonald family to split for money. What is said in the media can easily make people feel offended.

Since the person cannot be interviewed, other important members of the Macdonald consortium, such as the Rockefeller Brothers, and Clark have become targets pursued by media reporters. However, these people will also not accept any interviews. So other people in Duck Castle, including cleaners, gardeners, guards at the door, and servants who buy vegetables, anyone who is related to Duck Castle and MacDonald has become a reporter’s target anyway. . However, the servants of Duck Castle were also silent.

But this is not so difficult for reporters. Just like the jokes of the famous Mr. President and a book that is good or bad or cannot be evaluated, reporters can always find the excitement of the audience. They can also interview business partners who have had business dealings with McDonald, and they can also interview the neighbors of McDonald’s house back then, and they can also interview Mr. Scrooge’s friends outside the economic circle. As a result, even Mr. Maxwell failed to dodge the reporter’s interview.

“Mr. Maxwell said that he felt very sad about what happened to the McDonald family. He said:’I really can’t understand why they didn’t work together when Mr. McDonald had hope to wake up. I was able to wake up Mr. MacDonald, but it was because of money. To be honest, seeing this scene, I am very thankful that I do not have so much money. Money is a good thing. Without money, many scientific research projects cannot be carried out. But…oh, I don’t know what I said, I didn’t say anything that I shouldn’t say, did I? Catherine (Maxwell’s wife) told me not to talk nonsense, but… I really hope Mr. MacDonald can do it as soon as possible. Wake up.'”——(New York Daily Tribune)

But apart from Maxwell, there is really no other person who is willing to comment on this matter. And since Mr. Maxwell was interviewed that time, he never gave any interviews again. However, reporters will not be lonely, because there are still a lot of legal professionals and economic experts willing to accept interviews, so by the way, I can raise my own reputation.

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